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Thank you for participating in our research on the experiences of male nursing students.

Your input is
vital in understanding the impact of prejudice and stress on the well-being and identity of male nursing


1. Read each question carefully and select the response that best reflects your experiences or
feelings. Use the provided rating scales.

2. Your responses are confidential, and no personal information will be linked to your answers.

3. Your participation is voluntary. You may skip any questions you're uncomfortable with.

4. Your insights are greatly appreciated and will help us gain valuable insights into this topic.

Demographic Information:

Name: (Optional) _____________

1. Age: ____

2. Gender: __Male __Female

3. Civil Status: __Single __Married __Separated __Others

4. Year Level: __1st year __2nd year __3rd year __4th year


Please rate your experiences and perceptions of prejudice in your nursing program using the scale

1: Strongly Disagree

2: Disagree

3: Neutral

4: Agree

5: Strongly Agree

a) Have you personally experienced prejudice or discrimination based on your gender within the
nursing program?

b) Do you believe that prejudice affects your opportunities for advancement or recognition in the
nursing program?

c) Have you witnessed other male nursing students experiencing prejudice from faculty or peers?
d) How do you think prejudice impacts the overall learning environment in your nursing program?

e) Are there specific instances or examples of prejudice that you can recall?

Psychological Distress:

Please rate your level of psychological distress using the scale below:

1: Not at all

2: Rarely

3: Occasionally

4: Often

5: Extremely

a) How often do you find it difficult to concentrate or focus on your studies due to stress or worry?

b) Have you ever considered seeking professional help for managing psychological distress during
your nursing program?

c) In the past month, how often have you experienced physical symptoms like headaches or sleep
disturbances due to stress?

d) How would you rate your overall mental well-being during your nursing program compared to
before you started?

e) Have you noticed any changes in your relationships or social life as a result of psychological

Coping Mechanism:

Please indicate how often you employ the following coping mechanisms when faced with prejudice or
psychological distress using the scale below:

1: Never

2: Rarely

3: Sometimes

4: Often

5: Always
a) When facing prejudice or psychological distress, do you tend to discuss your feelings with friends
or family?

b) How often do you engage in physical activities or exercise as a means of coping with stress?

c) Have you ever used relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing, to manage
your stress?

d) Do you feel comfortable discussing your experiences and emotions with a counselor or mental
health professional?

e) Have you found any specific coping mechanisms that are particularly effective for you in dealing
with stress and prejudice?


Please rate your self-esteem using the scale below:

1: Very Low

2: Low

3: Neutral

4: High

5: Very High

a) How do you perceive your self-esteem in relation to your nursing knowledge and skills?

b) Has your self-esteem been positively or negatively affected by your experiences as a male
nursing student?

c) Do you find that your self-esteem varies based on different clinical or academic experiences?

d) Have you received feedback or support from faculty that influenced your self-esteem?

e) Can you provide an example of a situation where your self-esteem played a significant role in
your performance or decision-making?


Please rate your self-efficacy as a nursing student using the scale below:
1: Very Low

2: Low

3: Neutral

4: High
5: Very High

a) How confident are you in your ability to handle clinical situations and patient care?

b) Do you think prejudice has affected your confidence in your nursing skills and knowledge?

c) Have you noticed changes in your self-efficacy over the course of your nursing program?

d) How do you perceive the role of self-efficacy in your academic and clinical success?

e) Can you recall an instance where your self-efficacy had a notable impact on your performance as
a nursing student?

Professional Identity:

Please rate your sense of professional identity as a male nursing student using the scale below:

1: Very Weak

2: Weak

3: Neutral

4: Strong

5: Very Strong

a) How would you describe your sense of professional identity as a male nursing student?

b) In what ways has prejudice influenced your perception of your role and identity as a nurse?

c) Have there been moments where you've felt a strong connection to your professional identity?

d) How do you envision your role as a nurse and your contribution to healthcare as you progress in
your nursing program?

e) Can you identify any specific experiences or role models that have shaped your professional

Additional Comments

Please provide any additional comments or thoughts regarding the topics discussed in this

Thank you for your participation! Your input is valuable to our research.

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