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Detailed Lesson Plan in Home Economics

(Cookery 10)
Market Forms of Poultry
I. Objectives

At the end of the 1 hour period, the Grade10 students should be able to:

a. identify market forms of poultry;

b. classify the market forms of poultry; and
c. explain how important of market forms of poultry.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Market Forms of Poultry
B. Reference: DEPED Cookery 10 Learning Module
C. Materials/Equipment: laptop, power point presentation, module, worksheets,
activity sheets.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary

1. Prayer Let us put ourselves in the (Students will greet and pray)
presence of the Lord for a

Good morning class. Good morning Ma’am, Good morning

classmates it’s nice to see you today.

2. Checking of I would like to

attendance welcome you in our We are also equally glad of your quality
today’s session. Before time to be spent for our learning today.
we start our lesson,
let’s check the
attendance by
answering the google
form provided.

I’m glad to know that most of

you are present today for our

It feels good that all of you
are ready to embrace the new
learning’s and knowledge are
prepared for you today.

Energizer Showing a video clip about Chair Students will able to follow the
One Fitness demonstration on the video clip.

3. Review Class, are you ready now? Yes

Video Presentation What is the video all about? Students will analyze the video clip
presented to them.
Possible Answer:
 Slaughtering a chicken and
Nutritional Value of Poultry and
Game Birds

4.Motivation Directions: Watch the video Students will analyze the video clip
clip from the Episode of presented to them.
Watch and Tell Master Chef and tell me your


B. Activity Directions: Analyze the Students will answers based on

following pictures and identify their ideas/insights.
Picture Analysis what kind of market forms of
poultry it is. Answer Key:

1. 1. Live Poultry
2. Whole Poultry
3. Dressed Poultry
4. Ready-to Cook
5. Drawn Poultry





C. Analysis Let just check your ideas Students will share their
about the market forms of ideas/insights based on their
poultry. knowledge about the market forms of

1. How did you find the The activity was easy and well good.
activity? Does it stimulate
your curiosity?

2. Why it is essential to It is important to know so that we would

learn the market forms of able to be aware about it.
The activity is all about market forms of
3. What is the activity all

Summarization of all answers based on

(Evaluate the answer of the

students and elaborate their all the ideas presented.

E. Abstraction Overview Poultry are birds that are raised for

human consumption. Poultry is typically
less expensive than other types of meat
and may be adapted to a wide array of
dishes. Poultry products can also be used
in a variety of cooking techniques.

Market Forms of Poultry Live poultry

Live poultry should be healthy, alert, and

well-feathered. Avoid poultry which have
bruises, blisters and broken bones.

Whole poultry

Though not alive, the criteria for

selecting live poultry also apply to whole

Dressed poultry

This is the most available poultry form in

the market. Dressed poultry are actually
slaughtered poultry with the head, feet,
blood, feathers and internal organs
removed. Good quality dressed poultry
should be free from slime, off-odors and

Drawn poultry

These are dressed poultry that have been
chilled or frozen. They are usually
available in groceries.

Ready-to cook

These are poultry parts such as wings,

breast, thighs, or drumsticks which have
been separately packed in a single
container and frozen or chilled

E. Application Making a Mind Mapping Students will answer based on their

relating on the market forms of understanding all about the lesson.

F. Valuing Did you learn something Yes


Are you now familiar with the Yes

different market forms of

Why is it important to know Students will create an answer based on

the market forms of poultry? their understanding about the topic.

IV. Evaluation

I. Identification

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Identify the following.

1. This is the most available poultry form in the market.

2. Refers to several kinds of fowl that are used as food and the term includes chicken, turkey,
duck, pigeon, and quail.
3. Are marketed either fresh or frozen
4. A breast quarter with the wing removed.
5. Are poultry parts such as wings, breast, thighs, or drumsticks which have been separately
packed in a single container and frozen or chilled.

Answer Key:
1. Dressed Poultry
2. Poultry
3. Whole Chickens
4. Split Breast
5. Ready-to Cook

V. Assignment:

At this time of pandemic, what will be the negative effects of lockdown to the owners of
poultry farm?

Prepared by:


Student Teacher

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