Nutritional Value and Components of Poultry and Game LESSON PLAN 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Home Economics

(Cookery 10)
Nutritional Value and Components of Poultry and Game

I. Objectives

At the end of the 1 hour period, the Grade10 students should be able to:

a. discuss the nutritional value of poultry and game;

b. explain the component of poultry and game; and
c. determine the importance of nutritional value and components of poultry and
game in the food industry.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Nutritional Value and Components of Poultry and Game
B. Reference: DEPED Cookery 10 Learning Module
C. Materials/Equipment: laptop, power point presentation, module, worksheets,
activity sheets.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary

1. Prayer Let us put ourselves in the (Students will greet and pray)
presence of the Lord for a

Good morning class. Good morning Sir , Good morning

classmates it’s nice to see you today.

2. Checking of I would like to

attendance welcome you in our We are also equally glad of your quality
today’s session. Before time to be spent for our learning today.
we start our lesson,
let’s check the
attendance by saying
“present” if you are

I’m glad to know that most of
you are present today for our

It feels good that all of you

are ready to embrace the new
learning’s and knowledge are
prepared for you today.

Energizer Showing a video clip about Chair Students will able to follow the
One Fitness demonstration on the video clip.

3. Review Class, are you ready now? Yes

Picture Analysis What is the picture all about? Students will analyze the picture
presented to them.

Possible Answer:
 Different Kinds of Poultry

4.Motivation What is the video all about? Students will analyze the video clip
presented to them.
Video Presentation (
Possible Answer:
 Slaughtering a chicken and
Nutritional Value of Poultry and
Game Birds

B. Activity
Students will answers based on
Venn Diagram Make your own Venn Diagram their ideas/insights.
about components of Poultry
and Game.

C. Analysis Let just check your ideas Students will share their
about selecting and ideas/insights based on their
purchasing poultry knowledge on the selecting and
purchasing poultry.

1. How did you find the The activity was easy and well good.
activity? Does it stimulate
your curiosity?

2. Why is it important to Yes, so that we could aware and have an

know the nutritional value idea.
and components of poultry
and game?

3. What is the activity all The activity is all about selecting and
about? purchasing poultry.

(Evaluate the answer of the Summarization of all answers based on

students and elaborate their all the ideas presented.

E. Abstraction Overview Like meat, poultry contains high quality

proteins. Chicken, the most consumed
among the fowls, has 22.6% protein,
76.3% water and traces of fat, vitamins
and minerals.

Poultry Meat Poultry meat consists of dark and white

muscles. Dark muscles are those found
in parts of fowl‘s body which are always
used. These are the legs, thigh, wings,
neck and rib cage. These are richer in
fat, have more connective tissues, and
have higher riboflavin and myoglobin
content. Most people prefer the dark
meat than white meat (from the breast)

because of its juiciness and flavor.
Variety meats refer to the meat of such
organs as the gizzard, heart, kidneys and

Preparation of poultry for Slaughter and Bleeding

cooking The best method and most human way to
kill the animals is to cut the jugular veins
with a sharpest possible knife. This way
they will quickly loose consciousness
because the blood is drained from the
head within seconds after the cut. Allow
app. 1.5 - 2 minutes of draining in order
to get the best possible bleeding.

Blood trapped in the small blood vessels

under the skin, and particularly in the
larger veins and arteries in the wings,
make the birds unattractive. Good
bleeding has come to mean a step toward
good quality. In commercial operations
thorough bleeding within a very limited
period of time is often difficult.

Scalding in poultry is the process of
treating carcasses with hot water or
steam to loosen the feather from the
follicle to aid their removal. Usually
scalding is done by the process of
immersing the birds in warm water.

Defeathering or Feather Plucking: This is
the removal of the feathers either using
the hand or using a machine.
Eviscerating: This is the removal of the
inedible organs and viscera such as the
crop, oesophagus, lungs, feet and

At this point the preen, or oil, gland is
removed from the tail and the vent is
opened so that the viscera (internal
organs) can be removed. Evisceration
can be done either by hand (with knives)
or by using complex, fully automated
mechanical devices.

The deboning process generally follows
the cutting operation when deboning legs
and thighs. The breast meat, however,
may be removed while the carcass is still
on the cone at the end of the cutting
process. In some facilities, the birds are
aged in a cooler before the meat is
separated from the bone.

E. Application Concept Map Students will answer based on their

understanding all about the lesson.
Concept Map Make a concept map about
nutritional value and
components of poultry and

F. Valuing Did you learn something Yes


Students will create an answer based on

their understanding about the topic.

Why we need to know the We need to know so that we could aware

nutritional value and on it.
components of poultry and

How will you share your Family, relatives and friends

insights? And to whom?

Will you apply it to your daily Yes

IV. Evaluation

I. True/False

Direction: Read and understand the questions carefully. Select True if the statement
is correct, select False if the statement is incorrect.

1. Light muscles are those found in parts of fowl‘s body which are always used.
2. The best method and most human way to kill the animals is to cut the jugular veins with a
sharpest possible knife.
3. The deboning process generally follows the cutting operation when deboning legs and
4. Scalding in poultry is the process of treating carcasses with hot water or steam to loosen
the feather from the follicle to aid their removal.
5. Poultry meat consists of dark and red muscles.
6. Poultry contains low quality proteins.
7. Blood trapped in the small blood vessels under the skin, and particularly in the larger
veins and arteries in the wings, make the birds unattractive.
8. Most people prefer the dark meat than white meat (from the breast) because of its
juiciness and flavor.
9. Allow app. 1.5 - 2 minutes of draining in order to get the best possible bleeding.
10. Chicken, the most consumed among the fowls, has 22.6% protein, 76.3% water and
traces of fat, vitamins and minerals.

Answer Key:
1. False
2. True
3. True
4. True
5. False
6. False
7. True
8. True
9. True
10. True

V. Assignment:

Based on our discussion, make a reflection paper about nutritional value and components
of poultry and game.

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