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Speaking N°3: What is diabetes?

Name: Class: Date:

Objetivo de Aprendizaje 7

Reaccionar a los textos leídos o escuchados por medio de exposiciones orales o en discusiones y
conversaciones grupales en las que:

 Hacen conexiones con otras asignaturas, la lengua materna y su cultura, la vida cotidiana,
experiencias personales y otras culturas con apoyo del docente.
 Expresan opiniones, sentimientos y los justifican de manera simple.
 Resumen y sintetizan información con apoyo.
> Generan preguntas con apoyo.

I. IN GROUPS , talk about unhealthy habits. USE the following questions to guide your conversation and
include these expressions.

Example: I think that …..

I agree with my classmates because…… I disagree with this because….

a) What diseases caused by unhealthy habits do you know?

b) What do you think about kids’ habits in our country?

c) What do you think about your habits? Are they healthy/unhealthy?

II. SHARE ideas with your seatmate about habits of people you know (classmates, family, and friends) Do
you think they have healthy or unhealthy habits? Why?


Equipo Pedagó gico - Inglés – 7° Bá sico - Unidad 2: Healthy habits 1
Material Educativo

III. WATCH the video, and take notes about the essential information from it.

(Taken from:


IV. ANSWER the following questions.

a) Did you know about diabetes before watching the video?

b) What did you know about diabetes?

c) What information from the video was new for you?

d) Do you think there is any missing information in the video? Which one?

V. WATCH the following video again about diabetes and check your answers to questions in activity 4 in

VI. LISTEN to the pronunciation of the following expressions. Then, REPEAT after your teacher.

I learned about … I read about… I learned in …. I learned when ….

VII. IN GROUPS of 4 students, talk about what you learned from the video. Use the expression from
item V.

Equipo Pedagó gico - Inglés – 7° Bá sico - Unidad 2: Healthy habits 2

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