Ferron Kody M.arch Thesis

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Theoretical Architecture In Nihei Tsutomu’s BLAME!

& The Agency That Shapes Our Cities:

An Exploration of The Comic Medium.


Kody Ferron

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment

of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Architecture (M.Arch)

The Faculty of Graduate Studies

Laurentian University
Sudbury, Ontario, Canada

© Kody Ferron, 2021

theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface


Laurentian Université/Université Laurentienne
Faculty of Graduate Studies/Faculté des études supérieures

Title of Thesis Theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu’s BLAME! & The Agency That
Shapes Our Cities: an exploration of the comic medium
Titre de la thèse

Name of Candidate Ferron, Kody

Nom du candidat

Degree Master of Architecture (M.Arch)


Department/Program: Architecture Date of Defence: 13 April 2021

Département/Programme Date de la soutenance


Thesis Examiners/Examinateurs de thèse:

Prof. Patrick Harrop

(Thesis Advisor/Directeur(trice) de thèse)

Dr. Thomas Lamarre

(Thesis Second Reader/Deuxième lecteur(trice) de thèse)
Approved for the Faculty of Graduate Studies
Tammy Eger, PhD
Vice-President Research
Dr. Ted Krueger Vice-rectrice à la recherche
(External Examiner/Examinateur(trice) externe) Laurentian University / Université Laurentienne


I, Kody Ferron, hereby grant to Laurentian University and/or its agents the non-exclusive license to archive and
make accessible my thesis, dissertation, or project report in whole or in part in all forms of media, now or for the
duration of my copyright ownership. I retain all other ownership rights to the copyright of the thesis, dissertation or
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Kody Royce Ferron

by the copyright laws without written authority from the copyright owner.

ii iii
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface

Author’s Declaration:

I hereby declare that I am the sole author of this thesis. This is a true
copy of the thesis, including any required final revisions, as accepted
by my examiners.

I understand that my thesis may be made electronically available to

the public.
Kody Royce Ferron

iv v
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface

ABSTRACT: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IX

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS: - - - - - - - - - - - - - XII

LIST OF FIGURES: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - XIV


BLAME!: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6

Thesis question: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 11

PART 1 - analysis: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13

nihei tsutomu’s the city: - - - - - - - - - - 27

architectural implications of the city: - - 33

THE MEANING OF BLAME!: - - - - - - - - - - - 39

DESIGN PROPOSAL: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 41

PART 2 - design WORK: - - - - - - - - - - - - 45

REVIEW: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 50

CONCLUSION: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 56

Gallery: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 59



BIBLIOGRAPHY: - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 104
Kody Royce Ferron

vi vii
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface


The core elements of this thesis are drawing, the comic medium, and theoretical architecture.
Through an investigation of the comic medium, this thesis explores the architectural implications of a
city, situated in a fictional world, without; orientation, time, or human intervention. By examining a work
of theoretical architecture, the manga BLAME!, this thesis examines how the drawn medium critiques
the agency that shapes our contemporary cities, shaped by the forces of expansionist, economy-based

Authored by the architecturally trained Japanese manga artist Nihei Tsutomu, BLAME! follows
the story of a silent hero, Killy, as he meanders through the infinite expanses of a steel and concrete
labyrinth known only as The City. This city, one built from the mind of a machine and developed without
any comprehensible purpose, has expanded for tens of thousands of years beyond control. In this
dystopian future, Nihei explores the theoretical architecture of a universe wherein expansionism alone
drives the development of cities, and where the practical application of building has distorted beyond
The world of BLAME! is full of antagonists who stand as impediments to our heroes’ cause. In this
future, the will of a sentient machine governs The City’s laws and executes its orders. Killy’s journey, a
pretext to scower the expanses of The City, is to find the Net Terminal Gene. The Net Terminal Gene is
what stands between the inhabitants of The City, and freedom. Cibo, a highly decorated scientist from
whom Killy finds help along his journey, may have the solution to halting the chaotic expansion of The
City, and finding a way to escape it.
Through the use of drawing and narrative, Nihei Tsutomu explores the consequences of a city
void of orientation, time, scale, human intervention, and natural phenomena. While the reality the
artist/author explores may be a fictional, future dystopia, much of its story parallels the contemporary
condition of the growing development within our own cities.
Kody Royce Ferron

viii ix
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface

Figure 1: Killy's gun - Gravity beam emitter

As part of this examination of BLAME!, I’ve created an architectural intervention as a response to

Nihei’s universe. Nihei presents his architectural discourse in the form of manga. Thus, any contribution
to his body of work must exist within the comic medium. This intervention explores how, in the world
presented by Nihei, one could reinsert human agency into a reality devoid of human characteristics.
Using the methods that Nihei employed in creating his manga mega-series, I explore how the cities of
our future may combat the forces that shape Nihei’s dystopian world. Reestablishing orientation, time,
scale, human intervention, and natural phenomena in Nihei’s world are the milestones that I propose
humanity must reach in order to reclaim their city.

Speculative architect Liam Young states, “Speculative architects mostly create narratives about how
new technologies and networks influence space, culture, and community. They try to imagine where
new forms of agency exist within the cities changed by these new processes.”1 Using the mass appeal of
pop culture mediums, theoretical architects insert architectural theory into everyday life, and through
narrative, host conversations regarding the future of our cities.
Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 2: Gravity Beam Emitter blasts

1 “What Is Speculative Architecture? FAQ by Liam Young,” Strelka Mag, accessed November 23, 2020, https://strelkamag.com/en/

x xi
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface


I would like to thank my advisor, Patrick Harrop, for his

unwavering confidence in my abilities and for inspiring me to
push the contents of this thesis beyond what I could have ever
envisioned it would be. Thank you for your dedication in
conceptualizing my work, and your patience in editing and
reviewing my document. Your creativity and wisdom allowed
me to persevere through a very testing year.

To Thomas Lamarre, thank you for being such a valuable part

of this process and for always bringing excitement, stimulating
conversation, and engagement to my reviews.

I am indebted to you both for your contributions to this thesis.

To my father, thank you for teaching me determination and

tenacity, and to hold everything I do to the highest of standards.
To my mother, thank you for teaching the patience and
compassion I needed to make it through this year.

I dedicate this thesis to my wife. You are my everything, and

your support has allowed me to do so many great things with
my life, thank you.
Kody Royce Ferron

xii xiii
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities preface

List of Figures: Fig 13: By author. Fig 29: Nihei, Blame!, 2016. Fig 48: By author.

Fig 14: By author. Fig 30: Ibid. Fig 49: By author.

Fig 1: Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, Fig 15: By author. Fig 31: Ibid. Fig 50: By author.
Master Edition, vol. 1, 6 vols. (NY,
New York: Vertical Comics, 2016). Fig 16: By author. Fig 32: By author. Fig 51: By author.

Fig 2: Ibid. Fig 17: By author. Fig 33: By author. Fig 52: By author.

Fig 3: Young, Liam. Where The Fig 18: By author. Fig 34: By author. Fig 53: By author.
City Can’t See. Sci-Fi, 2016.
Fig 19: By author. Fig 35: By author. Fig 54: By author.
Fig 4: Giovanni Battista Piranesi,
The Drawbridge, 1780, Etching, Fig 20: By author. Fig 36: By author. Fig 55: By author.
Fig 21: By author. Fig 37: By author. Fig 56: By author.
Fig 5: Elliot Bishop, “The Sweet
Proposal: A Cautionary Tale of Fig 22: Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, Fig 38: By author. Fig 57: By author.
the Corporate City” (Architectural Master Edition, vol. 2, 6 vols. (NY,
Thesis, London, UK, The Bartlett New York: Vertical Comics, 2016). Fig 39: By author.
School Of Architecture, n.d.),
https://www.elliottbishop.com/ Fig 40: Quirky China, Pinghe Nail
the-sweet-proposal. Fig 23: Ibid. House, November 2013, Photo,
November 2013.
Fig 6: Nihei, Blame!, 2016. Fig 24: Ibid.
Fig 41: By author.
Fig 7: Ibid. Fig 25: Ibid.
Fig 42: By author.
Fig 8: Ibid. Fig 26: Ibid.
Fig 43: By author.
Fig9: Ibid. Fig 27: China Stinger, Zheng Mei-
ju, July 2013, Photo, July 2013, Fig 44: By author.
Fig 10: By author. https://www.theguardian.com/
cities/gallery/2014/apr/15/chi- Fig 45: By author.
Fig 11: Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, na-nail-houses-in-pictures-prop-
Master Edition, vol. 2, 6 vols. (NY,
Kody Royce Ferron

erty-development. Fig 46: Nihei, Blame!, 2016.

New York: Vertical Comics, 2016).
Fig 28: By author. Fig 47: By author.
Fig 12: By author.

xiv xv
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities

Theoretical architecture
In nihei tsutomu’s blame!

& the agency that shapes our cities:

An exploration of the comic medium.

Kody Ferron
Kody Royce Ferron
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Theoretical architecture

Theoretical Architecture & Drawing:

Liam Young, the pioneer of and architecture to keep pace the “human scale”. “Designing
Speculative Architecture, asserts with the products, lifestyles, and to ‘human scale’ means design
that speculative architects create machinery that were already that is optimized for human
narratives about architecture.2 part of daily life.”8 Elliott Bishop’s use.”11 Human scale is based on
Using pop-culture mediums The Sweet Proposal, 2018, is the understanding that human
as Trojan horses, speculative an architectural thesis that beings require certain spatial
architects insert discourse on explores the privatization of proportions in order for our built
architectural theory, the state cities and the corporate control environments to be comfortable.
of the field of architecture, and of employment, governance, Drawing is spatial thinking.
the future of our cities into housing and nutrition.9 These Whereas mental visualization
everyday life.3 While Speculative theoretical architects, among is the intangible ability to think
Architecture may be a growing many others, offer a critical spatially, drawing is the physical
field of architectural media evaluation of contemporary ability to think spatially.
exploration, its roots are firmly architecture and the future of Drawing for an architect is
grounded in the architectural our cities. Theoretical architects, our best form of communication.
tradition of theoretical or paper architects, create Drawing allows us to hone
architecture.4 architecture that challenges the our spatial thinking and
way architects disseminate the communicate by showing, rather
discourse on architectural theory, than telling. Drawing allows us to
Piranesi’s Le Carceri, Circa and critique how architecture imagine and picture for ourselves
1750, uses a low viewpoint reflects the ways society how speculative, abstract worlds
and diminutive figures to develops their cities. They do might exist in the future, and
express the vastness of roman this using the architect’s tool of to effectively communicate
architecture.5 In these works, reasoning: drawing. architectural theory.
Piranesi illustrates impossible
architecture full of spatial Some drawn media, such
paradoxes.6 His works illustrates as the Western comic book or
interior spaces so big that As the architectural practice the Japanese manga, can allow
they more closely resemble is largely defined by the need architects to think temporally.
Figure 3: where the city can’t see
exterior spaces, and blur the line to design inhabitable spaces, Both the comic book and manga
between interior and exterior.7 architects work and think can be utilized to represent a
Archigram, during the 1960s, spatially. Spatial thinking is the serialization of architecture
“… acted against what they ability to understand, reason, and narrative. The comic book
saw as a tediously conservative and remember the spatial medium is divided into comic
Kody Royce Ferron

environment, not because of relations between objects or pages, and further sub-divided
radical political sentiments, but spaces.10 Architects use spatial into comic panels. Each comic
because of the inability of art thinking to design spaces for panel represents a single

2 3
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Theoretical architecture

moment in time. Each comic patterns emerge, and how their that drawing could capture
page contains 1-9 panels. These architectural significance might abstract and conceptual ideas
panels, held together in series manifest in the real world. that buildings could not. Drawing
by the comic page, represent the can inhabit the impossible, and
passing of time. By serializing the impossible allows architects
architecture, comics add a to speculate on what may be
temporal dimension to it. Time, Leon Battista Alberti possible. As the ones responsible
as a dimension of architecture, understood drawing as the for shaping our future and
allows us to examine the embodiment of architectural its cities, it is important that
patterns that emerge over the ideas, distinctly separate from architects venture into the
lifetime of a building. From the reality of its structure.12 In impossible, so they might
that we can analyse why those otherwords, Alberti understood speculate on the future.

Figure 5: Bishop - Sweet Proposal

2 “What Is Speculative Architecture? FAQ by Liam Young,” Strelka Mag, accessed November 23, 2020, https://strelkamag.com/en/
3 Ibid.
4 Ibid.
5 “Giovanni Battista Piranesi | The Round Tower, from ‘Carceri d’invenzione’ (Imaginary Prisons) | The Metropolitan Museum of Art,”
accessed April 3, 2021, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/337725.
6 “Piranesi, and His Enduring Influence,” the Guardian, November 6, 2002, http://www.theguardian.com/culture/2002/nov/06/
7 Ibid.
8 “The Weirdest Architects of the ’60s Were Right About the Future,” Bloomberg.Com, November 15, 2017, https://www.bloomberg.
9 Elliot Bishop, “The Sweet Proposal: A Cautionary Tale of the Corporate City” (Architectural Thesis, London, UK, The Bartlett School Of
Kody Royce Ferron

Architecture, n.d.), https://www.elliottbishop.com/the-sweet-proposal.

10 “Spatial Intelligence: What Is It, and How Can We Enhance It?,” accessed April 21, 2021, https://www.parentingscience.com/spatial-
11 Justin VannPashak, “Human Centered Cities Must Be Built at a Human Scale.,” Medium, September 28, 2018, https://medium.
Figure 4: Piranesi - La Carceri 12 Alberto Perez-Gomez, Architecture as Drawing (Taylor & Francis, Ltd., 1982).

4 5
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities blame!


The comic book is a medium The City is virtually empty, being sovereign will, its vastness and
that leverages the architectural continuously expanded by robot emptiness.
tradition of drawing as a means builders, while humanity has all Nihei presents his
to tell stories. No culture has but disappeared. architectural critique in the form
more fully embraced comic books Killy, the principal character, of a dystopian, cyberpunk-action
than Japan, leading the world in is the force that moves the manga, almost entirely devoid
the sales of manga13 (Japanese reader through The City. As he of expository dialogue. A heavy
comics) and establishing this searches for the Net Terminal reliance on visual storytelling
reputation through long running Gene, the key to stopping The devices allows the author
and immensely popular mega- City’s expansion, the reader is to present the architecture
series such as Akira, (8 years), led to believe this particular of this theoretical world as
Naruto, (15 years), and Gintama, genetic marker no longer the true principal character.
(16 years). exists. Consequently, our hero’s BLAME!, explores the future of
Most Batman comics take purpose appears trivial, but architecture, and the future of
place in Gotham City, a fictional upon closer examination, the our world.
city based on New York City’s author reveals a second, more
Manhattan.14 The pages of significant narrative: untethered
these western comic books are expansionism and over-
dominated by anatomy art: art consumption may bring about
that emphasizes the human body the extinction of our cities as we
over background or setting. By know them.
contrast, much of manga, such
as Aposimz, Abara, and Akira,
places its emphasis on setting Nihei presents a future
and background over the human wherein an increasingly naive
body. humanity has allowed technology
to create a sterile, autonomous,
BLAME! is the title of a and malevolent city whose only
6 volume manga mega-series goal is to expand, consume, and
written and illustrated by as a final consequence eradicate
Japanese manga artist Nihei all life within its borders. Nihei
Tsutomu. The story follows demonstrates this through the 13 “One Piece Manga Has 470 Million
our silent hero Killy on his design of The City’s physical Copies in Print Worldwide - News - Anime
News Network,” accessed March 25, 2021,
Kody Royce Ferron

meandering journey through boundaries, such as altering its https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/daily-

the impossibly vast mega- geometry, scale, gravity, and The million-copies-in-print-worldwide/.158229.
structure known as The City. Set City’s ontological characteristics 14 “Gotham City,” Batman Wiki,
accessed April 29, 2021, https://batman.
thousands of years in the future, such as time, and The City’s fandom.com/wiki/Gotham_City. Figure 6: BLAME! master edition vol 1

6 7
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities blame!

Figure 7: killy Figure 8: Net terminal gene

Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 9: builders

8 9
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities blame!

The Netsphere: Thesis Question:

What does Nihei Tsutomu’s work of speculative architecture teach us about the agency that shapes
our cities?

The city:

Figure 10: the city - by author

Kody Royce Ferron

10 11
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

part 1 - Analysis:

SITE: characteristics of The City within These characteristics

the parameters of manga. are what the author uses to
I’ve sited my thesis work
These physical characteristics communicate his underpinned
within The City. Envisioned as
include but are not limited to the cautionary tale to the reader.
a contribution to Nihei’s work
geometry, scale, materiality and Secondly, this analysis revealed
of theoretical architecture, this
matter that are specific to the that ultimately, it is impossible to
thesis work must be situated
universe of manga. In addition, map The City.
and executed as a comic in
the ontological structure of The
order to honour the integrity of
City includes the constraints of
the source material: BLAME!.
time, reality-fabric, and the will
Additionally, this intervention
of The City.
must adhere to a narrative the
same way Nihei’s work did, and
must use Nihei’s narrative as a
There are several Analyzing this site began
stepping-off point. As is typical
conclusions that can be extracted first by taking a scrutinous look
of site analysis, one must first
from the analysis of BLAME! as at the manga and marking a page
understand the nature of the site
an architectural site. or panel that contained an item
to reveal the unique and varied
One of which is that Nihei that was telling of the physical or
site conditions of a theoretical,
Tsutomu employs what could the ontological characteristics of
drawn building site. The result
be termed as a “kit-of-parts”, The City, or the narrative devices
of this analysis is a map that
consisting of an industrial of the medium. These items were
reveals the characteristics of
aesthetic, a hostile, sentient then translated into Axioms.
The City, both physical and
universe and superfluous Axioms: a concise statement
ontological, and that allows for
narrative, to construct the world that describes a factual notion of
an understanding of the comic
of his manga. Nihei’s aesthetic either the medium or of The City.
medium and its significance to
includes adorning his drawings We can understand each
in wires, tubes, factory labels, one of these axioms as either a
rusted screw heads, and various capital-A Axiom or a lowercase-a
Figure 11: reading orientation
other industrial ornaments. axiom. The capital-A Axioms
Analyzing a fictional Nihei’s narrative inhabits a city are the handful of critical
site is unlike traditional that hunts its own citizens. characteristics that define the
architectural site analysis. Nihei’s narrative follows a manga, The City, and convey
Rather than examining paths- man on a journey to save the author’s message. The
of-travel, sound, wind, or sun, humanity. This purpose appears lowercase-a axioms describe
Kody Royce Ferron

this process addressed the superfluous, as the key to saving supplementary characteristics
physical characteristics of the humanity, the Net Terminal that emerge from the capital-A
architecture and the ontological Gene, no longer exists. Axioms.

12 13
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

The capital-A Axioms that pertain The lowercase-a axioms that The axioms that pertain to the
to The City are: pertain to The City are the nature medium are:
-The City is antagonistic. of: -Reading orientation
-The City is mechanical. -The City’s time. -Reading direction
-The City is in-human. -The City’s scale. -Narrative pacing
-The City’s reality-fabric. -The City’s inhabitants. -The establishing shot
-The City’s gravity. -Split panels
-The City’s matter. -Rendering value
-Narrative structure

Figure 12: axioms of the medium

The most revealing axiom, zero gravity environment, like on way up”, which determines the
“Reading Orientation”, is a space station. The third room top of the page.
explored in further detail below. they enter again has a down, An understanding of how
but one which is 90 degrees these principles work together to
perpendicular relative to the create reading orientation allows
down of the first room. for the artist to manipulate the
In volume 2 of BLAME!, Reading Orientation is the reading experience to convey
(Volume 2, Pg 188, 189), Cibo understanding that to “grasp” the notions of confusion and
and 3 other characters pass content of a book we must read disorientation, for example.
through a series of rooms. it in a particular manner. This Nihei, in these 2 pages, exploits
Each room showcases gravity particular manner includes: the assumption of how the
differently. The first room has a -reading direction left-to- reader will approach his work to
“down”. “Down” is the direction right as in the west, or right-to- manipulate the act of reading the
the characters would fall in if the left as in Japan, work. Panel 3 of page 188 and
force of gravity were acting upon Figure 13: axioms of the city
-cover placement, which panel 1 of page 189 both prompt
them. The second room they determines the starting point, the reader to ask themselves,
enter has no down, such as a -and the book’s own “right “how do I read this thing?”.
Kody Royce Ferron

14 15
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

Exploiting a presupposed pages, the reader goes from from the rest of the book).
reading orientation is a common reading the pages “the right This manipulation of reading
strategy to create disorientation way up” (portrait orientation), orientation is used to convey
within comics. For Example, to reading the pages sideways a delusional, schizophrenic
Batman: The Court of Owls vol1 (landscape orientation), and breakdown that Batman suffers
As this axiom of Reading
takes this phenomenon to an finally to reading the pages due to psychological torment at
Orientation is specific to the
extreme. Over the course of 11 upside down (180-degree turn the hands of The Court of Owls.
experience of The City, the
characters of this manga must
experience multiple gravity shifts
off-page. This sequence from
volume 2 of Blame!, and others
like it, show us that unlike on
earth, gravity in The City is not
fixed. The City then is a confusing
labyrinth where gravity shifts on
a whim.

To fully explore this

phenomenon of Reading
Orientation, I created a drawing
that re-oriented this series of
rooms to follow the reading
direction of the page. When
reading the novel the reader’s
eye moves from right-to-left and
down the page. This movement
creates a pattern which the
readers eye naturally follows for
each page. My intention was to
align the spaces the characters
move through along the path of
the reader’s eye.

Figure 15: Reading Orientation

Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 14: Batman: the court of owls

16 17
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

The simplicity of The spaces. The nature of gravity cylinders, and a rectilinear space
City’s geometry became more may confuse, but the geometry attached to them.
clear upon 3D modelling these of these 3 rooms is simply 2

Figure 17: Kit-of-parts

Through exploring this first is cylindrical, rectilinear, or an architecture of the Safeguards

Axiom, there is evidence to intersection of both. While there and the Exterminators, which
suggest that: are very few exceptions, one is are all humanoid figures created
in the first chapter of the first in The City’s image, is like The
1: Gravity shifts within The volume (Volume 1, Pg 22), where City imitating organic design.
City on a whim. Additionally, there is humanoid statuary. This It’s designing with fragmented
matter decays and warps without statutory is ultimately destroyed memories and broken
warning. Therefore, The map and depictions of human beings understandings of what it means
of The City is impermanent are never seen again throughout to be organic, or to be human.
and immaterial. It doesn’t the manga. This is indicative of 4: fourth and finally, one of
exist. These massive, beautiful Nihei’s decision to make The the few constants of The City is
shots that detail the scenes City increasingly inhuman as the its ontological characteristics.
and settings of the story have narrative progresses. Because you can’t trace your
little importance, as they are 3: There is no single steps through or predict how The
impossible to triangulate and geometric sphere used in design City will change, its ontological
are have likely decayed into of The City’s architecture. attributes are the only thing
something unrecognizable. Spheres appear only in the the reader can expect to see
Tracing your steps through The deigns of characters. With this consistently. No one setting is
City is impossible. The City is an gesture, Nihei links the notion of ever revisited by the characters,
Figure 16: 3d modelling - Rhino 6 & 7 ever changing labyrinth. organics, or living tissue, to the and as we’re shown, The City is
2: The City’s architecture, sphere. Even The City believes constantly changing. Therefore
Kody Royce Ferron

formally, is quite simple. Every that it should only use spheres the map of The City could only be
setting, building or other form in organic creations. Using a map of its ontology, rather than
of geometry within The City spherical or organic shapes in the its physical layout.

18 19
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

and are unable to escape The untraceable and unmappable warning. In all likelihood, many
City’s borders. Yet, this weapon labyrinth. This labyrinth is ever of the settings we encounter as
allows Killy to move freely transforming: Warping matter, readers of BLAME! have long
throughout the impenetrable lay- meaning matter that decays and been rebuilt, warped, or other-
ers The City, and to be the only transforms: Stray Builders demol- wise destroyed during unseen
individual capable of doing so. ishing and rebuilding sections of events.
We’re shown that The City is an The City: Gravity shifting without

Figure 18: elements of the city

In taking all of these We’re shown layers, never mul- into a shape or body they can
different axioms, expanding them tiple in succession, the scales of inhabit.
and extracting their implications, which are astronomical, so much We see that there’s a master
I’ve created this map of The so that they suggest the scale of key to The City: Killy’s Gun.
City, (Figure 20). While reading, a solar system. We see both the The mega-structure that de-
we’re shown various elements Administration, a higher benevo- lineates the layered strata is
that contributed to the creating lent force, and the Safeguards, a nigh indestructible, and thus
and interpretation of this map. higher malevolent force, com- creates an inescapable prison.
We’re shown settings where mandeer matter as means of However, a blast from Killy’s
events that reveal some nature entering The City. Essentially, the gun is so powerful that it can
of The City unfold, and we’re Administration and Safeguards pierce through the walls of the
shown buildings, so massive that use the physical matter of The mega-structure. Most of the
Kody Royce Ferron

entire cities could exist inside City, either the human bodies remaining few inhabitants of
them. This is indicative of the of characters or The City’s own The City are trapped in between Figure 19: layers of the city
unfathomable scale of The City. architecture, and transform it these layers of mega-structure,

20 21
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

Consequently, any map

of The City would be imperma-
nent and immaterial. It exists
only as an ever changing
collage of architectural and
ontological notions. These
characteristics of The City
reveal a message from the
author. Nihei’s message is that
untethered expansionism and
over-consumption will bring
about the extinction of our
world, and its cities, as we
know it. The specifics of man-
ga’s story are secondary to the
message the author communi-
cates through the characteris-
tics of The City.
The City is mechanical, de-
signed and manufactured
by the technological entity
embodied by The City it-
self. The City is antagonistic,
hunting and eradicating all
illegal residents. The City is a
labyrinth, its matter warping,
its gravity shifting. The City’s
time and scale are inhuman: a
temporality existing outside of
our comprehension. The City’s
geometry is cylindrical, recti-
linear, and is metaphoric of its
lifelessness. The methodology
of this thesis developed around Figure 20: Administration comandeers matter
understanding Nihei’s kit-of-
Kody Royce Ferron

parts, and determining how to

map The City, using non-trad-
itional cartography.

22 23
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

Nihei Tsutomu’s The City:

The City began as a human In order to protect its into an astronomically scaled,
creation. However, its citizens citizens, The City actively sentient mega-structure, with a
have forgotten almost everything eliminates any foreign or heart of steel and concrete, and
surrounding its origins. Little invading bodies. Operating on neurons of radio waves. Using
more than myths, legends and artificial intelligence coded the intelligence given to it by its
hearsay remain. for it by its creators, The City own citizens, The City exercises
The City is divided into once protected humanity, until its sovereign will and carries out
spherical layers15, so massive humanity changed. genocide as it sees fit.
they appear flat from ground A species-wide genetic
level. These spherical layers, mutation occurred, and the Net Like an organic body
called strata, are delineated by Terminal Gene quickly faded with each cell being replaced
a nigh indestructible material from civilization, along with it the and rebuilt by microscopic
called mega-structure.16 Strata ability to control The City.22 Once organisms, The City’s Builders
vary in size but are extremely citizens no longer possessed build, demolish, and rebuild;
large and can take upwards the gene to command The City, constantly expanding. Like
of a month to traverse top to The City saw its own citizens antibodies fighting off infection,
bottom.17 as foreign entities that were to organisms separate from the
be eliminated. In a tragic turn host body, Killy, Cibo, and others,
In the origin of The of events, humanity’s utopian survive within it. The City is
City, citizens possessed a creation betrayed its creators, the host body, its antibodies
genetic marker known as the and began deploying means are Safeguards: an incredibly
Net Terminal Gene.18 This of eliminating and eradicating advanced race of humanoids
marker allowed for citizens humanity. All that survives of the who possess weapons capable
to telepathically access an world before are sparse tribes of turning entire strata to dust.23
immaterial network known as of refugees, Trans-Humanist The targeted infections are the
the NetSphere.19 This NetSphere, cults, and rogue packs of newly descendants of The City’s original
similar to what we know as the evolved Silicon Life. citizens, now genetically mutated
internet, allowed individuals to from their ancestors’ form. The
control and command The City’s The City is the principal last surviving organisms are
Builders.20 The Builders are The setting of the manga BLAME!. the citizens who have managed
City’s hands, they are extensions The story mostly follows to find shelter from The City’s
of The City’s will that build, secondary settings within this efforts to eradicate impurity.
demolish, and shape it. They world. However, the scale of
are autonomous machines that The City is more akin to the
Kody Royce Ferron

vary in size dramatically and are scale of our solar system rather
The City’s means of physical self- than any terrestrial city we are
development.21 familiar with. The City has grown

26 27
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

Along with The City’s In volume 4, (Volume 4, Pg in The City. When paired with
mechanical nature and hostile 214) Nihei inserts a simple the ontological characteristics
disposition comes a great deal of quantitative measurement of of time, like the quantitative
instability. Many of the things we time into his narrative. This example from volume 4, (Pg
take for granted here on earth measurement follows a scene-cut 214) the disorienting effects
have long vanished from the where, we as readers, jump from multiply. A lot can unfold during
world of BLAME!. Matter in some one set of characters to another. a million hours, and there is no
strata devolves unpredictably At the top of the page, a small way to determine how frequently
into a primordial goo, the very narration bubble (something these colossal time-jumps
atoms that comprise The City rarely used by Nihei) reads: happen throughout the novel.
decaying like organic material.24 “2,244,096 hours later”. That’s The City’s incomprehensible
two million, two hundred and time and irrational gravity
forty-four thousand, and ninety- yields an untraceable path of
Additionally, the ontology of eight hours, which is equivalent travel through The City, and
gravity has distorted within The to 256.18 years. Nihei could an overwhelming sense of
City. During the aforementioned have just as easily written “256 disorientation.
sequence from volume 2, years later” but opted for the
(Volume 2, Pg 188, 189), Nihei Lastly, The City has no
longer “2,244,096 hours later”,
creatively explores gravity’s affect as if to illustrate his intention of horizon. There are no points of
on orientation. Nihei illustrates reference: no sunrise and sunset
making time incomprehensible.
a sequence wherein the 4 to mark the passing of time:
If one were to stack on top of
characters we are following; no clear delineation of up and
each other one million one-
Cibo, Sanakan, Pops and Sutezou dollar bills, the height would down, or any of the cardinal
proceed through 3 independently measure 358 feet, 109 meters, directions. The City is a deep
significant spaces. As they labyrinth devoid of almost all
or approximately the height of
transition from Space 1, to Space a 30-35 storey building.26 One things that are integral to the
2, and to Space 3, gravity’s axis human experience. The only
million one dollar bills, each as
rotates 90 degrees. If at first this thick as a sheet or paper, are as device used to orients characters
is difficult to comprehend, it’s in The City, an instrument fitting
tall as Big Ben. The concept of
because our own built-in balance “a million” exists far beyond our of the hostile and destructive
mechanism: the vestibular nature of this world, is Killy’s
comprehension as human beings,
system, evolved under the affects let alone as a measure of the Gravity Beam Emitter. The Gravity
of earth’s gravity.25 Therefore to Beam Emitter, or GBE, is a small
passing of time within The City.
experience changing or shifting hand-held pistol that uses gravity
gravity is an intrinsically alien, or manipulation technology to emit
in-human, thing. The example of the Z-axis- a blast so powerful that it can
shift from volume 2, (Pg 188, pierce through the prison-like
Kody Royce Ferron

189), is just one instance where layers of mega-structure. The

The ontology of time within Nihei shows the reader that GBE’s blast follows a perfectly
The City is incomprehensible. orientation is constantly changing straight path of travel and is
Figure 22: safeguard - unnamed

28 29
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

the master key to The City. The enveloped and enclosed our solar
only device for direction and system. For tens of thousands of
orientation is a weapon of mass years The City has expanded at
destruction that fits into one’s an accelerated rate, uncontrolled
pocket. and unchecked, consuming
and reshaping all things in its
path, in its own image. It hunts
The narrative of BLAME! is humanity to near extinction
superfluous and inconsequential. and expands and shapes itself
Killy, the story’s protagonist and using fragmented memories of
guiding force, spends 6 volumes its original purpose. Its terrain
totaling 2,158 pages, wandering is hostile and mechanical, and
in search of a genetic marker its reality-fabric is unstable and
that has presumably vanished deteriorating. The only purpose
from existence. At the series’ for The City’s inhabitants to carry
finale, upon seeing the embryo on, is to survive.
introduced in volume 6 now fully
grown into a child, the reader
is led to believe that perhaps
Killy’s mission was a success.
This embryo contained the
Net Terminal Gene. The logical
conclusion to seeing that the 15 “City,” Blame! Wiki, accessed
November 4, 2020, https://blame.fandom.
embryo has developed into a com/wiki/City.
child is that the child would also 16 Ibid.
17 Ibid.
possess the Net Terminal Gene. 18 Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, Master
Edition, vol. 1, 6 vols. (NY, New York: Vertical
However, nothing definitive Comics, 2016).
19 Ibid.
ever comes of his quest, as this
20 Ibid.
child is only shown on the final, 21 Ibid.
22 “Net Terminal Genes,” Blame!
concluding page of the series, Wiki, accessed March 27, 2021, https://
contained within a single panel. Genes.
Nihei’s superfluous narrative is 23 Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, Master
Edition, vol. 2, 6 vols. (NY, New York: Vertical
reflected in the insignificance of Comics, 2016).
24 Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, Master
Killy’s journey. Edition, vol. 3, 6 vols. (NY, New York: Vertical
Comics, 2016).
25 “Human Ear - The Physiology of
Balance: Vestibular Function | Britannica,”
Kody Royce Ferron

accessed April 29, 2021, https://www.

The City, developed and of-balance-vestibular-function.
26 “Grasping Large Numbers,”
created for humanity, grew well accessed March 26, 2021, https://www.ehd.
beyond a comfortable scale, and org/science_technology_largenumbers.php. Figure 23: eternalist time

30 31
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

Architectural Implications of The City:

With the presentation of his to exercise their will over their survivor of a recent safeguard
city, Nihei’s creates several issues environment is futile. In a city the massacre. In this scene, the
that not only impede the citizens size of our solar system, human protagonist converses with
of The City from exercising their scale has all but been erased and agrees to help the injured
own will and agency over it, but from memory. survivor, all while surrounded
that also prevent The City from The City’s infinite expanses by piles of bodies. A common
resembling anything we might be coupled with its genocidal theme in Nihei’s work are these
familiar with on earth as a city. mission creates vast emptiness. happenstance encounters
The Safeguards actively erase with the effects of The City’s
ISSUE 1: ASTRONOMICAL humanity while the mechanical hostility, rather than the affects
SCALE nature of this universe makes of its hostility. Nihei does this
The scale of The City is it next to impossible for any to emphasize just how little life
astronomical. Astronomical organic life to prosper. There exists within The City. However, a
units, or AU, are a system is the occasional mammalian city cannot exist without life.
of measurement developed creature, or the odd plant Neuroarchitecture, a
to better quantity distances growing in between the cracks of field of architecture that
and measurements between steel and concrete, but biological considers human perception of
planets.27 These distances are life’s sparsity punctuates The a space, closely approximates
so immense that our terrestrial City’s emptiness. an antithesis to The City.
systems of measurement, A city must possess human Neuroarchitecture examines
imperial and metric, cannot scale. From the width of streets human perception on a
quantify them. 1 AU is the mean to the height of rooms and the neurological level before
distance between the earth and size of buildings, we must design designing the built environment,
the sun.28 The diameter of The every aspect of a city with the and imbueing it with life.
City is likely close to 1,921.56 human scale as its basis. Neuroarchitecture is best
AU29, which is the diameter of described in the following quote;
our solar system. An exchange “Architects and
ISSUE 2: STERILITY neuroscientists work together to
between Killy and a neutral
Silicon Life in Volume 6, (Volume As The City is almost entirely design places where everything
6, Pg 84), implies that The City devoid of life, it is sterile. The is determined by how the brains
has expanded well beyond the City lacks warmth, natural of its occupants work, from the
limits of Jupiter’s planetary light, biological life, colour, and distribution of the space to the
orbit.30 The human scale is the natural, organic forms. Nihei colour of the walls.”31
past: something forgotten. goes to great lengths to illustrate An article by FINSA
Kody Royce Ferron

Machines designed and built this sterility. For example, in outlines what they believe to
so much of this world that any Volume 1 (Volume 1, Pg 165) be some keys to understanding
Figure 24: safeguard - sanakan attempt humanity may make Killy comes across the lone Neuroarchitecture:

32 33
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

Temperature: “a well- Scents: “our sense of smell ISSUE 4: IMMATERIALITY

balanced temperature is one that is often forgotten Warping matter, a
is important for creating in architecture, but the right phenomenon seen across The
comfortable surroundings, scent can enhance a space. City, only appears over the
given that our brain is very For example, natural scents course of a few panels, but is
sensitive to sudden temperature encourage relaxation.”36 quite revealing of the reality
changes which may impede of The City. A sequence from
cognitive performance and, on Volume 3, (Volume 3, Pg 192),
an emotional level, result in shows Cibo and Killy standing
Curves: “rounded edges
hostility.”32 on a large platform that fades
help us relax more than sharp
angles.”37 into the distance. Its appearance
in terms of materiality is much
Lighting: “insufficient the same as other significant
lighting can change our circadian settings of the series. Yet the
We must imbue a city with
rhythms, but the level and very first panel of this sequence
life, and not just human life.
temperature of the colour also illustrates the ground turning
The symbioses that the human
affect our mood and activity. soft, with an audible “squish”.
species exists in alongside plant
While an intense, white light Cibo, notes this and states: “The
life and mammalian life is integral
activates our brains, warm matter has started to warp.” The
to a well-designed city. However,
lighting reduces stress.” 33
2 characters leave this setting
The City proposed by Nihei is
with haste, implying that warping
devoid of almost every element
matter is an added danger. The
that might be fertile. While there
Plants: “styles such as implication is, among everything
may be artificial lighting in The
biophilic or ecological design else, that the very fabric of
City, the sun was likely consumed
are based on evidence regarding and re-purposed for The City’s reality in The City is mutable and
the beneficial effect that green subject to physical distortion.
expansion. Natural light is no
surroundings and natural longer a plausible reality of The
materials have on our health.”34 City. As stated before, plant The NetSphere is a space
life is essential to the built integral to The City, but of
environment, but Nihei’s built which little is known. We know
Colours: “each colour acts environment almost completely that possessors of the Net
on a different area of our brain does away with plant life. Terminal Gene could access the
and affects our mood. Thanks Colours, scents, and curves are Netsphere in ancient times,
to science, we have discovered all things that are foreign to The and that the hardware that
that pink calms our nerves and City as well, and the temperature supports the NetSphere is built
reduces anger, while warm of a concrete and steel cage into the mega-structure of The
Kody Royce Ferron

colours improve productivity and floating through the unforgiving City. The NetSphere Space, as
concentration, making them ideal void of space is likely less than far as we know, is a heaven-
Figure 25: warping matter for work environments. 35
comfortable. like, digital utopia. Much like

34 35
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

how heaven is the reward for development of city blocks and is a world without a foundation
earthly tribulations to followers public spaces must ultimately be for settlements, for cities, or
of Abrahamic religions, the human autonomy, because what for architecture to be built on.
NetSphere Space is freedom is a city if not a higher level of A world without human scale,
from the prison of the iron human civilization? complex symbiotic relationships
labyrinth. However, to ascend to A sentient city is a hostile across multiple species, or the
the NetSphere Space would not city, at least in the case of The ability for humanity to exercise
only require one to possess the City. The only intelligence that their will over their environment
Net Terminal Gene, but would The City has to use as a basis in any way is hardly a city at all.
also require the sacrifice of all for its operations is the artificial These factors give rise
things real and tangible. intelligence conceived and to a world that is cold, harsh,
encoded into it by prehistoric apocalyptic. A world without
humanity. The ability to turn human intervention, human
against genetically mutated agency or any kind of human
These gestures of warping
human beings, the autonomy autonomy yields a hostile,
matter and an intangible,
to deploy bounty hunter-like mechanical, and confused
alternative reality, further
Safeguards, and the directive wasteland. The insurmountable
impede our hero’s efforts to
to expand endlessly are all odds that human beings face if
save the people of The City.
oversights that stem from the they are to reassert their agency
The existence of the NetSphere
very beginnings of The City. Even in The City begins with these
Space, which can be compared to
in strata where Builders are less factors.
the Christian afterlife, presents
active and small groups of human
an issue of morality: should our
beings have been able to slowly,
hero free the citizens of The City
over eons, build some kind of
by destroying it, or should he free
functioning society, the risk of
these citizens by finding a means
Builders or Safeguards returning
through which they could ascend
and reshaping the sector always
to the NeSphere Space? Even
looms overhead. 27 “What Is an Astronomical Unit?
if they can restore The City to | EarthSky.Org,” accessed March 27, 2021,
human control, what becomes of astronomical-unit.
the NetSphere? As the fabric of 28 Ibid.
29 “City,” Blame! Wiki, accessed
The City continues to distort, the November 4, 2020, https://blame.fandom.
integrity of the NetSphere Space The City’s disorientation, 30 Tsutomu Nihei, Blame!, Master
Edition, vol. 6, 6 vols. (NY, New York: Vertical
grows increasingly threatened. inhuman scale, its sterility, Comics, 2016).
31 FINSA, “Connections by FINSA,”
immateriality, sentience, Connections by FINSA, accessed October 19,
and hostility are all factors 2020, https://www.connectionsbyfinsa.com/
ISSUE 4: SENTIENCE & neuroarchitecture/?lang=en.
that produce a city that
Kody Royce Ferron

32 Ibid.
is unrecognizable as a 34 Ibid.
A city must be sentient, contemporary, human-scaled 35 Ibid.
36 Ibid.
Figure 26: reading orientation but the sentience driving the city. A world without orientation 37 Ibid.

36 37
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P1: Analysis

The Meaning of blame!:

The world is growing. cities between 2011 to 2013 than Through his work, Nihei
It took 200 million years of the entire United States in the suggests that untethered
human history before the global 20th century. It’s estimated that expansionism and over-

population reached 1 billion, in in China, 50 million apartments consumption very well may
1804.38 The global population is sit empty.47 bring about the extinction of life
expected to reach 10 billion by As cities, or ghost cities, as we know it. More and more
the year 2050.39 The only way to continue to develop without our society grows aware of the
sustain this kind of population inhabitants, global debt, both importance of culture, history
growth, assuming we survive financially and environmentally, and biophilia to the architectural
climate change, is with cities, continues to balloon. As practice, and yet more and
and the world is becoming humanity moves more towards more cities are designed using
more city. People are moving a global city, the conversation economic models. As the role of
out of rural areas and into cities surrounding the agency human agency in designing our
faster than ever before,40 and that shapes our cities grows cities slowly takes a back seat
the COVID-19 Pandemic has increasingly pertinent. The to monetary gain, the practical
highlighted many of the flaws of world is becoming a global city, application of building is being
our cities.41 and the city is becoming more distorted and forgotten. The
disoriented. accumulative effect of this may
look more like Nihei’s dystopian
In China, there are an
future than we realize.
estimated 50 municipalities
that stand almost entirely Nihei’s critical message to
empty, some unfinished, some 38 “It’s Been 20 Years since the
the readers of BLAME! is that the Day of 6 Billion | Human World | EarthSky,”
fully fledged metropolises.42 As current rate of development in accessed April 22, 2021, https://earthsky.org/
China continues to experience our contemporary cities is both humans-and-counting.it
39 “World’s Population Will Continue
economic growth, the irresponsible and chaotic. The to Grow and Will Reach Nearly 10 Billion by
government rushes to urbanize agency that resulted in Nihei’s 2050,” accessed April 22, 2021, https://blogs.
massive rural areas.43 For dystopian city is the same agency will-continue-grow-and-will-reach-nearly-10-
example, the Kangbashi District, that drives the construction of 40 “Coronavirus Hasn’t Killed the
City. Here’s Why,” World Economic Forum,
City of Ordos, inner Mongolia, the aforementioned ghost cities accessed March 30, 2021, https://www.
Figure 27: Zheng meiju - nail house makes much of its profit from the in China. Not only is the health of weforum.org/agenda/2020/09/inclusive-
coal industry boom.44 Originally our cities at risk, but the integrity 41 Ibid.
42 Natasha Ishak, “Inside The Ghost
planned to house over one of the field of architecture is Cities Of China That Feel Like An Eerie,
million people, this 90,000-acre being challenged by overly Futuristic Dystopia,” All That’s Interesting,
April 28, 2019, https://allthatsinteresting.
city on the edge of the Gobi
Kody Royce Ferron

ambitious developers who com/chinese-ghost-cities.

43 Ibid.
Desert currently houses less operate on a financial model, 44 Ibid.
45 Ibid.
than 100,000.45 China used more as opposed to a more human- 46 Ibid.
cement in its construction of new centric model. 47 Ibid.

38 39
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design

Design proposal:

The objective of this with orientation and is then Only after humanity reaches
design proposal is to, under the developed using human-scale. these milestones might they
preconditions set by Nihei, alter The City, the largest artificial begin to rebuild in this new
the ontology of The City in order structure in the universe, doesn’t world.
for humanity to reassert their even meet the basic definition
agency into it. of a city. Because this city, The
The thesis work conducted City, is a city only by technicality.
during semester one, Too vast to have boarders and HALTING THE CITY:
summarized as concisely as too disoriented to have any The autonomous, chaotic
possible: I conducted a thorough sense of place, The City is more expansion of The City is one of
examination of BLAME!, and akin to our observable universe, the biggest impediments to the
from that examination created a something that contains every reassertion of human agency in
map that captured the essence knowable form of reality and this world. The size and scale of
of Nihei’s world. The thesis work life: a universal city. Again, partThe City, along with its constantly
conducted during semester two, of the reason it’s not a veritable changing shape are directly
put in the same terms, was to city is because of its size. The responsible for its disorientation.
create an addition to the story scale of The City is nothing like In order to reassert human
of BLAME! using the medium it human scale, it’s alien, a concept agency, The City must reach an
was conceived through, and to so foreign that any effort to end.
analyse it similarly. Using the comprehend it is futile. In this new world, a
information extracted from the quieter world with far more
examination and the information How will humanity reassert consistency, The City would
produced by my intervention, I their agency into this world? The begin to transform. Out of the
created core sample drawings of significant events that need to unforgiving void of The City
my work, and second map. take place in order to reclaim The would arise The New City. In
City are: this new world, the child shown
Much about this world -halt the expansion of The on the final, concluding page of
would need to change before City Nihei’s series, who possesses
humanity could reassert their -introduce agents of change the net terminal gene, is able to
agency into it. A city without to The City access the NetSphere and could
human intervention is a city -restore time halt the expansion of The City.
without purpose. A city without -restore gravity Born from the embryo created by
orientation, human scale, -give this new changing Cibo and Sanakan, and fertilized
without time or gravity, is hardly world motivation using illegal level 9 safeguard
Kody Royce Ferron

a city at all. Time and gravity -re-orient this world, and protocols, this child is the first
are givens, but a city needs finally, being in eons to be born with the
Figure 28: water in the new city orientation. In fact a city begins -redefine the idea of city Net Terminal Gene.

40 41
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design

ensure one is not caught in a trap

created by the rising water. More
importantly, inhabitants of The
New City could track the rate at
which water rises. Time on earth
is measured by the turning of
the planet and the earth’s orbit
of the sun. Time in The New City
would be measured in meters of
rising water, and a clock would
Figure 29: the netsphere space track the water level, rather than
the hours of the day.

By halting The City I of new life would be the most life throughout. The rising nature
would remove the threat of a apt solution. Nihei repeatedly of the water is integral to many
malevolent entity pursuing and highlights in his work that The of the milestones I’ve outlined.
attempting to eliminate our City is devoid of life, however,
characters. The agency that water is already present within
shapes this new world would The City, albeit only in limited RESTORE TIME: RESTORE GRAVITY:
contrast the malevolent agency quantities.
In a world without a sun, The City in its current state
of The City, and would resemble
without an earth that orbits has no horizon. At no point does
like the dawn of civilization.
Therefore, I propose it, and without a moon, how the sky meet the land, as there
Humanity could now, to some
introducing rising water into does one restore time? Water is no sky or land. There is simply
small degree, feel safe to reassert Figure 30: the city
The City. This actuator could would rise throughout the still endless cityscape. Gravity shifts
their agency in this stoned-aged,
allow humanity to reassert their city, presumably at a fixed rate, its axis on a whim,. There is no
mechanical world. The primary
agency into Nihei’s world by, over therefore rising water could comprehensible way to trace
architect of The City would cease IMBUE THE NEW CITY WITH
the course of time, shifting the be what restores time to this one’s path through The City. With water before, and even fewer
to be The City itself. AGENCY:
the ontology of The City from world. Rising water would give the presence of rising water in are familiar with the concept
cold, hostile, and malevolent, the inhabitants of this world a The New City, a horizon would The humans of this world of swimming. Rising water is
INTRODUCE AGENTS OF reference point: their distance emerge. Rather than extending
to warm, teaming with life, and would need a purpose, a simply something that needs
CHANGE TO THE CITY: from the water level, and time: into the distance and vanishing,
benevolent. Water could erode reason to reassert their agency. to be escaped. For any living
Before humanity could re- the concrete and steel of The the speed at which the water this horizon would climb upwards Something beyond escaping The inhabitant, anyone left who
inhabit The City, this world would City and transform its chemical rises. vertically through The New City, as escaping something so might exercise their agency
require an actuating event; an makeup. Settling into new valleys Using the widely available City. Rising water would give all incomprehensibly massive is and reshape The City, moving
event that triggers a subsequent and crevasses, water would technology of The City, many inhabitants of The City a “down”, simply impossible and beyond upwards is mandatory. Rising
chain of events that redefine The carry the nutrients extracted inhabitants would develop and would restore orientation. imagination. Rising water, while water would restore time,
Kody Royce Ferron

New City. As Nihei’s city is sterile from the highly refined materials devices that track the rising of In The New City, universal a blessing, would also be a real gravity, and would give a purpose
and hostile, an actuating event of The City and spread them, the water. These devices would orientation would restore danger. Most of The New City’s to all living beings. Move up, or
that brings with it an explosion introducing and propagating new monitor the water level to gravity’s orientation. inhabitants have never seen perish.

42 43
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities reasserting human agency P2: design

RE-ORIENT THIS WORLD & settlements of The New City. At

RE-DEFINE CITY: every scale, settlements would
climb upwards. The culture
A city, a large settlement
these citizens would bring with
defined by a border, would fail to PART 2 - design work:
themselves, their society and
serve its purpose in this world.
languages, would all develop
By definition, for a city to exist Non-traditional site analysis, must be situated and executed the changes that have begun
around climbing nomadism.
in The New City, it could not the site analysis I’ve conducted as a comic. By using the same in The City, and the ways in
have a fixed place or static walls. for the manga BLAME!, requires visual storytelling methods as which humanity has slowly re-
As Joseph Rykwert’s states in that I conduct non-traditional Nihei, I’ve garnered several short appropriated and re-purposed
The Idea of Town: a city begins architectural design. As stated in stories that exist within the world their environments.
with and must have orientation Part 1, a contribution to Nihei’s of BLAME!. These stories, or
and a boundary.48 As explained work of theoretical architecture episodes, visually demonstrate
above: water, rising through The
City, could reorient it. All forms
of settlement, towns, villages,
and sub-cities, must orient
themselves vertically and must
move upward. Where it was once
a disoriented labyrinth, The City
would now have at least one
point of reference. However, the
notion of a moving city presents
many other hurtles. These
hurtles signal a need to redefine
the idea of a city from a place
with borders, to a place with
We can trace the etymology Figure 31: transhumanism
of the word city back to the Latin
civis, meaning citizen.49 It is a
place’s citizens that truly define
it as a city. Citizens bring culture,
society, language, biology, and
sentience to a city. A city of this
48 Joseph Rykwert, The Idea of Town:
proposed new world aligns with The Anthropology of Urban Form in Rome,
Italy, and the Ancient World (Cambridge,
this conceptual definition of a
Kody Royce Ferron

Massachusetts: Princeton University Press, Figure 32: materials

city as a place with people. 1964).
49 “City | Origin and Meaning of City
Nomadism would define by Online Etymology Dictionary,” accessed
March 30, 2021, https://www.etymonline.
all cities, towns, villages, and com/word/city.

44 45
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design

the child is the first human speaking with the Administration,
in tens of thousands of years the entity that once oversaw the
The first story follows the to be born, albeit artificially, safety and expansion of The City,
child from the final pages of with the Net Terminal Gene. the child halted its expansion.
BLAME! as she enters, for the Once she was ready, the child This is the first event that will
first time in eons, the NetSphere entered the NetSphere Space begin to alter the ontology of
Space. Born from the sacrificial with the objective of halting Nihei’s world.
efforts of Cibo and Sanakan, the expansion of The City. Upon

Figure 35: NetSphere pg3 Figure 36: NetSphere pg4


Now that The City lays new lakes, pools, and ponds. aquatic life, likely plant based,
dormant, water begins to return These new bodies of water are would further alter the landscape
to The City, and in greater filled with nutrients extracted of The City. The erosion from
quantities than before. Waterfalls from the landscape of The City, moving water would only be
and flowing rivers carve away at which would fuel any aquatic accelerated upon introducing
the harsh, industrial landscape life that might evolved, or that living organisms into The New
Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 33: NetSphere pg1 Figure 34: NetSphere pg2 of this world, and began to form might have evolved already. This City’s bodies of water.

46 47
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design



The return of water, to orient oneself. Restoring time cities, and architecture could
specifically rising water, would and gravity, which rising water be rethought by this new era of
bring with it a means to tell would do, would finally provide a civilization.
time, and a horizon with which foundation on which settlements,

Figure 38: the tilt pg1 Figure 39: the tilt pg2


Rising water would allow purpose would define the form long, most are one to two, and
for the citizens of The New City of all architecture within The City. each one addresses one or more
to finally develop their own of the changes I propose to make
sentience, and exercise their own to Nihei’s city, in order to reassert
agency over their environment. Using narrative to drive the human agency into his world.
Imbued with purpose, the contents of my intervention, I’ve
Kody Royce Ferron

citizens of The New City share created this collection of short

a common goal: to climb. This stories. Some are several pages

Figure 37: waterclock pg1

48 49
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design



The narrative of my that together simulate the the changing location of

intervention into BLAME! flow of time, adds a temporal 3-dimensional objects in space.50
drove the creation of these dimension to architecture. Time also measures the quality
comic stories, which represent Architecture is inherently spatial, of 3-dimensional objects, namely,
episodic, serialized architectural and so is time. Time is a spatial time is used to measure the
events. Serializing architecture, dimension, not in the sense decay of our cities and buildings,
that is transforming theoretical that it can be physically felt and determine their lifespan.
architecture from single, static or measured, but rather time
images into a collection of stills is a quantity used to measure

Figure 42: belay pg1 Figure 43: belay pg2

As with BLAME!, my comic space wherein temporal a space for temporal patterns to
stories possess patterns, both patterns are allowed to emerge. emerge, where a much deeper
intentional and fortuitous. By By imbuing the architectural analysis of the architectural
imbuing theoretical architecture language of my thesis work with consequences of narrative can be
with the dimension of time, the added dimension of time, made.
theoretical architects create these episodic drawings provide
Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 40: climber pg1 Figure 41: climber pg2

50 51
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design


Core sample drawings

are similar to contemporary
architectural drawings.
Architectural drawings in the
contemporary architectural
practice are largely comprised
of detailed technical drawings
that illustrate the dimensions,
connections, and technicalities of
architectural designs. These core
sample drawings flesh-out some Figure 45: map 2 - the new city
of the details of the architectural
typologies that emerged as a
consequence of the changes I MAP 2 - THE NEW CITY:
oriented settings which are an ontology that is primarily
propose making into Nihei’s city.
The world of BLAME!, under ordered based on the events dependant on the ontology of
They provide this thesis with a
the conditions of my proposed that occur in each. For example, BLAME!. The events of this world
comprehensive understanding of
changes, would develop water is rising through The City. all share the same orientation
the physical make up, the social
new characteristics. These A setting that has water exists and direction, but their exact
positioning, and the greater
characteristics would reshape below every other setting that locations are still mostly
context of these architectural
The City proposed by Nihei, doesn’t. Or a setting that is newly arbitrary. The City remains so vast
and redefine the purpose of its re-oriented exists below a setting that to pinpoint the location of
inhabitants. Using the various that isn’t. Imagine the reorienting each event or story is impossible.
settings from my intervention, process as a wave that travels This collection of significant
settings that exist to illustrate slowly up through The City, as events and settings is the legend
the changes made in this world, the herald of the rising water. to the ontology of my comic.
I created the second map. This This map represents the
Kody Royce Ferron

map is a collection of vertically ontology of my proposed world,

Figure 44: core sample drawing

52 53
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design

THE GLOBAL CITY: the industrial revolution,53 until my intervention into it are social
now, we’ve seen humanity take modelling for the future, global
As the global city
flight, land on the moon, develop city.
approaches, so does a reality
medicine that prolongs our lives,
wherein technology and the
develop weapons of nuclear war,
world’s population have grown
and increase its population by 7
and advanced beyond what
most could ever predict. In this
globalized world, what form will
our cities take? Nihei proposes The only way to that
a future which mirrors a cold, technology could save our planet
labyrinth-like prison. A city so is to increase innovation. The
lifeless and massive that it would only way to increase innovation is
be more accurate to refer to it to decrease poverty, hunger and
as The Universe. In this future, water instability, and increase
humanity’s faith in technology education and quality of life. The
is their downfall. However, as 2.2 billion people projected to
climate change continues to live in the Sub-Saharan Africa
worsen, technology may be the region by 203655 won’t be able
only chance humanity has for to advance our society into
survival. a global city if they continue
to have their lives plagued by
Technology has changed suffering and war. 50 “Physicists Continue Work to
Abolish Time as Fourth Dimension of Space,”
as a gruelingly slow pace for accessed April 22, 2021, https://phys.org/
hundreds of millions of years of A global city does not have dimension-space.html.
51 Kate Wong, “Archaeologists
human evolution, and within the to be bad. In fact I, along with Take Wrong Turn, Find World’s Oldest Stone
past couple decades alone we’ve many others, propose that a Tools [Update],” Scientific American Blog
Network, accessed April 22, 2021, https://
witnessed more technological global city could represent the blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/
advancements than all our pinnacle of human evolution oldest-stone-tools-update/.
52 “Mesolithic | Definition,
hundreds of millions of years of and society. A global city could Technology, & Facts,” Encyclopedia
evolution combined. be where survival transcends Britannica, accessed April 22, 2021, https://
seeking nutrients and shelter, 53 “Industrial Revolution |
Definition, History, Dates, Summary, & Facts
For example, the first and is instead becomes | Britannica,” accessed April 22, 2021,
stone hammer, which was advancing the collective Revolution.
little more than a specialized consciousness of the universe 54 “World Population by Year -
Worldometer,” accessed April 22, 2021,
stone, developed 3.3 million and testing what is truly https://www.worldometers.info/world-
possible. Drawing, when used
Kody Royce Ferron

years ago.51 By contrast, the 55 “Population Growth: A Ticking

Time Bomb for Sub-Saharan Africa? - United
first stone hammers to have in the context of architecture
Nations University,” accessed April
handles developed 6000 years and the future of our cities, is 22, 2021, https://unu.edu/news/news/
ago.52 From 1760, the start of social modeling. BLAME! and sub-saharan-africa.html. Figure 46: Blame! - final page - The child

54 55
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities P2: design

Conclusion: The fate of our cities, In creating an intervention Using the mass appeal of
the fate of our planet, looks into the fictional universe pop culture mediums, theoretical
The core elements of this grim. Architect’s responsibility established by Nihei Tsutomu, architecture allows architects
thesis are drawing, the comic to consider the future of our this thesis contributes to the to insert architectural theory
medium, and theoretical cities is about more than the continuum of architectural into everyday life, and through
architecture. satisfaction of its citizens, it’s theory through drawing narrative, host conversations
What does Nihei Tsutomu’s about the continuation of human that challenges the state of regarding the future of our cities.
work of speculative architecture life. Architects must challenge architecture and the future of
teach us about the agency that the state of architecture and the our cities.
shapes our cities? Through his future of our cities. BLAME! takes
work of theoretical architecture place in a fictional dystopian Drawing is an architect’s
and using the drawn medium of future, but this future closely best mode of communication. As
comics, Nihei Tsutomu generates parallels what we might expect an instrument of spatial thinking,
relevant architectural discourse to see in our own future. drawing allows architects to
surrounding the development Humanity’s mass migration into imagine how spaces might
of our contemporary cities, via a cities has already begun, and exist. As a tool of theoretical
fictional, theoretical future. with the rate of technological architecture, drawing allows
advancement and environmental theoretical architects to imagine
destruction, an infinitely vast how alternative forms of agency
mega-structure seems almost might affect the development of
likely. our cities, and speculate where
Through an investigation
the agency that develops our
of the comic medium, this
contemporary cities might lead
thesis explores the architectural
implications of a city, situated
in a fictional world, without; Theoretical architecture The comic medium poses
orientation, time, or human lends so much to architectural the unique ability to serialize
intervention. theory specifically because it can both architecture and narrative.
By examining a work of exist within the impossible. By By serializing architecture, comics
theoretical architecture, design, theoretical architecture add a temporal dimension
the manga BLAME!, this conjures questions of: what is to it. Time, as a dimension
thesis explores the effects of possible, what is acceptable, and of architecture, allows us to
disorientation on both the where we’re headed as a global examine the patterns that
city. Theoretical architecture is
physical and ontological levels of emerge over the complete
architecture, and examines how a tool of inquiry and a test of lifetime of a building, or even
the drawn medium critiques the architectural thought. Drawing over tens of thousands of years.
forces of expansionist, economy- is so important to architecture From that we can analyse why
Kody Royce Ferron

based development, and their because it lives within the those patterns emerge, and how
role in shaping our contemporary realm of the theoretical, the their architectural significance
cities. impossible, and the future. might manifest in the real world.

56 57
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

by author
Kody Royce Ferron

58 59
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

decendant of the child

The new city concept

Kody Royce Ferron

fungal fruit body

60 61
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

aesthetic exploration
Kody Royce Ferron


62 63
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

netsphere space: p1 netsphere space: p2

Kody Royce Ferron

64 65
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

netsphere space: p3 netsphere space: p4

Kody Royce Ferron

66 67
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

the tilt: p1 the tilt: p2

Kody Royce Ferron

68 69
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

Spite House: p2

Spite House: p4
Spite House: p3
Spite House: p1
Kody Royce Ferron

70 71
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

Spite House: p6

Spite House: p8
Spite House: p5

Spite House: p7
Kody Royce Ferron

72 73
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

spite house: p10 (p9 never completed) water clock: 1of1

Kody Royce Ferron

74 75
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

climbing village: p1 climbing village: p2

Kody Royce Ferron

76 77
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

ladder rungs: p1 ladder rungs: p2

Kody Royce Ferron

78 79
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

Bridge forest: 1of1 the history of tilting: 1of1

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80 81
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core sample drawings:

Kody Royce Ferron

82 83
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

core sample drawings // the new city:

Kody Royce Ferron

84 85
Kody Royce Ferron

The City
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Gallery: by author

the end
Kody Royce Ferron

88 89
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Appendix A: Gravity Beam Emitter

Appendix A:
Gravity Beam
Kody Royce Ferron

90 91
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Appendix A: Gravity Beam Emitter

APENDIX A: Gravity Beam Emitter:

The City is a labyrinth. the device is clearly significant. Killy’s Gravity Beam Emitter
Gravity, time, and scale are all The notion of disorientation is is a finely crafted digital object
distorted because of The City’s the most significant element of which not only embodies this
chaotic expansion. There is no BLAME!’s narrative, and Killy’s manga, but which also embodies
way to orient oneself without GBE is The City’s one means of my thesis. In Nihei’s world, the
gravity, and the distortion of orientation. relationship between human
time and scale has completely beings and the ontology of
disoriented The City. Nihei made scale differs wildly from our
the walls of his labyrinth from contemporary understanding of
a nigh-indestructible material the human-scale. This gun is the
This Gun is the master
called mega-structure, therefore, symbol for the various ways Nihei
key to The City. The key that
beyond being a labyrinth, The has distorted the ontology of
opens the prison door, and that
City is also a prison. The City is an scale and reality.
cuts through the walls of the
endless concrete and steel trap,
labyrinth. The gun is both literally
and to escape it, one would need
the skeleton key to The City, and
a key of mythical proportions.
figuratively. Without the GBE,
The gun, Killy’s Gravity Beam Killy could not pursue his one
Emitter, is an enigmatic object and only goal: scower The City for
integral to the progression of the the Net Terminal Gene. The GBE
narrative of BLAME!. Being the is the linchpin to Nihei’s entire
only device capable of cutting narrative.
through the layers of mega-
structure, the GBE is the skeleton
key to The City. Nihei details very
little regarding the origins of the
GBE, however, he links the device After opening the prison
to the administration, implying doors, the gun orients this
that the administration gave Killy story’s characters in the only
the weapon. Knowing that the way possible. The GBE projects a
administration represents some perfectly linear beam of gravitons
kind of higher power, knowing that erase any matter they come
little about the gun’s origins in contact with. The gun is the
besides that we can connect it to skeleton key to The City, the
the administration, and knowing crux of the narrative, and as
Kody Royce Ferron

that it is one of the few things in an example of a human-scaled

the universe powerful enough object, the GBE is the undeniable Figure 47: stills from FAB2 Video Assignment
to cut through mega-structure, thesis to BLAME!.

92 93
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities Appendix A: Gravity Beam Emitter

Figure 48: profile Figure 50: level-up

Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 49: exploded Figure 51: grip

94 95
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities appendix b: how to draw a comic!

Appendix b:
how to draw a
Kody Royce Ferron

96 97
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities appendix b: how to draw a comic!

APENDIX B: How to draw a comic!: STEP 1: IDEAS - THUMBNAIL

The “ideas stage” of the work is done via thumbnailing. Thumbnails get their name from
The purpose of a comic is to tell a story. As comics are a visual medium, they rely on many their size. They should be small and fast sketches that explore the possible arrangements of the
of the same methods and techniques of most visual arts. pieces of a composition. As the end goal is a comic page, the experimentation with ideas in their
The basic elements of a comic page are the page, the panels, and the gutters. The panels earliest stage is best done as miniature comic pages which test the artistic validity of the ideas.
are the small subdivisions of the page that are each represent a moment in time. The gutters
are the area surrounding and separating the panels, most often left as a blank white space, or a
solid black space.
The fundamental principles an artist uses to create a coherent and appealing page layout

The following in an abridged version of the process I’ve developed in order to create my
thesis work:

Step 1: Thumbnail (ideas)

Step 2: Page Rough 1 (composition)
Step 3: Page Rough 2 (draftsmanship)
Step 4: Line
Step 5: Rendering (technique)
Step 6: Scan and Colour (technique)
Kody Royce Ferron

Figure 52: page principles Figure 53: thumbnail sketches

98 99
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities appendix b: how to draw a comic!


After developing an appealing composition during the thumbnail stage, the next step is to This is a simple stage of the comic page process. I outline the major forms, ensure that
translate that composition into a full size, 11x17 comic book art board. During this stage it is silhouettes are strong, and that the compositional elements are properly overlapping to create
important to remember to “stand back” from the page and ensure the composition continues depth.
to read well as a whole. Sketching compositions as small thumbnails initially allows us to judge
quickly whether or not we like a composition, and “standing back” allows us to have the same
level of perspective over a full size page.
Gesture is one of the more important elements to be captured in the composition. Gesture
can be understood as energy and movement. As most comics are capturing action sequences,
whether its characters running and fighting or buildings crumbling and changing, movement
and energy are important elements to capture in a comic page composition.

Figure 55: line

Figure 56: technique

Figure 54: composition & draftsmanship
Kody Royce Ferron

This stage is where perspective, foreshortening, proportion and silhouette all come into Now that I have a basic line drawing that has depth, composition, perspective and form I
play. Perspective and foreshortening are how an artist uses spatial reasoning to layout 3D can begin to add my lighting and rendering. Light can be used to create a lot of emotion in a
objects in a scene and create believability. scene, and a good composition works together with lighting to create a complete image.

100 101
theoretical Architecture in Nihei Tsutomu's blame! & the agency that shapes our cities appendix b: how to draw a comic!


Nihei used physical screentones to create the grey scale gradients in his artwork. I did not
have access to authentic screentones, but I was able to simulate them digitally. I used them
initially to approximate Nihei’s original style, but as my work progressed I felt that the use of
digital screentones were more of a detriment to my work than they were an asset.

This 6 step process is not something I had from the beginning of this semester. It took much
trial and error to not only develop a system that I could use to my advantage, but that I could
fully comprehend. Many of the drawings I created this semester did not strictly adhere to this
process, and the points where I diverged from a clear process are highly visible in the finished

Figure 57: colour

Kody Royce Ferron

102 103
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