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Chapter 12: Security

Monitoring Operational

Cybersecurity Operations - SECFND

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Chapter 12 - Sections & Objectives
 12.1 Security Monitoring and Encryption
 12.2 Security Monitoring and Network Address Translation
 12.3 Security Monitoring and Event Correlation Time
 12.4 DNS Tunneling and other Exfiltration Methods
 12.5 Security Monitoring and Tor
 12.6 Security Monitoring and Peer-to-Peer Communication

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12.1 Security Monitoring
and Encryption

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Security Monitoring Challenges
Security Monitoring and Encryption
 Encryption has great benefits for security and privacy
 Encryption can be used for protection of information and
communications by govt., corporations and individuals
 It can also be used by threat actors for evasion and obfuscation
 Govt. try to regulate the use and exportation of encryption
technologies (Wassenaar Arrangement)
 Law enforcement agencies often try to force vendors to
leave certain investigative techniques in their software
 Another idea is “encrypt everything”
 Many security products can intercept, decrypt, and re-
encrypt encrypted traffic payload
 This is often considered as man-in-the-middle (MITM)
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Security Monitoring Challenges
Security Monitoring and NAT
 Network Address Translation (NAT) can present a challenge
• you’re performing security monitoring and analyzing logs
• NetFlow and other data
 Because device IP can be seen in the logs as “translated” IP
addresses versus the “real” IP address.
 Even more pronounced in the case of Port Address
Translation (PAT)
 Security products like Lancope provide features that can be
used to correlate and “map” translated IP addresses with
 The feature is called NAT stitching in Lancope

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Security Monitoring Challenges
Security Monitoring Contd.
Security Monitoring and Event Correlation Time Synchronization
 Logs are useless if it shows th wrong date and time
 Best practices is to configure all network devices to use
Network Time Protocol (NTP)
DNS Tunneling and Other Exfiltration Methods
 Threat actors can send data over DNS using tunneling
 Encoding methods can be used to put sensitive data in the
payload of DNS packets, examples are:
• Base64 encoding
• Binary (8-bit) encoding
• NetBIOS encoding
• Hex encoding
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Security Monitoring Challenges
DNS Tunneling and Other Exfiltration Methods
 DNS tunneling utilities include:
• DeNiSe
• dns2tcp
• DNScapy
• DNScat or DNScat-P
• DNScat (DNScat-B)
• Heyoka
• Iodine
• Nameserver Transfer Protocol (NSTX)
• OzymanDNS
• psudp
• Feederbot and Moto

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Security Monitoring Challenges
Security Monitor and Tor (The onion router)
 Many people uses tools such as Tor for privacy
 Tor enables its users to surf the web anonymously
 Tor usage makes security monitoring and incident response
more difficult
 Malware are known to use Tor to cover their tracks
 “onion routing” is accomplished by encrypting application
layer of a communication protocol stack that’s “nested” just
like the layers of an onion
 The data is encrypted multiple times and sends it through a
“network or circuit” of randomly selected Tor relays
 Tor exit node is the last Tor node or the gateway where the
encrypted traffic “exits” to the Internet
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Security Monitoring Challenges
Security Monitor and Tor (The onion router)

The Tor Browser

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Security Monitoring Challenges
Security Monitor and P2P Communication
 Peer-to-peer (P2P) communication involves a distributed
architecture that “divides tasks” between participant
computing peers.
 They’ve been used to share music, videos, stolen books and
other data
 An application called Peercoin (also known as PPCoin) is a
P2P crypto currency
 P2P systems introduce unique challenges
• Malware can use them to communicate and also spread to victims
• Many “free” or stolen music and movie files usually come with malware
• P2P applications are not immune to security vulnerabilities, hence it is
more susceptible to remote exploits due to the nature of P2P network
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