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circuit 巡迴 ; 巡遊 ; 環形道路

They test the car tires on a motor racing circuit.

circular 通知 ; 傳單 adj. 圓形的

Circulars and other junk mail go straight in the bin.

The full moon has a circular shape.

circulate (使)循環 ; (使)流通 (使)傳遞 ; (使)散播

Hot water circulates through the heating system.

circulation 流傳 ; 傳播 ; 循環

Police have warned that there are a lot of fake £50 notes


circumstance 條件 ; 情況 ; 形勢

I think she coped very well under the circumstances.

circus 馬戲團 ; 馬戲表演 ; 馬戲演員

The children loved being taken to the circus.

cite 舉例 ; 引證 ; 表彰 ; 傳喚

She cited three reasons why people get into de33bt.

citizen 公民 ; 市民 ; 城鎮居民

He applied to become an American citizen.

civic 城鎮的 ; 城市的 ; 市民的

The opera house is a great source of civic pride.

Civil. 民用的 ; 平民的 ; 國民的 ; 客氣的

Helicopters are mainly used for military rather than civil

civilian 平民 ; 老百姓

The bomb killed four soldiers and three civilians.

civilization 文明社會 ; 文化

Some people think that nuclear war would mean the end of


civilize 教化 ; 開化 ; 使文明 ; 使有教養

The Romans set out to civilize the Ancient Britons.

calm 寧靜 ; 安詳. 平靜的 ; 冷靜的

It was the calm of the countryside that he loved so much.

After a night of fighting, the streets are now calm.

Clamp 夾具 ; 夾鉗

夾住 ; 緊緊抓住
Carefully tighten the clamp until it firmly supports the

pipette in a vertical position.

A heavy iron chain was clamped around his wrists.

Clan. 家族;群體;集團

Is the whole clan coming to visit you for Christmas?

Clarify 澄清 ; 闡明 ; 使更加清晰易懂

Could you clarify the first point please? I don't understand

it completely.

clash 衝突 ; 打鬥 ; 分歧 ; 抵觸

發生衝突 ; 打鬥 ; 相抵觸

Rioters hurled rocks and petrol bombs in clashes with police

at the weekend. (暴亂分子在週末與警方發生衝突,向其投

擲了石塊和 汽油彈。)
The government and the opposition parties have clashed

over the cuts in defense spending. (政府與反對黨派在削減國

防開支的問題上發生了激烈 的爭執。)

clasp. 緊抱 ; 緊握 ; 緊抓. 抱緊 ; 握緊

She held the child's hand in a firm clasp as they crossed the


He was clasping the vase tightly, terrified of dropping it. (他


classic 經典作品 ; 傑作 ; 經典服裝

經典的 ; 優秀的 ; 一流的 ; 古樸的

Jane Austen's 'Pride and Prejudice' is a classic of English


Have you ever read Fielding's classic novel 'Tom Jones'?

classification 將...分類 ; 把...分級

Do you understand the system of classification used in


Classify 將...分類 ; 將...歸類 ; 把...分級

The books in the library are classified according to subject.

clause /klɔːz/ n[c]. 條款 ; 子句

They have added a clause in the contract which says the

company can make people redundant for economic reasons.

claw. 爪 ; 腳爪 ; 螯 ; 鉗

Keep your fingers away from the crab's claws when you pick

it up.

clay 黏土 ; 陶土

We make bricks from clay.

cleaner 清潔工 清潔劑 ; 去污劑

Chris has an evening job as an office cleaner.

Cleanse 清洗 ; 使清淨 ; 使純淨

Cleanse the wound thoroughly before you bandage it.

clearance 清除 ; 清理 ; 清倉減價

We bought our new carpet at a clearance sale.

clench 捏緊 ; 握緊 ; 咬緊

The old man clenched his fist and waved it angrily at us.

clever 聰明伶俐的 ; 熟練的 ; 精巧的

Judy has never been very clever, but she tries hard. (裘蒂向

click 突然明白 ; 恍然大悟 ; 成為朋友 ; 受歡迎 ; 發出短而尖


Suddenly everything clicked and I realized where I'd met


client 客戶 ; 顧客 ; 主顧 ; 委託人

Mr. Black has been a client of this firm for many years.

cliff 懸崖 ; 峭壁

Keep away from the edge of the cliff - you might fall.

climate 氣候 n[c]. 形勢 ; 趨勢

Terrorism creates a climate of fear.

climax 高潮 ; 最精彩的部分 ; 頂點 vi. 達到高潮 ; 達到頂點

The climax of the air show was a daring flying display.

The Olympics climaxed in a spectacular closing ceremony.

cling 依附 ; 附著 ; 接近 ; 貼近

We got so wet that our clothes cling to us.

clinic 診所 ; 門診部

Bring your baby to the clinic and we'll take a look at her. 64

clinical 門診的 ; 臨床的

Clinical trials of the new drug may take five years.

Clone 無性繁殖 ; 複製品 ; ...的翻版 vt. 使無性繁殖 ; 複製

Most people saw her as just another blond-haired, red-

lipped Marilyn Monroe clone.

Scientists have already cloned a sheep.

Close 末尾 ; 結尾 (使)關、合 ; 打烊. 隱密的 ; 密切的 ; 接近

的 ; 封閉的

I tried to bring the conversation to a close.

Could you close the window please?

They're a worrying political party because of their close ties

with terrorist groups.

Closure 停業 ; 倒閉 ; 關閉

The unions fought hard against the government's program

of pit closures.

Cloth 布 ; 布料

This beautiful piece of cloth cost me about 1000 dollars.

Clothe 給...提供衣服 ; 給...衣服穿

It costs a lot to feed and clothe five children.

clothing 衣服 ; 服裝
You can only take three items of clothing into the changing


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