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PROGRAMME : Bachelor of Electronic Engineering with Honours

MODULE : Control Systems
MODULE LEADER : Asst. Prof. Dr. Tay Ching En Marcus
ASSIGNMENT TYPE Laboratory 1 – Modelling and simulation using MATLAB
INTAKE/GROUP : Aug 2017, Jan 2018 and Sep 2018 intakes
DISTRIBUTION DATE : Tuesday, 11 February 2020
SUBMISSION DATE : Tuesday, 18 February 2020 5:00 PM


Fow Seng Joe B1757 BENGEE3B(Direct),

Laboratory Report Feedback Form

Control Systems

Criteria Mark
1.1. Derivation of differential equation /4
1.2. Simulink simulation model /9
2.1. Impulse response at amplitude 20 based on simulation model /6
3.1. Simulation model based on small angle approximation /9
3.2. Impulse response at amplitude 20 based on simulation model using small
angle approximation /6
3.3. System stability /2
3.4. Linear approximation suitability /2
4.1. Derivation of transfer function /4
4.2. Simulation model expressed using transfer function /3
4.3. Impulse response at amplitude 20 based on simulation model expressed using
transfer function /6
4.4. Simulation result verifications /2
5.1. Impulse response at amplitude 200 based on simulation model /6
5.2. Output converge value /2
5.3. Reasons behind the converge value /2
6.1. Impulse response at amplitude 200 based on simulation model using small
angle approximation /6
6.2. Output converge value /2
6.3. Reasons behind the converge value /2
6.4. Linear approximation suitability /2

Marks: / 75

General Comments:

Assessor’s Signature: Date:

Name: Asst. Prof. Dr. Tay Ching En Marcus

General Instructions
Use the following format for the preparation of the laboratory report.
• Paper size: A4
• Margins: left = 3 cm right, top and bottom = 2.5 cm
• Front size: 12, Times New Roman
• Line spacing: 1.5
• Number all pages sequentially
• Number all figures and tables sequentially and refer them in the text

Laboratory test report should be 4 to 8 pages of length.

Binding: staple at top left corner of laboratory report submission.

• Assignments submitted after the due date will be considered late.
• Assignments submitted not later than two weeks after the due date will be marked,
but the marks will be capped to a maximum of 40%.
• Assignments submitted later than two weeks will be marked, but carry zero mark.
• First City University College takes allegations of plagiarism very seriously.
Submissions involving plagiarism will be marked, but given zero mark. Plagiarism is
the attempt to pass off the work of another as your own. Information taken from the
work of others should be acknowledged by reference to obviate the charge of
• Collusion is an academic irregularity within the First City University College
assessment regulations. Any student found colluding in the production of any
assessment will be subject to an investigation with the imposition of any penalty
deemed appropriate. Students must ensure they are familiar with the definition of

I. Laboratory Report Requirements

Submission Requirements

Your answers should include

• Calculations and derivations
• Simulation results
• MATLAB command window, block diagram and graphical results
• Discussions
that you use in your design.

Please submit your laboratory report along with the attached cover sheet and
laboratory feedback form latest on the specified date.

II. Learning Outcomes

Learning outcome of module:

Learning Outcomes Assessment Question
1. Simulate desired transient response and This laboratory report
steady state error of control system using
numerical software.
2. Describe various representations of feedback Not assessed in this
control systems and their dynamic laboratory report
3. Analyse the stability of a system and select Not assessed in this
system parameters to yield a stable system. laboratory report

4. Design analogue control systems with various Not assessed in this

compensators or controllers based on root laboratory report
locus and frequency response techniques.

Learning outcome of this laboratory:

1. To use MATLAB and Simulink to obtain impulse response of a damped pendulum
2. To study the limitation of small angle approximation in damped pendulum system.

Title: Laboratory 1 – Modelling and simulation using MATLAB Simulink

1. Introduce Matlab and Simulink for control purposes.
2. Understand the role of modeling and simulation in the design of control systems using
Matlab Simulink.

MATLAB is a software package that lets you do mathematics and computation, analyse data,
develop algorithms, do simulation and modeling, and produce graphical displays and
graphical user interfaces.
There are two platforms for modeling control systems in MATLAB, namely:
• Command Window
• Simulink

Task 1

Figure 1: Simulink model 1

Figure 2: Transfer function graph 1 result

Task 2

Figure 3: Simulink model 2

Figure 4: Transfer function graph 2

Task 3

Figure 5: Simulink model 3

Figure 6: Transfer function graph 3

MATLAB Simulink is a graphical programming tool for providing a graphical modeling and
simulation environment that simplifies the design and analysis of complex systems. With its
user-friendly block diagram interface, Simulink allows user to visually represent complex
systems using various pre-built blocks representing mathematical equations. Then, Simulink
facilitates dynamic system simulation that enable users to simulate the behavior of a system
over time to gain the insights into system dynamics, performance, and behavior under different
conditions. Simulink used for designing and analyzing control systems which provides tools
for tuning controllers, analyzing closed-loop performance, and implementing control
algorithms. Therefore, Simulink empowers engineers with a powerful toolset to efficiently
model, simulate, and analyze dynamic systems, enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of
engineering workflows.


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