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Central Accommodation Office

P O Box 660, Wits 2050

Tel: 011 717-9172/3/4


11 October 2023
Miss Mokgonyana Person No: 2913509
32 ivana road Outcome Status: OFFER
Port Elizabeth
South Africa

Dear Miss Itumeleng Mokgonyana


We have the pleasure of offering you a place in a Catered Mixed Residence for the 2024 academic year.

This offer should be accepted via the student self-service portal within three days of the date of this
email, failing which the offer will be withdrawn. Your acceptance deposit of R990 must be paid and proof
of payment uploaded onto the Self-Service portal under the Communication and Documents tab in the
Student Centre. Please be advised that acceptance is on a first-come, first serve basis. NSFAS and
bursary applicants are not expected to pay the deposit.

To complete your online residence registration, the following will apply:

• Self-funded students: You are required to make a first instalment payment of R10 000.
• Bursary funded student are required to upload their confirmation of funding on the Self-Service
portal, under the Financial Aid tab.
• NSFAS funded students are required to provide proof of funding.
• International students will be required to pay 75% of their residence fees.

Payment may be made using the following methods:

• Credit Card
• Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT) (See banking details below)
• Direct Bank Deposit (See banking details below)
• Pay at the Wits Cashiers' Office, Ground Floor Solomon Mahlangu House (08:00 to 15:30,
Mondays to Fridays)

Banking details:
First National Bank
Branch: Client Services
Branch Code 210554
Account Number: 622 7055 1015
Swift Code: FIRNZAJJ

Please refer to the website for the Schedule of Residence Fees.

Please quote your student number in all correspondence and on all deposit slips.
Yours sincerely

Claudine Prim
Manager: Placements & Registrations
Central Accommodation Office
University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg

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