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My poetry

- Tahsin

Shakespeare sonnet
Shall I compare you to a Winter’s Day?
When you are sweeter than a hot chocolate on a glacial day
Your fur softer than the snow itself
Or when your eyes glow like the gold from Melchior,
Golden eyes that glisten, a glided glow
Your fur fairer than an artic deer
Paws as gentle as the breeze
You warm up the day as you please with your warm and joyous
A vigorous ball of colourless, flocculent, fuzzy fur
Lying on my lap with a melodical purr
As the day gets dark
The stars slowly start to spark
Thou lay under the fire
In her elegant snow-white attire.

Shape poem (shape of flower)

The black cat

Waiting for hours and hours

day after day
No sight of humans . . no
sight of anything I
am stuck
everyday i fear i shall l be hit
by a truck
When will they come back?
When will they remember?
Why do i get mis-treated?
I am just a kitten always
Bad luck myths on me that
are told , are nothing but lies
and centuries old
Juat a cat ,i am eyes which
are pure gold
Patiently waiting for you to

By Sk Tahsin Jinan

(Just not juat , mistreated not mis-treated)

Poem inspired by Chaucer

In a village fair and small,

There lived a laundress, plump and tall,

With arms as strong as oaks so tall,

And cheeks as red as roses in the fall.

She worked from morning until night,

Washing clothes with all her might.

She scrubbed and rubbed and wrung them tight,

Until they sparkled in the light.

Her hands were rough and calloused too,

From all the work she had to do.

But still she smiled and sang a tune,

As she hung the clothes up to dry at noon.

She never rested, never stopped,

Until all the clothes were clean and mopped.

Then she'd bundle them up and hop,

To deliver them to her clients across the town.

And when the day was finally done,

She'd sit and rest and have some fun.

But she knew that tomorrow would come,

And she'd have to work again, till it was done.

Poem like Maya Angelou’s poem, “Still I rise”

Still, I Stand: Climate Change

The world is changing, that's for sure,

The climate shifts, the oceans roar,
But still I stand, with heart secure,
And hope that we can do much more.

The ice caps melt, the seas rise high,

The forests burn, the deserts dry,
But still I stand, and wonder why,
We let this happen, as time flies by.

The air is thick with smoke and fumes,

The storms grow fierce, the heat consumes,
But still I stand, and I presume,
We can reverse what we assume.

The creatures flee, the bees decline,

The coral reefs, a fading sign,
But still I stand, and I opine,
We can restore what we malign.

The world needs action, that's for sure,

To heal the wounds that we've procured,
But still I stand, with faith secure,
That we can change what we've endured.

OhI stand for Earth,

our only home,
I stand for life,
that's yet to roam,

I stand
with those who share my view,
I stand
against what's old and new,
I stand for hope, for me and you,
I stand to make this world anew.

I stand
for Earth, and all her splendour,
I stand for
life, both near and tender,
I stand
for love, both pure and true,
I stand,
I stand,
I stand,
I stand for you.

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