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Task Type: Letter of Application

You have seen the following job advertisement in your local youth centre.


(Weekends only)

 Would you like to work with young children aged 5-11?

 Do you have lots of energy?
 Are you an excellent swimmer?

If the answer to these questions is 'yes' then we want to hear from

you. Our Children's Club is looking for someone to be in charge of a
group of 10 children to teach them swimming and to do a range of
other activities. Please send a letter to Mrs Sykes saying why you are
suitable for the job.
Write your letter of application to Mrs Sykes (around 140-190 words).

Makeover: Paula
Read Paula's answer to this question below. Try correcting the piece of writing
yourself first: use the marking codes to think about what might be wrong (or
what's good) about the piece of work. Then when you're ready, click the green
buttons in the text for our feedback.

Dear Mrs Sykes,

I am interest WF in your advertisement showed WW in the local

youth centre and I would like to apply for the post of Activities Co-

I am 18 years of age and I am used to working with children because I

babysit my neighbor's sons regulary S . I train in the gym twice a
week and I often go hiking to the countryside with my friends. In
addition to this, I have a lifesaving certificate and have enjoyed
swimming since I was a child. Gd

My reason for applying for this position is that I am keen on

combining my experience in swimming with my wide knowledge of
the countryside which I think it - will be interesting for the children.

I would be available to attend an interview on any day at your earliest

convenience. Gd

Yours sincerely.


/\ Word(s) missing

- Omit word WO Word order

WT Wrong tense T Tip

WF Wrong form S Spelling

WW Wrong word

C Capitalization

Gd Good

O Organisation

P Punctuation

PE Poorly expressed

R Register/Formality

SS Sentence Structure

Task Type: Article

You have been asked by the editor of your school magazine to write an article on
the following topic:

Today's television

"A load of old rubbish" or

"More choice than ever before"?

Is today's television still good value for money?

Write your article for the magazine (around 140-190 words).

Makeover: Ahmet
Read Ahmet's answer to this question below. Try correcting the piece of writing
yourself first: use the marking codes to think about what might be wrong (or
what's good) about the piece of work. Then when you're ready, click the green
buttons in the text for our feedback.

Worth seeing or just rubbish?

In 1981 the first IBM PC was found and in the following years
technology has been developing with such a speed that today we only
need to press one button to send information all over the
world. PE There is a big WW number of TV channels providing us
with information of all sorts, like documentaries, news, scientific
programmes etc.

But not everything shown on TV has an educational or informing

value PE . In fact, the chance of finding something really interesting
when you switch on the box is slim. Gd The most PE programmes
are boring because they are repeats of soap operas you did not want
to see the first time they were shown or films you have already seen a
dozen times or just stupid competition programmes.

I think there are so many other things to do to enjoy oneself that it is

really not necessary to waste much time watching TV.
Writing Paper Part 2. Task Type: Informal Email
You have received the following email from your English penfriend:

It's a really brave step to take a year out of college to come and
spend 6 months in the UK! What are you planning to do with your
time? Find a job? Learn some new skills? Write back and give me
more details of your plans so I can do my best to help you have a
good time...

Write your email to your penfriend (around 140-190 words)

What you need to do to pass

Read our checklist first to understand what the examiner is looking for in a good

Ideas for writing

Ask yourself the following questions to help you get started:

 First, you have to decide how you want to spend your 6 months in the UK.
Make a list of points. (You can use your imagination here!) Example
1. doing volunteer work for a charity for two months.
2. doing paid work for three months.
3. one month's travelling at the end of my stay.
 Next to each point, make a list of the things that your penfriend can do to
help you:
1. send a list of charities that are looking for volunteers, especially working
with children
2. look in the local paper to see which companies want part-time staff;
advise on how to write a CV in English
3. send tourist information brochures and/or list of useful websites on the
best tourist attractions
 Think about the tone of your email. Your friend will be going to a lot of
trouble for you so the following expressions will be useful in phrasing your
"I was wondering if you wouldn't mind..."
"I know it's a lot to ask but could you..."
"If I could trouble you for one more favour..."
 Think about how you can thank your friend at the end of your email for all
his/her help.

Drafting and proofreading your work

You should look at your first draft of the task and decide:

 Have you given your penfriend enough information?

 Is the email organised in a clear and logical way?
 Is the language accurate with a good range of structures?
 Will your penfriend still be willing to help you after reading your email?
 Is the style OK?

If the answer is 'no' to any of these questions then you will need to do some more

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