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Instruction: answer all questions in section A and any four in section B
Section A; Objectives
1. Which of the following is NOT employed in the separating methods (a) vaporization (b) crystallization (C)
fermentation (d) dissolution
2. The mixture of kerosene and water can be separated by (a) crystallization (b) distillation (c) separating
funnel (d) sublimation
3. The constituents of leaf pigments can be separated by (a) chromatography (b) filtration (c) fractional
crystallization (d) fractional distillation
4. In which of the following separating methods chemical reaction occurs? (a) chromatography (b) sublimation
(c)precipitation (d) Distillation
5. Which of the following is a physical change? (a) burning of kerosene (b)Treezing ice cream (c) exposing
white phosphorus to air (d) dissolving calcium in water
6. Pure solvents are obtained by (a) evaporation (b) extraction (c) condensation (d) distillation
7. Which of the following is NOT a branch of chemistry? (a) Biochemistry (b) Physical chemistry (c) Ecological
chemistry (d) organic chemistry
8. _________ deals with the effects of chemicals living cells. (a) Biochemistry (b) Medical chemistry (c)
Industrial chemistry (d) Inorganic chemistry
9. Which of the following substances can exist in the three states of matter? (a) water (b) kerosene (c) petrol
(d) Vaseline
10. One of these is an adverse effect of chemistry (a) Housing (b) Drug abuse (c) Transportation (d) Medicine
11. When solid substances change directly into gases on heating without passing through the liquid state, the
substance is said to have undergone (a) crystallization (b) evaporation (c) melting (d) sublimation
12. In filtration, the liquid that passes through the filter paper is called (a) filtrates (b) sublimates (c) distillate
13. ___________ is the smallest particle of a substance that is capable of independent existence and still
retains the chemical properties of that substance. (a) atom |(b) molecule (c) compound (d)mole
14. Negatively charged ions are called (a) anions (b) cations (c) radicals (d) complexes
15. Which of the following is not a step in scientific approach? (a) observation (b) hypothesis (c)law (d)fact
Section B, Essay
1. a. Define chemistry
b. List any five career prospects in chemistry
c. List any three branches of chemistry
d. List any three adverse effect of chemistry
2. a. Define the terms mixture and compound.
b. Give three differences between compound and mixture
c. Classify the following substances into elements, mixture and compound
Limestone, clay, Diamond, Antimony, Air, soap, Urine, Milk, Bronze, Sugar, Neon, Gold, Iron,
d. Define element.
3. a. state what separation methods you will use to separate the following mixtures. (i) kerosene and water (ii)
alcohol and water (iii)silver chloride (solid) and sodium trioxonitrate (v) aqueous
b. classify each of the following as either physical or a chemical change
(i) Melting of candle wax (ii) the dissolution of copper in concentrated trioxonitrate (v) acid. (v) The hardening of
cement by absorption of carbon (iv) oxide
4. a. Explain the following
(i) Atom (ii) molecule (iii) radical (iv) ion (v) element
b. is glucose a compound or a mixture . Give two reasons to support your answer
c. Give one application of (i) fractional distillation (ii) evaporation (iii) filtration (iv) distillation (v) sieving
5. a. Differentiate between chemical and physical change.
b. Define matter and list the three states of matter
c. Liquefied air is mainly a mixture of nitrogen and oxygen which can be separates into its components by
fractional distillation (b.p) nitrogen1960c; b.p oxygen- 1830c
(i) Name the fraction which distills over first. Give reasons for your answer (ii) Give another industrial application
of fractional distillation as a separation technique

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