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L13: Urinary System

Lecturer: Dr. Frederick Abellana

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⭐ Summary
A. Parts/Components of the Urinary System
B. Basic Functions of the Urinary System
C. Kidney
C1. Classification as a Gland
C2. Gross Features of a Kidney
C3. Histologic Parts of a Kidney
A. Stroma
B. Parenchyma
C4. Lobulation of the Kidney
C4. Blood Supply of the Kidney
D. Uriniferous Tubules
D1. Parts of a Nephron
1. Renal Corpuscle
1.1 Glomerulus
1.2 Bowman’s Capsule
1.3 Bowman’s Space
2. Proximal tubule
3. Loop of Henle
4. Distal tubule
D2. Collecting Tubules
E. Excretory Passages
E1. Structure of All the Segments
Differences for the Male and Female Urethra

L13: Urinary System 1

A. Parts/Components of the Urinary System
Kidneys Excretory Passages of the Kidney

passages of urine to the outside Composed of:

In number: 1. Normally - 2 2. Pathologically -
1. Calyces (Minor & Major) 2. Renal Pelvis 3.
sometimes 1 or 3
Ureter 4. Urinary Bladder 5. Urethra

‼️ Details were not said in the lec

B. Basic Functions of the Urinary System

1. Excretory function 2. Regulations of homeostasis

elimination of waste
products of metabolism
(such as Urea or BUN)

C. Kidney
Location Extend from the:

Right kidney is slightly lower

12th thoracic vertebra down to than the left kidney because of
Retroperitoneal (outside the
the third lumbar vertebrae the presence of the liver (large
peritoneal cavity)
(T12 - L3) organ in the right
hypochondriac region)

C1. Classification as a Gland

Based on Secretion Morphological Classification

Exocrine and Endocrine Compound tubular gland

C2. Gross Features of a Kidney

L13: Urinary System 2

Shape Hilus/Hilum Renal Sinus

a cavity that will extend

inwards from the hilus/hilum
Contains: 1. renal blood
vessels — renal artery and
indentation in 1 side of the
bean-shaped vein) 2. renal pelvis of the
excretory passages of the
urinary system — funnel-
shaped upper part of the
ureter 3. adipose CT

Diagramatic Section of a Kidney

💡 Renal pelvis > Renal artery > Renal vein (nerve)

Usual arrangement


L13: Urinary System 3

⭐ REMEMBER: If it is classified as a SOLID ORGAN, it will have a Stroma and

C3. Histologic Parts of a Kidney

A. Stroma
Reticular fiber
Capsule Trabecula and Septa Interstitial CT

2 types of capsule

1. Renal Capsule • Thin but

tough CT capsule •
membranous • adherent to
the substance of kidney 2.
Adipose capsule • found on
top of the thin tough CT
capsule • maintain the
location of the kidney •
prevent ptosis (drooping and

B. Parenchyma

L13: Urinary System 4

Description Cortex and Medulla

functional component of organ composed of composed of uriniferous tubules which form

cells the parenchyma of the kidney

Cortex Medulla

peripheral darker part inner paler part of the kidney (in section)

Composed mainly of: Renal pyramid conical

Composed of: 1. Renal Columns of Bertini 2. structures oriented towards the hilus/hilum
Medullary rays of Ferrein (Pars radiata) ◦ Parts of the Renal Pyramid 1. Base - directed
radiata meaning “radiating” part 3. Cortical towards the capsule/cortex 2. Apex - directed
labyrinth (Pars convoluta) 4. Cortex cortices towards the renal sinus and capped by the
minor calyx

Parts of the Renal Cortex

Medullary rays of
Renal columns of Cortical labyrinth
Ferrein (Pars Cortex Cortices
Bertini (Pars Convoluta)

medullary tissue
extending towards the
cortical tissue cortex BUT will not
extending to the reach the capsule (so
medulla pyramids there is a part of the
cortex without the
medullary rays)

beneath the capsule
Located beween: the Located between: where the pars
pyramids the pars radiata radiata do not
extend and where the
renal corcpuscles
are absent

Composed of: Composed of: ◦ Composed ONLY of:

Straight collecting Renal corpuscles ◦ Convoluted tubules
tubules appears Convoluted tubules of the uriniferous
striated where you will of the uriniferous tubules ❗ No renal
find rays extending tubules corpuscle If no renal

L13: Urinary System 5

Medullary rays of
Renal columns of Cortical labyrinth
Ferrein (Pars Cortex Cortices
Bertini (Pars Convoluta)
from the base of the corpuscles, it could be
pyramid towards the renal cortices of
periphery pars radiata

C4. Lobulation of the Kidney

Renal lobe Renal lobule

Located at: the base of pyramid Composed

of: 1 medullary ray + half of the contiguous
(adjoining) cortical labyrinth on both sides
Composed of: 1 pyramid + cortical tissue whose nephrons will drain into the collecting
(overlying its base & covering its sides) tubules of that particular ray Central axis:
Cortical tissue: Renal columns of Bertin medullary ray Description: Lateral boundary
formed by interlobular blood vessels ◦
Structure that will divide the cortical labyrinth
into halves

L13: Urinary System 6

Picture: One renal lobe wherein only one lobule is presented. In actual specimen, there would be many
renal lobules in one renal pyramid.

C4. Blood Supply of the Kidney

⭐ Just trace the blood vessels

L13: Urinary System 7

• artery directly supplying the kidney which is a direct branch of the
1. Renal artery abdominal aorta • will enter the hilus of the kidney and becomes the
segmental artery

2. Segmental

3. Lobar artery

4. Interlobar • in between the lobes of the kidney • will proceed to the base of the pyramid
artery and arch over the base of the pyramid to become the…

5. Arcuate artery

6. Interlobular
if you take one interlobular artery, it will give off the…

7. Afferent
supplying blood to the…

8. Glomerulus
blood is then drained by…

9. Efferent
drained by

10. Peritubular

L13: Urinary System 8

11. Interlobular
form the boundary of renal lobule

12. Arcuate vein vein that arches at the base of the pyramid to the…

13. Interlobar

14. Renal vein

15. Inferior vena


‼️ NOTE:
Segmental vein is ABSENT in the venous side of circulation

💭 RECAP: Special Connection of Blood Vessels

Rete Mirable Portal System

Arteriole - Capillary - Arteriole Capillary - Arteriole - Capillary

Afferent arteriole - Glomerulus Glomerulus (capillaries) - Efferent

(capillaries) - Efferent arteriole arteriole - Peritubular capillaries

D. Uriniferous Tubules
Description Divided into

Form the parenchyma of the kidney • nephron • collecting tubules

⭐ NOTE: The kidney is classified as compound tubular

The structure inside the kidneys that makes it compound tubular is the
“uriniferous tubules”

Divisions of the Uriniferous Tubules

L13: Urinary System 9

Nephron Collecting tubules

Secretory portion Excretory portion

⭐ Structural and functional unit of the kidney Location in the cortex: Pars radiata

This is one uriniferous tubule, nephron (secretory part), and collectible tubule (excretory part)

D1. Parts of a Nephron

1. Renal Corpuscle
AKA Description Location Composition

Rounded structure
1st part of a 3 parts: • Glomerulus •
present in the pars
“Malpighian body” nephron is a Bowman’s capsule •
convoluta (cortical
globular structure Bowman’s space
labyrinth) of the kidney

L13: Urinary System 10

1.1 Glomerulus
Description network of capillaries

Parts of a Glomerulus

Juxta-glomerular cells Mesangium Mesangial Cells

As the afferent
arterioles enters the
corpuscle, the
smooth muscle in
the tunica media: (1)
differentiated (2) the Interstitial CT a thin
fibroblast that will
nucleus becomes layer of connective
Description form the fibers in the
round, turning into tissue surrounding
mesangium of the
specialized cells the glomerulus
renal corpuscles
Specialized smooth
muscle cells in the
wall of the afferent
arteriole as the
arteriole approaches
the renal corpuscle

L13: Urinary System 11

Juxta-glomerular cells Mesangium Mesangial Cells

Mesangial cells
Vascular pole part
NOT found in the
where the blood
Composition Cells of
vessels enter and
leave the renal
corpuscle are found

◦ Cells responsible for

Renin production
the production of
Function of Renin:
connective tissue in
Function Part of RAAS (renin-
mesangium ◦ Cells
that will secrete the
aldosterone system)
connective tissue

Mesangial Cells are

aka: 1. Lacis cells 2.
Polkissen cells (“pin
Other Information cushion”) 3. Cells of
Goormaghtigh (form
part of the juxta-
glomerular complex)

1.2 Bowman’s Capsule

Description 2 Layers

Chalice-shaped double-walled epithelial

1. parietal layer 2. visceral layer
capsule surrounding the glomerulus

2 Layers of the Bowman’s Capsule

Parietal Layer (outer wall of capsule) Visceral Layer

Podocytes • Special type of cells immediately

surrounding capillaries • Star-stellate shaped
Lining Epithelium: Simple Squamous cells with foot processes (primary and
Epithelium secondary foot processes) → Foot processes
of adjacent podocyte cells will interdigitate to
form filtration slits

L13: Urinary System 12

📔 Filtration slit

Barrier between blood and ultrafiltrate the urine

Foot processes won’t stick to each other because of negative charges,

instead they repel each other, maintaining an area without any structure

1.3 Bowman’s Space

Narrow space between the visceral and parietal layers of Bowman’s capsule
Description Content of bowman’s space: urine filtrate This is where you will find the

Structures pointed/mentioned: afferent

arteriole, efferent arteriole, Bowman’s At higher to ultra-magnification of glomerular capillary
capsule, parietal and visceral layers, and podocytes. Lining epithelium of glomerular capillary
Glomerulus and podocytes, Bowman’s has pores/opening/gaps between endothelium.
space, vascular pole, urinary pole. However, basement membrane is a continuous type,
no gaps/pores present. What type of capillary is this

L13: Urinary System 13

📔 Urinary pole
is the point of emergence of the second part of the uriniferous tubule which is
the proximal tubule

📔 Podocytes
Primary foot processes and Secondary foot processes

📔 Secondary foot processes

will interdigitate with adjacent secondary foot processes of another podocyte
Not in contact with each other, there are spaces in between to form the
filtration slit where the fluid from the blood to form urine passes through

2. Proximal tubule
Composition composed of the straight part of the proximal tubule

Description Origin Composition Function Lining Epithelium

has a convoluted
& straight parts:
1. Convoluted
• 2nd part of Simple
part located in Reabsorption
nephron • Cuboidal
the pars (due to the
Longest and epithelium with
Arise from the convoluta of the presence of
broadest distinct microvilli
segment of the
urinary pole of
the renal
cortex 2.
Straight parts
brush border)
on the surface ⭐
uriniferous tubule For exam
corpuscle descend towards reabsorbed: 1.
• Form the main purposes, specify
the medulla to Salt 2. Water 3.
bulk of the renal as brush border
form the thick Glucose
cortex (for absorption)
limb of the loop
of Henle

3. Loop of Henle

L13: Urinary System 14

Segments of the Loop of Henley

Thin segment Thick segment

Lining simple squamous

simple cuboidal epithelium
Epithelium epithelium

• ascend towards the cortex • straight part of the

Description part that form a loop
distal tubule

4. Distal tubule
Description Composition Macula densa Lining Epithelium

Shorter and thinner 1. convoluted part 2. As the distal tubule Simple cuboidal w/ no
than the proximal straight part — forms ascend towards its distinct striate border
tubule the ascending thick renal corpuscle of
limb of the loop of origin, it will be
Henle) juxtaposed to the
afferent arteriole of
its parent renal
corpuscle and the

L13: Urinary System 15

Description Composition Macula densa Lining Epithelium
cells that is opposed
to the afferent
arteriole becomes
specialized to form
the macula densa
⭐ is the sensor for
Na (sodium)
concentration of the

Juxtaglomerular apparatus Juxtaglomerular complex

• Macula densa • Juxtaglomerular cells • Lacis

• Macula densa • Juxtaglomerular cells

straight part of the proximal tubule forms the descending thick limb of the loop of Henle; straight part of
the distal tubule forming the ascending thick limb of the loop of Henle. Juxtaposed to the afferent
arteriole to form the juxtaglomerular complex: macula densa + juxtaglomerular cells + lacis cells

L13: Urinary System 16

D2. Collecting Tubules
Description Divided into

• Arched collecting tubule • Straight collecting

2nd portion of the Uriniferous tubules
tubule • Papillary duct of Bellini

Divisions of the Collecting Tubules

Arched collecting Straight collecting Papillary duct of

tubule tubule Bellini

shortest segment of longest segment of

dilated terminal part
the collecting tubules the collecting tubules

Will empty to the

straight collecting
tubule Area cribrosa
Will empty to the
a holey area in the
straight collecting
apex of the pyramid
where many Papillary
ducts of Bellini will
open to

simple cuboidal w/o simple cuboidal w/o

Lining epithelium simple columnar
microvilli microvilli

L13: Urinary System 17

E. Excretory Passages
4. Urinary
1. Renal Calyces 2. Renal Pelvis 3. Ureter 5. Urethra

minor and major

💡 These are hollow organs, thus consider the lumens and the layers/tunics
in the wall of the organ.

E1. Structure of All the Segments

Renal pelvis Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra

Epithelium Transitional Transitional Transitional Males: has

Glands of Littre -
glands (similar to
the goblet cells)
Since the glands

L13: Urinary System 18

Renal pelvis Ureter Urinary bladder Urethra
of Littre does not
have an excretory
duct, the
secretions will be
transported to a
cavity/sinus in the
epithelium known
as the sinus of

Lamina propria Areolar CT Areolar CT Areolar CT Areolar CT

T. submucosa Absent Absent Absent Absent

Thick, interlacing
Well- defined
forms the internal
Upper: ILOC Thin layer of
Thin, ill- defined sphincter
T. muscularis Lower: ILMCOL smooth muscle
ILOC Detrusor muscle
MC - middle ILOC
• smooth muscle
in the urinary

T. adventitia -
posteriorly T.
serosa -
anteriorly &
superiorly (urinary
bladder protrude
Last layer T. adventitita T. adventitia T. adventitia
to the pelvic
cavity or
abdominal cavity,
it is covered now
by serous

Shape of Male: Stellate

Lumen (X- Crescentric Stellate Crescentric Female:
section) Crescentic

Differences for the Male and Female Urethra

L13: Urinary System 19

Bases Male Urethra Female Urethra

Length 20 cm (8 inches) because there are 4 segments 1-3 cm (1 inch)

Function Both urinary & reproductive Urinary only

Anterior vaginal
Location Prostate glands & penis

1. Prostatic transitional 2. Membranous stratified

columnar 3. Penile (urethra inside the penis) stratified
Lining Epithelium
pseudostratified columnar plain 4. Fossa navicularis squamous
(dilated end of penile) stratified squamous

Shape of Lumen
stellate crescentric

L13: Urinary System 20

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