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September 25, 2010 ✽ Vol. 32 ✽ No.

[ News ✽ Analysis ✽ Commentary ✽ Controversy ]

Publishing for

32 Years

TIMES The Independent

Hem/Onc News Source

Helping Prevent Suicide in

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Cancer Patients
Those Thinking of It Won’t Tell Unless You Ask

O ncologists who say they’ve never had a patient commit suicide simply might
not know. The patient who doesn’t return for treatment or reportedly died of
an accidental drug overdose could have decided, in their suffering, that life was not
worth living. Depression is a risk factor for suicidal ideation, and the only sure way
to detect either one is to ask—whether face to face or in a screening questionnaire
before the office visit, but the questions must be asked. Here are practical steps to
take now, every day.
Page 15

Preparation for Medical Coding Post-Transplant Lymphoproliferative Oncology Social Media Pioneer
Change Should Begin Now! p.4 Disease: Update on Current Anas Younes, MD p.27
Treatment Options p.8

[ A L S O ] LETTERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
MIKKAEL SEKERES Reviews a New Biography of Henry Kaplan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Concerns about Ovarian Cryopreservation for Women with Leukemia. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
SHOP TALK . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
Remembering Cancer Epidemiologist Frank Garland . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Myelofibrosis: Promising Results with Oral INCB018424 JAK Inhibitor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
WENDY HARPHAM: ‘OpenNotes and Me’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

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Helping Prevent Suicide in

oncology times
Cancer Patients
Those Thinking of It Won’t Tell Unless You Ask

september 25, 2010
ncologists who say they’ve never More than Managing Symptoms our lives to caring for patients with cancer
had a patient commit suicide Richard M. Goldberg, MD, Distinguished are striving to avert.”
simply might not know. The Professor of Clinical Research in
patient who doesn’t return for Hematology/Oncology at the University Key Question
treatment or reportedly died of an acci- of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, said that The key question, Mr. Loscalzo said, is
dental drug overdose could have decided, suicide by a patient has happened twice in simply: “Do you have serious thoughts of
in their suffering, that life was not worth his 30-year career that he is aware of. ending your own life?”
living. Dr. Goldberg said he asks about depres- Screening in City of Hope’s outpatient
Depression is a risk factor for suicidal sion and suicidal intent in his practice. But cancer clinic is done with sophisticated
ideation, and experts say the only sure sometimes patients have reasons for not be- touch-screen tablets with questions about
way to detect either one is to ask. The ing completely frank with their physician, he many facets of the patient’s life besides de-
questions can be in a screening process, said, so if he is worried about despair he will pression and suicidal thoughts, including
either face to face or in a questionnaire also talk to family members and friends. pain levels, talking to a child about cancer,
before the office visit, but they must be “I consider it a personal failure when a money problems, and the adequacy of sup-
asked. patient of mine chooses suicide as a way port at home.
“Suicide is a very hidden problem,” to end their ordeal with cancer, in part When the patient says yes to a ques-
says Matthew J. Loscalzo, LCSW, the because we can always manage and nearly tion in this screening system, an e-mail is
Liliane Elkins Professor in Supportive Care always successfully control cancer-related automatically sent out to the appropriate
Programs and Executive Director of the symptoms, whether they are physical or service, to triage in real time.
Department of Supportive Care Medicine psychological. If somebody is depressed, Mr. Loscalzo, who is also Administrative
at City of Hope. “You can’t look at a per- we can use antidepressants; if they’re in Director of City of Hope’s Sheri & Les
son and know they are suicidal.” pain, we can use pain medicines. Biller Patient and Family Resource Center,
said that 1% to 2% of patients screened say
they do have serious thoughts of suicide.
Depression is a risk factor for suicidal ideation, and “We go and meet those patients right
in the clinic.” But screening can be as low
experts say the only sure way to detect either one tech as pencil and paper, he added. And
is to ask. The questions can be in a screening there is no harm in asking.
“I’ve been doing this screening and ask-
process, either face to face or in a questionnaire ing the question about suicide for about 15
years, have screened about 15,000 patients,
before the office visit, but they must be asked. and no patient has ever come to me saying
‘you know, I had no thoughts of ending
The risk factors are well known: a “But when somebody takes their own my life but now [after you asked], I do.’
sense of hopelessness, depression, pain not life, it means to me that I didn’t do an ad- And I’ve never had a patient or a family
adequately managed, confusion as a side equate job dealing with the consequences member complain because we asked.”
effect of the drug or the cancer. “Most of their disease,” Dr. Goldberg said.
people cope well [with these factors], but “While that kind of decision may take Hopeless Optimism
there is a subset of patients who don’t, and great courage, it also can be a sign of isola- Mr. Loscalzo said patients with cancer
they need special attention—and you can- tion for the individual facing this ordeal can get scared, agitated, feel vulnerable or
not do that by guesswork.” that is exactly what those of us who devote continued on page 16

In the Hospital: Plan at OSUCC-James

J oyce Hendershott, LISW-S, ACSW,

Clinical Program Manager of
identifies a suicide risk, the physician
is notified. “You’ve got to
Nursing Staff Development & Patient Suicide precautions are initiated by talk about it, to
Education at Ohio State University a physician’s order, including creating
James Cancer Hospital and the Solove a safe environment for the in-patient understand if the
Research Institute, notes that research and a consult to the psychiatry team,
indicates that with hospitalized pa- said Ms. Hendershott, a member of patient is coping
tients, agitation, depression over a OT’s Editorial Board. well or has become
recent diagnosis or chronic illness, im- The health care team and phy-
pulsivity, unrelieved pain, substance sicians determine the need for comfortable with the
abuse, and/or immediate relationship continued precautions with the psy-
issues, are more predictive of suicidal chiatry team, and a physician order idea suicide.”
behavior in the acute population. is required to discontinue suicide
(See “References” box on page 19— precautions.
specifically Bostwick and Rackley 2007 “In the outpatient setting, if a pa-
[#5] and Wint and Akil 2006 [#9]). tient is identified as at risk, an oncol-
A suicide assessment is done for ogy social worker or mental health
these patients by an oncology so- clinical nurse specialist is contacted
cial worker or mental health clinical who will complete an assessment to
nurse specialist, and if the assessment JOYCE HENDERSHOTT, LISW-S, ACSW make the appropriate referrals.”

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september 25, 2010

continued from page 15 Resources
hopeless or trapped, and then ask them- • Joyce Hendershott, LISW-S, ACSW, Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255),
selves “is this worth it?” Clinical Program Manager of a free, 24-hour suicide prevention
“And then, if they do make the decision Nursing Staff Development & Patient hotline available to anyone in sui-
to kill themselves they can become opti- Education at Ohio State University cidal crisis or emotional distress.
mistic because they feel the weight is off of James Cancer Hospital and the The national prevention center
them,” he said. Solove Research Institute, recom- routes the call to the crisis center

The patient may be sitting calmly in mends as especially helpful for health nearest to the caller.
oncology times

the clinic listening to the doctor focus on care professionals an article on the • Matthew J. Loscalzo, LCSW,
“We try to find ways pain and cancer and treatments, when the NCI site, “Evaluation and Treatment of Professor and Executive Director
patient has already made up his mind to Suicidal Patients with Cancer—Effects of the Department of Supportive
to intervene as best end his life. of Suicide on Family and Health Care Care Medicine at City of Hope,
as we possibly can, “You’ve got to talk about it,” Mr. Providers,” which addresses many also recommends the American
Loscalzo repeated, to understand if the common questions and provides sta- Psychosocial Oncology Society
but, unfortunately, patient is coping well or has become com- tistics on the incidence of the problem: (, which
fortable with the idea of suicide. connects cancer patients and their
generally even if He admits it can be difficult for a physi- pdq/supportivecare/depression/ families with mental health profes-
you stop them once, cian to fit yet another task into such a brief Patient/page5 sionals in their area.
encounter as an office visit. • And the National Association of Social • Also very helpful is CancerCare
somebody who is “If you ask doctors how long they think Workers Code of Ethics includes ethi- (, which offers
office screening would take, they’ll roll cal standards, including those specific free telephone counseling.
determined will make their eyes and say forever,’” he said. “Male to self harm or harm to others. These • Both Ms. Hendershott and Mr.
another attempt.” doctors may especially have issues about are listed under Section 1, Social Loscalzo and other experts, though,
talking with the patient about feelings, but Worker’s Ethical Responsibilities to strongly urge that any suicidal indi-
both male and female physicians are under Clients: http://www.socialworkers. vidual should be taken to an emer-
such time pressures.” org/pubs/code/code.asp gency room or to an emergency
But asking patients about suicide ac- • Ms. Hendershott also pointed to community mental health center
tually normalizes the situation, “because the National Suicide Prevention for evaluation and treatment.
then we can tell them it’s okay if they have
these thoughts—we can help you.”
It also demonstrates that the physician actual act of suicide, a patient with a his- “Every time there is a treatment, ask
cares about the patient, “that you have tory of depression, he said. not only how the patient is doing physi-
confidence in yourself as a physician or “The concerns with cancer patients are cally, but also what is it like at home, what
you wouldn’t even ask.” how well their treatment is going, is the kind of support they have, and are they
patient feeling desperate, and with that experiencing pain—pain is a very major
Key Indicators desperateness is there a history we have issue, poorly controlled pain or nausea or
Before becoming President and Chief to pay attention to. Those would be key vomiting. Make sure that hasn’t gotten the
Executive Officer of the National Hospice indicators. And some kind of depression better of the patient.”
and Palliative Care Organization, J. Donald assessment or substance abuse assessment
Schumacher, PsyD, ran hospice programs would be critical.” Tell the Truth
for almost 30 years. He has had patients in Dr. Schumacher advises asking about But will the patient tell the truth?
hospices make suicide attempts, with one the patient’s social support at home: “The relationship with the physi-
“Many people are alone, and this might cian is very important in getting an hon-
be a candidate who needs a little more
He said he doesn’t like to characterize,
but a diagnosis of throat cancer or oral
cancer is often associated with alcohol and
smoking, which might be associated with
And cancer patients often times have
more access to narcotics, so if the tendency
for suicide is there, the opportunity may
be greater.
Dr. Schumacher encourages any physi-
cian or nurse practitioner in the field to
do a psychological assessment on anyone
newly diagnosed, to look for potential key
In an oral interview, the practitioner
can ask the patient how they have dealt
J. DONALD SCHUMACHER, PSYD: with loss, whether they have had trau-
“Instead of asking patients if they have matic health issues in the past, and ask RICHARD M. GOLDBERG, MD: “When
any thought of suicide, the practitioner for the patient’s own perspective on their a patient takes their own life, it means
might ask what solutions the patient situation. to me that I didn’t do an adequate job
has for dealing with depression or And instead of asking if they have any dealing with the consequences of their
discomfort. They could mention suicide. thought of suicide, the practitioner might disease. While that kind of decision may
Have a conversation with family members ask what solutions the patient has for deal- take great courage, it also can be a
as well. Every time there is a treatment, ing with depression or discomfort. They sign of isolation for the individual facing
ask not only how the patient is doing could mention suicide. this ordeal that is exactly what those of
physically, but also what is it like at Have a conversation with family mem- us who devote our lives to caring for
home, what kind of support they have, bers as well, Dr. Schumacher advised. patients with cancer are striving to avert.”
and are they experiencing pain.” continued on page 18

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➞SUICIDE probably wanted her, and no one else, to
september 25

continued from page 16

find him first, Dr. Schumacher said. Oncologist Felt He ‘Dropped the Ball’
“That was really difficult for the doctor,
and very, very difficult for the nursing staff,
est answer from a suicidal patient,”
Dr. Schumacher said. “The best
because one might think ‘if only I’d gotten
there an hour earlier…,” he said. “All the A Nebraska farmer in his late 70s with
end-stage lung cancer took his
own life shortly after that diagnosis was
presented with no symptoms other
than cough, and his only complaint
was feeling more tired than usual.
oncologists I’ve worked with are very what-ifs.”
made. Dr. Townley said the man never
attentive and emotionally supportive, Dr. Schumacher said he gave himself a
Peter M. Townley, MD, a partner at returned to discuss treatment before

and have developed a very high level reality break there, realizing that if some-
Nebraska Cancer Specialists in Omaha, he shot himself.
oncology times

of sensitivity.” one is very determined to commit suicide,

was the oncologist who made the “I had no warning at all that he
The suicide Dr. Schumacher re- they eventually will.
diagnosis. was depressed,” Dr. Townley said. “I
called was a very difficult case, in “We try and find ways to intervene It was Stage 4 disease, but with no felt like I had somehow dropped the
that the patient was expecting a visit as best as we possibly can, but generally, bone or brain metastases,only some liver ball, that I should have seen some
from the hospice physician, who even if you stop them once, somebody metastasis, Dr. Townley recalled in relat- clue that something was going to
when she got to the house found the who is determined will make another ing the sad situation to OT. The patient happen.”
patient had shot himself. The patient attempt.” He said patients at the Omaha
clinic fill out questionnaires before
visits and are asked how they are
handling the diagnosis. Counselors
are available, and they make it a
point to engage family members
and ask how the patient is doing
“We try to give patients several
chances [to talk about emotional is-
sues], we get to know them fairly
quickly and get a sense” of the pa-
tients’ state of mind. But in this case,
I was caught off guard.”
Dr. Townley said the experience
has made him much more sensitive
about the risk of suicide.
He said he has a patient, a man in
his late 40s, very recently diagnosed
with metastatic lung cancer. The man
appeared very despondent when
told the cancer was incurable.
“He had his girlfriend with him,
and I asked him several times how
worried he was about this, what did
he think he was going to do, but he
didn’t want to talk,” Dr Townley said.
“I reassured him that if pain becomes
a problem we could control that, tried
to reassure him on many levels, but he
just wanted to leave.”
This could have been a warning
sign, Dr. Townley said, but he
continued to talk to the patient’s
girlfriend, and the man stayed.
Dr. Townley then asked the man
directly if he was thinking about
hurting himself.
“He told me he was terribly de-
pressed by the news, but no, he had
just had enough information for the
The patient lived quite a distance
from Omaha and Dr. Townley re-
ferred him to oncologists in his area.
He followed up on the patient and
found that the man did start treat-
ment there.
Dr. Townley compared this pa-
tient with the farmer who did commit
suicide. The farmer “was just very
matter of fact, didn’t come across
at all as being depressed.” He said
he learned from the patient’s long-
time family physician that the man
had committed suicide.
“The family doctor was not as sur-
prised about the suicide as I was,”
Dr. Townley said. “He said the man
had always worked on the farm and
was familiar with the cycle of life,
and perhaps just thought his time
had come.”

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Action Plan

oncology times
Mr. Loscalzo said oncologists must
MATTHEW J. LOSCALZO, LCSW: have an action plan for dealing with
“Suicide is a very hidden problem. suicidal patients. It is crucial to have a
Joyce Hendershott, LISW-S, You can’t look at a person and know contact with a psychiatrist who can
ACSW, Clinical Program Manager they are suicidal….Most patients cope see an actively suicidal patient quickly,
of Nursing Staff Development well with the risk factors of a sense whether the oncologist is in private
& Patient Education at Ohio of hopelessness, depression, pain not practice or in a large cancer center.
State University James Cancer adequately managed, and confusion “With an actively suicidal pa-

Hospital and the Solove Research as a side effect of the drug or the tient, only a psychiatrist will do. I

september 25
Institute, also recommended cancer, but there is a subset of patients cannot imagine any oncologist who
the following references for fur- who don’t, and they need special does not have a contact with a psy-
ther helpful information for can- attention—and you cannot do that by chiatrist, psychologist, or social
cer care and other health care guesswork.” worker to assess some of these pa-
professionals: tients, a backup team of mental
health professionals.” OT
1. American Psychiatric
Association: Assessing and
Treating Suicidal Behaviors, a Quick
Reference Guide, 2003.
2. Billings C: Close observa-
tion of suicidal inpatients. Journal
of the American Psychiatric
Association 2001;7(2):49-50.
3. Joint Commission on
Accreditation of Healthcare
Organizations. Sentinel Event
Alert—Inpatient Suicides:
Recommendations for Prevention,
Suicide Precautions Divisional
Standard of Practice Page 5 of
5 December 2008. Available at:
http://www.jointcom mission.
Accessed May 2009.
4. Logue EM, Parrish RS: Suicide
precautions in a medical/surgical
unit.Nursing Management
Research References
5. Bostwick J, Rackley S:
Completed suicide in medical/
surgical patients: who is at
risk? Current Psychiatry Reports
6. Farrow TL, O’Brien AJ:
“No-suicide contracts” and in-
formed consent: An analysis of
ethical issues. Nursing Ethics
7. Farrow TL: “No Suicide
Contracts” in Community Crisis
Situations: A Conceptual Analysis.
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental
Health Nursing 2003;10:199-
8. Tishler C, Reiss N: Inpatient
suicide: preventing a common
sentinel event. Department of
Psychology, The Ohio State
University. General Hospital
Psychiatry 2009;31:103-109.
9. Wint D, Akil M: Suicidality
in the General Hospitalized
Patient. Hospital Physician

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