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CONTENTS ONTENTS Vocabulary Structures + Greetings ‘Colours + What's your = Plurals * Alphabet “Countries- name? Geguiar- * Classroom nationalities =Howdo you alan obects +Family spell? sthisithat Personal items Classroom = What's yours Imperative +NumbersO-100 language phone riumber? + What colour How old are you? is this? Countries: + Greetings rationales “Types of + obs music SEs cattd +Family + Mista ‘Teting the instruments time + Schoo! sDaysortne subjects week + Personal terns * Clothes and accessories + Pets + Parts of the body + Talents and abies + Physical appearance 2 All about me Se! 5) It's my life! + Daly routines +Sports + Freetime activities + Chores Hobbies + Rooms of ahouse + Parts of ahouse {Numbers over a hundred + Furniture and appliances + Places in a townieity + Ordinals c Stace ei Culture page 2: The life ofa typical British teenager 5 Decca ‘Food and drink + Containers. + Months * Dates Weather + Seasons + Wild Animas * Celebrations + Wishes Culture page 3: Celebrations around the world 7 Deore to 8 Pocket + Adjectives describing feeings * Types of fins + Years + Paces to go cut + Means of transport + Camping equipment + Adventure sports + Geographical features Holiday activities Gio reer Irregular Verbs p.122 Learning Tips p.123 Pair workactivities p.113 Grammar Reference p.116 + Where. from? The verb be +Possessve adjectives, what?! Who.? ‘+The verb have got + thesefthose + Plurals egulaviregulan) + Possessive case + Whose? ‘The verb can + Present Simple + Prepositans of time + What te.? +When.? + Adverbs of frequency + There is/ Thete are + Prepositions of lace + alan the + Object personal pronouns Can (permssion-requests) «The verb rmust Eten + Countable and uncountable nouns sacnisome *someany + would ike + noun How much?!How many? + Ikeftovefenjoyihate +ing form «Present Progressive + Present Simple vs Present Progressive = Why? / Because. Ee + Past Simple ofthe verb be + Past Simple regular/rregular verbs) + Time expressions + Past Simple vs Present Simple ture be going to Present Progressive with futire meaning ture wil Comparative forms Eo Word Listp.124 CONTENTS CONTENTS co + Greeting and saving ‘goodbye + Introducing oneself and others + Exchanging basic personal information + Expressing preference + Describing appearance + Expressing possession + Expressing abity = Discussing habitual actions and routines + Taking about free time sctities + Expressing opinion ‘Talking about rooms ‘and houses + Asking about and Identifying the location of objects/ouldings + Expressing preference: ‘Ordering food + Astang and answering ‘about quantity + Discussing food and eating habits + Discussing current activities + Dstinguisting ; between habtual actions and current events + Expressing preference + Taking about past events + Describing feetings + Discussing future plang + Making predictions and onthespot decisions + Making comparisons S Nae ava) + A dialogue about possessions + Three short dialogues about 001" parents magazineartice: Inside clothes cetebntys wardrobe + A dialogue about a new best fend = ersten + Pair work ‘Guessing game FREESE (sh iiith + Memory game + Guessing game. Find my pet + Group survey: Can you.? + Guessina game: Who ist? + Pair work * (sh !2l, zl (oral s) + A paragraoh present nese Developing skits: Captal letters, Pure Developing skils: Linking words (and, but) + Three short dialogues about rts rree short monologues about household chores, + A dialogue about nobbies text Housework a2y OF Ms 229? agazine article: What a+ Four short exchan = + Four short dislogues at ctfere + Short notes and sions places fa town {+ Rdiatogue about a new fst t + Pair work “Thi person singular s ame: Spot the differences + Pair work *Sient letters + A paragraph about one's favourite day of the w Developing skills: + A description o useat Developing skis: How to ist tings eyouahealtty —_« Asurvey about eating habits : olumn of a aloo A party invitation and two = Three short dialogues about ~ date ~Areport: Quebec Winter + Adiaiogue about a poster fundraiser + dialogue between two frends who are buying greetings cards arte: Camival and ary entries + An interview: Dave Stone. a ng hero ragazine article What id you watch atthe + Adialogue about an accident + Three monologues about fis + A dialogue about a day ou n interview +A dialog bout what to take ry page My scubs ona camping trip g adventure + A dialogue al a water sports ure article What hoo ow before you vist + Aialogue about a hokay “igh 1d) + Pair work + Class discussion * Guessing game: What are they “my + Pair work Ro) had an accident) ed endings: Jd. fi + Pale work + Group work + Information gap activity “1841 Play (reporter and a boy who Developing skils: DaylEve ‘ Developing skills: Set phrases for letters an +A paragraph about an Interesting day in one's ile Developing skils: Linking wordsfphwases + An e mal toa friend abou! a holiday Developing sil: using II Hello ~ EE ooo 7 e @ Hitt. a 1? ‘1 A Listen, readand repeat 1Tatein pate xe Hao Tsu | Ht My name's Bt | [ana rm amy. | Whats your name? ©) a <>. On: Ones ar cen 0:0 #wO OO wa 0.20 OO Gian) ‘How do you spell your surname? B.Talkin pairs. What's your phone number? D. Talkin pairs. ‘How old are you? Tim 3 (years ole. C.Lookat the pictures below and complete ‘with aor an. Then listen and check your answers. a/an apen @ Inthe ciassroom 6 airs Q@ [nthe ctassroom @ ® _—— book ‘Then istenand check your answers Cres a meee pene b eee rete board a . fy sharpener a —— schoo! bag apple * umbrelia student |__orange classmates / = pencil case window .Lookat the pictures below and complete with this or ‘that. Then listen and check your answers. bin ‘A: What's this? Brit's a ruler, ‘A: What's that? Brit's a rubber. E c ® ____ Isa pena B.Lookat the picture above, count and write. 5 Plurals ° achair > chairs @ _—___ sa bag BA:Whats______ 2? A: What's___? Brit's a pencil case Brit's a ruler @ “The English-speaking world @ @ Casssroom language 6 ‘A. Listen and number 110. = ce) Look at the boara. Q) Read the text.) | Pane attimative-> Speak Cons o I a “Gos source ©, Reais Danaea ants bo 0d B.Listen and repeat. How do you say these phrasesin your language? {don't understand. What does this word mean? Itmeans.. Can you repeat that, please? Yes, of course. How do you say ‘amigo'in English? stand up.) sit down. Q) ‘riend. SC © Colours ( ‘A Lstenand repeat Ten ick through th Hello module and ind ie spladhes of colour Wite the pepe number next tench col a) ‘objects in your classroom and ask saua =o — .... i © What personal information can you ive to introduce yoursel? ® What would you like to know about a person you meet for the first time? ee en Scere ® to greet people ® to introduce yourself and others ® to ask for and give basic personal information ® to say where youre from © to tell the time ® to talk about schoo! subjects and what youre good at to tak about your favourite kind of music and musical instruments to present your family and the jobs they do to write about yourself eo Read @ N Listen tothe dialogues. fT) ocabulary ¢} Reaineneneae ome as vi om ee % Rosa Hello, I'm Rosa. Are you a new student? Country Nationality Imre Yes, | am. I'm Imre. rm from Hungary. but live here in London. ie == Rosa Nice to meet you China Spanish Imre Nice to meet you, too. Are you Brazilan? Rosa _No, Im not. m Mexican. France ‘Hungarian CCE italian Angela Hi, Olver! How are you? Oliver mine, thanks, This is Pablo and this Hungary Chinese is Maria Angela Hello, Where are you from? a Polish Pablo We'e from Spain. ‘Angela Really? Im from Italy. fo Peruvian B.Read again and match, Parl eee 1.Rosa a.itaian 2.Imre b.Spanish Poland ME 3. Angela ‘c. Hungarian 4.Pat 4. Mexican Spain French «10 Q Svea ons mnnone Talkin pairs. Fine, thanks. And you? Not bad. Dieheee SL @ @ Grammar Grammar » The verb be (Lam, You are, Weare) TT I 'mGam) I 'mnot(amnot | Am? Yes,tam. | No, mot. You ‘re (are) You aren't (arenot) | Are you? Yes, youare. _ No, you aren't. We ‘te (are) We arent (earenot) | Are We? Yes, weare. No, we arent. Ea Possessive adjectives (my, your, our) ETN Ty Tim anc are rien, We are classmates. oo, Pea 7 Circle the correct words. 1 Rafael Hi, our / my name's Rafael ‘Andrew Am / Are you from Mexico? Rafael No, |'mnot / aren't. You'e / I'm Peruvian, 2 Steve Hi Linda Linda Hello, Steve, This is David Steve Nice to meet you. Am / Are you two friends? David No, we are / aren't. 'm/ We're brother and sister. Our / Your surname’s Rivers. Tatkin pats. a.Franee b.Britsh ¢.Chinese — a What's your name? 3 Listenand tick /) the sound you hea iy aie Bi dobe eee Peters. —_ Where are you from? surname 1m from England. liven London) =] How oldare you? Tim thirteon And you? cust, ‘I'm thirteen, too. sationalty Srch ——— closs 2 Wish Petre ean = 0 QNecanuary O & = ‘delivery person waiter/waltress P bus driver actor/actress 6 doctor e taxi driver police officer shop assistant @ ea @ A Listenand read. Hello, [m Alonso and this is my dad. Mario. Were Italian, Welcome to our restaurant. This s my aunt, Gna, She's @ waltress This 's my uncle His name is Dario and he’s a chef FREE DELIVERY. This Is Fredo and Elmo. They are my cousins and they are waiters. This is my sister. Her name is Anna and she Is a pizza delivery girl mr 1.Wherearethey _2.Isheawaiter? 3, What'sher name? 4, Are they walters? 5. Is she a pizza from? delivery gir? ‘The verb be CG 1 mGam | I 'mnoteamnob |Am i? Yes, You You arent(arenot) | Are you? Yes, you_are. No, you arent. He he? he he ' she she? Yes, she is. | No, she isnt tt ite it it ' We we? we we You ‘re(are) vou? Yes, you are.|No, you arent. They they? | they they That's John. He is 1! years ol. His mother isa teacher o Circle the correct words. 1 Sue That's Helen and his / her cousin. Kate What's his / her name? Sue Billy Kate He Is/Is he a student? Sue No, he Is / Isn't. He's / His a bus driver. 2 Danny Is/ Are your parents doctors? Jake — No, they / their aren't My uncle and aunt am / are doctors. My dad Is / isn't 2 police officer and my mumis an actress Danny Really? What's her / thelr name? Jake Ann Patterson, 8 Write ers vaccines aay ne ay ‘Your answers. What day eittoday? B, What's the time? Look atthe clocks and ‘complete the time. Then listen and check your answers. Ws four C.Lookand complete with the wordsin the box, Its seven olock ‘Then listen and check your answers. 9 tes ten , Itsten past past nine ys - Is a quarter fe past two. sa = > vast ° shar IS. BP past four en | coos oral a Dogs Wsa quarter 2 tothvee. esate = tonine, © Wstwenty toeleven, @ Ret @ AA Listen to the dialogue. Then read itout in pairs, ‘You mean. good morning. Its Sunday morning here in Being. What's the time in New York?) {ts 230 in the afternoon here but its Saturday today. Whats the time in Beljing? ‘ a AF |, Its 330 IN THE MORNING! 4 ig Read again and complete the table. Mm DAY fi ‘New York Belling 8 Listen @ fale 1. What day is ittoday? 2. What's the time? 3, What day Is it today? 4, What's the time? a. Tuesday a. 830 a. Friday a. 12am b. Thursday b.930 b. Saturday b.l2pm 0 listen, read the pear What day sit today? It's Monday. What's the time? Its half past two. Isit the yellow clock? a Yes, itis! 1» e Nocabulary oO Listen and number the musical instruments (5). G eei@lee MeO, RO @ ke @ ‘A. Lookat the picture of the band Full Blast. What does each member do in the band? Listen, read and check your answers. d “ Trmamy and im the } | tm Oi ma singer lead singer tmerazy| | anda rappe:too aso | (mana mv and play the aboutpop muse || ay the autac ike HD || eyeewrain te bana my || Stand pay Siger burly shes pf MOR. TMe Back Eved | | favourte singer SLi | | vue ns FA Peas are my favourite Allen. Her songs are great ‘en ta a crus ara rok ard B. Read again and write A for Amy, Bfor Bill, Lior Liv or Stor Stu. 1. He/She is crazy about pop. 2.HelShe is a drummer. 3.His/Her favourite kind of music is hip hop, Qe ‘A: What's your favourite kind of music? B: Pop. ‘A: Who's your favourte singer? BeLily Allen OQ OQ O Grammar What...?/ Who...? @ @ Listen Oe Pao 4. His/Herfvourte band is The Block Eyed Peas O) 5. Jazz i hiser favour Kn of must O 6. They are the sae the bond OO 7. Hse favour singer i Ly Alen O Complete the questions with What or Who. 1‘ a 's your favourite colour? Blue, \:__'s your favourite musical instrument? The guitar BA: 's that? B: My brother. 4A: 's from the USA? Melanie BA: are their names? Sue and Freddy. Listen to four teenagers and match thenames with the pictures -4. Pe oe ocd GROUP SURVEY ‘Talkin groups of four. Complete the table below about yourself and then about the other people in your group. cr qudent1_| Student2 | Student3 ‘evo musa What's your favourite musical instrument pone favourite singer? The guitar. favourite band? Who's your favourite singer? favourite kind of music? favounte song? as Nocabulary [¢) Listen and repeat, What’ your favourite school subject? Music History PE Ceoaenty ge Maths English science © Spex nour survey ‘Are you good at PE? {Talkin groups of four Askeach other Yes, Fam./No, Im not. ‘questions and complete the table. Are you good Ch a ae ee TE) Coy Ed a a cre B. Report your group's answers to the class. Two students in my group are goodat Science. 8 Listen ( flap ee ee ee Es © SE) | @ Spears White ‘A.Read and completethe table below. C. Read and add punctuation and capitals to the sentences. Capital letters Use capital letters: @ at the beginning of a sentence ® with names and surnames @ with Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms @ with cities/countries/nationalities @ with languages ® with school subjects |® with the days of the week @ with the word T Name ‘Surname s nee AGE i E © Affirmative and negative ictionamy 2 sentences end with a full stop 0. ® Questions end with a question Favourite subject s mark @. Favourite teacher 1. my name is lee sanders 2. Im from australia 3, miss green is an english teacher Favourite kind of MUSIC... Favourite singeriband 4. my favourite subject is maths 5. wete from madi, n spain oo 6. are you good at geography 7. sit tuesday today What's your name? Se a aala re _D. Use the notes below to writea paragraph about ‘yoursel. Use the information from activity B. Where are you from? What's your favourite subject? ‘Are you good at..? Who's your favourite teacher? ‘Mr/Mrs/Miss/Ms .. What's your favourite kind of music? Who's your favourite singer/band? 19) «20 Nocabulary Neos ceime cata rat dan Src Tray cae sain canent re ify Tsay south liereene sei tease aie Score: Grammar 1. Crete the correct words 1. Alls that you / your brother? B: No. That's Tom, He / He's is my cousin, 2. 1m from the UK. My / His name is Jason. 3. Julla and Amanda are friends, They're / Their favourite subject is History. 4, She / She's an actress. Her / His name's Betty Bourne. 5. A: What day is it today? Its / It's Sunday. (Score: /7 | C.Complete with the correct form ofthe verb be. LA you a doctor? Yes, 2. My parents, crazy about jazz. 3A that the new Music teacher? B: No, he the new English teacher. 4. Andrew and Tyler 00d at History, but they are very good at Geography. 5A Itsix o'clock? B:No. it D.Complete with the words in the box. 1.Good morning! 2 are you from? se day fs it today? 4 ‘your favourite kind of music? 5. that? Is it Mrs Henderson? are you today? score: /5 | Communication Lookatthe docks and write, score 15 | emai, 11. Who's your favourite a.m from Australia teacher? bb Yes, !am. 2. What's his favourite €.Nice to meet you. | subject? 4. im fine, thanks. 3. How are you? He's Chinese. ‘4. Where are you from? 1 Mrs Biake. 5. Are you good at Maths? —_g, Maths. 6. Where is he from? 7. Hi. Im Donald. © say where Ii trom ( @ introduce myself and other people ask and answer personal questions ® greet people ® talk about my favourte teachers subjects and say what Im good at. = © talk about my favourite kind of music and musical instruments oO ® present my family and the jobs they do ® tel the time Buse the verb be © wiite about myselt © What have you got in your bag? © What's your favourite item of clothing? © Who is your best friend? In See LTE ® to tak about your possessions about your clothes ibe people's appearance out your best friend py Before you read the text, area cs Th Caro aT Cee Nocabulary oO Read @ Listen and repeat. AA Listento the comic strips. Then read them out in groups. \ Ties your mum gor rollerblades> we sunglasses skateboard & ‘game console £ Noy dad as Lo black sunlacse 0 ‘ wspayer [/) Mil \ Toe ie rer ne oe ats —_ rollerblades B. Read again and write T for True or F for False. = . 1. Mrs Cringe has got rollerblades. 2.Me re Mes Cinge hve gat a game console = 2. MrCrnge has gta new mobil phone {4.Mr cringe hast oot ack sunglasses es 5. Mr and Mrs Cringe are at the party. wae | eee AFFIRMATIVE Pa 1 1 you YegotGhave got) ,,! haven't got have not god He He She ‘sgot has got) She hasn't got hasnt got) rt r j We We You ‘vegot (have got) You haven't got (have not got) They They Cr E 1 1 1 Have ot? Yes, have. No, havent. you % you you he he he Has she got? Yes, she has. No, she hasnt Bur thayve got «gare console t t it Have you got? Yes, you have. No, you havent. o they they they © Circle the correct words. 1. I've got /’s got a brother and a sister 2. Samantha's got /'ve got two bikes, 3. We’s got /’ve got a new Matis teacher, 4, A: Kelly’s got /’ve got a game console. She's / Has she got a computer, too? No, she hasn't / haven't. 5. My cousins hasn't / haven't got an MP3 player. 6. A: You have / Have you got a mobile phone? B: Yes, | have / has, oO Listen Listen andtck the things Donna's got in her bag. @ le 6 Speak MEMORY GAME Goto page 11. a e Listen and repeat. Have you got any of these clothes? Jeans trainers ka [ the pictures and thetext, What do you think the texts about? Listen, read and check your answers. me Inside a celebrity’s wardrobe This week the famotisjactress: Eva “Nelson This is my favourite accessory, my red belt. It's a present from my sister. Red is my favourite colour. scarves. Aren't they beautiful? | love scarves and I've got 25. I've got a lot of jeans, new and old. My favourite jeans are black. al. ‘These are my favourite | 6 these/ those This is ajumper. That's a skirt. These are jumpers. | Those are skirts NOTE: Thisis a trendy bett. ‘These are trendy belts. @ ® rele the correct words. Check out my new trainers! ‘They're very trendy and of course they're red, too. 1. Eva Nelson is an 2.Her favourite colour is 3.She has got a red and red 4.She has got scarves. 5.She has got and jeans. 6 Her favourite skirt isnt very Complete with the plural form of the nouns in brackets. belt - belts ORI watch - watches | woman - women dress - dresses baby -bables scarf scarves child - children person - people fish -fish @ | 1. These are my favourite __ (accessory). 1. This / These is my new watch and | lene Unda are, actress) this / these are my new boots. Parichat rtheea bee 3. Karen has got tree (chia, | Yes. iri it trendy? 4. Those (woman) are | : And are these / those your (teacher). | sunglasses over there? || 8. 1ve got four trendy hooey, B: Yes. | a = ; A: Theyre cool | —— =m - o Pronunciation oO A Listen and repeat Whats the disterence between band c? a.belis beans dresses BB. Listen and tick(/) the sound you hear. caps bikes chairs watches trainers waitresses boots Listen to three dialogues and chooseaorb. 1. The boy's got a a. green hoody bb. green jacket 2.Marys got shoes. atrendy bnew 3. Fay hasnt aot a lot of a. skirts bidresses Wh rite Write about 3 items of clothing youhave got. t've got four jumpers. They are trendy. Nocabulary eo {Listen othe dialogue. Listen and repeat. ‘Then eadit out in groups. arm and & NOTE: foot feet tooth - teeth vere Bill Hi, Stu Is that your dog? Stu Of course not | haventt aot a dog Bill Whose Is It, then? Stu_ | don't know. Its lost, | think Bill Wait! Look! So, ts Mr Young's dog, Yeah, Come on. Let's call the number. ‘At Mr Young's house.. Mr Young No, that’s not Jimmy. Jimmy hasnt got big ears, His ears are small, And his tall isnt black. It white. Thanks anyway. ‘Stu Oh. Well, whose dog is it. then? Bill Wait, he’s got a name tag. OLLIE. Stu And a phone number. 07785 548697, Call itl At Mrs Cahil’s house.. Mrs Cahill Ollie! Thank you very much, boys. Bill_That' al right, Mrs Cahill. Stu No problem. 8B. Read again and complete with Mr Young, Jimmy, Mrs Cahill or Olle. L is Mr Young's dog. 2. Olle is_ ' dog. 3. 's phone number is 07435 228654. 4 ___has got a black tail 5 has got small ears. 6 's phone number Is 07785 548697, | © Games PossessiveCase-Whose.2 re ne Erinn ‘My dog’s name | My dogs’ names isPunch. are Rexand Tex. Whose peti this? © ts ays pet./ it's Fay's ®) Circle the correct words. 1. A: Who's / Whose that man? B: He's my mothers’ / mother's brother. He's Uncle Mike, 2. A: Who's / Whose parrot Is this? 's my cousin's / cousins’ parrot. Theyre crazy about pets. mno’s / Whose watch is that? '5 Martha's / Martha. It's her new watch © Src GUESSING GAME: Find my pet. Play in groups of four. ‘Student A: Imagine that you've got one of the pets below but dont tell the others. Talk about ‘your pet so that the others can guess. ‘Students, C,D:Lookat the pictures, listen, toStudent A and try to guess his/her pet. o ms % of My pet's name s Twinkle. s She's got big ears and.. of ‘Is your peta rabbit? Yes, itis. ‘sitnumber 3? ‘somebody else's pet. 2m Q \ecamiay @ QO &ke6 Listen and number 112. ‘A. Listeti and read. Who isthe winner of thé talent show? Youre a good band. Matt, you can play the drums wel, and Rick, you're great on the keyboard. Zoe, you can play the guitar very well, but you can't sing. Sorry! Get a new singer and come back next year. Sally, you're a great dancer and youe very beautiful. But you Leona, you are fantasti canit speak Spanish, so dont ‘You can sing well and sing Spanish songs. Im sorry, dance, too. You've got bbut you arent tonight's winner. lot of talent. And. you are tonight's winner! play a musical Instrument O crow wet Oricearite — Q stateboars A @ox O tate pictures M28 'B. Read again and answer the questions. 4. Can Sally dance? ‘4, What can Zoe do well? a.Yes,she can. b.No, she cant, a. She can play the guitar. b. She can sing. 2. Can Sally speak Spanish? 5. Can Leona dance well? Yes, she can. b. No, she cant. a.Yes, she can. b.No, she cant 3. Who can play the keyboard well? a. Matt b. Rick 1 1 You you you = you He he he he canswim | She can't =cannot) swim Can she swim? Yes, she can. No, she can't. tt it lapel it We we we we You you you you They they they they fe.88%_ Z ‘Complete with the correct form of the verb can. 1. Grace and Paul Fide a horse, but they can ride a bike. 2A you speak Polish? No|______ But |__speak Hungarian. 3. A: Jasmine is a singer in a band.She__sing wel. B___she dance, too? A: Yes, she O Sreax ert ae ? Pasta mies oer CAA EE TE |skeachother questions andcomplete the table. pen) Can you draw well? Perec Yes, Ican./No, lcan't. ero ~~ — ceeecy Pete ‘=-Beport your group'sanswersto : Beda, Pent ceed QVocanuary @ ‘Match the opposites, Then listen and check your answers. i - achubby boy fair hair long hair ayoung man atall boy short hair aslim boy dark hair a short boy an old man oO Listen @ A Lookat the pictures and describe the girs. B.Listen toa mother and adaughter talking. ‘What does Wendy's new bestfriend look ike? Choose picturea, bor. e GUESSING GAME: Who ist? ‘Student A: Choose one of your classmates, but dontttell Student B. Student B: Askquestions to find out who ‘Student A has chosen, Isitagiri? Yes, itis. Has she got long/short/fair/dark hair? Yes, she has. /No, she hasn't. Isshe tall/short/chubby/slim? Yes, sheis./No, she isn't. sit Maria? Yes, well done! M430 © Sreaxs White ‘A. Read. Which of the topics below does the girl mention about her bestfriend? ee ‘what she can do name What she looks like ates trite kind of musie favourite computer game _ clothes nationality 43 years old and she's lice is short and si Ses got long fair hair and beaut Oe 2 ‘Alice can st a aa oni but she cant vide a bike. Shes very yout computers and her fora Eee gar spore Shear another best friend: her 40d this is Alice. She yay best friend. Al B, Talk in pairs about your bestfriend, —_— Who's your best friend? How old is he/she? What does he/she look like? What can/can't he/she do? What's his/her favourite subject / ‘computer game /kind of music? Has he/she got apet? “ Read and complete the sentences with and or but Linking words @ Use and to join similar ideas. Diana is tall and she's got fair hair. © Use but to join two opposite ideas. Diana can dance but she can't sing Brad is 14 years old _ he’s from the UK. Mary's got a skateboard hasnt got rollerblades 9. Rob ts tall he . Donald's crazy about pets gt three dogs. 5. Tina isn't good at Geography she's good at Science. hes Use the notes below to write a paragraph about your bestfriend, Use the information from activity B. My best Friend My best Friend’s name is... He’s/She's... years old. He/She is.... He’s/She's got... hair and... eyes. He/She can... very well but he/she can't... . He/She is crazy about... and his/ her favourite. He/She has got / hasn't got a pet. waz Nocabulary [A.Cross out the odd word. Then add one more. ‘Lear ~ leg - belt - arm - 2. Jumper ~ watch - trousers - hoody ~ 3. tail - rabbit - parrot - spider 4. short - young ~ chubby ~ hair ~ Score: 78 ] Grammar Ti coxagena poi cacti nie, ta you a black acer? BNO | bat a be jacket 2A tea. abrotner Yes, she 3. Kellys parrot 4. The girls hak. ccolourtul wings. fair hair. They've got dark Write the plural of the following nouns. 1. party 2. woman, 3. camera 4, bus 5. fish D.Chooseaorb. 1 a. Who's 2. These are a. Jenny's 3.My a. brother's 4. a.Who's 5. The a.boys (Score: /7 6. family 7. watch 8 foot 9. scart 10. child i) MP3 player is this? b. Whose sunglasses, Jennys names are Lewis and Dyian. b. brothers’ that gir? b. Whose Jacket is here ba boys 15 E. Complete with thecorrect form of can. 1 you play a musical instrument? BrNo,|__ But my brother play the guitar and the drums. 2A: your parrots talk? B:No, they [Score: /5 Communication F, Complete the dialogues with the sentences a-e. a. Are you sure? 'b. What does your mother look like? Thank you very much. d. [haven't got a bike. €e. Look! That's my mother. (Grave’ (i) semeesues? Alicia Wow. She's very tall, Grace Yeah. (2) Alicia Shes short and slim. Mike @) Ryan Here. You can ride my bike. Mike) Ryan Yes, of course. i Ryan That's allright. Score: _/10 [TOTAL scoRE: /45 ® talk about my things and clothes ® describe people's appearance ® talk about pets ® say what | can/can't do ® write and talk about my best friend ® use the verb have got ®use plurals ® use and/but to join ideas oooooo00 AA Listen and match the music with the picturesa-e. Write 5. B.Listen and read. This isa balalaika, Its a musical instrument from Russia and it's Ge See Dee eee yd Pere ecg in the group. Se Send ieee Saree) also a kind of dance Cae (C.Read again and answer the questions. 1. How old is hip-hop? 2. Where are bagpipes from? 3. What isa balalaika? ‘4, What is samba? 5. What musical instrument is from Australia? 3H Turn it up... turn it up... turn it up... FULL BLAST! All the (1 students / people at our schoo! Say Full Blast are really (2) cool /nice We're not famous but that's all right Listen to Full Blast Morning, (3) day / noon and night ‘My name's Bill, and I'm the (4) singer / rapper of the band can sing, | can (5) dance / play, Ican rap, yes I can! Who's on the drums? It's my best friend Stu ‘And Liv's on the (6) guitar / keyboard, just for you. Turn it up! Turn it up! Or you can't hear a thing Here comes Amy. Just listen to her (7) sing / song! Turn itup... turn it up... turn it up... FULL BLAST! ® What's your daily routine like? How busy are you? ® What do you do in your free time? ® Do you help out at home? ® to talk and write about your dally routine ® to talk about your freesime activities ® to give an opinion about sports ® to say how often you do household chores ® to write about your favourite day of the week a ravea Re, Salo j es otosctee) ‘have breakfast, g lunch, dinner (3) @ get home A.Lookat the pictures and the ttle of the text. What do you think the text s about? Listen, read and check your answers. F A young Picasso Tammy Turner isn’t a normal school girl. Silo acm BET ooo ee On weekdays, she gets up at 6 o'clock and paints pictures. At 7:30 she has a shower and has her breakfast. Sia came seetoel RUE ee ce soa ‘She gets home at 4:30 and does her homework. In the evenings after dinner, she paints again! At the weekend it's different. ‘Every Saturday, | visit /, galleries and on Sundays, | watch TV or make pictures epee eee sation “She's amazing! She's even got paintings », in the local art gallery” BB. Read again and write'T for Trueor F for False. {Tammy gets up at 730 on Mondays. a2 oO 2. Tammy's favourite subject Is Art. oO Oo oO Oo 3. Tammy paints in the morning and in the evening, ‘4. Tammy goes to galleries on weekdays. 5. Tammy's teacher likes her paintirigs. Present Simple (affirmative) Prepositions of time \ paint He | Paints ten o'clock. half past one, etc You | watch She ,| watches atthe weekend We | do ne? does noon/iidday/night/midnight They | study studles - jin the morning, the afternoon, the evening We use the Present Simple for habits (or actions that happen regulary. Complete with the Present Simple of the verbs inbrackets. on Sunday morning/afternoon/evening/night 3. Alan ‘Monday, Tuesday, etc. weekdays (Go) his homework in the afternoons 1. Fred and Liz (brush) theirteeth 4.) (Play) computer games at the every morning and evening, weekend 2. My mum (Get up) at 7 o'clock 5, My bestfriend (watch) TV ater every day. dinner and _ ~ (Go) to bed at midnight. 4) OG serene Pronunciation G A Listen and repeat. What's the difference between a, band c? a.gets b.plays ¢. brushes B.Listen and tick) the sound you hear. paints does dances has goes watches visits ‘makes @ Sreax ‘Talkin pairs about your daily routine. get up at 730. What about you? 1 get up at. Weite Writea few sentences about your datly routine and abouta friend's daily routine. m ; Learn whole phrases aren ear tm Rats e ‘Match the sports with the pictures 1-8. ‘Then listen and check your answers. play table tennis do athletics do gymnastics play football YOOOO go swimming play tennis play volleyball play basketball 6 A Listen to the dialogue. ‘Then read itout in groups. Liv I'm bored, Stu 've got an idea. Lets play basketball Liv Oh, no, not basketball! Bill What's wrong, Liv? Amy Liv doesnt like basketball at all ‘Stu Really? Do you like volleyball or ther team sports? Liv No, | dontt.I dont lke sports very ‘much. | think they're boring Bill | think sports are fun and exciting! Stu Yeah! | ove sports, too. What about you, Amy? Amy | lke tennis and fm a great player. Bill Tennis Is OK but table tennis is creat funl Come on, lets play. Liv No way! | hate table tennis, ‘Amy Come on, Liv, please! An hour later. Stu Lets stop! Im tired. Bill Me too Liv What? Dont be sil! This is reat funl i Stu Oh, be quiet, Liv es Amy Ha na. fal tek - — @ © Grammar Present Simple (negative - questions) PE CS ! 1 don't (do not) pla Do lay? oe you Pay He he he he She doesnt (doesnot) play Does she play? Yes, she does. No, she doesnt. t it it it we we we Do you play? Yes. you do. No, you dont. they they they Complete the sentences with do, oes, lon’t or doesnt. ‘you like football? | think its @ great sport. your brother like football, too? None. He. like football at al, He likes athletics a. you and your friends play volleyball every day? 3 Read again and circle the correct words. 1 Liv likes / hates basketball 2. Bill thinks sports are exciting / boring. 3. Amy’ favourite sport is tennis / table tennis. 4 Stu and Bill/ Stu and Liv are tired, 5. Liv likes / doesn’t like table tennis in the end. B: No, we We play on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays after school ‘A: Wat about at the weekend? B:We____ play volleyball at the weekend, My friends go swimming. ‘A: What about you? BI Oo like swimming, Listen © Listen to three short dialogues and circle the correct words. Dialogue! Pam thinks tennis is fun / boring, Dialogue2 Daniel does gymnastics on weekdays / at the weekend. Dialogue3 Ken and Scott like / don't like football B.Now talkin pairs. Do you lke..? Yes, 1do. think it's fun./ No, don’t. I think it's boring. What about you? Mike... very much. /It's OK./ 1 don't like. at all. 39) talk on the phone surf the Net hang out with friends ae mi read magazines __go shopping listen tomusic go tothe cinema 1440 e ‘A Jay has taken part ina survey about free time. = 9 Lookat his answers and complete the paragraph. Jay Tasker I+ 1. What time do you get home from schoo/? A 2. Have yOu got a lot of free time? o 3. When do you hang out with your friends? Vv) 7 4. What do you do with your friends in your free time? 7) ] 2 do homework /) Vv} go skateboarding 5. What time do you go to bed? /) Jay Tasker Is years old, He gets home @) __ clock on weekdays, so he’s got a lot of He hangs cout with both on weekdays and at the weekend ‘When theyre at home. they watch or they do their © __ together. They also play and ® the Net. When they go out, they hang out at the o play sports or go «o> __.Jay {goes to bed early ap before 10 o'clock. but at the weekend, he goes to bed late, 2) ees Wh-questions ‘A: What time do you have dinner? B:At 6pm, ‘A: When do you go to the cinema? B:Atthe weekend, @ Circle the correct words. 1. A:When/What do you do in your free time? B:! read magazines 2. A: When / What time does Brenda listen to music? In the evenings, : What time you get / do you get up in the morning? At B o'clock : What sports Ben plays / does Ben play? B: Volleyball and tennis, © A. Talkin pairs. ‘Complete the weekly schedule with your personal information. Write what free-time activities you do every day. Then answer Student B's questions. Monday Tuesday : Wednesday | Thursday Friday ‘Ask Student A questions about different free- time activities as in the example. ‘Do you read magazines in your free time? When do you read magazines? SHAN ek meee ARDC BB. Report your partner's answers tothe class. Tanya reads magazines in her free time. She reads magazines on Saturdays e and Sundays. 6 Write sentences about what you do‘don't do in your freetime. am e Nocabulary oO ‘Match the pictures with the household chores. Then listen and check your answers. On" 3 can te wrsions C) isiyiayraam = Cea rete ees eet) Seakuieers OA recta O: snemsngun Q/sunertenaaneG) ‘A.Look at the pictures. Who do you think helps out at home? Listen, read and check your answers. Angelo Gibson always helps out at home. He helps ‘with the washing, takes out the rubbish and tidies his room every day. And guess what! He likes it! dont mind housework. It's great fun! My favourite chore Is the windows. | clean the windows In our flat every Week’ he says. His friends think he's crazy but his mum doesn't, Angelo is 2 real angel; she says. Megan Roberts plays computer games, reads ‘magazines, watches TV and does her homework every day. But she doesnit want to do housework ‘My room is often a mess but I lke it ike that. ‘Anyway, 'm usually very busy. | haven't got time for chores’ she says. But her mum doesnt believ= her. She's just lazy. You see, we live in a big house: ‘and we've got a lot of housework’ Megan's mum says. They argue about housework every day a In the end, they always co it together. Adverbs of frequency + go before the main verb Kevin never does the washing-up. J dont usually take the dog for a walk ote: CT Do you often clean the windows? sometimes CTE « 90 after the ver be Jason is often late for school, Write me sentences using the adverbs of frequency in brackets. 1.Jane helps her mum with the housework. 3. Do you get up at six oclock? (always) (sometimes) 4. My sister has a shower in the mornings. (never) 2.Greg doesn't go to bed late. (often) 5. Imtired after school, (usually) 0 ee @ Listen to three people talking and tick (/) the chores they do. dothe clean the take the dog washing-up ‘dythehouse hoover a windows for awalk OSr= Spe ee ‘Do you usually do the washing-up at home? ‘No, I don't. But | sometimes clean the windows. What about you? Write sentences about what you always, usually, often, sometimes, never do at home. |= Read again and answer the questions. 1 Who thinks housework is fun? 5. What does Megan's mum think of Megan? 2 What does Angelo do every day? 6 Who lives in a flat? 3 What does Megan do every cay? 7. What is Megan's room usually lke? 4 What do Angelos friends think of Angelo? 8 Who doesnit do housework alone? a ‘ oa : { 0 fl at - rollerblading 4 jewellery rfc ie se P| 4 fishing model planes and write Tfor True of F for False. 1. Harry collects coins. 2. Karen makes paper flowers. 3, Karen and her grandmother play chess together. 4, Harry's favourite hobby Is rollerblading. 5, Karen thinks rollerblading is fun. OO00O eo Speak & White ‘A. Read about Emma’s favourite day of the week and complete the table below. My favourite day of the week is Saturday. In the morning, | get up early, at about 8:00 and have my breakfast. Then | go to the shops and buy comies. You see, | collect comics and I've got about 200! In the afternoon, | usually play computer games with my friends and then | sometimes go rollerblading with my cousins. In the evening, my family and | often | C-Readand make sentences by putingte ; fetshioccmee ce ge to the cinema or we stay at home and watch a DVD. Saturdays are great! Tees “ @ In English, we always put the subject _ — sae of a sentence before the verb, subject + verb buy comics DS<& 1 collect stamps. + Ray doesnt play footbal PEED sn ne —e, cu 11 goes / Saturdays / Ruth / on / rollerblading with her eT 2. dont /1/ make / panes / model 3. does / Shella / crafts / arts / and Complete the table below about your favourite day of the week. ees 4. sister / play / games / doesnt / my / computer crm rm Coe a 5. mum / gets / my / 4:30 / home / at since D. Write a paragraph about your favourite day of the week Use the information rom activity What's your favourite day ofthe week? My favourite day of the week is... - In the morning, eR ae tinincrzina? In the afternoon, What do you do In the afternoon? Im the evening what do you do inthe evening? ae ee Ok ce writing (subject + verb, adverbs of frequency), —— mas Nocabulary A.Match. 1.d0 a. chess 2surt bb. the washing-up Baget lunch 4.tak d. the Net 5. have e. dressed 6. collect f. anart gallery 7.hang 9. out with friends 8. vist hh.on the phone 9. play i. comics 10. take J. out the rubbish Score: /10 B.Circe the correct words. 1. My brother goes /takes the dog fora walk every ay 2, Lucy doesnt help at home. She's lazy / late 3. Ive got an ideal Let's go / do fishing, 4, Simon never washes / brushes his teth after lunch 5. Jamie oves sports. On Mondays and Wednesdays he does / plays football and at the weekend he ‘goes swimming / gymnastics 6. This book is boring / exciting. | don't like it Score: 17 Grammar Complete the sentences with In on orat 1. Liz gets up __ six ciclock every day. 2. Nice often goes out the evenings. 3. never read books my free time 4. My mother usually goes shopping _____ Saturday mornings. 5. We always tdy our room the weekend. 6. Jack sometimes goes to the cinema ___ Sundays. 16 | Scor D.Complete with the Present Simple ofthe verbs in brackets, 1. My sister usually (study) after dinner. 2. Every afternoon Ted © rollerblading 3. My friends {isten) to hip hop. 4. often (et up late on Saturdays. 5.Tina (stay) at home on Fridays and (water) TV. [Score: _/6 E. Circle thecorrect words. 1. A:Do you You do want to play tennis? B: Sorry. | doesn't / don’t like sports, 2. A: What time / When do you wash the car? B: At the weekend. 3. A: Does / Do your brother help with the housework? B: Yes, he does / doesn't. But he often / never tidles his room: it's a mess 4. A: What time do you have lunch? B: | always have / have always lunch at 12:30. 5. A: Does Fred ride / rides his bike in the afternoons? B: Yes, sometimes, Communication F.Complete the dialogue wit the sentences -d. a. What's wrong? b. Me too. Well, quess what! 4. Dorit be sly. ‘A:Hey, Freddie. You like computer games, right? B: Yeah, AO B: What? Have you got a new game console? A I've got a new basketball game. Do you want to play later? B: No thanks, A: What? @) 2 Br I dont like basketball very much. AA:I've got a areat football game, too. B: Oh, | love football. A@) Score: _/8 TOTALSCORE: —_/45 tak about free-time activites / chores / dally routines o ® say how often | do things a a a ® say what sports | like/dislke use the Present Simple ® use prepositions of time ® talk and write about my favourite day of the week 5 Where can you find the following in this module? Cote MCE Ents ® Do you live in a small town or in actly? © Whats it lke? What is your housefiat ike? © to talk about the rooms in a houseftiat ® to describe your bedroom © to ask for permission and make requests ® to understand signs and notes ® to talk about rules ® to write about your house/iat 8 Nocabulary .¢) {A Listen and repeat. bathroom e garden living room: : upstairs downstairs B.Lookat the numbers. Listen and repeat. 374 three hundred and seventy-tour 4598 four thousand, five hundred and ninety-eight a 2,000,000 two mition QR @ ‘A. Lookat the pictures. What do you know about these places? Listen, read and check your answers. ‘The Forbidden City in China 's a huge palace with 9999 rooms. 9 is a lucky number for the Chinese. The whole ppalace is wooden. Today, it 1s a museum and 16 million visitors visit it every year. It's very popular! Windsor Castle isin the UK and itis one of the homes of Queen Elizabeth I The castle Is over 900 years old. ‘There are 1000 rooms in the castle and it's also got a lot of beautiful gardens all around. ‘About 600,000 people visit ‘Windsor Castle every year. ‘The White House in the USA is a Istana Nurul Iman in Brune! big building with six floors - 2 floors 's the home of the Sultan for offices and visitors, 2 floors for of Brunel, There are 1788 the President and his family and 2 rooms in the palace and basements. There are 132 rooms, 35 257 bathrooms. There are 5 bathrooms and three lifts. There is also a_ swimming pools and there is ‘swimming pool, a gym and a cinema. a garage for 110 cars. 'B Read again and answer the questions. 1. Where is the White House? 5. Who lives in Windsor Castle? 2. How many floors can visitors visit in the White House? 6. How many rooms are there in Windsor Castle? 3. Do people live in the Forbidden City today? 7. What is Istana Nurul Iman? ‘4. How many people visit the Forbidden City every year? 8. Are there over 200 bathrooms in Istana Nurul Iman? rammar There is /There are Ca Em AS Sms There'sabathroom —Thereisritabathroom | Istherea bathroom | Yes, thereis./ No, there isnt. downstairs downstairs downstairs? | There are two There arent two Are there two | Yes, there are. No, there arent. bathrooms downstairs. bathrooms downstairs. bathrooms downstairs? o Complete with the correct form of there is /there are. 1. Look! three cats in the 3. AS two bedrooms in your flat? oie Dia a tare eit ine tase newer a SBE vee’ vai arisen a itt 6 Speak “ae ‘Talkin pairs. Lookat the two houses and find thedifferences. _In house A, there are two bedrooms. But in house B there is QNocamuiary @ Match the words withthe temsin the pictures. ‘Then listen and check your answers. ves wO watt poster vookcase O wie Pina ‘Look at the pictures in activity 1and ‘circle the correct words. 1. The orange lamp is infront of / between the bed and the desk 2. The umbrelia is behind / between the door. 3. There is a magazine on/ next to the coffee table. 4, The dog is on// under the kitchen table 5. There is an orange in/ on the fridge. 6. There is a clock next to/on the ridge 7. The clothes are behind /in front of the washing machine. Hello? Hi Liv Hi Whats up? | can't find my MP3 player. Maybe it’s at your place. Can you look for It. please? OK... Welt it isn't on my desk. What about the armchair next to your bed? ‘usually sit there. No, Its not there. And it isnt under my bed, Erm... maybe its in your jacket pocket. My red jacket? Is It there? Yeah, Look in my pocket then. 8B Readagain and write T for True or Ffor False. 1L.Livs got an armchair next to her bed.) aap lene 0 Bae A 0 — ‘There isa lamp on the coffee table. @ Miempisdie @ Complete the sentences with, an or the. 1. There is ‘armchair in our living room. armchair is next to sofa. 2.A:\s there ‘washing machine in kitchen? B:No, washing machine Is in basement. 3. My sister is crazy about clocks. She's got red clock on her desk, orange clock next to her bed and yellow clock on her bedroom wall red clock is her favourite Liv OK, Ok. ‘Amy — Well Is it in my jacket? Liv No, Itisntt Don't get upset, Amy. ‘Amy But where is it then? Keith Where's what, sis? ‘Amy My MP3 player. Keith Amy, look on the floor. There's a book, right? ‘Amy Yeah, so? Keith Well your MP3 player is under the book. ‘Amy Sorry Liv, its here after all Liv OhAmy. 4. The MP3 player isrit in Amy's jacket 5. Keith is Amys brother. 6. The MP3 player Is at LIV house. 6 Speak ae and things you've got in your bedroom. amp Have you got a desk in your bedroom? Yes, Ihave. Where is it? its next tomy bookcas 6 Wr rite Wiritea few sentences about the furniture and things you have got in your bedroom. By si» Ottray Nocabulary oe Listen and number (110). O shoonina cere ot {A Listen tothe dialogue. Then read it out in groups. ‘Mum Lizl Can you do me a favour? Liz Sure, what? ‘Mum Can you take these books to the library for me? Im busy. Liz OK, give them to me Liz. can you go to the newsagent’s and buy a newspaper? The newsagent’s? Where is it? Is it far? No, It's near the skatepark. ‘Oh, yeah. | remember now. OK, Mum, but can I go to the skatepark? | want to go skateboarding with my friends. ‘Sure. I don't need the newspaper now. Abit later. Lz Hello again, Mum. Mum Sorry, Liz. Can you do me another favour? Your dad ne a toothbrush. Can you go to the supermarket and get a new toothbrush? Uz OK Mum. ‘Mum Thanks a lot Oca, ‘Complete using personal pronouns. aa 1. Look at that T-shirt Is very nice. | want to buy PN ee ; 2. A: Where are Jenny and Greg? ai : ‘re over there 2 rh ea B:___‘re over there. Can you see “3 he im 3. A: Lorna's on the phone, wants to talk to, e bial B: OK. Give me the phone. we i 4, Harry is a nice person, Do you lke _? you you 5. Give that newspaper. | want to read ® mever can permission- requests) » B:+ Yes, you can. + Of course you can. + Sure, no problem. B:+ No, you cant + im sorry, you cant. += im afraid not. + donit think that's dares 6 Speak Ss permission or make requests and answer. Use the prompts below and your own ideas. ® go / supermarket, bookshop, library, etc. @ use / computer, mobile, pen, etc. ® give me / pencil, book, MP3 player, etc. Ineed a book. Can you go to the library? ‘I'matraid not. 'm tired. Liz Excuse me. — —— Man Yes? Can | help you? iz Canicome in? Man [m afraid not. Were closed. erred eae RR ee eek 2 Read again and match tomake true sentences. = wants a new toothbrush. 6 Listen @ wants to go to the skatepark Listen and write for True or for Fase cant go skateboarding in the 1 The boyscant pay eotal ena inthe par Seis We beds Ee PST 68 ro bodinen © library. 3, Rex can sit on the sofa Oo wants a newspaper from the 4. The man can make dinner tonight. C) newsagent’. : Read the texts1.7 and match them with the sentences a-k. 3. You mustnt use your mobile phone. b. You mustnt eat or drink ( «. You must cal a frlend 4. You must buy ticket here @. You mustnit touch the paintings. f. You must wear a helmet, 9. You mustnt bring animals. hi. You mustnit climb the fences |. You must leave at si oclock J. You mustnt feed the animals. k. You mustrit run S © Grammar , 6 Dyeuiatiation iF) The verb must A Lsten andrepeat Whicetersare AFFIRMATIVE Ea i | mara Yeu You 1. tha words end darts the nt eta She mustgo She mustn't (must not) go pra ei ek check yr eevee it i know } castle } tonight) _ talk We We ae ee J J you You at a listen ) eight ) design J knee RSs SHORT ANSWERS snuaausss 1 1 1 you you you (i he he 6 Listen © Must she go? | Yes, she must. No she must Lenn ae aS i i t = = am ee ome) you you you Sd ay a et o bon vou, a "i panes ‘Complete with must or must’. 4. Ac Excuse me. yo eat or drink in the hospital ‘Sorry. 2.You tak n las. You listen to your teacher. 3A: Itigy my room now? Yes. its a mess! tum off the TV before you leave 5. Dorit use your camera. You take pictures in the art gallery. @Necabutary Complete the sentences with the words in the box. wear 200 tickets feed begin knee pads 1. The children love animals, Let's take them to the 2. Excuse me, what time does the flim ? 3. Jack, Im busy. Can you please the dog? 4, A: Where are the ____ for the basketball ae Dialogue! (-) Dialogue () Br thik theyre onthe chen table, owuiogue2 ©) vhiogues C) 6. Maria wants to go rlertledng but she rast got e White eee Thinkota pac aga mseum, your classroom) and write three sentences about what you must and mustn't do there. 55m QNecabutary oO 6 Listen Listen and repeat. Listen to Tina talking about her new flat and answer the questions. Choose picture a orb. J 2st twenty-sirst } 20tn twentieth B } 19%n nineteenth } 18th eighteenth } 7th seventeenth } 16th sixteenth +} 15th siteenth } 14th fourteenth, doo | 13th thirteenth | 12th tweirtn } 1th eleventh + 10mm tentn 9th ninth } 6th eighth } am seventn } etm sixtn | Sen nt } 4th fourth } Sra thie } 2nd second + Ast first } rum cor © Sreaxs Write ‘A.Read the description below and complete the notes. comictetnenctesbdow about yourboweMat Testakinpas Wher do youve? ha ‘test number Stret/Road —_ Do you live in a house or flat? Tienes House or nat? Foor as ieee Bee Js your house/flat big or small? Number of bedrooms? Number of bathrooms? i cea soreness Garden? yes no Balcony? yes. no are there? teeee Favourite room? What's in it? Have you got a garden/balcony? C.Readandsethe prompts te make sentences Whats our tevourite room? Wats inte Description of a house/fiat When writing a description of a houseiflat, don't forget to use: © there is/there are and have got/has got. In my flat there are two bathrooms. ‘My flat has got two bathrooms. ® commas and and to list things. D. Write a description of your housefiat. ‘Use the information from activity B. In my bedroom there's a bed, a bookcase and 3 TV. 1. myhouse:two bedrooms sal ving room / chen / bathroom i , inmy house My house a 2. my bedroom: bed / desk | bookcase In my bedroom a My bedroom eee a Cece ea cD 7m 9175 Score: /6 | B.Cliclethe correct words. 1. There are 900 rooms in the flat / palace. 2, The skatepark is far / popular from my house. 3. The bikes are upstairs / downstairs in the basement, 4. There's a new rug / wall in my bedroom. 5. There's usually a sofa or an armchair in every living room | bathroom. 6. Peter lives on /at the first floor. Grammar .Complete with anor the 1. Theres bathroom upstats, __ bathroom s next to my bedroom, 2. In tng room there's __ orange lam. Tap is very ol 3. The new shopping centre has ot three restaurants and __ big cinema Score: _/6 D.Completewith the correct form of there sare. 1 ‘a newsagent’s near your house? fo, but _ a supermarket and a bookshop. How many bedrooms in your new house? B: Five. My house is very big, A: Really? five bathrooms, too? B:No, silly. two bathrooms. Score: _/6 E.Choose the correct words. 1. 've got a new poster in / on my room. 2. My sister's bedroom is between / next to my parents! bedroom and the bathroom, 3. Your sunglasses are on / in the floor 4, Joe's shoes are under / behind the door. Score: /4 F. Complete using personal pronouns. 1. ___cant find my pencil. Give __ your pencil please 2. That girl cantt climb the fence, Let's help _. 3, Look at that poster. _ is very nice. Let's buy _ 4,A: Look. Those are Alfred's sisters, Be Where? ‘A:__‘re nent to him. Can you see_ now 6. Complete with mus or mst 1. You use your mobile phone in class. 2.ts ate You go home now 3. You turn off your mobile phone at the theatre Sit Score 13 Communication H. Complete the dialogues with the sentences a+. a.Can I help you? b. Thanks a fot, ‘¢. Can you do me a favour? 4. Excuse me. e. What's up? fim afraid not 1 AO Yes? (2) ‘A: es please. Can | take pictures in the art gallery? Be) 2 ‘AsHey, Meg, @) Be can't. do my Maths homework. (5) ‘A: Sure, what? B: Can you help me? A: Of course, Be ® talk about the rooms in my houseifiat ® describe my bedroom ® ask for permission and make requests ® understand signs and notes ® talk about rules ® write about my house/tiat [ Score: TOTAL SCORE: 150) The life of a typical British teenager eee Re Ne eae and in the evenings, | hang out with friends or watch Eastenders is a famous TV programme. | don't like it very much, but my mates talk about it all the time at school, so | must watch it. Bor Bence and we eat a lot of different Chinese, Italian. | like e don’t often have that. s usually at seven, an kinds of food like Indian, Fish and chips, too, but wi On Saturdays, | go shopping with my mates or 1 go to a football match with my brother. He's A rmeenaeny On Saturday nights, usually go to a friend's house or my mates and sometimes go to a concert. Coldplay are my favourite band at the moment, but | like the Aretic Monkeys, too. On Sundays, usually stay at home. My nan usually visits, and we } have Sunday dinner together as a family. On Sunday evening, (do my homework and get ready for school on Monday. Read again and answer the questions. Glossary 1. What time does Emma go to schoot? 2. What does Emma watch on the ely? Ly. 3. Where does Er ith her brother? Eastenclers = popular TV soap opera pete oes Ee ee Dearie mmate=fiend! 44. What is Emma's favourte band? 5: Who usually has lunch with Emma’ family Sunday dinner =iamch on Sunday ae 6. What does Emma do on Sunday evenings? You can find more information on this topic inthe Student's Area at ‘Read the song and circle the correct words. B Then listen and check your answers. $0, Yeah, yeah, yeah, It's my space Yeah, yeah, yeah, It’s my place My place, my space I surf the Net and read (1) magazines / books My place, my space It’s my space, do you know what | mean? My place, my space OK, there’s (2) always / usually a big mess My place, my space But | (3) love / hate it that way, oh yes! My place, my space @ Hip hop / Pop star posters all over the wall My place, my space Clothes on the (5) bed / floor but that's not all My place, my space You can find it (6) upstairs / downstairs My place, my space My friends and | (7) go/ hang out there Yeah, yeah, yeah, It's my space Yeah, yeah, yeah, It's my place Nice and tasty OOO c= ® What's your favourite food? ® Do you like going to restaurants? ® Where do you like eating? k= ® to talk and write about food preferences ® to order food ® to offer something to accept and refuse an offer to ask and answer about quantity ® to write about your eating habits ey Oe erg A. Listen to the dialogue. ‘Then read itout in patrs. Dale im hungry. Let's make a pizza with some sausages and cheese. Mona That's not healthy. Lets make my famous fruit salad. Dale Frutt salad? Yuck! Mona No. ro, you must try t Five minutes later. Dale Ok, have we got everything? Mona | think so. We've got some bananas and ae rar We ec anappe. There aeato some cheres__‘MON®_ Some yoghurt Here pi some on op of the fel tranberres nthe fdge pase Teste Steady Hive some Dale | dont like apples very much. haste AVG Wate Mona Oh OK. Do you ike oranges? ee nee Dale Yeah, Mona Let me try... Mmmm, yummy, Its quite tasty. Me MSIE NS as eo erat Dale | dont think so, Can | make my fruit salad now? Some fruit and a lot of ice cream! B. Read again and answer the questions. 1. What does Dale want to eat? 2. What do Mona and Dale put in the fruit salad? ‘4. What does Mona think of the fruit salad? 3. What does Dale think of the fruit salad? 5. What does Dale warit to do in the end? yoghurt oo foes PY come) cheese There's a banana and some milk in the fridge. There are some cherries, too. een , Cor Complete with a, anor some. 1. AcLet's buy tomatoes and ___ peppers. \K. But we need chicken and cheese, too 2. A: lim hungry. B: Here, have yoghurt. 3. A: There's orange and cherries in the fridge. @ QD) w:wnat avout pananas? 6 Speak ‘Talkin pairs. Lookat the food in activity 1 and talk about what you like/don't like. Do you like cherries? Yes, like them very much. They're tasty./ No, don’t ike cherries at all. They're horrible. What about you? Q Ware ne sae eam ‘Look thepicture. Who do you thinks ve tothe di ‘hungry? logue and find out Then read i out in groups. Woman Welcome to Foodys. Can | take your order? Liv [dike a cheeseburger and a salad, please Woman OK. Would you like a drink with that? eee tcale ken leone, plural countable nouns): erin eat a, * inaffirmative sentences. Amy No. | want to order, too. Can | have a burger. some, i hare is sate hetcinmy i the ‘chips and an orange juice? dae. Woman OK. Would you like some ketchup with your There are some sandwiches on the chips? table. Amy No thanks in questions when we offer or ask Woman And what about you? for something politely, Bill Well fd like three burgers, please. Woutd you like some ice cream? Woman Sure. Would.? Can Ihave some chips please? Bill Oh. [id lke a salad and some chips, too. we tsciaw GrnTincoareSbie'ana at plural countable nouns): ‘We use some (with uncountable and Bill What? m hungry! inquestions. 's that all then? Have you got any ice cream? Bill Erm. Id like a milkshake.. no Id like a lemonade. Are there any soft drinks in the ‘Actually [lke both. tm very thirsty. triage? That. negative sentences. There isnt any rn (Oh, and have you got any strawberry ice cream? o eka ee No. Im afraid we haventt got any strawberry ice cream, But we've got chocolate and banana. = ») Hmm. like some banana ice cream for dessert. please. ‘Complete the dialogue with some or any. oo Waitress Hello. What would you lke? Woman 1c lke () sausages with chips, please Waltress Im sorry, but we havent got Q sausages. Woman OK then. [d Ike (3) pasta Waitress |s that all? Woman No. 'd lke (4) dessert. too. is there (5) chocolate cake? Waitress No, 'm afraid there isnit. Would you like ©) carrot cake? Woman Yes, thank you OQ Sreax ‘Talkin pairs. Goto page 5. [eae omer emiee cook 65) e Nocabulary a eeecet AA Listen and repeat. name theitems. ~ 7 a - Os bottle agas| acupot of water of milk tea/ ote i jcotee —_ Oo aslice ‘a packet of bread of biscuits Of ee ‘ how healthy you are. acan of lemonade LIFESTYLE |p 25 li QUIZ: Are youa healthy eater? 1. How many meals do you have a day? 4. How much milk do you drink a dau? a.3-4small meals. a. Over three glasses. b.2meals. b.Ijusthave some with my cereal. c.Idontt know. Ieat all day. .Ihate mil 2.What kind of snacksdo you eat when How many soft drinks do you drink you're hungry? aday? a. Fruit. a.Tonly drink water. b Asandwich. b Just onecan. Chocolate bars or sweets. ¢.3-4cansa day. 3, Do you eat fruit and vegetables? 6.Do you eat junk food? a. Yes,every day. a. Not very often. b.Sometimes. p.23times a week. Very often. Its sotasty! ‘c Fruitand vegetables? What are they? © Grammar @ How much? / How many? Ht Complete with How much or How many. We use How much + uncountable nouns: 2. ‘A: How much lemonade have we got? a B: About two bottles. We use How many + countable nouns: ‘A: How many apples do you eat a day? B: Two. 5. @ ®) cay? Listen @ Listen toa survey and answer the questions. ‘1, What does the boy have for breakfast at weekends? 0 2. What does the boy Ike, frult or vegetables? Speak oS ee ar Sey ee See a a uaa Oo LFESTYLE | p27 Bees Mostly as: Congratulations! You are a very healthy ter! You are very careful with what you at. Good for you! Mostly bs: Well it’s not all good but we can't say it's all Sed. You know what's healthy for you but ‘you dontt always eat right. Keep trying. Mostly Cs: ‘"ou've got some very bad eating habits. You ‘=3t a lot of junk food and that's very bad for yeu. You must change your eating habits now! BE the tndge? the os water do you drink a day? onions have we got? chairs are there in the kitchen? orange juice Is there in ‘cups of coffee does Julia drink tea do British people drink? 3. How much water does the boy drink every day? 4. How many chocolate bars does the boy eat every week? Smee apples Sera How much water do you drink a day? I drink six glasses of water a day. ga 1B Report your answers to the class. Three students in my group drink. White Writeatew sentences about Oe Q ke @ {A Read and match the questions with the answers. Then listen and check your 1 How MUch food does a person eat a year? A 2 Ave a carrots orangey °” 22” 3. My brother says pota toes a taste the same. Thats not tee, os ot true. right? a Judy, Leeds '$ tomato a fut or a vegetabiep John, Pl “) .e@ 5 Can you eat at mushrooms ee . Kate, Manchester This week find out about food. Q&A @ Well a lot of people think that these <== vegetables have a different taste, but they dont. The problem is their smell. You dontt believe it, eh? Try this test then. Pinch your nose and eat them with your eyes closed Dp tt cerends. Are you a scientist ora cooke Scientists say itis afr but Cooks usually call it a vegetable. You see, the tomato isnt sweet lke fru. (C_ Nosome are dangerous, so be careful Others are tasty and heathy ‘The Matsutake mushroom Is delicious, but it's quite expensive. ‘Some people in Japan pay $2000 for a kilogram. Well at the supermarket we usually find orange carrots. But not all carrots are orange. There can be other colours too: purple. white, yellow. Strange, huh? ‘The average person eats about 682 kg of food a year. Most people eat about 68 kg of beef, 16 kg of eggs, 22 kg of chicken, 31kg of bread, 57 kg of potatoes. 36 ka of fruit and drink: about 132 It of milk. Are you hungry? 'B Read again and complete the sentences. 1. Onions and potatoes have the same 2. Cooks say the tomato is a 3. Matsutake mushrooms are tasty and healthy, but they are 4. Carrots can be Cpe a 5. The average person eats about 22 kg of and of fruit a year. Decide in which part of the text you can find the information you need, oy QNecabuiary eo ‘Prcunuciadiod © A. Listen and repeat. What's the find sweet expensive cook smell call Aifference between a andb? a. yoghurt — 1. A: Mmmmm! What's that e wisest GeO Gioia, B: Oh, It's coffee. Come into the kitchen and have some. 2. A: This chocolate cake isn't atall uae a B: Do you think so? | lke it hungry 3. Asis cereal healthy for you? How can | Le. i out? sausages B: Surf the Net. 99 4. A: | want to buy a new computer but theyre very vegetables strange know, 90 5, Please stay and have dinner with us tonight. dangerous My grandmother's a great 6. This is our rabbit. We her Trixie a oO Listen @ A. Before you listen, try to match the {information (a-e) with the pictures (-5) below. You content ts O Sree oy 0 Siem mer esa OC) eee O @, They also call this a dragon fruit. () B.Now listen and check your answers. Listen again and write T for True or F for False. 1. Durians taste horrible. c 2. Pitayas are a kind of strawberry. ( 3. You can find dragon fruit in South America. 4. Truffles taste like potatoes. 5. People in Southeast Asia eat banana flowers, epeat. Which of these Listen ave for breakfast, ch doyouhave ordinner? pRREOET Hello, my name's Angelica and 'm from Burano, italy. For breakfast, | usually have biscuits with milk or hot chocolate. | love biscuits! For lunch, my mum makes some pasta and a fish or meat dish. OF course, we always have a salad or cooked vegetables. On Saturdays, | often go to the city centre with my friends and have my favourite pizza al taglio. | like it with cheese, tomato and mushrooms. For dinner, | often have meatballs or pasta with tomato sauce. At the weekend, | sometimes have a frittata. That's an omelette with vegetables and cheese or meat. My dad is a great cook eo vf sten > and his frittata is delicious. ‘ jesand snto three short dialogues @ vister the questions. choose ar. , woman order? rice bea chicken omelette y have for lunch? 4. What does the icken with does the boy usuall 2 as b. soup 2 via does the git hate’ ae b. pancakes: a. doughnuts fal B. Complete the table below about your eating habits. Then talkin pairs. Pn ‘What do you usually have for breakfast? What do you usually have for lunch? Wat do you usually have for dinner? — Ve Read and replace the wordsin bold in the sentences with subject or object pronouns. ‘Avoiding repetition When writing. try not to repeat the same words all the time. Use words tke: @ he/she/it/we/they (subject personal pronouns) They never eat tomatoes. Tomatoes are horrible. © him/her/it/us/them (object, personal pronouns) Pasta is my favourite food. | ove it pasta 11. My dad doesn't usually eat breakfast. My dad hasrit got time for breakfast, 2. We always have vegetables with our ‘meals but | dontt like vegetables. Vegetables are horrible! 3. John doesnt eat chocolate. Chocolate Isrit good for John, 4, My sister and I usually have breakfast together. My sister and | have cereal and orange Juice 5. | always have pizza on Saturday nights. Pizza is my favourite. D. Write about your eating habits. My eating habits For breakfast, | usually have... For lunch... For dinner... oo Rie oe words all the time n» Ware Round. Nocabulary A.Wrilte: 1. three vegetables: 2. three types of fru 3. three types of dairy products: 4. three types of meat B.Circlethe correct words. 1. Would you like a nice, hot eup /can of tea? 2. This sandwich is delicious / horrible | love it. 3. |m thirsty / hungry. | need some water. 4. Can you get me a glass / bottle of milk from the supermarket? 5. A: Would you like some pasta / chicken? B: No. I don't eat meat 6. There's a packet /slice of biscuits and some cake In the kitchen. ‘Score: /6 | Grammar (2 Conglei senicns wii cr: 1. Weve got pepper onion and tomatoes. Let's make a salad. 2tde burger chips and orange juice please 3. Theres cheese ana chicken in this sandwich Score 18] D.Complete the sentences with some or any. 1. is there ice cream inthe fridge? 2. Would you ike sauce on your pasta? 3. There isnt rice inthis soup 4. dont arink soft drinks, They're not good for you Vd tke ketchup. please ; Score: 1s E. Complete the sentences with How much or How manu. i water do you drink a day? a ‘eggs do we need for the omelette? 3 bottles of water are there in the fridge? chocolate do you eat a week? (Score: Communication Match 4. thirsty a. No thanks 2. love pasta b. Justa slice 3. How much pizza do you want? . Have some orange juice d. I'd also ke a club 4. Is that all? sandwich. 5. Would you like . Me too. It's my favourite some tea? food. (Score: 15 G.Complete the dialogues with the sentences a-e. a. Is that all? b. Would you like some chocolate? «. Can | take your order? . Good for you. e. Is there any bread? 0, Girt tm hungry. (0 Boy No, there isnt. 2 Girt Actually, dont eat chocolate Boy @ 2 waiter @) Woman Yes. I< lke a hot dog and some chips, please, Waiter 6) Score: _/10 [TOTAL SCORE: /50 Woman Yes, ® say what food | like and don't like oO ® order food oO © offer something and accept or refuse an offer o ® ask and answer about quantities og ® talk and write about my eating habits +=) ® use some and any © What kind of events do you attend? © What's your favourite celebration? ® Who do you usualy celebrate with? Nicer eer na ee eet a! pence an Tn eisai Gb aaah Loa ® to write a party invitation ® to talk about activities you like / dont like doing ® to talk about dates and seasons ® to write an e-mail \ 1S M4 Si IUDW40 rson saturday, aoe el ’s a fancy-dre! See you love dressing up? worth Road at BOs The party’ and this yea! 7 D0 ‘ke making costumes! Do you Ne pwell my aaaress is 4 HAY Ppajuen ee ring your CDs! pius:t've got anew kar aoke Hi Georgina, ‘Thanks for the party invitation. I love coming to your parties. They're always great fun. I've {got Justin Timberiake’s new CO, so I can bring that. Fancy dress, eh? 1 usually dress up as Spiderman, but I think I need Helo Georin, Tes party time! Butts a bt early for invitations. 1's only Marh, nowy the way, Tort enjoy singing, so dot really Tike perma, bt 1 think Un Karaoke. Bu as you know, ove dancin, i dognt ten heme so'see you there! What nd fey Gane Fergetaly pest, | do you want for a present? jon 2 Ma. Please tell me ae aa Emma B. Read again and answer the questions. 1. When is Georgina’s party? 2. What kind of party is it? 5. What kind of costume has Jim got? 3. What's Georgina’s address? 6. What month is it now? 44. Who has got a new Justin Timberlake CD?_7. Who doesnt ike singing? aT ut the months in order. Write 112. ‘Then listen and check your answers. September 6 January > ees What's the date today/tomorrow? Its 16 March. When's your birthday? Wt in September. It's on 16th September. — ©@ Grammar tke ove going to parties, love +-ing but / hate having enjoy parties at home, o™ o Lookat the prompts and make sentences. 1.Jack / love / dance / at parties 2.the children / enjoy / dress up 3. my brother / hate / do / homework 4.1 / not like / play / tennis, 5, Stacey J enjoy / go / cinema the questions. Choose a orb. 1. What month is it? June July 2.When is Laura's birthday? a.on 4th October _b. on Iéth October 3. When's Darren's party? a.on Saturday —_b.on Sunday GO Srearalhite A. Discuss in pairs or small groups. © What do you like doing on your birthday? ® Do you like having parties? What kind of parties? ® Do you like going out on your birthday? Where do you like going? ‘B.Makea party invitation. Use ideas from the {invitation inactivity 1. Include the information below. sdate + what kind of party ‘what time + what to bring + where Before you read, try to) Bidore rare et aaa Welcome to the Quebec Winter Carnival } ery yor tr days nFetmuary Bornorame, | the friendly snowman. welcomes over a milion | people to the party of the year. The Quebec | Winter Carnival sa great way to celebrate the | magic of winter. Let's see what's happening at the Plains of Abraham. Ws cloudy, @ Ws cold, Its sunny. Its windy. tod es eto It’s snowing ras - B. Match the pictures withthe seasons. Then listen and check your answers. Its cold and windy here but it isn't snowing. winter () spring () ‘At the moment, some people are having a i ae O race in horse-drawn sleighs. us peak = ‘n pairs. Wtssunny. ‘im pleying_|___mnot plying. tat arehappening a the momento speaking You e plying YoU ent PE yer nets : He's talking on the phone. She 's playing | She Isnt playing tt te we we You ‘re playing You aren't playing They They Look over there! People are having a snow bath! They aren't wearing winter clothes, theyre wearing swimsuits! Bonhomme Is also playing in the snow with them. Look at those snow slides! Children are going down the hill very fast! They are screaming and laughing, and they're having a great timel B. Read again and complete the sentences. 1. People celebrate the Quebec Winter Carnival in 2. Bonhomme is a 3. At the Plains of Abraham it isn’t snowing, but it's 4. Some people are wearing Theyre having 5. Some children are having fun on the eas ‘We use the Present Progressive for actions NOTE take-taking get-getting BUT happen- happening Complete with the Present Progressive of the verbsinbrackets. ait (Snow today. Look at the garden. It’s white! 2, Harriet (not listen) to music Inher room, She computer games, 3. Look at the children! They (have) a great time in the snow. 4.Sorry, | can't help you at the moment. 1_____ tidy my room, 5. Its very cold today, so we (wear) our jackets, (olay) eerenNenTy Pronunciation ¢} ‘A. Listen and repeat. What's the dlitference between aandb? arin b.raining B. Listen and tick (/) the sound you hear. snowing fun spring woman kitchen young onsen 6 W: rite Wiitea few sentences about what the weather sks today nd what youre doing now. 2 Nocabulary oo 6 Read o Listen and repeat. Which animals A Lookat the poster. What is the fundraiser do youtthink are endangered? ‘about? Listen to the dialogue and check your ‘answers. Then read it out in groups. ‘Stu Hi, you two. Are you getting ready for the schoo! fundraiser? ‘Amy Yes, we are. But what are you doing there? ‘Stu Im putting up a poster Bil Wow! It looks cool, Stu. Nice work! ‘Stu Thanks. Where's Liv? Bill She's at the library. ‘Stu Why Is she there? ‘Amy Because she's writing the song for the fundraiser concert and she needs some peace and quiet ‘Stu | see. And what are you doing, Bill? Bill Nothing much. fm just sending e-mails. ‘Stu. Who's working on the flyer? Bil Amys doing that Stu Amy, can I have a look? ‘Amy It's almost ready. I'm Just dolphin shark pictures on the Internet now. Stu. And why are you looking at a picture of a cat? It's not an endangered animal. You can have tigers, whales. sea turtles, bears on the flyer. but a cat? ‘Amy | know but it’s SO cute. | Boys Oh Amy! bear elephant “78 (3) Grammar @ Present Progressive (questions - short answers) ‘QUESTIONS ‘SHORT ANSWERS ‘Am 1 playing? Yes, | am, No, | ‘mnot ‘Are you playing? Yes, you are, No, you aren't. he he he 's she playing? Yes, she is, No, she isn't, it it it ‘Are you playing? Yes, you are. No, you aren't, they they they B, Read the dialogue again and complete the sentences. 1. Stu is putting up for Is at the library. She's waiting 2 3. Bill is writing 4.Amy is making a she's looking for 5. They can't put a cat on the flyer because cats aren't At the moment: ‘Complete with the Present Progressive of ‘the verbsin brackets. LA you (get) ready for the party? Br No, Im not. don't want to go. 2A: Harry 4a) his homework? B: No, he alld on the phone. 3. A: Why you (laugh? B: Because my sister (wean a sily costume! Paul and Angela (put) up the posters for the fundraiser? B: Yes, they are. sa 6 Listen © Listen totwofriends talking about a poster for a fundraiser. There are 4 ‘mistakes in the poster. Correct them. BIRCHWOOD SCHOOL Saturday 1th November CONCERT BEGIN: a 6 Speak (GUESSING GAME: What are they doing? ‘Talkin patrs. Student A goto page 113. Student B go to page 114 : x Read @ “FA, A Lookatthe pictures andthe headings 2 Do you know anything about these celebrations? Listen,read andfind out. 2 N ocabulary ¢} Listen and repeat. fireworks Notting Hill Carnival takes place every year during the ‘August Bank Holiday in the streets of London, UK. It has a Caribbean style and about two million people Visit Notting Hill for this colourful street festival barbecue On Saturday, different bands play steel drums in the National Champions of Stee! competition. In this picture a man is playing J, steel drums. Sunday is Children’s Day and there is a short parade for children in costumes. The main parade is on Monday, and the route is about 5 kilometres long. People in Caribbean-style costumes dance to loud music and enjoy Caribbean food. In this picture a man is, plenic wearing a carnival costume and is having a good time! «a0 — aaa ay In the USA, the 4th of July is Independence Day, There are a jot of celebrations like parades, carnivals, concerts, baseball games, and lots of people attend 'B. Read again and write Nfor Notting HIll Carnival ‘or forIndependence Day. 1. There isa different parade for children. 2. People wear colourful costumes 3. People celebrate only for a day. 4. People have lunch in parks. 5. There's @ competition. Present Simple vs Present Progressive » ramimar USE Eng everyday activities | usually play computer orroutines | games after school actions happening | _/m playing a new rogressive ‘now ‘computer game now. Circle the correct words. 1. We usually have / are having lunch at home but we have /are having a picnic in the park now. 2. A: What do you do / are you doing row? B:| decorate / am decorating the house for tonight's party. 3. A: Where are the children? B: They watch / are watching the parade on TV at the moment. 4.On Mother's Day, my brother and I always cook / are cooking for our mother. 6 N ocabulary Complete the sentences with the words inthebox. loud together square festival flag | don't lke this café, The music is very E In here. 2. What's the colour of the Spanish 2 3. The parade begins at the town 4,Let’s get on Saturday evening and watch a DVD. 5. The dance 's in May. ® What is the festival/celebration called? @ When does it take place? ® Where does it take place? @ What do people usually do? aim

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