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How Rising Early Will Help You Lose 10 Pounds

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You stood on the scale that sunny, crisp morning and your eyes widened. 10 pounds
overweight? You have no idea where these extra pounds came from.

�How can I lose 10 pounds?� you wonder. By striving for better eating habits and
regular amounts of exercise. Hmmm, you think, I barely get my chores done, so I
don�t have time to add exercise to my life.

Wait a minute! Every morning you hit the alarm clock�s snooze button again and
again. You finally get up, grab a quick bre...

lose 10 pounds, weight loss, weightloss, idiot proof diet, lose weight, lose fat,
lose ten pounds

Article Body:
You stood on the scale that sunny, crisp morning and your eyes widened. 10 pounds
overweight? You have no idea where these extra pounds came from.

�How can I lose 10 pounds?� you wonder. By striving for better eating habits and
regular amounts of exercise. Hmmm, you think, I barely get my chores done, so I
don�t have time to add exercise to my life.

Wait a minute! Every morning you hit the alarm clock�s snooze button again and
again. You finally get up, grab a quick breakfast bar and leave for work. But your
life could use some re-organizing.

For instance, you could get up earlier and exercise. Yes, exercise first thing in
the morning, when you have tranquility. Whether you choose an activity indoors or
outdoors, you can hear blue jays chirping and squirrels jumping from tree to tree.
The new day can symbolize hope and renewal, and a great way to renew your
commitment to your body can be through exercise.

Exercise in the evening may not be possible. If your legs can�t seem to move and
your body aches later in the day, you have one more reason to exercise in the

Another reason you choose the morning can be to get the most out of the small
chunks of time you spend exercising. Studies have shown that the human body first
burns off carbohydrates and then burns off fat. Since our main purpose in
exercising�other than to look and feel great� focuses on burning fat, you would
want to be active when you have an empty stomach.

An empty stomach means that the body has few or no carbohydrates, thus when you
exercise, your body will use fat as fuel. Exercising on a full stomach usually
means you have to work harder to burn fat. As a result, exercise in the morning on
an empty stomach and burn more fat with less effort.

One more reason to exercise in the morning seems simple and profound at the same
time: you create time for exercise. Getting up a little bit earlier gives you more
waking hours, so you don�t go through the day wondering, �When can I exercise?�
Exercising in the morning to lose 10 pounds clearly has advantages. Remember, no
quick scheme exists that can get rid of the extra weight, so you have to use eating
habits and exercise. You owe your body the chance to lose weight- so if exercising
in the morning works better for you, make it a healthy habit.

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