Animals Q&A 62

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Animals - Q&A;

Date: 23/11/2010

American martens eat meat and what other type of food?

According to tradition, St Patrick drove which animals out of Ireland?

What is the name for the bell like structure which forms a jellyfish's body?

What color are the tips of a green catbird's wings?

Scientists thought butterflies were deaf until the first butterfly ears were identified in
which decade?

Which species of creature has the largest eyes?

Behviour known as 'caching' involves hiding what to return to it later?

Emperor penguins can stay underwater for how many minutes?

There are over how many different species of bowerbird?

Which sense do bottlenose dolphins not have?

Araguaia river dolphins are one of how many known species of river dolphin?

Yellow crazy ants prey on red crabs on which Australian island?

How many months is the gestation period of a cougar?

The Basenji dog breed originated in which continent?

In what type of habitat would you find Capuchin monkeys?

The Chokka squid was previously treated as a subspecies of squid from which

The Araguaia river dolphin is named after a river in which country?

The Atolla jellyfish was named after an explorer from which country?

What is the fastest bird?

What is the name of the glow from bioluminescent fungi?

Most insects have six legs attached to which part of the body?

What shape are a piranha's teeth?

What is the main threat to the future of the Antarctic krill?

Bioluminescent fungus is used by which character in a Mark Twain book to light a

Which is the longest of the birds of paradise?

How many teeth does an adult dog have?

Krill looks like which other marine animal?

How many pups does a Brown Fur Seal give birth to?

What is the genus name of the Brown Fur Seal Family?

Bioluminescent fungi glows at which time of day?

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