In-Class Quiz #1 - Solutions

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October 18, 2022

Section No:
ID No:

1.Analyze the transactions of a business described below and indicate their effect on the
basic accounting equation. Use a plus sign (+) to indicate an increase and a minus sign (–
) to indicate a decrease.

Assets = Liabilities + Equity
1. Received cash for services rendered. + +
2. Purchased office equipment on account. + +
3. Paid employees' salaries. – –
4. Received cash from customer in payment
on account. +,–
5. Paid telephone bill for the month. – –
6. Paid for office equipment purchased in
transaction 2. – –
7. Purchased office supplies on account. + +
8. Owner withdrew cash from the business. – –
9. Obtained a loan from the bank. + +
10. Billed customers for services rendered. + +

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