Busimess Studies

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Time : 2 HOURS


1. How many sheets of pare are there in a ream? (A). 24 (B). 500 (C). 100 (D). 150
2. a machine used to arrange papers in order is …. (A.) shredder (B). Computer (C). Guillotine (D).
3. which of the following envelopes has an opening on the longer side…(A) airmail (B) banker. (C).
pocket (D). register
4. an exchange of 4 books for a calculator is known as…. transaction. (A). bank . (B). barter (C). cash
(D). Credit.
5. An online office is known as…. Office. (A). closed (B). an open (C). a lateral (D). virtual
6. Which type of business is owned and runned by one person. (A). partnership. (B) sole trader. (C).
entrepreneurship (D). co-operative
7. Which of the following documents is not needed in the formation of the business? (A). articles
of association (B). Partnership deed (C). statement of account (D). trade certificate
8. The business document which acts as an invitation to a particular work is………… (A). estimate
(B). Quotation (C). Tender (D). inquiry
9. A partnership may come to an end when partners…. (A). sick (B). one partner dies (C). disagrees
(D). agrees.
10. ….. is an office equipment used to send written documents over a distance? (A). tele printer (B).
facsimile (C). intercom . (D). Dictaphone
11. The department responsible for recruiting new employees in an organization is … (A). manager’s
department (B). production department. (C) human resource. (D). accounts department
12. The following are transactions except? (A). credit transaction (B). money transaction (C) bank
transaction. (D). cash Transaction
13. Which department id responsible for payment of staff salaries … (A)mangers department (B).
production department. (C) human resource. (D). accounts department
14. The letters E& OE on an invoice stands for. (A) errors and omissions excepted (B). errors and
omissions accepted (C). errors and observations accepted (D). errors and office expectations
15. The … is used as a source documents for the purchases journal. (A). original invoice (B). original
credit note (C). duplicate invoice (D). duplicate credit note.
16. Necessary skills management team, equipment, and machinery is an example of…. situation
analysis. (A). weakness (B). Opportunities (C). Strength (D). threats
17. Mr. Kasenge is honesty and trustworthy employee, which office etiquette does Mr. Kasenge
possess? (A). responsibility (B). reliability (C). loyalty (D). courtesy
18. Which is the second document in the formation of a business? (A). certificate of co-operation
(B). memorandum of association (C). articles of association (D). business permit
19. Suppliers of goods/raw materials, manufacturing plans, operating requirement, e.g. equipment
machinery and other assets falls under which content of a business plan? (A). marketing plan
(B). financial plan (C). operational plan (D). appendix.
20. the machinery account is an example of……. (A). personal account (B). real account (C). nominal
account (D). real and nominal account.



Question 2

Fill in the blanks spaces

S/N Books of original entry Type of transaction Source document used

1 Cash book
2 Credit sale
3 Original invoice
4 Purchases returns day
5 Credit sales returns
6 Petty cash voucher

Question 3 write TRUE or FALSE in the spaces provided [12marks]

1. An employee should dress however he/she feels like……………

2. It is very important to establish good relationship in organization………
3. Punctuality is the key to productivity………..
4. An employee does not need to be polite at work otherwise may look foolish to his friends…..
5. Team work is always important at the place of work………….
6. Punctuality, appearance, loyalty and courtesy are called office etiquettes……….
7. The best location of an office is near the entrance of the building…………
8. An office is room where raw materials are turned into finished goods………..
9. People working in an organization performs different but related tasks……….
10. A virtual office is an online office……………
11. To receive information is a general function of an office………..
12. A typing poo is an example of an open plan office………. [24 marks]
Question 4select from the wordlist below: perforator, shredder, guillotine, date stamp, franking
machine, facsimile, scanner, collating machine. Name the machine used for:
1. Cutting paper to required document…..
2. Destroying unwanted confidential paper……
3. Making holes in papers for filing……
4. Printing postal impressions on envelopes……….
5. Printing dates on official documents ………..
6. Used to arrange papers in a certain order………
7. Used to put dates on official documents………….. [14 marks]

SECTION C: write a two column cash book for lovemore chibuye from the following information

January 1: stated business with k4000 in bank

January 2: bought goods by cheque k1000

January 3: paid for motorvan by cheque k600

January 4: cash sales k3000

January 6:t tembo paid us by cheque kk1880

January 7: sold goods by cheque k1500

January 8: deposited cash into the bank k308

January 10: paid j. kobela by cash k400

January 12: paid salaries in cash k100

January 13: cash purchases k5oo

January 14: received a cheque from j. kucheba for k5000

January15: withdrew cash k2000 from the bank for business use

January 20: bought stationery by cash k600

January 22: we pad j kucheba by cash k1660

January 28: cash drawings k 1000

January 30: bulayo paid us by cheque k2270

January 31: cash sales k660 [20 marks]

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