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Dr. Norfaezah Md Khalid
skills of Group

❑ Both verbal and non-verbal

communication skills are very important
during the conduct of group counseling.
❑ The presence of a large number of
members requires the leader interacts
Skills and communicates effectively during the
counseling session.
❑ The basic skills of group counseling can
be divided into two, namely the general
counseling skills and the specific group
counseling skills.
Types of Skills

General skills SKILLS Specific skills

General skills
of group
Also applicable in individual

Paraphrase or restatement

To clarify what is being heard

Leader demonstrate the importance of active Paraphrase

listening to be followed by group members . or
Leader shows his/her understanding and
caring attitude towards members

Reflecting what is being heard from the emotional aspect

Need to listen to more than verbal expression of the

emotion. This includes the understanding of the nonverbal
cues of emotions.

It helps members to identify the feelings of other members

accurately and then produce an appropriate response towards
the member.
Interpretation/ translating the content of the communication

Interpretation Includes listening skills, restructuring the meaning of

communication and translating it in the manner that
can be understood by the other members.

It will also increase self awareness and self

understanding of the members.

Interpretation should be done with caution to avoid

defensiveness of client and to ensure that the
interpretation does not change the actual meaning of
what is being communicated.
A direct way to obtain information.

Including open and closed questions.

Guideline for using questions.

• Only use questions when other non directive methods are not effective
• Structure the questions in an open manner so make exploration possible.
• Avoid ‘why’ questions and use more ‘What’ and ‘How’ questions.

Use a proper way of asking so that members will not feel interrogated of defensive.

Types of question and method of questioning are both important to ensure effectiveness of this skill..
Reframing Use to restate the negative statement into
a positive statement.

Putting a new value on the issues being


Member learn to look at the problem from

a different perspective to create insight.

Need a high level of understanding and

Confrontation In situations where discrepancies exists between verbal
and non verbal communication and behavior of group
members. Discrepancies might happen in and outside
the group session.

Leaders should model an effective confrontation

method that can become an example for members.

Balance should be created to encourage members to

involve themselves in healthy confrontation and avoid
pretending to be nice all the time . Neither should they
be aggressive and destructive while confronting others
Self disclosure

Leaders must be open and ready to share self information with group

It helps to build trust among members and encourage participation in

group discussion.

Should be done with caution to avoid changing the focus of the topics
being discussed.

Act as a model for members to make effective self disclosure.

Leaders must use this skill as timely as possible depending on the situation.
Giving opinions and feedback

Not the best way but can be utilize to encourage members to

think creatively, not by advising.

Can be used to avoid members from carrying out dangerous

or unsafe behaviour. Also useful if the members can benefit
from the feedback.

Feedback should be given in a positive manner, not in a

manner that lowers the self esteem of members.

To summarize the whole session, to link themes, topics of discussion and


Summarization is best used at the end of each topic before making the
shift to another topic, when things get complicated and at the end of each
sessions. Summarization of the previous session at the beginning of a
new session is also appropriate to remind members of what’s going on.

Members can be invited to summarize anything that they have gathered

during the session.
Specific skills
of group

A skill that link the similar opinions of members since discussion can become intense.

Involve building relationship between members, combining issues and encouraging direct interaction
among members in two ways;
• Use the technique of summarization to link opinions
• Encourage members to link informations.

Pemimpin perlu mahir memilih pendapat, pandangan ataupun isu yang memiliki persamaan agar dapat
disatukan dan dinyatakan semula kepada ahli kelompok.

Kemahiran ini perlu agar ahli dapat mengaitkan semua maklumat yang mereka terima dengan cara yang lebih
teratur dan sistematik
Apa yang boleh dikaitkan?

Mengaitkan persamaan seorang ahli dengan ahli yang lain.

Mengaitkan dan mengabungkan tema-tema atau isu-isu yang

memiliki persamaan semasa perkongsian di kalangan ahli.

Mengaitkan ataupun mengabungkan maklumat berkaitan

peristiwa masa lampau dan kesannya pada masa kini.

Mengaitkan peristiwa yang berlaku dalam kelompok pada masa kini

dengan peristiwa yang berlaku di luar kelompok pada masa dahulu
Cuing/ Scanning

Involve constant observation and awareness to identify any changes of reaction among

Includes both verbal and non verbal communication

Leaders should be aware of his/ her own reactions towards any changes in the
sessions and check if members of the group are experiencing the same feeling.

Cuing can be use to identify members who wants to contribute and situations
whereby discussions should redirected.

Can also be used to stop rambling and increasing the participation of other members.
Blocking The purpose is to stop those
members’ actions that are
deemed inappropriate,
insensitive or unnecessary.

Can be done by directing the

focus from the problematic
members and inviting other
members to share their opinions.
Ada ahli yang dipaksa oleh ahli lain untuk menyatakan sesuatu di luar kerelaannya.
Apa yang
Ada ahli dipersenda dan mula berasa kurang selesa dengan keadaan tersebut.
dihalang? Ahli membuat alasan dan tidak mahu berubah walaupun tingkah lakunya memang didapati tidak produktif

Ada ahli yang tidak menghormati atau menghina ahli lain sama ada dengan tingkah laku atau kata-kata.

Ada ahli yg membebel dan mengambil masa kelompok secara keterlaluan.

Ahli menggunakan pelbagai cara untuk menarik perhatian kelompok terhadapnya.

Ahli menunjukkan sikap perkauman terhadap ahli lain yang berbeza bangsa, budaya atau agama.

Ahli melakukan sesuatu yang mengganggu perjalanan sesi secara produktif seperti bercakap sesama sendiri
semasa isu sedang dibincang oleh ahli lain, menggunakan telefon bimbit dan lain-lain.
Ahli bercakap tentang orang atau situasi di luar yang tidak dapat dikawal. Kurang memberikan tumpuan kepada
diri sendiri
Supporting The purpose is to reinforce and support positive
behaviors and increasing members’ self esteem

Members need support when they become

emotional, unsure and feeling mistrustful.

Leader’s supportive attitude will be appreciated

and followed by members.
Say something kind and caring to another
Make a personal self disclosure
provide Make appropriate confrontation

support Take risks

when Use the language of self responsibility

members: Prevent somebody else from doing something inappropriate

Acts forgiving of a mistake and failure
Complete the group assignment
Show sensitivity towards others cultural or personal differences
Say something to assist the group development process
Focusing The skills of focusing is very important to
keep the discussion on track and to achieve
the plan objectives.

Initiating focus
4 types of
focusing skills Maintaining focus

Deepening the focus

Diverting / Changing the focus

1. Tell your observation to the group and let them deal with the
3 ways to situation
energize 2. Invite group members to share their energy level
the group
3. Conduct interesting and motivating activities.

Leader who is able to push the energy level upwards will

make the group session more interesting and productive.
Thank you

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