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Skill Performance Evaluation: Musculoskeletal Examination; Upper Extremities

Directions: You will have 15 minutes to complete the skill*. All critical (C) steps and 80% of the noncritical steps
must be performed or verbalized. Special tests (S) will be performed if requested by the examiner.

*These skills are performed bilaterally. Start: End:

Performed Verbalized
Washes hands and dons appropriate personal protective equipment. C

Introduces self to patient using first and last names. Y/N

Notes general appearance and vital signs. Y/N

1. Inspect upper extremities (UE) for symmetry, swelling, deformity, contours, and
abnormal positioning: shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand
1. Palpate bony landmarks, muscles, tendons, and ligaments for swelling, tenderness,
bogginess, or bony enlargement
2. Shoulder (Sternoclavicular joint, acromion, acromioclavicular joint, coracoid process,
greater tubercle, biceps tendon, subacromial and subdeltoid bursae, supraspinatus, Y/N Y/N
infraspinatus, and teres minor.)
3. Elbow (Lateral and medial epicondyles, olecranon process, ulnar nerve.) Y/N Y/N
4. Wrist and hand (Distal radius, ulna, radial styloid bone, anatomical snuffbox, carpal
bones, metacarpals, metacarpophalangeal proximal and distal interphalangeal joints.)
Assess Range of Motion (ROM); note symmetry and rhythm of movement Y/N

1. Shoulders: flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, external rotation, internal rotation Y/N Y/N

2. Elbows: extension, flexion, supination, pronation Y/N Y/N

3. Wrists: flexion, extension, ulnar and radial deviation Y/N Y/N

4. Hands (thumb): flexion, extension, abduction, adduction, opposition Y/N Y/N

5. Hand (fingers): flexion, extension, abduction, adduction Y/N Y/N

Special Tests
1. Shoulder (Neer and Hawkin impingement signs, drop-arm sign, “empty-can test,”
infraspinatus strength, forearm supination.)
2. Wrist/hand (Tinel and Phalen signs.) S Y/N

All exams were performed with bilateral comparison. C

Adequate exposure was obtained for all inspection steps. C

Adequate draping was maintained for all steps. C

Evaluation: #Y = #C =
min. = 19/24 min. = 4
Comments on quality of performance: Needs remediation?


Student: Evaluator: Date:

Developed by Albany Medical College, Center for Physician Assistant Studies | Bickley: Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination
and History Taking, Twelfth Edition. Copyright © 2017 Wolters Kluwer Health

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