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*What are the predisposing factors/aetiological factors for
postpartum haemorrhage? How will you manage a 38-year-old
multipara/primigravida with atonic postpartum haemorrhage?
5 *Define postpartum haemorrhage. What are the causes of PPH? ● ● ● ● ●
How will you diagnose and manage a patient with atonic PPH?
*Discuss the causes and management of primary postpartum
haemorrhage. (2)
*How will you classify anaemia in pregnancy? Describe the
management of a 23-year-old primigravida with 34 weeks of
pregnancy, who is severely anaemic and breathless on moderate
*Define anaemia in pregnancy. How will you diagnose anaemia in
pregnancy? Explain its various complications.
5 *Enumerate the different types of anaemia. Discuss the ● ● ● ● ●
management of anaemia in a primigravida at 32 weeks of gestation.
*Discuss the investigations and management of a woman with Hb - 6
g at 32 weeks of gestation.
*What are the causes of anaemia in pregnancy? How will you
manage a case of anaemia complicating pregnancy at 32 weeks of

*What are the causes/predisposing factors of breech presentation?

Explain the investigations and management (2) of a primigravida of
34 weeks/38 weeks of gestation with breech presentation.
*What is breech presentation? What are its causes? Describe the
steps in assisted breech delivery.
● ● ● ●
*Enumerate the different types of breech presentation. Discuss the
management of breech presentation at 36 weeks gestation in a
*What are the complications of hypertension in pregnancy?
A 20-year-old primigravida with BP - 150/100 mmHg is admitted in
your ward at 36 weeks of gestation. Explain the management.
*Classify hypertension in pregnancy. Give an account of the clinical
4 features and managment of pre-eclampsia. ● ● ● ●
*Discuss the investigations and management of eclampsia at 37
weeks of gestation.
*Discuss the management of a primigravida with eclampsia at 36
weeks of gestation and the complications of this condition.
*Enumerate the clinical features, principles of management and
complications of twin pregnancy.
*Discuss the diagnosis of multifoetal pregnancy. Describe the
3 maternal and foetal complications of twin pregnancy. ● ● ●
*Give an account of the diagnosis and complications of multiple
pregnancy. Add a note on the management of twin pregnancy during
*What is prolonged/postdated pregnancy? What are the causes?
3 Discuss the management of a primigravida at 40 weeks and 5 ● ● ●
days/41 weeks of gestation.
*Classify antepartum haemorrhage. Explain the diagnosis and
management of abruptio placenta.
2 *What are the causes of antepartum haemorrhage? How will you ● ●
manage a 35-year-old primigravida at 38 weeks of gestation with
tense, tender abdomen and bleeding per vaginum?
*Define intra-uterine growth restriction (IUGR). Discuss the role of
Doppler ultrasound in the management of IUGR.
*Define IUGR. Discuss the causes and management of a case of IUGR
● ●
at 32 weeks gestation.
*What are the causes of bleeding per vaginum in the first trimester
of pregnancy? How will you diagnose and manage a patient with
vesicular mole?
*What is dysfunctional uterine bleeding (DUB)? Discuss the
● ●
management of a 32-year-old multiparous lady who is diagnosed to
have DUB.
What are the indications for caesarean section? Describe the
procedure. What are the complications of the procedure?

How will you assess cephalo-pelvic disproportion in a primigravida at
term? Write in detail about the conduct of a trial of labour.

Discuss the causes of preterm labour. Describe the management of
preterm labour at 32 weeks of gestation.

What are the degrees of uterovaginal prolapse? Discuss the
1 management of 3rd degree prolapse in a 50-year-old post- ●
menopausal woman.
Classify abortions. Discuss the clinical features and management of a
case of threatened abortion.

*25-year-old primi gravida of 32 weeks gestation has come to the OPD.
O/E: BP - 160/100 mmHg, Urine albumin - 2+.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) How will you manage this patient?
c) What are the expected complications?

*25-yea-old primi gravida at 36 weeks of gestation.

H/O: Headache and epigastric pain of 2 days duration.
O/E: BP - 160/100 mmHg.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What investigations will you do?
c) How will you manage this case?

*Primigravida at 37 weeks of gestation.

C/O: Headache and epigastric pain.
5 O/E: BP - 160/110 mmHg. ● ● ● ● ●
There was no past H/O hypertension.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What are the investigations required?
c) Explain the principles of management of a case of gestational hypertension.

*20-year-old primigravida is admitted at 38 weeks of gestation.

H/O: Convulsions for more than 1 hour.
O/E: BP - 160/100 mmHg.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) What are the complications?
c) How will you manage this patient?

*20-year-old primigravida at 38 weeks of pregnancy is brought to the casualty with

Discuss how you will proceed to evaluate and manage her.
*G3P2L2 who had a normal vaginal delivery has profuse vaginal
bleeding after delivery of placenta.
O/E-P/A: Uterus is found to be flabby.
a) What is your diagnosis?
b) Discuss the stepwise management.
c) How will you prevent PPH?

*32-year-old second gravida delivered a baby weighing 3.8 kg.

Following delivery of the placenta, she developed profuse bleeding.
a) Define postpartum haemorrhage (PPH).
● ● ●
b) Enumerate the causes of PPH and discuss the initial resuscitative
measures and medical management.

*Woman, G4P3, delivers a term baby with birth weight of 4.0 kg and
starts bleeding profusely after the delivery of the placenta.
a) What are the causes for such bleeding?
b) How will you manage the condition?
c) Explain the active management of 3rd stage of labour.
*28-year-old primigravida comes at 32 weeks of gestation with
abdominal pain and bleeding per vaginum.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) How will you manage a case of abruptio placentae?
c) What are the complications that can be produced by this

*28-year-old G2P1L1 at 37 weeks of gestation attends emergency

H/O: Painless bleeding per vaginum for the past half an hour.
Vital signs are stable.
● ● ●
a) How will you confirm your diagnosis?
b) How will you manage her?
c) How will you differentiate abruptio placenta from placenta previa?

*30-year-old G2P1L1 at 37 weeks of gestation.

H/O: Bleeding per vaginum associated with pain in the abdomen.
a) What is your differential diagnosis?
b) Mention the complications of the condition.
c) How will you manage this patient?
*Second gravida comes at 24 weeks
GTT: Fasting - 96 mg%, 1 hour - 190 mg%, 2 hour - 140 mg%.
a) How would you proceed to follow her up antenatally?
b) Enumerate the antenatal and perinatal complications.

2 *32-year-old G2P1L1 at 24 weeks of gestation has come for regular ● ●

antenatal visit.
2 hours after 75 g of oral glucose - 161 mg/dL.
a) What is the diagnosis?
b) What is the effect of the condition on the mother and foetus?
c) How will you manage this patient?
*30-year-old G2P1L1 presents with symptoms of breathlessness at 34
weeks of gestation.
Haemoglobin - 4.5 g/dL.
a) What is the differential diagnosis?
b) How will you evaluate this patient?
c) Describe the management of a case of severe anaemia in
2 pregnancy? ● ●
*G4P3L3 at 37 weeks of gestation.
C/O: Breathlessness and palpitations.
Haemoglobin - 7 g/dL.
a) How will you manage this patient?
b) How will you conduct labour?
*27-year-old G2P1L1 with previous normal vaginal delivery presents
with extended breech presentation at 37 weeks of gestation.
a) What are the causes for breech presentation?

b) How will you manage this patient?
*28-year-old G2P1L1 at term with twin gestation, both in cephalic
presentation, is admitted in labour.
1 a) Explain the management of this woman in labour. ●
b) Add a note on the complications that can occur during labour and
their management.
Short Notes
*(Continuous) electronic foetal monitoring (CEFM) (2)
*Biophysical profile (2)
*Non-stress test (4):
- Indications
- Interpretation
*Pre-Natal Diagnostic Techniques (PNDT) Act
*Partogram/Partograph (6):
- Components
● ● ● ● ●
25 - Uses ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Importance ● ● ● ● ●
*Use of ultrasound/ultrasonogram (USG) in first trimester of
pregnancy/obstetrics (2)
*Anomaly scan of the foetus
*Tubal patency tests
*Semen analysis
*Admission test in labour
*Maternal mortality (in India) (1):
- Causes (8)
- Prevention (3)/Measures to reduce
- Definition
17 *Perinatal mortality (PNM) (3): ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Causes (4)
- Definition
- Prevention
*Goals of antenatal care
*Parenteral iron therapy
*(Iron deficiency) anaemia complicating/during pregnancy:
- Investigations (3)/Evaluation
10 - Treatment (2)/Management (2) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Management of complications
- Complications
*Haematinics during pregnancy
*Respiratory distress (syndrome) in newborn (3)
*Birth asphyxia/asphyxia neonatorum (1):
- Causes
- Diagnosis
● ●
10 *Resuscitation of the new born ● ● ● ● ● ●
*Causes and diagnosis of intra-uterine foetal death ● ●
*Foetal distress
*Neonatal convulsions
*Antepartum surveillance
*Breech presentation/delivery:
- Antenatal management
- Complications
- Delivery of the aftercoming head

9 *External cephalic version (3): ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Indications ●
- Method
- Complications
*Assisted breech delivery (2)
*MCDA twins/twin gestation (pregnancy):
- (Antepartum and postpartum) complications (4)
- Diagnosis
*Multiple pregnancy (gestation):
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Diagnosis (2)
- Complications (2)
*Gestational diabetes (mellitus) (during pregnancy):
9 - Screening (6) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Complications (3)
*Physiological jaundice of newborn (neonatal
jaundice/hyperbilirubinaemia) (5):
9 - Causes (4) ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
- Management (2)/Treatment
- Evaluation
*Eclampsia (1):
- Management (3)
- Anti-convulsant therapy
*Complications of pre-eclampsia
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
*HELLP syndrome
*Imminent eclampsia
*Prophylactic/outlet forceps (delivery/application) (1):
- Criteria (2)
- Pre-requisites (3)
- Complications
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●
*Intrumental delivery
*Vacuum delivery
*(Normal) labour:
- Stages

7 - Mechanism ● ● ● ● ●
- Management ●
*Active management of 3rd stage of labour (4)
*Management of labour in women with cardiac disease
*Classification to assess the functional capacity of heart disease
complicating pregnancy

7 *Anti-hypertensives in pregnancy ● ● ● ● ●
*Cardiovascular changes in pregnancy (2) ●
*Maternal complications of pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH)
*Management of congestive cardiac failure in pregnancy
*Management of Rh isoimmunized/Rh negative/non-sensitized Rh
negative pregnancy
*Foetal complications of Rh alloimmunization
● ● ● ● ●
*Prophylaxis of rhesus isoimmunisation in pregnancy
*Shoulder dystocia (2):
- Causes
5 - Management (3) ● ● ● ● ●
- Definition
- Diagnosis
*Antenatal diagnosis of congenital anomalies
*Cephalohaematoma (2)
● ● ● ● ●
*Immediate post-operative care of Caesarean section
*Lower segment Caesarean section (LSCS):
5 - Complications (3) ● ● ● ● ●
- Indications (1)
*Ten indications for caesarean section
*Follow-up of a patient following evacuation of molar pregnancy
*Follow-up of vesicular mole

5 *Complications of benign ovarian tumours ● ● ●
*Complications of ovarian cyst ●
*Pap smear
*Polyhydramnios (2):
- Causes
- Management
● ● ● ●
4 Episiotomy ● ● ● ●
*Missed abortion (1):
- Diagnosis
4 - Management ● ● ● ●
*Complications of MTP
*Medical termination of pregnancy in the 2nd trimester
*Postpartum contraceptive
3 *Oral contraceptives (pills) (1): ● ● ●
- Non-contraceptive benefits
*Postpartum haemorrhage (PPH):
- Management of atonic PPH (2)
- Causes
● ● ●
- Management
*Placenta previa:
- Types
- Management (3)
● ● ●
- Diagnosis (2)
*Ruptured ectopic pregnancy:
3 - Diagnosis (2) ● ● ●
- Management (3)
2 *(Role of) magnesium sulfate (MgSO4) in obstetrics (practice) ● ●
2 Asymptomatic bacteriuria in pregnancy ● ●
2 Bandl's ring ● ●
*Preterm pre-labour rupture of membrane
*Preterm premature rupture of membtanes (PPROM)
● ●
2 Puerperal pyrexia/fever ● ●
*Transverse lie
*Labour outcome in right occipito-posterior presentation
● ●
2 Induction of labour ● ●
2 Symptoms and signs of pregnancy in the 1st trimester ● ●
2 Hyperemesis gravidarum ● ●
*Problems in a preterm newborn
*Aetiology and management of preterm labour
● ●
2 Cord prolapse ● ●
1 Foetal circulation ●
1 Apgar score and its significance ●
1 National rural health mission (NRHM) ●
1 Cephalopelvic disproportion ●
1 Vaginal trichomoniasis ●

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