Interveiw With Students New

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Interview with students

• We invited the students through a call .

• There were 10 students that were targeted and answered our survey .
• 6 out of ten people were familiar with the energy saving methods in school
• Manthan Sottany, Viraj Jain and Kian Doshi designed the questions and sent out the
• We used to google forms as our platform for questionnaire and sent the link to the
• Prinit Jain processed the results

The students that have participated in the survey are :

Neev Shah, Age -14
Soham Maity, Age-14
Farhan Shamsi,Age-14
Hiya Jain, Age-14
Hiya Shah, Age-13
Taksh Jain, Age-15
Nishka Jain, Age-15
Siya Kesarkar, Age-13
Heet Punamiya, Age-15
The implementation of energy-saving methods in schools hinges on the level of
awareness and familiarity among students. While the importance of energy conservation
is increasingly emphasized, the extent to which students are familiar with specific
methods varies. Incorporating energy-efficient lighting systems, like LED bulbs, and
maximizing natural light usage in classrooms are relatively common practices, with
students often exposed to these measures in modern educational settings. However, the
awareness regarding the intricacies of smart HVAC systems and their potential energy-
saving benefits may be less widespread.

Encouraging students to adopt simple habits, such as turning off lights and electronic
devices when not in use, is a commonly advocated practice, yet the degree of
compliance depends on individual awareness. The integration of renewable energy
sources, such as solar panels, is less ubiquitous in schools, and students may not be fully
acquainted with the impact and potential of such initiatives.

An essential factor in increasing familiarity with energy-saving methods is the

incorporation of energy education into the curriculum. Schools that actively promote
awareness through educational programs tend to have students who are more informed
and engaged in sustainable practices. Ultimately, fostering a culture of energy efficiency
requires a holistic approach that combines both practical implementations and
educational initiatives, ensuring that students not only encounter these methods but
also understand and appreciate their significance in contributing to a more sustainable
and environmentally conscious future.

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