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PROGRAMME : Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering with Honours

MODULE : Instrumentation and Measurement
MODULE LEADER : Ir Ts Sukhairul Nizam bin Abdul Razak
DISTRIBUTION DATE : Thursday, 16 November 2023
SUBMISSION DATE : Friday, 15 December 2023 5:00 PM


Fow Seng Joe B1757 BENGME3A

Assignment Feedback Form

Instrumentation and Measurement

Criteria Marks
Engineering Knowledge (LO2, PO1)
1. Identification of sensors contained in the system /20
2. Description of the operating principles of the sensors /20
3. Use of visuals to help in descriptions and explanations /20
4. Use appropriate sources of knowledge /20
5. Format /10
6. Style /10


General Comments:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:


General Instructions
Use the following format for the preparation of the assignment submission.
• Paper size : A4
• Margins: left = 1.5”, right, top and bottom = 1”
• Font size : 12 , Times New Roman/Arial
• Line spacing : 1.5
• Number all pages sequentially
• Number all Figures and Tables sequentially and refer them in the text
• Binding: staple at top left corner of assignment submission

• Assignments submitted after the due date will be considered late.
• Assignments submitted not later than two weeks after the due date will be marked,
but the marks will be capped to a maximum of 40%.
• Assignments submitted later than two weeks will be marked, but carry zero mark.
• First City University College takes allegations of plagiarism very seriously.
Submissions involving plagiarism will be marked, but given zero mark. Plagiarism is
the attempt to pass off the work of another as your own. Information taken from the
work of others should be acknowledged by reference to obviate the charge of
• Collusion is an academic irregularity within the First City University College
assessment regulations. Any student found colluding in the production of any
assessment will be subject to an investigation with the imposition of any penalty
deemed appropriate. Students must ensure they are familiar with the definition of

I. Assignment Requirements


In this era Industry 4.0, computer control dominates most industrial production lines
and processes, heavily relying on measurement systems with sensors to monitor
and control the systems. Transducers and sensors are commonly utilized in various
customer appliances and products. Modern goods are typically microprocessor-
controlled and rely on feedback signals. Furthermore, measurement systems and
sensors enable efficient operation and control in many applications such as smart
city infrastructure, automotive, robotics and biomedical.

Task 1
Write a report on a specific system for the provided list. The report should be less
than 10 pages, including the findings/discussions, visuals, and references. The
report should be written in a way that enables readers with little or no knowledge of
the chosen system to gain a thorough understanding of:
i. The measurement systems or sensors incorporated within the system.
ii. The functions of the sensing element and how the measurement systems or
sensors contribute to the efficient operation of the chosen system.

For the report writing, choose only one (1) system or product from the list provided.
A broad overview of the selected system can be given, and then the discussion can
be refined to cover the smaller subsystems. Visuals should be included where
necessary to better illustrate the report’s content.

Drone with camera Traffic Light System Air Conditioning

Traffic Enforcement Bottle Filling Machine Elevator
Antilock braking system Television Electronic Door Lock
Smart Phone Video Game Consoles Microwave Oven
Ingestible Medical Device Artificial Heart Robotic Arms
Auto Payment Machine Escalator Mars Rover
Automated Baggage Washing Machine Street Lighting

II. Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes Assessment Question

1. Analyze measurement data using appropriate Not assessed in this
physical quantities. assignment
2. Describe the operation principle of sensors Task 1
and transducers.
3. Design signal conditioning circuits according Not assessed in this
to a design specification. assignment

4. Determine the suitable data presentation Not assessed in this

elements for suitable experimental assignment

III. Assessment Marking Criteria

Marks 16-20 11-15 6-10 0-5 Comments

Listed two or Listed only one Listed only one Failure / Out of
three sensors sensor that is sensor that is topic
that are contained in contained in
contained in the chosen the chosen
the chosen system. The system. The
1. Identification of system. The name, type, name, type,
sensors contained in names, types, details and details and
the system details and description of description of
descriptions of the sensor is the sensor is
the sensors given correctly not given.
are given and briefly.
correctly and
Explain and Explain and Explain and Failure / Out of
describe the describe the describe the topic
function of the function of the function of the
sensors and sensor with sensor without
the physical poor physical
principles explanation on principles
behind their the physical behind its
operation. principles operation.
Explain and behind its Explain and
describe how operation. describe how
the sensors Explain and the sensor
enable describe how enables
2. Description of the
efficient the sensor efficient
operating principles
functioning of enables functioning of
of the sensors.
the system. efficient the system
The functioning of without
advantages the system. discussion of
and The its advantages
disadvantages advantages and
of the sensors and disadvantages.
are discussed. disadvantages
of the sensor is
discussed with
one or two
Visuals are Visuals are Visuals Failure / None
used in used but is not provided are
helping helping in not clear or
description description and does not
and explanation. illustrate the
explanation. description
The visuals and
3. Use of visuals to
used help user explanation
help in descriptions
to understand provided.
and explanations
the operating Unbalanced
principles of use of good
the sensors. visuals.
There is a
good balance
of visuals
Theory and Theory and Theory and Failure / None
operational operational operational
4. Use of appropriate
principles principles are principles are
sources of
explained and explained and explained and
described described described
based on based on based on

appropriate limited sources unclear
sources. Citations are sources.
missing but Messy or
references are unclear
presented. One referencing.
or two
mistakes in
citation and
Marks 9-10 6-8 3-5 0-2 Comments
Meets all Meets format Meets format Fails to follow
formal and and and format and
assignment assignment assignment assignment
requirements requirements; requirements; requirements.
and evidences margins, generally Incorrect
attention to spacing, and correct margins, spacing
detail: all indentations margins, and indentation;
5. Format margins, are correct; spacing, and neatness of
spacing and essay is neat indentations; essay needs
indentations and correctly essay is neat attention.
are correct; assembled. but may have
essay is neat some
and correctly assembly
assembled errors.
Shows Attains Approaches Mostly in
outstanding university level university level elementary form
style going style; tone is usage of some with little or no
beyond usual appropriate variety in variety in
university and rhetorical sentence sentence
level; devices used patterns, structure, diction,
rhetorical to enhance diction, and rhetorical
6. Style
devices and content; rhetorical devices or
tone used sentence devices. emphasis.
effectively; variety used
creative use of effectively.
structure and

Video Game Consoles
1.0: Introduction

Figure 1: PS5 DualSense Controller

Video game consoles are specialized electronic devices outputs a high-quality virtual image
display on screen designed for interactive video gameplay. Gaming consoles are typically user-
friendly interface devices designed to connected to a TV, PC or monitor and come with a
standardized controllers that allow gamers to connect with others online and interact for
running game software [1]. The evolution of gaming consoles spans several generations are
widely popular since its offer wide range of high-quality graphics and processing power that
can run demanding games with high-quality visuals and it great for innovative gaming

Nowadays, gaming consoles is one of the largest growing moderns such as Sony’s
PlayStation and Microsoft Xbox has continually evolved to technology advanced and enhance
gaming trends to deliver a real-life gaming experience to the worldwide citizen. One of the
main features that PlayStation 3(PS3) introduced Wi-Fi connectivity so it able to interact online
with other players and controller DS3 also featured motion-sensing technology which was the
first wireless version of Sony’s long running controller. Thus, sensor used for gaming consoles
for PS5 includes dual wireless controller sensors and console sensors.

As the technology continues to enhance the gaming revolution that PS5 has emerged as a
powerhouse in the gaming console industry. At the core of DualSense providing a better
revolution with higher level of immersive gaming experience blurs the lines between the virtual
world of video games [2] and reality. There will be advantages and disadvantages of the gadget
since DualSense controller introduces a new modern era of gaming interaction with its motion
sensor, adaptive triggers and haptic vibration feedback [3].

2.0: Dual Sense wireless controller sensors
2.1: Motion Sensor

Figure 1: Motion Sensor

The Dual Sense Wireless Controller of the PlayStation 5 introduces a groundbreaking

motion sensor that offers 6 axis motion sensing, which is made up of a 3-axis accelerometer
and a 3-axis gyroscope [4]. Motion-sensor gaming used to measure and detect movement in an
area so whenever a sensor detects motion then it will send a signal to the controller to the
security system’s control panel.

Figure 2: Steering a vehicle gaming

Then, 3-axis gyroscopes used to measure the angular rate and it have a single sensing
structure like sensor fusion to perform motion measurement along all three orthogonal axes for
orientation estimation in 3D space. Next, 3-axis accelerometer used to design to measure
orthogonal components of the acceleration along three axes with x-axis, y-axis, and z-axis
allows players to interact with games by physically moving and tilting the controller [5]. For
instance, gamers can physically rotate the controller around to simulate the actions of a car’s
steering wheel in racing games, allowing the car in-game to move left and right without the use
of analog sticks or buttons. These capability opens up a new dimension possibility of gameplay
allowing players to interact with the virtual environment through physical movements.

Motion sensor is important because it allow gamers experiences with motion controls to
precise actions through gesture recognition and tilt functionality in immersive gameplay to
interact with games in dynamic way. For instance, motion sponsors used to simulate actions to
tilting the controller to steer a vehicle or aiming a weapon with higher accuracy and motion
controls provide a level of immersion that transcends traditional gaming experiences.

Figure 3: Gesture Recognition

Moreover, the Dual Sense controller not only includes motion sensors but also features
advanced haptic feedback technology that allows players to feel a more realistic sense of touch
and movement such as racing car accident or get attack by the enemy in a game will cause the
controller to vibrate and movements associated with that action [6]. The motion sensor enables
gesture recognition that allowing players to execute in-game actions through specific physical
movements so that it helps to create intuitive controls and enhancing the user experience.

Advantage Disadvantage
• Gesture Recognition provide • Limited battery life requires to
more intuitive way to control the constantly charge the controller for
game actions. extended gaming sessions.

• Tilt Controls allows for precise • Limited Applicability because all

control in various gaming games may benefit equally from motion
scenarios. controls.

• Potential for Misinterpretation of

• Multi-Sensory Experience
motion sensors may misinterpret certain
provide players feel the virtual
movements or gestures, leading to
world through vibrations and
unintended in-game actions.
simulated movements.
Table 1: Advantages and Disadvantages of Motion Sensor

2.2: Haptic Vibration Feedback Technology

Figure 4: Haptic Vibration Feedback

Haptic vibration feedback technology is one of the sensors serves as a groundbreaking

innovation that allows gamers to feel the simulation of the sense of touch by providing nuanced
vibrations and tactile sensations such as “slow grittiness of driving a car through mud". That
mean physically responsive feedback to your hands with dynamic vibrations can simulate the
feeling of reality from environments to the recoil of different weapons that shows the game
actions on the screen with dual actuators. Hence, it works in conjunction with the motion sensor
and other features to enhance the sense of touch.

Figure 5: DualSense 5 versus DualShock 4

The haptic vibration feedback of the DualSense 5 controller integrated with, revolutionizing
the tactile dimension of gaming forward when compared to DualShock 4. This is because
DualSense 5 provide more immersive and tactile gaming experience by diverse range of
sensations to allow gamers to have more responsive feel in the game actions and environment
to enhance the sensory of touch experience. Unlike the traditional rumble motors of DualShock
4 generalized vibration [7] at a huge array of intensities with blunt rumbling or “force
feedback” as well as allow for specific parts of the controller to vibrate independently. Thus,
DualSense 5’s features provide more advancement provides advanced tactile sensations [8].

Figure 6: Operation of haptic vibration feedback
The DualSense controller introduced a major enhancement in the way video game haptics
were implemented with heightened level of immersion that allowing players to feel the subtle
nuances of their virtual surroundings. The developers implement haptic feedback provide a
more immersive and simulate physical sensations and dynamic gaming experience where
gamers can sense everything from the patter of raindrops to the resistance of different terrains,
contributing to a heightened sense of presence in the virtual world [9].

For example, environmental elements in the gaming event can be simulated through haptic
feedback such as gentle vibrations to replicate impulse and impact in fighting or rhythm
environment. For instance, “You can feel the rain”, “You feel the power of the weaponry.
You can feel the impacts as a carbine hits you in the overgrown ruins” [9]. Therefore, the haptic
feedback technology in the DualSense 5 not only enhance the sensory aspect of gameplay but
also provides game developers with a powerful tool to craft more realistic and emotionally
engaging gaming experiences as example as “ Our main goal is to make the controller
disappear”. [9]
Advantage Disadvantage
• Immersive Gameplay Experience provide a • Potential Overstimulation led to
heightened level of immersion, with a greater overstimulation or discomfort
degree of realism. • Power Consumption impacting battery life
• Enhanced Sensory Engagement enhances compared to controllers with rumble controller
sensory engagement to feel distinct sensations • Game Compatibility due to some titles of
for various action games may not fully utilize or optimize this
• Adaptive Responses simulate the sensation of technology
different terrains or the recoil of various

Table 2: Advantages and Disadvantages of haptic vibration feedback

2.3: Adaptive Triggers

Figure 7: DualSense Adaptive Triggers

The Adaptive Triggers of the DualSense controller serves as a groundbreaking advancement
in controller technology by introducing dynamic adjust resistance to the L2 and R2 triggers
based on the game actions when providing a unique form of feedback [10]. The adaptive
triggers provide a real-time responsiveness that enriching gamers to stimulate physical feel the
tension in the game action by adding a tactile layer of realism to gameplay [11] since each
trigger actually has a its own function of geared motor that allows the controller to adjust the
resistance on the fly and to press the trigger of a gun than to step on the accelerator of a car.

Figure 8: Adaptive Triggers in Spider-Man: Miles Morales game

The Adaptive Triggers of the DualSense represents the gaming experience by introducing a
level of functionality that goes beyond conventional controller design. For instance, the
adaptive triggers do offers the feeling the rumble of a train or the crackle of electricity and it
also can change the web-swinging. Each *thwip* of a web as Miles soars through Manhattan
now has a slight resistance to it, adding a sense of life and momentum to the travel [12] through
the controller’s haptic feedback in Spider-Man: Miles Morales game. In NBA 2K21 the
adaptive triggers can change the player’s energy drains by adding more resistance on the sprint
trigger and also PS5 exclusive Deathloop to make weapons feel different, and even block the
adaptive triggers when a gun jam [13].

Advantages Disadvantages
• Differentiated Experiences providing • Increased Controller Complexity
players with distinct and memorable
experiences • Learning Curve may experience
potentially affecting the ease of use for
• Tactile Feedback corresponds to certain individuals.
specific in-game scenarios, allowing for
• Compatibility Issues because some
more immersive gaming experience
titles may not fully utilize this
technology, limiting its impact on the
• Enhanced Realism with heightened
overall gaming experience.
sense of realism by providing dynamic
resistance to the L2 and R2 triggers,
simulating the effect of game action such
as swinging in Spiderman game.
Table 3: Advantages and Disadvantages of Adaptive Triggers

3.0 Conclusion:

In conclusion, PlayStation5 has become a game controller standard, having a transformative

impact on the entire gaming industry represents a significant advancement in gaming
technology that enhance with several innovative features in gaming experience. There are many
citizens have been playing PlayStation due to evolution of gaming controllers always
implement more dynamic and immersive gaming environment. In addition, the DualSense has
been integrated innovative gameplay experience with haptic vibration feedback and adaptive
triggers on the controller provide a level of realistic effects such as Tempest 3D AudioTech .

Furthermore, The DualSense controller also one of a significant impact that inspiring
developers to create games that make use of its unique capabilities may continue to evolve and
enhance the capabilities of the gaming technology become more widespread in the world.
Overall, the DualSense wireless controller is a significant advancement in gaming controller
technology that enhances gaming comfort by allowing gamers the freedom to move without
cables and providing a more flexible with uncluttered gaming experience.

[1] D. KURLAND, “DualSense: 10 Things You Didn’t Know The PS5 Controller Could
Do,” 13 November 2020. [Online]. Available:
dualsense-controller-features/. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[2] L. GRAY, “What The PS5 DualSense Controller Can Really Do,” 6 Novemebr 2020.
[Online]. Available: What The PS5 DualSense Controller Can Really Do. [Accessed 5
January 2024 ].
[3] L.-M. RANDELL, “8 Hidden Features of the PS5 DualSense Controller,” 25 February
2023 . [Online]. Available:
hidden-features/. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[4] D. KURLAND, “DualSense: 10 Things You Didn’t Know The PS5 Controller Could
Do,” 13 November 2020. [Online]. Available:
dualsense-controller-features/#it-has-motion-controls. [Accessed 22 December 2023 ].
[5] TRENCHLESS PEDIA, “3-Axis Accelerometer,” 7 October 2019. [Online]. Available:
y%20drill%20bit.. [Accessed 22 December 2023 ].
[6] trucoteca, “How to use the gesture control feature on PS5,” [Online]. Available: [Accessed 5
January 2024 ].
[7] A. J. P. JR., “How the PS5 DualSense Controller Differs from PS4's DualShock 4,” 9
April 2020. [Online]. Available:
dualshock-4/. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[8] C. LINDER, “Here's Everything You Need to Know About the New PS5 Controller,” 2
November 2020. [Online]. Available:
haptic-feedback/. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[9] J. Charity, “Video Games’ Sensory Revolution: How Haptics Reinvented the
Controller,” 15 September 2021 . [Online]. Available:
feedback-ps5-returnal. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].

[10 C. Martinez, “This is how the DualSense triggers work, the PlayStation 5 controller,”
[Online]. Available:
adaptive-triggers/. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[11 C. JONES, “PS5 Controller: What The Adaptive Triggers Could Be Used For,” 14 April
2020 . [Online]. Available: PS5 Controller: What The Adaptive Triggers Could Be Used
For. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[12 C. Gartenberg, “The DualSense’s adaptive triggers show how to make a button feel next-
gen,” 1 April 2021 . [Online]. Available:
button-next-gen-immersion. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].
[13 T. Warren, “The PS5’s new controller is amazing — here’s how it works,” 3 November
2020 . [Online]. Available:
dualsense-adaptive-triggers-haptics-teardown-features. [Accessed 5 January 2024 ].


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