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INPUT Length of Slab = 5.0 Mtr

INPUT Width of Slab = 4.0 Mtr

INPUT Check for One Way Slab NO

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab CON
α= 26
β=1 1
γ= 1.61
δ= 1
λ= 1

Span / Eff depth Ratio 41.86 αβγδλ

Min Overall Depth of Slab = 150 mm 150

Effective Width of Slab Lx 4.15 Mtr
Effective Length of Slab Ly 5.15 Mtr


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm

Dead Load of Slab 3800 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 750 N/Sqm
Total Load 6050 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w 9075 N/Sqm

Effective Width of Slab Lx 4.15 Mtr

Effective Length of Slab Ly 5.15 Mtr
Ly/ Lx 1.24
Moment Along Short Span Mx & along Long Span My
Short Span Coefficient αx for Ly/Lx
INPUT Coeff of -ve Moment at the Edge αx1 0.047 0.047
INPUT Coeff of +ve Moment at the Mid Span αx2 0.036 0.036
Long Span Coefficient αx for Ly/Lx
INPUT Coeff of -ve Moment at the Edge αy1 0.032 0.032
INPUT Coeff of +ve Moment at the Mid Span αy2 0.024 0.024
Moment along Short Span
-ve M at the Edge =αx1 w Lx^2 7.35 KN m
+ve M at the Mid Span =αx2 w Lx^2 5.63 KN m
SF along Short Span Fx= 1/2 w Lx 18.83 KN
Moment along Long Span
-ve M at the Edge =αy1 w Lx^2 5.00 KN m
+ve M at the Mid Span =αy2 w Lx^2 3.75 KN m
SF along Long Span Fy= 1/2 w Ly 23.37 KN
a1 Rft for -ve Moment along Short Span Lx
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Width of Slab 4.0 Mtr
-ve M at the Edge 7.35 KN-M
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 4.133 bd^2
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 42 mm 121
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 121 mm
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm
Over allDepth of Slab D 150 mm 150
INPUT Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 4994.525
b= -0.87 fy -361.05
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2)

m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At

0.50 0.142 225 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Calculated Spacing of Main Bars 220 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 % 225 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

a2 Rft for +ve Moment along Short Span Lx

Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Width of Slab 4.0 Mtr
+ve M at the Mid Span 5.63 KN-M
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 4.133 bd^2
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 121 mm
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 121 mm 121
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm
Over allDepth of Slab D 150 mm 150
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 4994.525
b= -0.87 fy -361.05
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2)

m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At

0.38 0.108 225 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Calculated Spacing of Main Bars 220 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 % 225 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

b1 Rft for -ve Moment along Long Span Ly

Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Length of Slab 5.0 Mtr
-ve M at the Edge 5.00 KN-M
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 4.133 bd^2
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 35 mm
Adopt Effective Depth d 113 mm
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm
Over allDepth of Slab D 150 mm
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 4994.525
b= -0.87 fy -361.05
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2)

m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At

0.39 0.110 225 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Calculated Spacing of Main Bars 220 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 % 225 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

b2 Rft for +ve Moment along Long Span Ly

Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Length of Slab 5 Mtr
Max BM My 3.75 KN-M
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 4.133 bd^2
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 35 mm
Adopt Effective Depth d 113 mm
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm
Over allDepth of Slab D 150 mm
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 4994.525
b= -0.87 fy -361.05
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2)

m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At

0.29 0.082 225 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Calculated Spacing of Main Bars 220 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 % 225 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK


Grade of Concrete M 30
Effective Depth 121 mm
Over all Depth of Slab 150 mm
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 220 mm
Max Shear Force wl/2 18.83 KN

Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.19 %

(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.326 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.30
INPUT For 150 mm thick slab, k= 1.30

Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.423 N/ Sqmm

Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.16 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


Grade of Concrete M 30
Effective Depth 121 mm
Over allDepth of Slab 150 mm
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 220 mm
Max Shear Force wl/2 23.37 KN

Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.19 %

(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.326 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.30
INPUT For 150 mm thick slab, k= 1.30

Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.423 N/ Sqmm

Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.19 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


a At Long Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 18.83 KN
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Adopt Effective Depth d 121 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 225 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 220 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.4 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 301 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar@ 440 mm C/C

M1 = 4,928,000 Nmm
V= 18830.625 N
Ld in Flexural Bond 464 mm
Factor of Develop Length 56
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm

Max Development Length 464 mm

Max Bar Size in Develop Length 12 mm

Check for Development Length OK


b At Short Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 18.83 KN
Grade of Concrete M 30
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Adopt Effective Depth d 113 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 225 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 140 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.4 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 301 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar@ 280 mm C/C

M1 = 7,167,000 Nmm
V= 18831 N
Ld in Flexural Bond 619 mm
Factor of Develop Length 56
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm

Max Development Length 619 mm

Max Bar Size in Develop Length 16 mm

Check for Development Length OK


Short Span of Slab 4.0 Mtr

Overall Depth D 150 mm
Effective Depth d 121 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Calculated Area of Tension rft 225 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Calculated Spacing of Bars 220 mm
Provided Spacing of Bars 220 mm 220
Provided Area of Tension rft 225 Sqmm
Required % of tension steel at Mid Span 0.19 %
Provided % of tension steel 0.19
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Stress on Service Load fs 241 N/Sqmm
Stress Modification Factor for Tension Steel 1.61
α= 26
β= 1
γ= 1.61
δ= 1
λ= 1
Allowable L/d 41.86
Actual L/d 33.06
Deflection Check is OK
CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

short span co efficient αx=ly/lx (Ref IS 456 Table 26)

Panel Type Moment 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.75 2.0
Interior -ve at edg 0.032 0.037 0.043 0.047 0.051 0.053 0.060 0.065
+ at mid s 0.024 0.028 0.032 0.036 0.039 0.041 0.045 0.045
One Short DC-ve at edg 0.037 0.043 0.048 0.051 0.055 0.057 0.068 0.068
+ at mid s 0.028 0.032 0.036 0.039 0.041 0.044 0.048 0.052
One Long DC -ve at edg 0.037 0.044 0.052 0.057 0.063 0.067 0.077 0.085
+ at mid s 0.028 0.033 0.039 0.044 0.047 0.051 0.059 0.065
Adj Edge DC -ve at edg 0.047 0.053 0.060 0.065 0.071 0.075 0.084 0.091
+ at mid s 0.035 0.040 0.045 0.049 0.053 0.056 0.063 0.069
Two Short DC-ve at edg 0.045 0.049 0.052 0.056 0.059 0.060 0.065 0.069
+ at mid s 0.035 0.037 0.040 0.043 0.044 0.045 0.049 0.052
Two Long DC -ve at edg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
+ at mid s 0.035 0.043 0.051 0.057 0.063 0.068 0.080 0.088
3Edge DC/1L -ve at edg 0.057 0.064 0.071 0.076 0.080 0.084 0.091 0.097
+ at mid s 0.043 0.048 0.053 0.057 0.060 0.064 0.069 0.073
3Edge DC/1S -ve at edg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
+ at mid s 0.043 0.051 0.059 0.065 0.071 0.076 0.087 0.096
4Edge DC -ve at edg 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
+ at mid s 0.056 0.064 0.072 0.079 0.085 0.089 0.100 0.107
Max Depth of Nutral Axis
fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
250 0.53 d
415 0.48 d
500 0.46 d
550 0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Concrete Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
15 2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
20 2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
25 3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
30 4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
35 5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
250 0.53 d
415 0.48 d
500 0.46 d
550 0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Concrete Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
15 2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
20 2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
25 3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
30 4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
35 5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547
Max Depth of Nutral Axis
fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
250 0.53 d
415 0.48 d
500 0.46 d
550 0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Concrete Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
15 2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
20 2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
25 3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
30 4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
35 5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
250 0.53 d
415 0.48 d
500 0.46 d
550 0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Concrete Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
15 2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
20 2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
25 3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
30 4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
35 5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 30
Max SS N/Sqmm 3.5
fck 30
Design Shear Strength
100 As bd β SS N/Sqmm
0.19 18.44 0.326

Value of K
Ds >300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 30
Max SS N/Sqmm 3.5
fck 30
Design Shear Strength
100 As bd β SS N/Sqmm
0.19 18.44 0.326
Value of K
Ds >300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

Design Bond Stress

Greade 15 20 25 30 35 40
Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression

Development Length for Single Bars

fy N/Sqmm Bars Compression Bars
M15 M20 M15 M20
250 55Ø 46Ø 44Ø 37Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø 45Ø 38Ø
500 69Ø 58Ø 54Ø 46Ø

Design Bond Stress

Greade 15 20 25 30 35 40
Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Development Length for Single Bars
fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars Compression Bars
M15 M20 M15 M20
250 55Ø 46Ø 44Ø 37Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø 45Ø 38Ø
500 69Ø 58Ø 54Ø 46Ø

If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increase No

of Bars & Contact Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell

0.19 %
Upper fs Lower fs Actual fs α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
240 241 241 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
1.62 1.61 1.61 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3
Revise the Value till Stress Modification Factor is Same as γ Value
long span αy
Any Value

INPUT Eff Width of Slab ac, ik = 3.0 Mtr b d f

INPUT Eff Width of Slab ce, eg, gi = 7.0 Mtr
a c e g
INPUT Clear Length of Slab = 6.3 Mtr

Check for One Way Slab YES

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25
INPUT Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab SS CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α= 20 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ= 1.26 CAL VALUE FROγ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Span / Eff depth Ratio 25.2 αβγδλ

Min Effective Depth of Slab = 278 mm


INPUT Live Load/ m wide 1500 N/m
Load Factor 1.5 b d f
Factored Live Load w 2250 N/m
Total Factored Live Load =w*L 6750 N a c e g
10.74 BM 6.05 6.05
Dead Load of Slab/ m wide 7000 N/m -5.20 -12.71 -10.97
INPUT Super Imposed Dead Load 750 N/m
Total Dead Load 7750 N/m
Load Factor 1.5
Total factored Dead Load 11625 N/m TABLE 12
Total Factored Live Load =wd*L 34875 N BENDING MOMENT COEFFICIENT

+ M Near Middle of End Span, b 10.74 KNm +1/12 Wd L+1/10 W L

+ M At Middle of Interior Span, d,f 6.05 KNm +1/24 Wd L+1/12 W L DL+IL(Fixed)
- M At Support next to End Support, c -12.71 KNm -1/10 Wd L-1/9 W L IL(Not Fixed)
- M At other Interior Support, e -10.97 KNm -1/12 Wd L-1/9 W L
- M At End Support Support, a -5.20 KNm -1/24 Wd L- 24 W L

SF at the End Support, a 16.99 KN 0.40Wd+0.45W Type of Load

SF At Support next to End Support Outside,c 24.98 KN 0.60Wd+0.60W DL+IL(Fixed)
SF At Support next to End Support Inside,c 23.23 KN 0.55Wd+0.60W IL(Not Fixed)
SF At all Other Interior Support Inner,e 21.49 KN 0.50Wd+0.60W

INPUT Design of End Section (a/ c/ e) c b d

Design of Mid Section (b/ d/ f) b
Eff Length of Slab = 3.0 Mtr c e
Clear Width of Slab = 6.3 Mtr SF 24.98 23.23
16.99 21.49
Max Support BM 12.71 KN m
Max Mid Span BM 10.74
Max Shear Force 23.23 KN


Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Clear Width of Slab 3.0 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Over all Max BM 12.71 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/E
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 61 mm 278 415 0.48
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 280 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Con
Over all Depth of Slab D 310 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4 At
0.16 0.045 127 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Bars at Support 400 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel 0.15 % 465 Sqmm

Check for Min rft NOT OK


Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Clear Width of Slab 3.00 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max Mid Span BM 10.74 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/E
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 56 mm 415 0.48
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 280 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Con
Over all Depth of Slab D 310 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4 At
0.14 0.038 465 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Bars at Mid span 110 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel 0.15 % 465 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

Bend Alternate Bars at L/7 ie 429 mm from the face of the support
Where moment reduces to less than half its max value


Temp rft 0.15 % of gross area will be provided in the longitudinal direction
465 Sqmm
INPUT Use 8 mm Dia bars as distribution Rft
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Distribution Bars 110 mm 8 mm Dia


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth 280 mm
Over allDepth of Slab 310 mm Grade of Concrete M
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm fck
Spacing of Bars 400 mm Design Shear Strength
Max Shear Force wl/2 23.23 KN 100 As bd
Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.04 %
(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.167 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.00
INPUT For 310 mm thick slab, k= 1.00 Ds
Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.167 N/ Sqmm
* Shear Rft be provided in a
Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.08 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


Max Shear Force wl/2 23.23 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 280 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 127 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 400 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 200 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 800

M1 = 6,331,000 Nmm
V= 23231.25 N Development Length for Single Bars
Ld in Flexural Bond 554 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 554 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 14 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increase No of Bars & Con
Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D45


Short Span of Slab = 3.0 Mtr

Effective Depth d 280 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 127 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 390 mm

Percentage of tension steel at Mid Span = 0.05 % % of Tension steel is used for Cal of γ,0.2

α= 26 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26

β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
INPUT Cal γ= 1.8 γ= 1.26 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3
Allowable L/d 32.76
Actual L/d 11
Deflection Check is OK
h j
i k

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

h j
i k

TABLE 12 IS 456:2000
Span Moments Support Moments
Near Middle of At Middle of Interior At the End At Support next to End At other
End Span Span Support Support Interior

+1/12 WL +1/16 WL -1/24 WL -1/10 WL -1/12 WL

+1/10 WL +1/12 WL -1/24 WL -1/9 WL -1/9 WL


At the End At Support next to End Support At other Interior Support
Support Inside Outside

0.4W 0.6W 0.55W 0.5W

0.45W 0.6W 0.6W 0.6W

f h j
g i k

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Shear Stress

Design Shear Strength
β SS N/Sqmm
64.65 0.167

Value of K
>300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear Rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C

ment Length for Single Bars

Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

ed to increase No of Bars & Contact


sion steel is used for Cal of γ,0.2=1.6, 0.3=1.4, 0.4=1.15 for Fe415

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3
(Sec 11.3 Ashok Jain)

INPUT Width of Slab ┴r to Cant L= 3.0 Mtr

INPUT Cant Length of Slab B = 1.5 Mtr

Check for One Way Slab NO

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25
INPUT Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab CAN CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α= 7 7,up to 12 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ= 1.4 CAL VALUE γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Span / Eff depth Ratio 9.8 αβγδλ

Min Eff Depth of Slab at Sup = 153 mm

Min Depth of Slab at Edge = 100 mm 100
Min Avg Effective Depth of Slab 127 mm
Effective Span of Slab 1.63 Mtr


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm

Dead Load of Slab 3800 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 2500 N/Sqm
Total Load 7800 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w/ m Width 11700 N/m

Max BM wL^2/2 15.54 KN-M

Max Shear Force wL 17.55 KN


Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Short Span of Slab 1.5 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM wl^2/2 15.54 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es),
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 67 mm 153 415 0.48
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth at sup d 160 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const
Over all Depth of Slab at sup D 190 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4 At
0.61 0.173 285 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 180 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 285 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

Temp rft 0.15 % of gross area will be provided in the longitudinal direction
285 Sqmm
INPUT Use 8 mm Dia bars as distribution Rft
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Distribution Bars 180 mm 8 mm Dia


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth 160 mm
Over all Depth of Slab 190 mm Grade of Concrete M
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm fck
Spacing of Bars 180 mm Design Shear Strength
Max Shear Force wl 17.55 KN 100 As bd
Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.17 %
(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.311 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.20
INPUT For 190 mm thick slab, k= 1.20 Ds
Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.374 N/ Sqmm
* Shear Rft be provided in a s
Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.11 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


Max Shear Force wl/2 17.55 KN Design Bond Stress

Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 160 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 285 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 180 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 200 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 360

M1 = 7,953,000 Nmm
V= 17550 N Development Length for Single Bars
Ld in Flexural Bond 789 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 789 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 20 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increase No of Bars &
Contact Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D45


Short Span of Slab = 1.5 Mtr

Overall Depth d 190 mm
Effective Depth 160 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 285 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 180 mm

Percentage of tension steel at Mid Span = 0.15 % % of Tension steel is used for Cal of γ,0.2=

α= 7 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26

β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
INPUT Cal γ= 1.8 γ= 1.4 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Allowable L/d 9.8

Actual L/d 9
Deflection Check is OK
8 mm 180 C/C
190 c c
8 mm v 180 C/C

Shear Check Safe

Develop length OK
Deflection Check OK

8 mm 180 C/C

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

8 mm 180 C/C

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Shear Stress

Design Shear Strength
β SS N/Sqmm
16.62 0.311

Value of K
>300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear Rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C

ment Length for Single Bars

Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

uced to increase No of Bars &

a at Cell D45

sion steel is used for Cal of γ,0.2=1.6, 0.3=1.4, 0.4=1.5 for Fe415

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

INPUT Length of Slab L = 4.8 Mtr

INPUT Width of Slab B = 2.0 Mtr

Check for One Way Slab YES

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25
INPUT Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab SS CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α= 20 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ= 1.15 CAL VALUE FROγ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Span / Eff depth Ratio 23 αβγδλ

Min Overall Depth of Slab = 115 mm

Effective Span of Slab 2.12 Mtr


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm

Dead Load of Slab 3500 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 2500 N/Sqm
Total Load 7500 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w 11250 N/Sqm

Max BM wL^2/8 6.32 KN-M

Max Shear Force wL/2 11.25 KN


Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Width of Slab = 2.0 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM wl^2/8 6.32 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/E
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 43 mm 115 415 0.48
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 120 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Con
Over allDepth of Slab D 150 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4 At
0.44 0.124 225 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 220 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 225 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

Bend Alternate Bars at L/7 ie 286 mm from the face of the support
Where moment reduces to less than half its max value

Temp rft 0.15 % of gross area will be provided in the longitudinal direction
225 Sqmm
INPUT Use 8 mm Dia bars as distribution Rft
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Distribution Bars 220 mm 8 mm Dia


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth 120 mm
Over allDepth of Slab 150 mm Grade of Concrete M
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm fck
Spacing of Bars 220 mm Design Shear Strength
Max Shear Force wl/2 11.25 KN 100 As bd
Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.19 %
(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.324 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.30
INPUT For 150 mm thick slab, k= 1.30 Ds
Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.421 N/ Sqmm
* Shear Rft be provided in a
Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.09 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


Max Shear Force wl/2 11.25 KN Design Bond Stress

Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 120 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 225 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 220 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 200 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 440

M1 = 4,874,000 Nmm
V= 11250 N Development Length for Single Bars
Ld in Flexural Bond 763 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 763 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 19 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increase No of Bars &
Contact Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D45


Width of Slab = 2.0 Mtr

Overall Depth d 150 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 225 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 220 mm

Percentage of tension steel at Mid Span = 0.15 % % of Tension steel is used for Cal of γ,0.2

α= 20 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26

β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
INPUT Cal γ= 1.6 γ= 1.15 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Allowable L/d 23
Actual L/d 13
Deflection Check is OK
8 mm 220 C/C


8 mm 220 C/C

Shear Check Safe

Develop length OK
Deflection Check OK

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1 8 mm 220 C/C

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3


8 mm 220 C/C

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Shear Stress

Design Shear Strength
β SS N/Sqmm
15.24 0.324

Value of K
>300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear Rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C

ment Length for Single Bars

Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

ed to increase No of Bars &

t Cell D45

sion steel is used for Cal of γ,0.2=1.6, 0.3=1.4, 0.4=1.15 for Fe415

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

INPUT Length of Slab L = 4.5 Mtr

INPUT Width of Slab B = 3.5 Mtr

INPUT Check for One Way Slab NO

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab SS CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α= 20 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ= 1.18 CAL VALUE γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Span / Eff depth Ratio 23.6 αβγδλ

Min Effective Depth of Slab = 148 mm

Effective Width of Slab Lx 3.65 Mtr
Effective Length of Slab Ly 4.65 Mtr


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm

Dead Load of Slab 4400 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 4000 N/Sqm
Total Load 9900 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w 14850 N/Sqm

Effective Width of Slab Lx 3.65 Mtr

Effective Length of Slab Ly 4.65 Mtr
Ly/ Lx 1.27
Moment Along Short Span Mx & along Long Span My
Calculated Range αx 0.093 ly/lx 1.0 1.1
INPUT αx 0.093 αx 0.062 0.074
Calculated Range αx 0.055 αy 0.062 0.061
INPUT αy 0.055
Mx =αx w Lx^2 18.40 KN m
Mx =αy w Lx^2 10.88 KN m
SF along Short Fx= 1/2 w Lx 27.10 KN


a Along Short Span Lx
Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Short Span of Slab 3.5 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM Mx 18.40 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 73 mm 148 415 0.48
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 150 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = C
Over all Depth of Slab D 180 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.4
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At
0.82 0.236 354 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 140 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 225 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

b Along Long Span Ly

Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Long Span of Slab 4.5 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM My 10.88 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 56 mm 415 0.48
Adopt Effective Depth d 142 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = C
Over all Depth of Slab D 180 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.4
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/ At
0.54 0.153 270 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 190 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 270 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth 150 mm
Over allDepth of Slab 180 mm Grade of Concrete M
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm fck
Spacing of Bars 140 mm Design Shear Strength
Max Shear Force wL/2 27.10 KN 100 As bd
Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.24 %
(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.358 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.20
INPUT For 180 mm thick slab, k= 1.20 Ds
Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.430 N/ Sqmm
* Shear rft be provided in
Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.18 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


a At Long Edge
Max Shear Force wL/2 27.10 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 150 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 354 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 140 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 280

M1 = 9,534,000 Nmm
V= 27101.25 N Development Length for Single Bar
Ld in Flexural Bond 581 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 581 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 14 mm

Check for Development Length OK


b At Short Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 27.10 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 142 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 270 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 140 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 280

M1 = 9,015,000 Nmm
V= 27101 N Development Length for Single Bar
Ld in Flexural Bond 556 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 556 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 14 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increase N
Contact Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D55


Short Span of Slab 3.5 Mtr

Overall Depth d 180 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 354 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 140 mm

Percentage of tension steel at Mid Span = 0.20 %

α= 26 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26

β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
Cal γ= 1.6 γ= 1.18 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Allowable L/d 30.68

Actual L/d 19.44
Deflection Check is OK

7 Torsion Reinforcement when the Corners are not heldup

Torsion rft of 75% of area of main rft is provided in both direction parallel to sides at Top & Bottom
Dist from edge is 1/5 of Short edge

Torsion rft along Short Span 266 Sqmm

INPUT Use Bars of size 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.0 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Torsion rft 190 mm
RESULT Dist from edge along Short Span 700 mm

Torsion rft along Long Span 270 Sqmm

INPUT Use Bars of size 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.0 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Torsion rft 190 mm
RESULT Dist from edge along Long Span 900 mm
8 mm 140 C/C


8 mm 190 C/C

Shear Check Safe

Develop length OK OK
Deflection Check OK

Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1 8 mm 140 C/C

ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3


8 mm 190 C/C

1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.5 3.0

0.084 0.093 0.099 0.104 0.113 0.118 0.122 0.124
0.059 0.055 0.051 0.046 0.037 0.029 0.020 0.014
h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547
Max Shear Stress
Design Shear Strength
β SS N/Sqmm
12.12 0.358

Value of K
>300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C
ment Length for Single Bars
Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C

ment Length for Single Bars

Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

a to be reduced to increase No of Bars &

the Bar dia at Cell D55
Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

INPUT Diameter of Slab = 4.50 Mtr

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25

Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab SS CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α= 20 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ= 1.35 CAL VALUE γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Span / Eff depth Ratio 27 αβγδλ

Min Effective Depth of Slab = 167 mm

Eff Diameter of Slab = 4.67 Mtr


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm

Dead Load of Slab 4800 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 4000 N/Sqm
Total Load 10300 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w 15450 N/Sqm

Effective Dia of Slab 4.67 Mtr

Radius of Slab a = 2.34 Mtr
Dist r from Centre of slab to be Considered 2.34 Mtr
Poisson's Ratio µ = 0.00 Poisson Value = 0 for RCC material

M at r from centreMr = w[(3+µ)(a^2-r^2)]/16 0.00 KN m

M at r from centre Mθ = w[a^2(3+µ)- r^2(1+3µ)]/16 10.53 KN m

Max Ma= w[(3+µ)(a^2)]/16 15.79 KN m

Max Mθ = w[a^2(3+µ)]/16 15.79 KN m

SF at a Dist r from Centre Vr =0.5wr 18.04 KN

Max SF Va=0.5wa 18.04 KN


a Along Radial Direction
Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Dia of Slab 4.7 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM along radial Dirn 15.79 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 68 mm 167 415 0.48
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 170 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = C
Over allDepth of Slab D 200 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.4
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At
0.55 0.155 300 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 170 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 300 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

b Along Circular Direction in the Edge of Slab

Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Dia of Slab = 4.7 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM along Circular Dirn 10.53 KN-M fy Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250 0.53
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 55 mm 415 0.48
Adopt Effective Depth d 162 mm 500 0.46
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550 0.44
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = C
Over allDepth of Slab D 200 mm Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.4
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm Steel
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete Fe 250
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15 2.229
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20 2.972
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25 3.715
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30 4.458
35 5.201
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/ At
0.40 0.113 300 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 170 mm 8 mm Dia for Ld =

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 300 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth 170 mm
Over allDepth of Slab 200 mm Grade of Concrete M
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm fck
Spacing of Bars 170 mm Design Shear Strength
Max Shear Force wl/2 18.04 KN 100 As bd
Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.17 %
(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.311 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.20
INPUT For 200 mm thick slab, k= 1.20 Ds
Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.373 N/ Sqmm
* Shear rft be provided in
Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.11 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


a At Long Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 18.04 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 170 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 300 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 170 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 340

M1 = 8,947,000 Nmm
V= 18037.875 N Development Length for Single Bar
Ld in Flexural Bond 769 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 769 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 19 mm

Check for Development Length OK


b At Short Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 18.04 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15 20
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0 1.2
Adopt Effective Depth d 162 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compression
Area of Tension rft 300 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 140 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @ 280

M1 = 10,312,000 Nmm
V= 18038 N Development Length for Single Bar
Ld in Flexural Bond 867 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15 M20
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø 46Ø
415 56Ø 47Ø
Max Development Length 867 mm 500 69Ø 58Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 22 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increase N
Contact Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D55


Short Span of Slab 4.7 Mtr

Overall Depth d 200 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 300 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 170 mm
Percentage of tension steel at Mid Span = 0.15 %

α= 26 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26

β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
Cal γ= 1.8 γ= 1.35 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

Allowable L/d 35.1

Actual L/d 14.01
Deflection Check is OK
170 mm 8 C/C


170 mm 8 C/C

Shear Check Safe

Develop length OK OK
Deflection Check OK
Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2 170 mm 8 C/C (Radial)
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3


Curtailed at 1/2 Dia

170 mm 8 C/C (Circumfrance)

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

h of Nutral Axis
Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.067 1.991 1.949
2.755 2.655 2.598
3.444 3.318 3.248
4.133 3.982 3.897
4.822 4.645 4.547

322 mm
Max Shear Stress
Design Shear Strength
β SS N/Sqmm
16.68 0.311

Value of K
>300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C

ment Length for Single Bars

Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

25 30 35 40
1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
deformed bar in tension
deformed bar in Compression

mm C/C

ment Length for Single Bars

Compression Bars
M15 M20
44Ø 37Ø
45Ø 38Ø
54Ø 46Ø

a to be reduced to increase No of Bars &

the Bar dia at Cell D55
Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
ssion Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

INPUT Diameter of Slab = 4.50 Mtr

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25

Grade of Steel Fe 415
Type of Support of Slab SS CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
α= 26 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26
β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
γ= 1.35 CAL VALUE γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig

Span / Eff depth Ratio 35.1 αβγδλ

Min Effective Depth of Slab = 128 mm

Eff Diameter of Slab = 4.63 Mtr


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm

Dead Load of Slab 3830 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 4000 N/Sqm
Total Load 9330 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w 13995 N/Sqm

Effective Dia of Slab 4.63 Mtr

Radius of Slab a = 2.32 Mtr
Dist r from Centre of slab to be Considered 2.32 Mtr
Poisson's Ratio µ = 0.00 Poisson Value = 0 for RCC material

M at r from centre Mr= w[a^2(1+µ)-r^2(3+µ)]/16 -9.38 KN m

M at r from centre Mθ = w[a^2(1+µ)- r^2(1+3µ)]/16 0.00 KN m

Max Ma= w[(3+µ)(a^2)]/16 14.06 KN m

Max Mθ = w[a^2(3+µ)]/16 14.06 KN m

SF at a Dist r from Centre Vr =0.5wr 16.20 KN

Max SF Va=0.5wa 16.20 KN


a Along Radial Direction
Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Dia of Slab 4.6 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM along radial Dirn 14.06 KN-M fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 64 mm 128 415
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 130 mm 500
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR
Over allDepth of Slab D 160 mm
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At
0.83 0.240 313 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 160 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 % 240 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

b Along Circular Direction in the Edge of Slab

Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Dia of Slab = 4.6 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM along Circular Dirn 9.38 KN-M fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 52 mm 415
Adopt Effective Depth d 122 mm 500
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 8 mm 550
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR
Over allDepth of Slab D 160 mm
Width of Slab considered for Cal 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At
0.63 0.180 240 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 210 mm 8 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel for Temp strain 0.15 % 240 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth 130 mm
Over allDepth of Slab 160 mm Grade of Concrete M
Dia of Shear rft 8 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 160 mm
Max Shear Force wl/2 16.20 KN 100 As bd

Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.24 %

(at the end, alternate bar are bent up)
Design Shear Strength 0.359 N/ Sqmm
Calculated k Value 1.25
INPUT For 160 mm thick slab, k= 1.25

Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.449 N/ Sqmm

Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.12 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe


a At Long Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 16.20 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0
Adopt Effective Depth d 130 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compres
Area of Tension rft 313 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 160 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @

M1 = 7,228,000 Nmm
V= 16199.4351 N Development Length for Single
Ld in Flexural Bond 704 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø
415 56Ø
Max Development Length 704 mm 500 69Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 17 mm

Check for Development Length OK


b At Short Edge
Max Shear Force wl/2 16.20 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0
Adopt Effective Depth d 122 mm Increase 60% for the deformed bar in tension
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm Increase 25% for the deformed bar in Compres
Area of Tension rft 240 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 140 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd

Ld in Anchorage Bond 322 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
Assumed Development Length 124 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 8 mm dia bar @

M1 = 7,718,000 Nmm
V= 16199 N Development Length for Single
Ld in Flexural Bond 743 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15
Develop length of Single Bar 448 mm 250 55Ø
415 56Ø
Max Development Length 743 mm 500 69Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 18 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK then Bar dia to be reduced to increa
Contact Area. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D55


Short Span of Slab 4.6 Mtr

Overall Depth d 160 mm
Dia of Slab rft 8 mm
Area of Tension rft 313 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 50 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars 160 mm
Percentage of tension steel at Mid Span = 0.20 %

α= 26 α for CAN/SS/CON '7/20/26

β=1 1 β=1 up to 10 m, L>10, L/10
Cal γ= 1.6 γ= 1.35 γ=Factor % Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
δ= 1 δ =Factor of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10
λ= 1 λ= Factor of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig

Allowable L/d 35.1

Actual L/d 17.36
Deflection Check is OK
160 mm 8 C/C


210 mm 8 C/C

Shear Check Safe

SS/CON '7/20/26 Develop length OK OK
10 m, L>10, L/10 Deflection Check OK
% Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3 160 mm 8 C/C (Radial)


Curtailed at 1/2 Dia

210 mm 8 C/C (Circumfrance)

RCC material

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
0.53 d
0.48 d
0.46 d
0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
0.53 d
0.48 d
0.46 d
0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

for Ld = 322 mm
Max Shear Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25
Max SS N/Sqmm 3.1
fck 25
Design Shear Strength
100 As bd β SS N/Sqmm
0.24 12.01 0.359

Value of K
Ds >300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

Design Bond Stress

20 25 30 35 40
1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
0% for the deformed bar in tension
5% for the deformed bar in Compression

320 mm C/C

Development Length for Single Bars

Tension Bars Compression Bars
M20 M15 M20
46Ø 44Ø 37Ø
47Ø 45Ø 38Ø
58Ø 54Ø 46Ø

Design Bond Stress

20 25 30 35 40
1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
0% for the deformed bar in tension
5% for the deformed bar in Compression

280 mm C/C

Development Length for Single Bars

Tension Bars Compression Bars
M20 M15 M20
46Ø 44Ø 37Ø
47Ø 45Ø 38Ø
58Ø 54Ø 46Ø

then Bar dia to be reduced to increase No of Bars &

ea. Reduce the Bar dia at Cell D55
SS/CON '7/20/26
10 m, L>10, L/10
% Tension Rft =1 for 1 %, Fig 10.1
of Compression Rft 1 for 0 % Fig 10.2
of Flanged Beam 1 for web L=B Fig 10.3

INPUT Length of Room Lx 12.20 Mtr

INPUT Width of Room Ly 18.30 Mtr
INPUT No of Grids in Length Dirn x 8 Nos
INPUT No of Grids in Width Dirn y 12 Nos
Aspect Ratio r=Ly/Lx 1.500
Grid Spacing along Lx, a=Lx/x 1.525 Mtr
Grid Spacing along Ly, b=Ly/y 1.525 Mtr

INPUT Grade of Concrete M 25

INPUT Grade of Steel Fe 415
Poission's Ratio of Concrete γ 0.1

Design of Grid Beam Along Lx Direction

Thickness of Grid Slab t= max(b/15,100) 100 mm Min 60 mm
INPUT Depth of Grid beam hw= B/25 to B/15 610 mm Depth Rg 488
Adopt Overall Depth of Grid beam hw 650 mm
Thickness of Web bw=max(b/10,150) 190 mm
Flange Width bf= 15t + bw 1525 mm
Centroidal Axis dist from Top Fiber y 218 mm y= bw*hw(t+hw/2)+(bf*t(t/2))/(bw+hw+bf*t)

Gross Moment of Inertia Iyy 0.01407 Cum Iyy=b*t^3/12+b*t*(y-t/2)^2+bw*hw^3/12+Bw*

Dy = Iyy/b 0.00923 Cum
e= Sqrt(Dx/Dy) 1.00

Design of Grid Beam Along Ly Direction

Thickness of Grid Slab t= max(b/15,100) 100 mm Min 60 mm
Depth of Grid beam hw= B/25 to B/15 610 mm
Adopt Overall Depth of Grid beam hw 650 mm
Thickness of Web bw=max(b/10,150) 190 mm
Flange Width bf= 15t + bw 1525 mm
Centroidal Axis dist from Top Fiber y 218 mm y= bw*hw(t+hw/2)+(bf*t(t/2))/(bw+hw+bf*t)

Gross Moment of Inertia Ixx 0.01407 Cum Iyy=b*t^3/12+b*t*(y-t/2)^2+bw*hw^3/12+Bw*

Dx = Ixx/ a 0.00923 Cum
e= Sqrt(Dx/Dy) 1.00


Live Load 1500 N/Sqm
Dead Load of Grid Slab 3125 N/Sqm
Dead Load of Web 3800 N/Sqm
Super Imposed Load 2000 N/Sqm
Total Load 10425 N/Sqm
Load Factor 1.5
Factored Load w 15638 N/Sqm
Value of r* Sqrt(e) 1.50
Co efficient of Moment Cy 0.0280 0.0280 0.0210
Co efficient of Moment Cx 0.0880 0.0730 0.0880
Moment My=(Cy+Cx*γ)*w*Ly^2/(r*Sqrt(e)) 128.48 KN-M
Moment Mx=(Cx+Cy* γ*e)*w*Lx^2 211.34 KN-M

Max BM 211.34 KN-M

MIN BM 128.48 KN-M
Max Shear Force V= W*a(Lx/2-d) 36.37 KN


Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Width of Beam 0.19 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM Mx 211.34 KN-M fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250
Calculated Eff Depth of Beam 568 mm 610 415
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 610 mm 500
INPUT Use Dia of Main rft 16 mm 550
Adopt Cover for Beam 30 mm Limiting Moment of resistance M
RESULT Over allDepth of Beam D 650 mm
Width of Beam 190 mm
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) 2.99 30
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At
2.99 0.991 1149 Sqmm

Min area of Tension Steel Ao=0.85*bd/fy 237 Sqmm

Max area of Tensile Steel = 0.04 bD 4940 Sqmm

Provide Area of Tension Steel 1149 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 201.14 Sqmm 16 mm Dia

RESULT No of Bars 6 Nos 16 mm Dia


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth of Beam 610 mm
Over all Depth of Beam 650 mm Grade of Concrete M
Width of Beam 190 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Dia of Main rft 16 mm
Area of One Bar 201.14 Sqmm
No of Bars 6 Nos 100 As bd
Max Shear Force wl/2 36.37 KN

Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.99 %

Grade of Concrete M
Design Shear Strength 0.639 N/ Sqmm Max SS N/Sqmm

Calculated k Value 1.15

INPUT For 650 mm thick slab, k= 1.15

Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.735 N/ Sqmm

Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.31 N/ Sqmm

Maximum Shear stress Tcm 3.10 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe

Design of Stirrups
Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Effective Depth of Beam 610 mm
Over all Depth of Beam 650 mm
Width of Beam 190 mm
Dia of Torsion rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Adopt Cover for Side Rft 30 mm

Max Shear Force Vu 36.37 KN

Strength of Shear rft Vus=Vu-Tc bd 0 N Stirrup Rft NOT REQUIRED

INPUT Dia of Shear rft 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
INPUT No of legged vertical stirrups 2 Nos
Area of Vertical Stirrup Rft Asv 157.14 mm
RESULT Spacing of Shear rft x=0.87 fy Asv d/ Vus 0 mm 0 10
Check for Spacing NOT OK Min Spacing is 100 mm for placing of Concr
Min Area of Shear rft 0.4 b x /fy 0 Sqmm
Check for Shear rft Area OK If NOT OK then Increase the size of Rft oa m
Max Shear Force wl/2 36.37 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0
Adopt Effective Depth d 610 mm
Width of Beam b 190 mm
Dia of Main rft 16 mm
Area of Tension rft 1149 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 201.14 Sqmm
No of Bars 6 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm

Development Length based on Anchorage Bond

Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd
Ld in Anchorage Bond 645 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 188 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 16 mm dia bar @

M1 = 211,411,000 Nmm
V= 36366.9609 N Development Length for Sing
Ld in Flexural Bond 7745 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15
Develop length of Single Bar 896 mm 250 55Ø
415 56Ø
Max Development Length 7745 mm 500 69Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 192 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK Then increase No of Bars



Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Width of Beam 0.19 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM Mx 128.48 KN-M fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250
Calculated Eff Depth of Beam 443 mm 610 415
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 610 mm 500
INPUT Use Dia of Main rft 16 mm 550
Adopt Cover for Beam 30 mm Limiting Moment of resistance M
RESULT Over allDepth of Beam D 650 mm
Width of Beam 190 mm
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) 1.82 30
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac))/2a At
1.82 0.554 643 Sqmm

Min area of Tension Steel Ao=0.85*bd/fy 237 Sqmm

Max area of Tensile Steel = 0.04 bD 4940 Sqmm

Provide Area of Tension Steel 643 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 201.14 Sqmm 16 mm Dia

RESULT No of Bars 4 Nos 16 mm Dia


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth of Beam 610 mm
Over all Depth of Beam 650 mm Grade of Concrete M
Width of Beam 190 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Dia of Main rft 16 mm
Area of One Bar 201.14 Sqmm
No of Bars 4 Nos 100 As bd
Max Shear Force wl/2 36.37 KN

Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.55 %

Grade of Concrete M
Design Shear Strength 0.510 N/ Sqmm Max SS N/Sqmm

Calculated k Value 1.15

INPUT For 650 mm thick slab, k= 1.15
Permissible Max Shear Stress 0.586 N/ Sqmm

Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.31 N/ Sqmm

Maximum Shear stress Tcm 3.10 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe

Design of Stirrups
Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Effective Depth of Beam 610 mm
Over all Depth of Beam 650 mm
Width of Beam 190 mm
Dia of Torsion rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
Adopt Cover for Side Rft 30 mm

Max Shear Force Vu 36.37 KN

Strength of Shear rft Vus=Vu-Tc bd 0 N Stirrup Rft NOT REQUIRED

INPUT Dia of Shear rft 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
INPUT No of legged vertical stirrups 2 Nos
Area of Vertical Stirrup Rft Asv 157.14 mm
RESULT Spacing of Shear rft x=0.87 fy Asv d/ Vus 0 mm 0 10
Check for Spacing NOT OK Min Spacing is 100 mm for placing of Concr
Min Area of Shear rft 0.4 b x /fy 0 Sqmm
Check for Shear rft Area OK If NOT OK then Increase the size of Rft oa m


Max Shear Force wl/2 36.37 KN Design Bond Stress
Grade of Concrete M 25 Greade 15
Grade of Steel Fe 415 Tbd N/Sqmm 1.0
Adopt Effective Depth d 610 mm
Width of Beam b 190 mm
Dia of Main rft 16 mm
Area of Tension rft 643 Sqmm
Area of One Bar 201.14 Sqmm
No of Bars 4 mm
Assumed Development Length 200 mm
INPUT Bond Stress Tbd 2.2 N/Sqmm
Development Length based on Anchorage Bond
Ld= 0'0.87 fy Ø/ 4Tbd
Ld in Anchorage Bond 645 mm

Development Length based on Flexural Bond

Ld= 1.3 M1/V + Lo
INPUT Assumed Development Length 188 mm

Moment of Resistance offered by 16 mm dia bar @

M1 = 128,573,000 Nmm
V= 36366.9609 N Development Length for Sing
Ld in Flexural Bond 4784 mm fy N/Sqmm Tension Bars
Factor of Develop Length 56 M15
Develop length of Single Bar 896 mm 250 55Ø
415 56Ø
Max Development Length 4784 mm 500 69Ø
Max Bar Size in Develop Length 119 mm

Check for Development Length OK If NOT OK Then increase No of Bars

4 Nos 16 mm Dia

1.525 190


6 Nos 16 mm Dia

Shear Check Safe Safe

Develop length OK OK




r* Sqrt(e) 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Cy 0.0370 0.0355 0.0340 0.0320 0.0300 0.0280 0.0260 0.0235 0.0210
Cx 0.0370 0.0445 0.0520 0.0595 0.0670 0.0730 0.0790 0.0835 0.0880

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
0.53 d
0.48 d
0.46 d
0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 25
Max SS N/Sqmm 3.1
fck 25
Design Shear Strength
100 As bd β SS N/Sqmm
0.99 2.93 0.639

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 15 20 25 30 35
Max SS N/Sqmm 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7

Value of K
Ds >300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm


mm Dia 2 Legs
ng is 100 mm for placing of Concrete, Max 450 mm

then Increase the size of Rft oa more No of Legs

Design Bond Stress
20 25 30 35 40
1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9

12 Nos

Development Length for Single Bars

Tension Bars Compression Bars
M20 M15 M20
46Ø 44Ø 37Ø
47Ø 45Ø 38Ø
58Ø 54Ø 46Ø

Then increase No of Bars

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
0.53 d
0.48 d
0.46 d
0.44 d
Limiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 25
Max SS N/Sqmm 3.1
fck 25
Design Shear Strength
100 As bd β SS N/Sqmm
0.55 5.23 0.510

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 15 20 25 30 35
Max SS N/Sqmm 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5 3.7

Value of K
Ds >300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm


mm Dia 2 Legs
ng is 100 mm for placing of Concrete, Max 450 mm

then Increase the size of Rft oa more No of Legs

Design Bond Stress

20 25 30 35 40
1.2 1.4 1.5 1.7 1.9
8 Nos

Development Length for Single Bars

Tension Bars Compression Bars
M20 M15 M20
46Ø 44Ø 37Ø
47Ø 45Ø 38Ø
58Ø 54Ø 46Ø

Then increase No of Bars

1.9 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0
0.0190 0.0170 0.0100 0.0073 0.0043 0.0020
0.0920 0.0960 0.1100 0.0774 0.0381 0.0123
(Ex 10.14 Dayaratnam)
INPUT Grade of Concrede M 25 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Grade of Steel Fy 415 (N/Sqm)
INPUT C/C Dist between Column L 5.00 (m)
INPUT Width of Column a 0.44 (m)
INPUT Size of Column Head a1 0.44 (m)
INPUT Strip Width for Cal of BM & SF W 5.00 (m)
INPUT Assumed Thickness t 0.240 (m) L1
Clear Span Between Col Heads Lo 4.56 (m)
Live Load 1500 N/Sqm
Dead Load of Slab 6000 N/Sqm L1
Super Imposed Load 2000 N/Sqm
Total Load 9500 N/Sqm 0.25L1
Load Factor 1.5 0.25L1
Factored Load w 14250 N/Sqm

Max BM Between Face of the Column Mo 185.19 KN M

Co efficient of BM
c1 0.1
c2 0.7
c3 0.6
ci 0.65
Calculated BM
Mn1 c1*Mo 18.52 KN m
Mn2 c2*Mo 129.64 KN m
Mp1 c3*Mo 111.12 KN m
Mni ci*Mo 120.38 KN m
Distributed Moments
Mnc1 100 18.52 KN m
Mnc2 75 97.23 KN m
Mpc3 60 66.67 KN m
Mcni 75 90.28 KN m

Design of Slab for Max -ve BM

Grade of Concrete M 25
Grade of Steel Fe 415
Width of Slab = 2.5 Mtr Max Depth of Nutral Axis
Max BM wl^2/8 97.23 KN-M fy
BM = (Const*fck) bd^2 3.444 bd^2 250
Calculated Eff Depth of Slab 168 mm 0 415
RESULT Adopt Effective Depth d 170 mm 500
INPUT Use Dia of Slab rft 12 mm 550
Adopt Cover for Slab 25 mm Limiting Moment of resistance MR = C
Over allDepth of Slab D 200 mm
Width of Slab considered for Cal 2500 mm
Grade of Concrete M 25 Concrete M
Grade of Steel Fe 415 15
a= 0.87 *(fy^2/fck) 5993.43 20
b= -0.87 fy -361.05 25
c= m= Mu/(bd^2) m= Mu/(bd^2) 30
m= Mu/(bd^2) p %= (-b- sqrt(b^2-4ac)) At
1.35 0.399 1697 Sqmm

Area of One Bar 113.14 Sqmm 12 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Main Bars 70 mm 12 mm Dia

RESULT No of Bars 15 Nos 12 mm Dia

Min Area of Steel 0.12 % 240 Sqmm

Check for Min rft OK

Bend Alternate Bars at L/7 ie 357 mm from the face of the support
Where moment reduces to less than half its max value

Temp rft 0.15 % of gross area will be provided in the longitudinal direction
300 Sqmm
INPUT Use 8 mm Dia bars as distribution Rft
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm 8 mm Dia

RESULT Spacing of Distribution Bars 170 mm 8 mm Dia

Shear One Way Action

Shear Force at a Dist d from r face of the Column =w*L*W 324.90


Grade of Concrete M 25
Effective Depth of Fdn 170 mm
Over all Depth of Fdn 200 mm Grade of Concrete M
Length Of Shear Plan= 4*(De+d) 2700 mm Max SS N/Sqmm
Dia of Main rft 12 mm
Area of One Bar 113.14 Sqmm
No of Bars Nos
Max Shear Force wl/2 324.90 KN

Percentage of Tensile Steel 100At/2bd = 0.31 %

Grade of Concrete M
Design Shear Strength 0.403 N/ Sqmm Max SS N/Sqmm

Calculated k Value 1.20

INPUT For 200 mm thick slab, k= 1.20

Permissible Max Shear Stress 1.250 N/ Sqmm

Nominal Shear stress Vu/bd 0.71 N/ Sqmm

Maximum Shear stress Tcm 3.10 N/ Sqmm

Shear Check Safe

0.5 L2

0.25L2 L2 L2 0.25L2
Distr of BM in a Flat Slabs (Empirical Formula)
Factor of Moment
Column 0.4L Col Strip Mid Strip
Strip Interior Panels
Middle 0.4L 0.5L1 1. with drops
Strip a. - ve M 50 15
Column b. + ve M 20 15
Strip 0.4L 2. W/O drops
a. - ve M 46 16
Middle 0.5L1 b. + ve M 22 16
Strip Exterior Panels
Column 3. with drops
Strip a. Ext - ve M 45 10
b. + ve M 25 19
c. Int - ve M 50 15
BM Coeff in Flat Slabs 4. W/O drops
Factor of Moment a. Ext - ve M 41 10
-ve Mn1 +ve Mp3 -ve Mn2 b. + ve M 28 20
Interior Span 0.65 Mo 0.35 Mo c. Int - ve M 46 16
End Span 0.10 Mo 0.60 Mo
Interior 0.70 Mo

Distr of BM in a Flat Slabs (IS-456)

Factor of Moment
Col Strip Mid Strip
- ve M at Ext Sup 100
- ve M at Int Sup 75 25
+ve M 60 40

Mn1 Mn2 Mn2 Mn3 Mn3

Mp1 Mp2 Mp3

Max Depth of Nutral Axis

Xm=0.0035/(.0055+0.87*fy/Es), Es= 200000 N/Sqmm
0.53 d
0.48 d
0.46 d
0.44 d
imiting Moment of resistance MR = Const * b*d^2 N mm
Const= 0.36*fck*Xm(1-0.42*Xm)
Fe 250 Fe 415 Fe 500 Fe 550
2.229 2.067 1.991 1.949
2.972 2.755 2.655 2.598
3.715 3.444 3.318 3.248
4.458 4.133 3.982 3.897
5.201 4.822 4.645 4.547


Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 25
Max SS N/Sqmm 3.1
fck 25
Design Shear Strength
100 As bd β SS N/Sqmm
0.31 9.24 0.403

Max Shear Stress

Grade of Concrete M 15 20 25 30
Max SS N/Sqmm 2.5 2.8 3.1 3.5

Value of K
Ds >300 275 250 225 200 175 <151
k 1.00 1.05 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30

* Shear rft be provided in a slab deeper than 200 mm

35 40
3.7 4.0
(Ex6.2 Dayaratnam)
INPUT Grade of Concrede M 25 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Grade of Steel Fy 415 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Diameter of the Pipe D 3.00 (m)
INPUT Desity of the Fluid w 10.0 KN/Cum
INPUT Fluid Pressure inside the Pipe p 75.0 KN/Sqm
(1 m water heah= 10 KN/Sqm)

Hoop Tension T=pD/2 112500 N/m

σst 150 N/Sqmm
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 750 Sqmm/m
INPUT Use Dia of Pipe rft 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars along Diameter 100 mm, Dia 10

σst 1.30
Modular Ratio m 11.00
Area of Concrete Required Ac=P/σct-(m-1)*As 79038 Sqmm
Calculated Thickness of Pipe = t=Ac/1000 80 mm
Provided Pipe Thickness 80 mm 0
Min Rft 3% 240 Sqmm
Use Dia of Pipe rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT No of Bars on Longitudinal Direction 5 Nos 8
P= 75.0 KN/Sqm

80 3000
10 mm dia
100 C/C
8 mm dia Nos 5

Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel

Ordinary Wet
σst (N/Sqmm) 230 150

Allowable Tensile Stress in Concrete

Ordinary Exposure Water- Retaining
σct (N/Sqmm) Direct Bending Direct Bending
M20 1.8 2.5 1.2 1.7
M25 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.8
M30 2.2 3.0 1.5 2.0
M35 2.4 3.3 1.6 2.2

mm Dia
(Ex 13.1 Vazirani and Ratwani)
INPUT Grade of Concrede M 25 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Grade of Steel Fy 415 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Width of Spherical Dome w 10.00 (m)
INPUT Raise / Ht of Dome at the Centre h 4.0 (m)
INPUT Radius of Dome shell R=(w^2/4/4+4)/2 R 5.125 (m)
INPUT Live Load on Dome L 15.0 KN
INPUT Acting Area in Diameter d 1.0 (m)
INPUT Assumed Thick of Sperical Shell t 100 mm

sinα =d/2/ R 0.0976

α 0.0977 Radian 5.60

sinΦ= w/2/R 0.9756

Φ 1.3495 Radian 77.32


Self Wt of Dome per Sqm l 2400 N/Sqm

Load per unit Area a 21491 N/Sqm
Angle in Degree 1 5.60 10
Angle in Radians 0.0175 0.0977 0.1745
Maridional stress N/Sqmm 0.5507 0.5520 0.2164
Hoop Stress N/Sqmm 0.5505 0.5441 -0.0953

σst 150 N/Sqmm

Meridional Tension T 21639 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 144 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 200 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Hoop rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars along Meridion 250 mm, Dia 8

σst 150 N/Sqmm

Hoopl Tension 21980 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 147 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 200 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Meridional rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars along Horizontal 250 mm, Dia 8

Ring Beam at Edge of Spherical Shell

σst 150 N/Sqmm
Meridional Thrust Per mm at Edge 10.58 N
Horizontal Component of Thrust 2.32 N
Hoop Tension 11607 N
Area of Steel Required 77 Sqmm
Provide Ring Beam B 200 mm
Provide Ring Beam W 150 mm
Min rft 0.12% Steel area 36 mm
Provide Area of Steel ast 300 Sqmm 300
Use Dia of Rft Bar 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
No of Bars 4 Nos
Check for Stress in Concrete
Sigma st 1.30
Modular Ratio m 11.00
Equivalent Area 33143 Sqmm
Compressive Stress 0.35 N/Sqmm
Check for Stress SAFE



20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 77.32
0.3491 0.5236 0.6981 0.8727 1.0472 1.2217 1.3962 1.5708 1.3495
0.1032 0.0845 0.0809 0.0828 0.0882 0.0969 0.1096 0.1277 0.1058
0.0124 0.0220 0.0133 -0.0037 -0.0267 -0.0549 -0.0882 -0.1277 -0.0788

Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel

Ordinary Wet
Sigma St (N/Sqmm) 230 150

Allowable Tensile Stress in Concrete

Ordinary Exposure Water- Retaining
Sigma Ct (N/Sqmm) Direct Bending Direct Bending
M20 1.8 2.5 1.2 1.7
M25 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.8
M30 2.2 3.0 1.5 2.0
M35 2.4 3.3 1.6 2.2

INPUT Grade of Concrede M 30 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Grade of Steel Fy 500 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Span Length L 30.00 m
Chord Width B 10.00 m
Central Height h 1.80 m
Radius of the Shell R 7.84 m B/2*B/2=h*(2R-h)
Semi Central Angle θ 40.0 Degree Asin(B/2/R)
Arc Length l 10.95 m 2*R*θ
Thickness of Shell t 0.080 m
Check for Thin shell Thin R >=h*20
Shall property Value ρ 3.9157 ρ=((12*PI^4*R^6)/(L^4*d^2))^(1/8)
Shall property Value k 0.0440 < 0.12 k=PI^2*R^2)/(L^2*ρ)*2)
Span Length Check LONG SHELL

Load Calculations

Dead of Shell 1.920 KN/Sqm t*25

WP Treatment/ Misc Load 0.230 KN/Sqm
Total Dead Load 2.150 KN/Sqm
Live Load 0.750 KN/Sqm
Equivalent Dead Load 0.691 KN/Sqm
Total Load on shell p' 2.841 KN/Sqm
P 3.619 KN/Sqm
Sign Loading incremental factor 369 370 Kg/Sqm 370

Membrane Analysis
Membrane Force Tx at X=L/2 Constant 42450.4 Tx=P*R*(L/R)^2
Coefficient 0.203 Cos(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2
Membrane Force Tx at X=L/2 8611.0

Membrane Force S at X=0 Constant 11100.0 S=P*L

Coefficient -0.130 Sin(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2
Membrane Force S at X=0 -1446.7

Membrane Force TФat X=L/2 Constant 2902.4 TФ=P*R

Coefficient 1.000 Cos(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2
Membrane Force Tx at X=L/2 2902.4
INPUT Raise / Ht of Dome at the Centre h 4.0 (m)
INPUT Radius of Dome shell R=(w^2/4/4+4)/2 R 30.125 (m)
INPUT Live Load on Dome L 15.0 KN
INPUT Acting Area in Diameter d 1.0 (m)
INPUT Assumed Thick of Sperical Shell t 100 mm

sinα =d/2/ R 0.0166

α 0.0166 Radian 0.95

sinΦ= w/2/R 0.4979

Φ 0.5212 Radian 29.86


Self Wt of Dome per Sqm l 2400 N/Sqm

Load per unit Area a 21491 N/Sqm
Angle in Degree 1 0.95 10
Angle in Radians 0.0175 0.0166 0.1745
Maridional stress N/Sqmm 3.2373 3.2373 0.3905
Hoop Stress N/Sqmm 3.2358 3.2360 0.3215

σst 150 N/Sqmm

Meridional Tension T 72378 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 483 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 200 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Hoop rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars along Meridion 100 mm, Dia 8

σst 150 N/Sqmm

Hoopl Tension 964435 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 6430 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 200 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Meridional rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars along Horizontal 10 mm, Dia 8

Ring Beam at Edge of Spherical Shell

σst 150 N/Sqmm
Meridional Thrust Per mm at Edge 39.04 N
Horizontal Component of Thrust 33.86 N
Hoop Tension 507846 N
Area of Steel Required 3386 Sqmm
Provide Ring Beam B 200 mm
Provide Ring Beam W 150 mm
Min rft 0.12% Steel area 36 mm
Provide Area of Steel ast 3386 Sqmm 300
Use Dia of Rft Bar 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
No of Bars 44 Nos
Check for Stress in Concrete
Sigma st 1.50
Modular Ratio m 9.33
Equivalent Area 58798 Sqmm
Compressive Stress 8.64 N/Sqmm
Check for Stress UNSAFE
/2*B/2=h*(2R-h) R=(B^2/(4*h)+h)/2


x=P*R*(L/R)^2 0 10 20 30 40
os(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2 0.155 0.176 0.191 0.200 0.203

0 10 20 30 40
in(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2 -0.130 -0.101 -0.069 -0.035 0.000

0 10 20 30 40
os(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2 0.766 0.866 0.940 0.985 1.000


20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 29.86
0.3491 0.5236 0.6981 0.8727 1.0472 1.2217 1.3962 1.5708 0.5212
0.3795 0.3906 0.4113 0.4415 0.4831 0.5396 0.6168 0.7238 0.3904
0.2999 0.2355 0.1425 0.0233 -0.1215 -0.2923 -0.4913 -0.7238 0.2366

Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel

Ordinary Wet
Sigma St (N/Sqmm) 230 150

Allowable Tensile Stress in Concrete

Ordinary Exposure Water- Retaining
Sigma Ct (N/Sqmm) Direct Bending Direct Bending
M20 1.8 2.5 1.2 1.7
M25 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.8
M30 2.2 3.0 1.5 2.0
M35 2.4 3.3 1.6 2.2
INPUT Grade of Concrede M 30 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Grade of Steel Fy 500 (N/Sqm)
INPUT Span Length L/2 20.00 m
Chord Width B 24.00 m
Central Height h 4.50 m
Radius of the Shell R 18.25 m B/2*B/2=h*(2R-h)
Semi Central Angle θ 0.6575 Radians Asin(B/2/R)
Semi Central Angle θ 41.0 Degree
Arc Length l 24.00 m 2*R*θ
Thickness of Shell t 0.150 m
Edge Beam Depth 2a 0.230 m
Edge Beam Width 2b 0.300 m
Value of PI Π 3.14156

Check for Thin shell Thin R >=h*20

Shall property Value ρ 7.6973 ρ=((12*PI^4*R^6)/(L^4*d^2))^(1/8)
Shall property Value k 0.1387 < 0.12 k=PI^2*R^2)/(L^2*ρ)*2)
Span Length Check SHORT SHELL

Load Calculations
Dead of Shell 3.750 KN/Sqm t*25
WP Treatment/ Misc Load 0.250 KN/Sqm
Total Dead Load 4.000 KN/Sqm
Live Load 0.750 KN/Sqm
Equivalent Dead Load 0.697 KN/Sqm
Total Load on shell p' 4.697 KN/Sqm
P 5.981 KN/Sqm
Sign Loading incremental factor 5981 5981 N/Sqm 3700


Membrane Analysis
Membrane Force Tx at X=L/2 Constant 131081.9 N Tx=P*R*(L/R)^2
Coefficient 0.203 Cos(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2
Membrane Force Tx at X=L/2 26589.7 N

Membrane Force S at X=0 Constant 119612.2 N S=P*L

Coefficient -0.133 Sin(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2
Membrane Force S at X=0 -15911.4 N N

Membrane Force TФ at X=L/2 Constant 109146.2 N TФ=P*R

Coefficient 1.000 Cos(Фk-Ф)*2/PI^2
Membrane Force TФ at X=L/2 109146.2 N N

σst 150 N/Sqmm
Membrane Force Tx (Max) 26590 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 177 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 300 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Hoop rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars 170 mm, Dia 8

σst 150 N/Sqmm

Membrane Force S(Max) 15911 N
Compressive Stress in Concrete 0.106 N/Sqmm
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 106 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 300 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Meridional rft 8 mm
Area of One Bar 50.29 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars 170 mm, Dia 8

σst 150 N/Sqmm

Membrane Force TФ (Max) 109146 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 728 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 300 Sqmm
Use Dia of Meridional rft 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
Spacing of Bars along Horizontal 110 mm, Dia 10



INPUT Grade of Concrede M 30 (N/Sqm)

INPUT Grade of Steel Fy 500 (N/Sqm)
Chord Width L 24.00 m
Central Height h 4.50 m
Radius of the Shell R 18.25 m B/2*B/2=h*(2R-h)
Semi Central Angle θ 0.6575 Radians Asin(B/2/R)
Semi Central Angle θ 41.0 Degree
Arc Length l 24.00 m 2*R*θ
Thickness of Shell t 0.150 m
Value of PI Π 3.14156

Load Calculations
Dead of Shell 3.750 KN/Sqm t*25
WP Treatment/ Misc Load 0.250 KN/Sqm
Total Dead Load 4.000 KN/Sqm
Equivalent Vertival Load 4.303
Live Load 0.750 KN/Sqm
Total Vertical Load on shell p' 5.053 KN/Sqm
P 6.434 KN/Sqm
Sign Loading incremental factor 6434 6434 N/Sqm 3700
Vertical Reaction at the Edge of the Shell 77212.1 N V=P*L/2
Horizontal Reaction at the Edge of the Shell 102949.4 N H=P*L^2/(8*h)
Bending Moment at Every Section 0
Shear Force at Every Section 0 16*h^2*(L-2*x)^2/L^4
Normal Thrust at Edge (X=0) 0 128686.8 N 0.5625
Normal Thrust at Center (X=L/2) 12 102949.4 N 0.00000
Normal Thrust at a Dist x 6 109950.1 N 0.14063


σst 150 N/Sqmm

Normal Thrust N(Max) 128687 N
Area of Steel per M Width= T/σst 858 Sqmm/m
Nominal Rft of 0.2 % 300 Sqmm
INPUT Use Dia of Hoop rft 10 mm
Area of One Bar 78.57 Sqmm
RESULT Spacing of Bars 90 mm, Dia 10


0 10 20 30 41.0
0.153 0.174 0.189 0.199 0.203
196924 223625 243537 256057 260845

0 10 20 30 41.0
-0.133 -0.104 -0.073 -0.039 0.000
-156091 -122534 -85258 -45394 0

0 10 20 30 41.0
0.755 0.857 0.934 0.982 1.000
808091 917793 999608 1051052 1070724
Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel
Ordinary Wet
Sigma St (N/Sqmm) 230 150

Allowable Tensile Stress in Concrete

Ordinary Exposure Water- Retaining
Sigma Ct (N/Sqmm) Direct Bending Direct Bending
M20 1.8 2.5 1.2 1.7
M25 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.8
M30 2.2 3.0 1.5 2.0
M35 2.4 3.3 1.6 2.2

2*h*(L-2*x)^2/L^2 L^2/(8*h)
9.00 16
0.00 16
2.25 16

Allowable Tensile Stress in Steel

Ordinary Wet
Sigma St (N/Sqmm) 230 150

Allowable Tensile Stress in Concrete

Ordinary Exposure Water- Retaining
Sigma Ct (N/Sqmm) Direct Bending Direct Bending
M20 1.8 2.5 1.2 1.7
M25 2.0 2.7 1.3 1.8
M30 2.2 3.0 1.5 2.0
M35 2.4 3.3 1.6 2.2

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