2324 Segon de Batxillerat REPHRASING 2324

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: R-C2-01-02
Pàgina 1 de 9

Nom i cognom:__________________________ Classe:_________



1. The last time Sarah wrote a review was six weeks ago. (FOR)

2. The last time my dad placed an order online was two months
ago. (FOR)

3. The last time Harry traveled abroad was in 2020. (SINCE)

4. The last time I voted for this political party was in the last local
elections. (SINCE)

5. This firm hasn’t done business with us since 2018. (THE LAST

6. We haven’t given them support for ages. (THE LAST TIME)

7. Lucy and Thomas haven’t seen each other since last autumn.

8. She hasn’t given private tuition for two months now. (IT IS…)

9. My grandparents haven’t taken a plane for eight years now.

(IT IS…)

10. Muriel has not given a talk for five months now. (IT IS…)

11. I’m not going to do this job in spite of having the necessary
qualifications. (ALTHOUGH)

12. Even though we found the test easy, some of us still made many
mistakes. (DESPITE)

13. In spite of outplaying the rival, we only managed a draw. (EVEN


14.Even though this candidate won the election, she still had to ask
for support. (IN SPITE OF)

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15. He is not very sociable; that’s why he has few friends. (IF)

16. The victim was very confused; that’s why she was unable to
describe the assault. (IF)

17. They have a well-paid job; that’s why they can afford a flat in this
private development. (IF)

18.He isn’t doing any training; that’s why he will find it difficult to
get a job here. (IF)

19. If you do not have a car, it’s difficult to get there. (UNLESS)

20. My mother wouldn’t complain about something if it was not

really bad. (IF)

21. She must apologize to me or I’ll never talk to her again. (UNLESS)

22. Travelling by car is convenient if you have somewhere to park


23.You can borrow my car if you promise not to drive too fast. (AS

24. I can’t give you any financial support, I am sorry. (I WISH)

25. Sarah didn’t pass the driving test. (I WISH)

26.The neighbours next door are making a lot of noise every single
night. (WE WISH)

27. My sister nevers listens to me and this makes me upset. (IF


28.Lionel Messi signed up for Inter de Miami before summer. (IF


29.I had revised very hard but I was not able to solve the second
exercise. (IN SPITE OF)
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30.Even though Peter had done better than Simon, it was Simon
who was picked out. (DESPITE)

31. He could not sleep. He was very tired. (ALTHOUGH)

32.We lived on the same street. We hardly ever see each other.

33.We are going to the seaside tomorrow. It does not matter what
the weather is like. (EVEN IF)

34.I got very wet in the drizzle. I was only out for five minutes.

35.The regatta was cancelled because the sea was very rough.

36.I’ll draw a map for you because it is possible you will have
problems finding the farmhouse, (IN CASE)

37.Call this number if there is an emergency. (IN CASE OF)

38.We’ve found a place to spend the night because it is getting

dark. (SINCE)

39.I decided to take a bite because I was hungry. (AS)

40.At the same time as he was walking along the street, she looked
in the shop windows. (AS

41.Kate slipped at the same time as she was getting off the bus.

42.Amanda injured her back while she was playing volleyball.


43. I fell asleep during the movie. (WHILE)

44.My phone rang while we were having dinner. (DURING)

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45. Mary looks very tired.

He looks ____ (AS IF)

46.Two people are shouting at each other next door.

It sounds ___ (AS THOUGH)

47. The sky was full of black clouds.

It looked ___ (LIKE)

48.A waiter served us. He was impolite and impatient. (DRC)

The _______________________________________________________

49.A bus goes to the airport. It runs every half hour. (DRC)
The _______________________________________________________

50.Agnes was in a very bad mood. Her car broke down. (NDRC)

51. Mr Holden teaches robotics. He was head of the department

last year. (NDRC)

52.My sister is going to spend six months in Canada because she

wants to improve her English. (TO)

53. Mrs Wilkins is collecting money because she wants to help the
homeless. (IN ORDER TO)

54.I’ll post the CD today. I want him to get it by the weekend. (SO

55.I’ll go by car. She will be able to take much more luggage. (IN

56.I hurried because I did not want to be late. (SO THAT)

57.It is reported that many people are homeless after the floods.
Many people ________________________________________________

58.It is expected that the weather will be better tomorrow.

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The weather ________________________________________________

59.The test was long. Nobody was able to complete it. (SO…THAT)

60.It was such a tough match that the ref showed two red cards.

61. The day was so warm that we allowed the kids to bathe in the
river. (SUCH…THAT)

62.The fire brigade was late. Two of the sheds by the farmhouse
burned down. (SO…THAT)

63.The bombing was so brutal that it killed twenty-three civilians.


64.First I corrected the text and then I printed it out. (AFTER)

65.First he took a few notes and then he started the article.


66.First Amanda talked to the kid and then the headmaster rang
the parents. (AFTER)

67.First Mrs Murray did the talk and then Mrs Perkins congratulated
everybody on their excellent work. (BEFORE)

68.I am sure he knows the answer to all these questions. (MUST)

69.I am sure she knew what was happening next door. (MUST)

70.I don’t know if Margaret is doing a full time job now. (MAY)

71. Perhaps they took legal advice. (MIGHT)

72. It is impossible that he knows the answer to all these

questions. (CAN’T)

73.It is impossible that she learnt everything by heart. (CAN’T)

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74.If I were Peter, I’d book well in advance. (SHOULD)

75.If I were Eileen, I’d accept this summer job. (SHOULD)

76.If I were Mrs Collins, I would not vote for this political party.

77.If I had been them, I’d have taken legal advice. (SHOULD)

78.If I had been him, I’d not have admitted anything. (SHOULD)

79.There is not need to worry about everything they do or say. (IT’S


80.There is no need to have a car if you never use it. (THERE’S NO


81.I haven’t tidied up your room for two weeks now. (IT IS TIME I…)

82. She’s not seen her grandma for a month now. (IT IS TIME

83. Rupert and Gregory haven’t made a decision yet. (IT IS TIME

84. Rebecca has not found a job for six months now. (IT IS TIME

85. My eight-year-old child can’t ride a bicycle. (IT IS TIME…)

86. Jane has not worked on the school project for two weeks now.

87. I don’t know what to do. (I WISH)

88.It was a pity we missed the beginning of the match. (IF ONLY)

89. Rachel is a creative person. (IF ONLY)

90. Shaun can’t dance like Rudolph Nureyev. (IF)

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91. Are you the owner of the Volvo? (OWN)

92. The plane will land at 7.45. (BY 8.00)

93.Macbeth was written by Shakespeare. It is a very famous play.


94.Surely your brother has come home by now. (MUST)

95.Next year, I will pass my driving test. (BY THIS TIME)

96.She rarely visits her brother Thomas. (VERY OFTEN)

97. The last time it rained was two weeks ago. (FOR)

98.No sooner had the volleyball team got a new captain than they
won four matches. (soon)

99. Ollie stole the last piece of chocolate cake! (was)

101. I am sure Anna will feel nervous before going on stage for the first
time. (BOUND)

102. Elisa is the luckiest person I’ve met. (ANYONE)

103. Contrary to my neighbours, I don’t like to use the lift. (IN


104. Excuse me, where is reception? (TELL)

105. I was really surprised when I won the competition. (EXPECT)

106. This exercise is too difficult for me to finish. (MANAGE)

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R-C2-01-02 Plantilla ACTIVITATS

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