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Speaking N° 3: What is your favorite music and fashion style?

Name: Class: Date:

Objetivo de Aprendizaje 7

Reaccionar a los textos leídos o escuchados por medio de exposiciones orales o en discusiones y
conversaciones grupales en las que:
 Hacen conexiones con otras asignaturas, la lengua materna y su cultura, la vida cotidiana,
experiencias personales y otras culturas con apoyo del docente.
 Expresan opiniones, sentimientos y los justifican de manera simple.
 Resumen y sintetizan información con apoyo.
 Generan preguntas con apoyo.

I. READ the text in pairs.


(Text taken from Book e-teens 7º basico 2018, page 41)

Equipo Pedagó gico - Inglés – 7° Bá sico - Unidad 1: Feelings and opinions 1
Material Educativo

II. ANSWER the questions about the text. Work in pairs.

a) How are music and fashion connected?


b) What things can people do with T-shirts?


c) How are punk and rock fashions similar?


III. In groups DISCUSS these questions. Use a dictionary if necessary. JUSTIFY your

a) Do you know any other fashion styles that are influenced by music? Make a list.


b) What types of clothing do people who follow these styles wear?


c) Which style is most popular where you live?


d) What music and fashion styles mentioned in the text did you know?


e) What do you think about people who follow a specific style?


Equipo Pedagó gico - Inglés – 7° Bá sico - Unidad 1: Feelings and opinions 2
Material Educativo

f) How do you feel when you see someone dressed up different to you?


IV. EXPRESS your emotions or opinions and WRITE sentences using these expressions: afraid of, fed up,
make friends, take a break, see you later, give advice. SHARE your emotions or opinions with the rest
of the class.

a) ________________________________________________________________________________________.

b) ________________________________________________________________________________________.

c) ________________________________________________________________________________________.

d) ________________________________________________________________________________________.

e) ________________________________________________________________________________________.

V. PREPARE an oral presentation about things you are afraid of and fed up with . Follow these steps:

a) Express opinions, emotions and reasons.

b) Make connections between the text and your experience. Take information from the text if you want.

c) WRITE questions about the topic, and the answers to them.

d) Present your work to your classmates.

VII. Pay attention to your classmate’s presentations and make a summary of the information given.

a) WRITE here the summary.


Equipo Pedagó gico - Inglés – 7° Bá sico - Unidad 1: Feelings and opinions 3

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