Python BTB Assignment2 1663072781

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### ASSIGNMENT 2 ###

Modify the function below such that
its able to take a variable number of arguments.

Caution: Python wants us to always put keyword

arguments after positional arguments!

def cooking(name, utensils, ingrediants):

This function 'cooks'.
:param name: Name of the receipe
:param required: Names of the required utensils needed.
:param ingrediants: Names of ingrediants
print(f"### Lets cook {name}!### \n")
print("Check to see that you have all the following utensils:")
print(f"\nMost importantly, check if the following ingrediants with the specified quantities are present")
print(f"Mix them all up and enjoy!")

cooking('Khaousay', 'Plate', 'Noodle')

You should be able to call the function above
with the following result:

### Lets cook Khaousay!###

Check to see that you have all the following utensils:


Most importantly, check if the following ingrediants with the specified quantities are present
1packet of Noodles
1packet of CoconutCurry
1/2 kg of Chicken
1tbsp of Spices
Mix them all up and enjoy!

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