STR Report Rohini Rajpoot

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“Nishpaksh Pratidin” is a notable Hindi-language daily newspaper in India, with its headquarters located
in Lucknow. Established in 1982 by Jagdish Narayan Shukla, this publication has played a significant role
in shaping the Indian narrative. Initially starting as a modest publication in Sitapur, it later shifted its base
to Lucknow. Presently, it holds a noteworthy circulation of approximately 60,000 copies, solidifying its
position as one of the most sought-after Hindi newspapers in Lucknow.

Initially, the newspaper was an evening publication, but over the years, it evolved into a morning
publication with a robust 12-page format. a milestone achievement around 2010, Nishpaksh Pratidin
transitioned from black and white to full-color printing, embracing modernization.

This newspaper has deep-rooted connections to significant national events, delivering news with utmost
integrity and honesty. In response to the evolving media landscape, the organization underwent a
transformation after the COVID-19 pandemic, establishing a new presence in Delhi NCR to enhance its
digital visibility. As part of their digital platform, they introduced the NTV Nishpaksh YouTube channel.

At present, Nishpaksh Pratidin operates in both print and digital media, actively working on the launch of
a satellite channel. Their future plans encompass expanding their reach in the Delhi NCR region and
making the transition from a regional to a national satellite channel.

The early years were marked by formidable challenges and political pressures, but Nishpaksh Pratidin
remained steadfast, upholding their motto of “Satyata ki Kasauti,” symbolizing their unwavering
commitment to the truth. Today, they continue to be a resounding voice for societal issues in both print
and digital mediums, poised for a promising future of growth and impact.

I hope this message finds each and every one of you in good spirits and high energy as we continue
our shared mission to bring truth and enlightenment to the world through the power of journalism.

Today, I am thrilled to introduce a distinguish member of Nishpaksh Pratidin, who embodies the spirit
of journalistic excellence and a passion for social change. I give with an illustrious tenure of 20-25
years in the field of journalism, has a rich tapestry of experiences that include stints at prestigious
newspapers such as the Indian Express. Having earned a formidable reputation as an investigative
journalist, has honed the craft of delving into pressing issues that afflict the marginalized and
underprivileged segments of society. The flame of commitment to truth and justice burns bright
within them, and they now seek to rekindle that flame within our own newsroom.

The values that NISHPAKSH PRATIDIN holds dear align perfectly with our vision. Our desire to use
journalism as a powerful tool to raise a voice for the voiceless and spotlight issues concerning the
downtrodden mirrors our collective commitment to responsible and impactful reporting.

Furthermore, Nishpaksh Pratidin envisions not just a local or regional impact but aspires to create a
national platform to amplify their efforts and reach a wider audience. We believe in this vision, and I
am excited to extend our full support.Our purpose of serving the greater good through journalism.

Together, let us reaffirm our commitment to responsible journalism and make a lasting difference in
the lives of those who need our voice the most.

Best regards,,

Sharad Kumar Sinha

Chief Editor
Glimpses of Nishpaksh Pratidin
About the Department / Team
At NISHPAKSH PRATIDIN, the organization was structured into multiple departments and
teams, each collaborating cohesively to ensure the prompt creation and dissemination of content.
Their collective efforts played a crucial role in efficiently managing operations and aligning with
the overarching mission of the organization. The key departments and teams were as follows:
1. Editorial Department:
• News Team
• Copyediting Team

2. Print Media Department
• Reporter
• Content Writer
• Graphic Designer
• Page layout makers
3. Digital Media Department
• Field Reporter
• Anchor
• Digital Content writer
• Video editor
• Video and Audio production team
• YouTube Production


During my internship, I was an integral part of the Digital Media Department at NISHPAKSH
PRATIDIN. Mr. Dheerendra Shukla, my team head, played a pivotal role in guiding and
supporting me throughout the internship. He took the time to understand my interests on the first
day and assigned topics aligned with those areas for me to write about. Mr. Shukla provided
constructive feedback, meticulously checking my work and offering valuable advice on
improvement. He even shared sample content to demonstrate the right approach to writing.
As the content matured, we transitioned to the production phase, including shooting and editing
videos to enhance the content. The Initial week involved multiple rejections, but progress was
evident from the second week, leading to a noticeable improvement in my writing and speaking
skills. Mr. Shukla generously showcased my work by posting the content on the organization’s
primary YouTube channel.
Our workflow followed a systematic process: starting with topic assignments, followed by my
writing and thorough verification by Mr. Shukla. The content was then transitioned to the
production phase, including shooting, editing, and ultimately posting on YouTube. Even though
my primary role was in writing and production, Mr. Shukla encouraged me to broaden my skills
by allowing me to engage in editing tasks and taught me Hindi typing. I dedicated two weeks to
learning Hindi typing, enabling me to directly compose my content in Hindi on the desktop,
significantly saving time by eliminating the need for translation.


During my internship in the Digital Media Department at NISHPAKSH PRATIDIN, my roles
and response.
I had a set of specific roles and responsibilities. Firstly, I attended daily morning meetings with
the team head to discuss the topic I would be focusing on for the day.
My routine involved thorough research on the assigned topic, followed by outlining key points
for discussion with the team head
After addressing the errors and feedback, I then formulated a script, which was again reviewed
by the team head. To enhance confidence, we shot the final script in the studio.
During the script delivering, I emphasized confidence, clarity, and enthusiasm in presenting the
I regularly compared my writing each day with the previous ones to track my progress and
practiced Hindi typing whenever time allowed.
Additionally, I analysed the YouTube videos on the organization’s channel to familiarize myself
with their content creation approach. Other tasks included rewriting sample scripts for practice,
ensuring content was free of plagiarism, writing with thorough research, and using engaging
language to connect with the audience.
These responsibilities were diligently supervised and edited by my team head, significantly
aiding in my skill development and understanding of authentic and relatable content creation.
Manage time effectively to meet content deadlines and priorities set by the team and supervisors.
As I’m an intern, my primary goal is to learn and gain valuable experience. Take advantage of
opportunities to learn from experienced professionals, seek feedback on your work, and
demonstrate your enthusiasm and willingness to contribute to the team

First Week: 27July, 2023 to 02August, 2023

A Journey of Growth and Learning in the Media Industry

My first day at the digital media platform marked the

beginning of an exciting but anxious journey. Stepping
into the media industry was an entirely new experience
for me, and the anxiety of the unknown was clear. As I
arrived the nishpaksh media house at10:30am, we get our
intern I’d card’s from the reception. Upon entering the
office, I was warmly greeted and introduced to the new
team members. Conversations with fellow interns helped
alleviate my nervousness. We shared our interests,
aspirations, and future goals, creating an instant
camaraderie among us. We were oriented to our roles and
responsibilities. One of the key aspects emphasized was
the importance of Hindi typing. Recognizing its
significance, I dedicated time to improve my Hindi typing
skills. Just after two days, I was entrusted with writing
scripts. Senior staff members generously shared their knowledge and guided me in the art of
scriptwriting, imparting valuable skills and insights into the industry.
I was assigned the task of writing about the Uniform Civil Code (UCC) in Hindi. This endeavour
not only honed my Hindi writing skills but also deepened my understanding of significant
societal issues. Encouraged to read newspapers daily and pen down my thoughts on various
topics, my proficiency in Hindi improved remarkably. Engrossed in the topic, I spent days
researching and crafting a comprehensive script.
A crucial moment came when I engaged in a conversation with our head. We discussed various
topics, eventually landing on “Election 2024” as my focal point. I focused on refining my
understanding of political dynamics, a crucial aspect for my script on “Election 2024”.
With a wealth of knowledge at hand, I started crafting my script on “Election 2024”. This task
demanded meticulous attention to detail and an unbiased approach. It was essential to present the
facts accurately and in an engaging manner for the readers. Discussions with colleagues and
supervisors enriched my script further, providing diverse perspectives.
I research into various sources to gather insights into the historical context, present scenarios,
and possible future plans of Indian politics. This was the turning point where I realized my
passion for content writing, especially in the political domain. The subsequent days were a roller-
coaster of learning, improvement, and applying newfound knowledge to my scripts After drafting
the script, I underwent a careful review process. Constructive feedback from my team members
helped me identify areas for improvement and fine-tune my content. The collaborative
environment encouraged me to think critically and adapt my writing style to suit the platform
and target audience better.
By the end of this transformative week, I had completed two scripts. Despite facing challenges
and moments of self-doubt, my team head, Mr. Shukla, was a pillar of support, offering guidance
and motivation. I embraced each obstacle as an opportunity to grow. The week concluded with a
determination to persevere and thrive in this dynamic industry.
As I reflect on the week gone by, I am grateful for the learning experiences and the chance to
contribute my knowledge to this adventurous digital media landscape. I am eager to continue
growing, learning, and making meaningful contributions in the weeks to come.
The first week proved to be as eventful and enlightening as the first. I have gained a deeper
appreciation for the art of political analysis and scriptwriting. Engaging with my chosen topic,
“Election 2024”, has reinforced my passion for content creation in the political sphere. I am
excited to continue this journey, eager to contribute more and evolve further as a content writer
in this dynamic and ever-changing industry.


 Research skills
 Script writing
 Learn Hindi typing
 Communication skills
Second Week: 3Aug,2023 to 10Aug, 2023
Unveiling the World of News Anchoring and Script Writing

Second week start with enthusiasm

In my second week of internship, I delved
into a wealth of experiences and made a
conscious choice to prioritize quality over
quantity in my learning process. Each day
began with a routine of Hindi typing, jotting
down my thoughts on paper, and reading the
This week was significant as I was introduced
to the inner workings of the studio,
understanding how news anchors read
headlines through teleprompters, how
cameras operate, and the dynamics of debate
discussions. The professionals at the studio
were generous in sharing their knowledge and
allowed me to try my hand at news bulletin
reporting. While this opportunity was nerve-
wracking, my team leader was incredibly
supportive, offering motivation and guidance.
During my attempt at news reporting, I
grappled with nervousness and made some
mistakes in my first few attempts. The
intensity of the lights and cameras focusing on me added to my anxiety. However, with my team
leader’s encouragement, I started viewing the camera as a friend, imagining I was having a
conversation with it. This mindset shift helped me improve my composure and delivery.
My team leader played a vital role in my growth, assisting me in pronouncing difficult words and
emphasizing the importance of clear and crisp communication for the audience’s understanding.
We persevered through multiple takes, ensuring we captured the best shots for the final news
bulletin. In addition to anchoring, my supervisor assigned us various tasks, one of which
involved summarizing online articles in our own language while adhering to strict guidelines
against plagiarism. This assignment allowed me to develop my content writing skills, and within
two weeks, I could craft 250-300 word scripts in just two hours. To enhance my efficiency, I
transitioned from writing scripts in a notebook to directly typing them on the computer, honing
my typing skills.
Our HR provided an opportunity for us to propose ideas, and my fellow intern, Nikita, suggested
creating a “SWANTRATA SENNAI SERIES” – an episode honoring freedom fighters through
short and informative videos. This idea was approved, and we began working on the project. I
contributed by writing the script, with my supervisor guiding me on presentation and language. I
faced challenges during shooting, particularly in conveying emotions and emphasizing certain
words. Despite the difficulties, we successfully recorded the script, boosting my self-confidence
and affirming my ability to anchor. As the week concluded, I noticed a significant improvement
in my content writing compared to the first week. In a rewarding turn of events, one of my
scripts was featured on the studio’s official YouTube channel. This experience has highlighted
my growth and newfound confidence, revealing talents I didn’t know I possessed.
In conclusion, my second week of internship has been an enriching journey, filled with learning,
challenges, and growth. I am grateful for the support and guidance I received, and I look forward
to the upcoming weeks, where I aspire to continue enhancing my skills and contributing to the


 Camera facing
 Fact Checking
 Confidence building
 Time management
 Problem solving
Third Week: 11Aug,2023 to 18Aug,2023

The third week of my internship has come and gone, and as it dawned, I entered the
office with a growing sense of confidence and familiarity. By now, I had become
acquainted with the organization’s employees and understood their work structure. The
initial hesitation I felt had vanished, replaced by a wealth of knowledge and a balanced
Every day, after reaching the office, my first task was to read the newspapers. I selected
the latest and most significant topics to work on throughout the day. After completing
these topics and creating reports, we gathered at the studio with my fellow interns. Our
discussions were highly informative, allowing us to exchange valuable insights and
During this third week, we also celebrated August 15th, Independence Day. The office
was decorated, and we prepared for the flag hosting ceremony. Proudly, we hosted the
flag under the chief editor’s guidance and sang the national anthem. The day was filled
with a festive spirit as our head shared thoughts on the true meaning of independence.
Interns and staff members showcased their talents through singing, dancing, poetry, and
more. Even though I’m not a great singer, I sang a patriotic song with my heart full of
love for my country, motivating myself to contribute on this precious occasion.

After the celebration, we

all enjoyed delightful
snacks. It was my first
memorable office event,
and I thoroughly enjoyed
it. Work continued at a
steady pace, and during
this week, my team
leader introduced me to
the mobile teleprompter,
helping me understand
precise information
In one memorable
instance, during this
week, I accompanied my
colleague, Anamika
ma’am, for field
reporting. Under her guidance, I conducted my first-ever field reporting, a movie review.
I learned how people treated us during these field visits—some spoke politely, while
others chose to ignore us or did not want to be on camera. Field reporting was
challenging, but I shared my experiences and views with Mrs. Anamika. That I can’t do it
but she encouraged and motivated me greatly.
On the same day, she assigned me the task of covering public opinion for the 2024
elections. I was nervous and unsure how to prepare, but facing challenges head-on, I
learned more and became excited for the next day. Field reporting enhanced my reading
and research skills. I realized that before asking questions, I should be well-informed.
Field reporting helped me overcome my fear gradually. My learning progress was
evident, and I found joy in the learning process.

With each passing day, I grew more enthusiastic to learn new skills and gain valuable
insights. As the third week of my internship concluded, I looked back with a sense of
accomplishment and forward with eagerness, eager to embrace the learning opportunities
that lay ahead.



 Decision Making
 Awareness
 Field Reporting
 Attention to Accuracy
 Problem Solving
Fourth Week: 18Aug,2023 to 26Aug, 2023
In the fourth and final week of my internship at the organization, I was excited to make the most
of it. Each day started in a usual way, but I found myself working more efficiently. I made a goal
to type a page in Hindi each day and consistently work on new scripts.
During this week, I eagerly
waited to go outside because
the previous week I had gone
for field reporting, which
gave me the strength and
motivation to do more
After completing our daily
tasks, I wrapped up my
assignments and went to
cover the 2024 election at CP
with Mrs. Anamika. I saw
many people doing reporting.
Mrs. Anamika taught me how to handle the microphone, focus on the camera, and briefly guided
me on speaking and responding to counter questions. I had been on field reporting before, but
this experience was marvelous because I was standing at the center, asking questions to the
For a moment, I felt unsure about how to start, but my supervisor cheered me on, and I began
field reporting. From there, I realized that I had a hidden talent for on-the-spot reporting. If I
practice daily, I can excel in this skill, which aligns with my goal and interest in the political
beat. It was an unbelievable and great experience. I never thought I could do such daring things.
I am now working on specific scripts. I will write about temples, emphasizing their importance
to the citizens. I’m also writing a script on Gyanwapi, a controversial topic. Initially, I was
hesitant, but my team reminded me that in this field, the work isn’t always according to personal
preferences. We are the voice of the people who cannot speak for themselves, and we must show
what is happening in the world with thorough research and based on facts. I kept all these points
in mind while writing the script on the controversial topic.
During my internship, I realized that I excelled in content writing and field reporting, and my
fear of public speaking diminished. On the last day of my internship, there wasn’t much
workload compared to previous days, but the work I had done over the course of one month
reflected a successful journey. In the evening, I had the chance to interact with the company’s
editor. I discussed with him all the work I had done in one month, and he motivated me for future
endeavours. After that, we celebrated our farewell with delightful, delicious snacks, bidding
farewell to this enriching and unforgettable experience. I am looking forward to my future with
optimism and excitement.
 Public Speaking
 Reporter Skills
 Digital literacy
 Attention to details
 Adaptability


Improved Writing Skills:

Enhanced ability to write engaging, accurate, and well-structured content across various formats
(articles, blogs, reports, etc.).
Improved grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary through practice and editing experiences.

Research and Information Gathering:

Proficient in conducting thorough research using credible sources to support your content.
Skills in gathering relevant information and data for various topics.

Understanding of News and Reporting Ethics:

Familiarity with journalistic ethics and principles, such as accuracy, fairness, and objectivity in
reporting.Awareness of legal and ethical considerations related to content creation and reporting.

Content Planning and Strategy:

Experience in content ideation, planning, and development based on target audience and
organizational goals. Knowledge of how to create and follow content calendars and editorial

Editing and Proofreading Proficiency:

Ability to edit and proofread content to ensure it meets quality standards, adheres to style guides,
and is error-free. Skills in using editing tools and techniques to enhance content quality.

Multimedia Integration:
Understanding of how to incorporate visuals (images, videos, infographics) into content for
enhanced engagement and storytelling.
Social Media Management:
Experience in managing and promoting content across various social media platforms.
Knowledge of crafting effective social media messages and understanding audience engagement.

Time Management and Meeting Deadlines:

Enhanced skills in managing time effectively to meet deadlines and prioritize tasks.
Ability to work efficiently under pressure and in a fast-paced environment.

Communication and Collaboration:

Improved communication skills within a team and with other departments, fostering effective
collaboration and teamwork. Experience in providing and receiving constructive feedback to
enhance work quality.

Adaptability and Flexibility:

Ability to adapt to changing project requirements and organizational needs.
Flexibility in switching between various tasks and projects within the content creation and
reporting domain.

Portfolio Development:
Development of a diverse and impressive portfolio showcasing your writing and reporting skills.
These learning outcomes will not only prepare me for a career in content writing and reporting
but also equip me with transferable skills that are valuable in many professional settings.

Tight Deadlines: As Media organizations often work under strict deadlines to ensure timely
publication. As a content writer, I find myself under pressure to produce high-quality content
within a short timeframe.

Adapting to Style Guidelines: Each organization has its own unique style and guidelines for
content creation. Adapting to and consistently following these guidelines are challenging,
especially I used different style of writing.

Content Quality Expectations: organizations usually have high standards for content quality.
Meeting these expectations, are quite challenging as I’m new in this field

Subject Matter Familiarity: Depending on the topics assigned, I may be required to write about
subjects I’m not familiar with. Researching and gaining sufficient knowledge to write effectively
on these topics can be time-consuming and challenging.

Feedback and Revisions: Receiving constructive feedback on my work is crucial for

improvement, but it can sometimes be difficult to handle criticism or multiple rounds of
revisions. Learning to take feedback positively and make necessary improvements is a skill I’ll
need to develop.

Managing Workload: The workload in a media organization can be overwhelming, especially

during peak times or when there are major events or news stories. Learning to manage my
workload and prioritize tasks is essential to avoid burnout and maintain quality.

Rejections and Acceptance: Not all of my work may get accepted or published. Facing
rejections and understanding how to learn from them can be emotionally challenging but is an
essential part of the learning process.

Interdepartmental Collaboration: Working with different departments within the media

organization, such as graphic designers or video editors, may require effective communication
and collaboration skills. Learning to coordinate with these teams and understanding their
requirements can be a learning curve.

1. नमस्कार दर्शकों में, रोहिणी राजपूत और आप देख रहे हैं और NTV निष्पक्ष।

साल 2024 में होने वाले लोकसभा चुनाव की टक्कर शुरू हो गई है। बीजेपी की अगुवाई वाले
एनडीए का मुकाबला करने के लिए विपक्ष ने इंडिया नाम से गठबंधन बना लिया हैं। बेंगलुरु में
हुई दो दिवसीय 26 विपक्षी पार्टियों की बैठक में गठबंधन का नाम इंडिया रखा गया। इंडिया का
मूल अर्थ इंडियन नेशनल डेमोक्रे टिक इंक्लूसिव एलियांज हैं। लेकिन सवाल यह उठता की क्या
एकजुट विपक्ष कु छ कमाल कर पाएगा? और क्या एकजुट एनडीए जिसमें हाल ही में कई नई
परियों शामिल हुई वह 2019 से भी बड़ी जीत हासिल करने में कामयाब होगा? आई समझते हैं
लेकिन उनसे पहले जानते हाल ही में विपक्ष और एनडीए की बैठक में शामिल पार्टियां......

अगर बात करें 2024 में होने वाली सट्टा की जंग की तो मुख्य तौर पर बीजेपी और कांग्रेस के
बीच जंग होगी अपने-अपने सहयोगी दलों के साथ दोनों पार्टियां चुनावी मैदान में ताल ठोकने के
लिए तैयार हैं।

एक तरफ जहां इस जंग में बीजेपी के साथ कु छ 38 दल है वहीं दूसरी और कांग्रेस 26

सहयोगियों के साथ दिल्ली का किला फतेह करने की कोशिश में है।

इसी बीच कु छ 11 ऐसे भी डाल है जो न बीजेपी के खेमे में है ना ही कांग्रेस के खेमे में अपनी
जगह बनाई है। से में माना यह जा रहा है कि जिन दालों ने एनडीए और साथ ही इंडिया जो
की पक्ष और विपक्ष दोनों के गठबंधन से दूरी बनाई वो दल लोकसभा चुनाव में एक अहम
भूमिका निभा सकते हैं।

दर्शन देखा जाए तो भारत में गठबंधन की राजनीति का जनक समाजवादी नेता डॉ लोहिया को
माना जाता है, उन्होंने 1960 के दशक में कांग्रेस के खिलाफ विपक्षी दलों को एकजुट किया था।
पहले गठबंधन सरकार 1977 में बनी उसे समय मोरारजी देसाई प्रधानमंत्री थे। पहले गैर
कांग्रेसी सरकार भी थी फिलहाल अब तक कें द्र में 12 गठबंधन सरकार बन चुकी हैं 1977 से
हुई थी शुरुआत।

INDIA Vs NDA का नतीजा क्या रहेगा.... जहां बीते 10 वर्षों से एनडीए पक्ष का दबदबा रहा
सत्ता में क्या इंडिया के सामने एनडीए डगमगाएगा या सत्ता में एक बार फिर अंगद की तरह
पैर जमाए रहेगा, ये देखना बड़ा ही दिलचस्प रहेगा।

तब तक के लिए देखते रहिए और NTV निष्पक्ष।

2. नमस्कार, में रोहिणी राजपूत और आप देख रहे हैं एनटीवी निष्पक्ष

उत्तर प्रदेश का ज्ञानवापी मुद्दा इन दिनों सुर्खियों में हैं। हिन्दू पक्ष का दावा है कि
असल में ज्ञानवापी एक मंदिर है लेकिन मुस्लिम पक्ष यह मानने को तैयार नहीं
है। यह मामला कोर्ट तक पंहुच चुका है जहां दोनों पक्षों की दलीलों पर सुनवाई
चल रही हैं, लेकिन इसी बीच उत्तर प्रदेश के मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ ने इस
पर बड़ा बयान देते हुए कहा है *”अगर हम उसको मस्जिद कहेंगे तो विवाद होगा
मुझे लगता है कि भगवान ने जिसको दृष्टि दिया वह देखे, ना? त्रिशूल मस्जिद के
अंदर क्या कर रहा है? ज्योतिर्लिंग, देव प्रतिमा, है.......पूरी दीवारें चिल्ला चिल्ला
कर क्या कह रही है?*

आगे बता दे, योगी ने मुस्लिम समाज से विकास पर चर्चा की अपील की। उन्होंने
पाकिस्तान की दुर्गति का उदाहरण देते हुए कहा, दूसरों के लिए काटे बोने वालों
का शरीर भी उन्हें कांटों से छलनी होता है। पुरानी गलतियां दोहरानी नहीं चाहिए,
मुस्लिम समाज इस ऐतिहासिक गलती के समाधान के लिए पहल करेगा, तो
सरकार इस पर विचार करेंगी।

आखिर आगे देखना दिलचस्प होगा कौन-कौन से नेता का बयान इस पर आता,

विपक्ष पर सत्ताधारी पार्टी के जवाबदेही में क्या होगा?

आगे की खबर जानने के लिए बने रहे एनटीवी निष्पक्ष के साथ।

3. नमस्कार में रोहिणी राजपूत और आप देख रहे हैं NTV निष्पक्ष

स्वंत्रता सीरीज के तीसरे एपिसोड में आपका स्वागत है आज हम बात करेंगे एक

ऐसे स्वतंत्रता सेनानी की जिनको अपनी बैरिस्टर की डिग्री राष्ट्रीय के लिए त्याग
नी पढ़ी। हम बात कर रहे हैं विनायक दामोदर सावरकर जिनको नासिक जिले के
कलेक्टर जंक्शन की हत्या करने के जुल्म मे 17 अप्रैल 1911 को काला पानी की
सजा हुई। वे एक समाजसुधारक, इतिहासकार और राजनेता थे उनकी लोगों के
दिलों में एक अलग ही पहचान थी वह पहले ऐसे भारतीय थे जिन्होंने राष्ट्रीय झंडा
बनाया, जिसे जर्मनी में 1907 में अंतराष्ट्रीय सोसियालिस्ट कांग्रेस मे मैडम कामा ने
फहराया था। वह सिर्फ एक सेनानी ही नहीं एक अच्छे कवि भी थे उन्होंने काला
पानी की सजा के दौरान कलम–कागज के बिना ही जेल की दीवारों पर पत्थर के
टु कड़ों से दस हज़ार से भी अधिक पंक्तियों को लिखा था।

ऐसी ही और जानकारी के लिए बने रहे एनटीवी निष्पक्ष के साथ।

4. नमस्कार, में रोहिणी राजपूत और आप देख रहे हैं NTV निष्पक्ष

स्वतंत्रता सेनानी सीरीज के पांचवे एपिसोड में आपका स्वागत है, आइए आज हम
बात करेंगे भारत की “आयरन लेडी” की जिनसे अंग्रेजों को भी खौफ था। जिन्होंने
खुशी-खुशी अपना बलिदान देकर मातृभूमि को और पवित्र और पावन कर दिया।

जी हां, तो बात कर रहे हैं ऐसे ही एक महिला स्वतंत्रता सेनानी की जिनसे अंग्रेजों
को भी खौफ था। हम बात कर रहे हैं दुर्गावती देवी की जिन्हे लोग दुर्गा भाभी के
नाम से भी पुकारा करते थे। बता दे आपको दुर्गा भाभी दमदार व्यक्तित्व की
महिला थी जिन्होंने आज़ाद भारत के लिए बम बनाना सीखा था। बहुत ही कम
लोग ये जानते होंगे की, जिस पिस्तौल से चंद्रशेखर आज़ाद ने ख़ुद गोली मारकर
बलिदान दिया था, वो पिस्तौल दुर्गा ने ही आज़ाद को दी थी।

बस ये काफी थोड़ी दुर्गा देवी ने सन् 1929 लॉर्ड हेली की हत्या करने की कोशिश
की लेकिन दुर्भाग्यवश वो बच निकला।

एक बार की बात है, जब दुर्गा देवि ने भगत सिंह के साथ मिलकर साॅन्डर्स और
स्काॅर्ट से बदला लेने की योजना बनाई। इस हत्या के बाद अंग्रेज़ उनके पीछे पड़
गए तभी दुर्गा भाभी ने उनसे बचने के लिए भेष बदलकर शहर छोड़ दिया।

ऐसे ओर वीरों की गाथाओं सुनने के लिए जुड़े रहिए NTV निष्पक्ष के साथ।
5. नमस्कार मैं रोहिणी राजपूत और आप देख रहे है NTV निष्पक्ष ।

क्या आप कलयुग के अंत के प्रतीक को जानते है ?

आइये आज हम बात करते है एक ऐसे मंदिर की जिसके बारे में यदि आपने
सुना भी होगा तो उसकी विशेषताएँ नहीं जानते होंगे। हम बात कर रहें हैं महाराष्ट्र
में बसे के दारेश्वर मंदिर की।

यह मंदिर हरिश्चन्द्रगढ़ के अहमदनगर ज़िले से 4,670 फीट की उचाई पर है ।

के दारेश्वर मंदिर आज के मंदिरो से कु छ अलग प्रतीत होता है। यह मंदिर एक
पहाड़ के नीचे गुफ़ा में बना हुआ है, और इस मंदिर की ख़ासियत ये हैं की उस
पहाड़ के नीचे बनी गुफा एक खंबे पर टिकी हुई है साथ ही इस मंदिर में 12 महीने
पानी भरा रहता है जो गर्मियों में ठं डा और सर्दियो में गरम रहता है। बारिश के
दिनों में ज़्यादा पानी भर जाने पर शिवलिंग ख़ुद से ऊपर उठ जाता है ।यहाँ इतना
पानी रहता है कि आजतक कोई भी शिवलिंग को छू नही सका।इस मंदिर के
शिवलिंग की उचाई 5 फीट है.

अब हम बात करते है इस मंदिर का कलयुग के अंत से क्या लेना है ?

ये मंदिर 6 century का बना हुआ है ये मंदिर 4 पिलर पर टीका था, जो 4 पिलर हैं
वो 4 युगों को दर्शाता है?

पहला पिलर सतयुग को, दूसरा पिलर त्रेतायुग को और तीसरा पिलर द्वापरयुग को
दर्शाता था जो की अब टू ट चुके है । चौथा पिलर जो की आख़िरी है और मंदिर
अभी उसी पर टीका है , कहा जाता है कि यह पिलर कलयुग को दर्शाता है। माना
जाता है कि जिस दिन यह आख़िरी पिलर टू ट गया उस दिन कलयुग का अंत हो

ऐसे कई मंदिरों के बारे में जानने के लिये जुड़े रहिए ntv निष्पक्ष के साथ ।

1. महाराष्ट्र में शिवसेना के बाद एनसीपी दो गुटों में बट चुका है अब दोनों

पार्टियों के अलग-अलग गुट अपने परिवारवाद को बढ़ाने में जोर लगा रहे हैं।

बुधवार को deputy सीएम अजित पवार, मंत्री छगन भुजबल और शरद गुट के
अनिल देशमुख ने पूर्व मंत्री नवाब मलिक से मुलाकात की। माना ये जा रहा है कि
मलिक को अपने पाले में लाने के लिए दोनों गुट एड़ी चोटी का जोर लगाने में जुट
चुके हैं। लेकिन, मलिक बिल्कु ल साइलेंट मोड में दिखाएं दिए जा रहे हैं।

बता दे आपको नवाब मलिक को पिछले हफ्ते सुप्रीम कोर्ट से मेडिकल के आधार
पर अस्थायी जमानत दी गई है। वे मनी लांड्रिंग के मामले में पिछले साल से जेल
में बंद थे।

मलिक को सोमवार को मुंबई के एक निजी अस्पताल में छु ट्टी दी गई है। मई

2022 से किडनी संबंधित बीमारी के लिए निजी अस्पताल में इलाज चल रहा है।

बुधवार को डिप्टी सीएम अजित पवार ने ट्वीट किया और बताएं कि उन्होंने

राष्ट्रवादी कांग्रेस पार्टी के वरिष्ठ नेता पूर्व मंत्री और विधायक नवाब मलिक से
उनके आवास पर बैठक की उनके स्वास्थ्य के बारे में जानकारी ली।

अजीत के साथ उनके गुट से जुड़े अन्य नेता भी मिलने पहुंचे मंत्री छगन भुजबल
ने ट्वीट कर बताया कि उन्होंने नवाब मलिक से उनके आवास पर मुलाकात की
और उनके स्वास्थ्य के बारे में जानकारी इसकी तस्वीर के नेतृत्व में पार्टी के 9
विधायकों में से एक हैं, जिन्होंने 2 जुलाई को एनसीपी में बगावत की और बीजेपी
सरकार में मंत्री बन गए थे।
2. हाल ही में रूस ने 54 ब्रिटिश नागरिकों पर रोकथाम लगा दी है, जिनमें
अधिकारी पत्रकार और कानून बदलाव प्रतिनिधि (representative) शामिल है।
रूस की समाचार Agency TASS की रिपोर्ट के मुताबिक ICC के अभियोजकों ने
राष्ट्रपति पुतिन की गिरफ्तारी की मांग की, वही दूसरी ओर ब्रिटेन के मंत्रियों ने
यूक्रे न पर रूस के हमले का विरोध किया। रूस के विदेश मंत्रालय के मुताबिक
BBC, GUARDIAN, Britain Ki Digital Agency, संस्कृ ति मीडिया और खेल मंत्री
लूसी फ़्रे जर आदि पत्रकारों पर भी प्रतिबंध लगाया है। रूसी विदेश मंत्रालय ने
कहा कि हमारे नागरिकों और घरेलू आर्थिक ऑपरेटरो के संबंध में एकतरफा
रोकथाम सिस्टम को सक्रिय उपयोग करना। शत्रुतापूर्ण रूस विरोधी नीति के
तहत लंदन के रवैया को देखते हुए प्रतिबंध सूची का विस्तार करने का फै सला
लिया। रूस ने कहा कि अगर ब्रिटेन, रूस विरोधी रुकावट के चक्रव्यूह रोकने का
प्रयास करेगा तो रूस उसे मंजूरी नहीं देगा।
3. हाल ही में प्रधानमंत्री नरेंद्र मोदी ने मां की बात कार्यक्रम में मेरी माटी मेरा
देश अभियान की घोषणा की। इस अभियान की शुरुआत वीरों को श्रद्धांजलि देने
के लिए किया गया, जिन्होंने देश के लिए अपना जीवन बलिदान कर दिया।
इसका उद्देश्य बहादुर स्वतंत्रता सेनानियों और वीरों का सम्मान करना है।
आजादी की अमृत महोत्सव के दौरान ग्राम पंचायत में स्मारक पत्रिका स्थापित
किए जाएंगे साथ ही पांच प्राण प्रतिज्ञा वसुधाबंधन वीरों का बंधन जैसी पहल
शामिल होगी। देशभर में अमृत कलश यात्रा का आयोजन किया है जिसमें गांव-
गांव से कोने-कोने से 7500 कलशो में मिट्टी लेकर ये अमृत कलश यात्रा देश की
राजधानी दिल्ली में पहुंचेगी, देश के अनेक हिस्सों से पौधे लेकर भी आएगी।
इस कलश यात्रा की मिट्टी और पौधों से अमृत वाटिका का निर्माण किया

तो फिर लिए देशवासियों इस अभियान में हिस्सा लीजिये और हाथ में माटी लेकर
सेल्फी लीजिए और वेबसाइट पर अपलोड कीजिए।

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