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Name: _______________________________ Period: ______

Student Survey for Mr. Hester’s English Class

Directions: For me to be the best teacher that I can be, it is helpful for me to
know things about you. Take about eight minutes and complete the survey below
for yourself.

Part I: What you do

What do you like to do in your free time?
In my free time, I like to _____________________________________________________________
I like doing this because ____________________________________________________________
Another thing that I like to do is
I like doing this because ____________________________________________________________

Part II: Your last school

What school or schools did you go to for middle school?
For middle school, I went to __________________________________________________________
Did you think that the school you went to for 8th grade was a good school? Why?
I think that the school I went to for eighth grade was
_______________________________________ because
One thing I liked about the school was
One thing I didn’t like about the school was

Part III: Your goals

What do you want to do when you graduate from high school?
When I graduate from high school, one thing I want to do is
I want to do this because ____________________________________________________________
Continue on the back 

Part IV: Your 8th Grade Year

How good was your English teacher last year? Circle a number.
1 ---------------------- 2 ----------------------- 3 ------------------------ 4 ------------------------ 5 ----------------------
Bad Not that great Only OK Pretty Good
Good Great
Explain why you circled the number above:
I circled the number _____ above because ____________________________________________


How much did you learn in English class last year? Circle a number.
1 ---------------------- 2 ----------------------- 3 ------------------------ 4 ------------------------ 5 ----------------------
Nothing Not that much A little bit A good amount A lot
A ton!
Explain why you circled the number above:
I circled the number _____ above because ____________________________________________


How many five-paragraph essays would you guess that you wrote last year?
Part V: My 9th Grade Year
How badly do you want to succeed in English class this year? Circle a number.
1 -------------------- 2 ------------------ 3 ------------------- 4 ------------------- 5 --------------------6
I don’t want to Not that much A little bit Quite a bit A lot I
really want to succeed
Explain why you circled the number above:


What else should Mr. Hester know about you?




If you finish early, draw a picture of yourself doing something that you love in this


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