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The competence for strategic conclude that one of the causes of the
thinking is a core business management difficulties faced by them with the demands of
requirement for success and business strategic matters is the preferred thinking
managers are required to ground their daily patterns.
actions toward strategic objectives.
According to the Mental Model description, the
On one hand, building strategic competence is
data analysis shows that the natural incidence
especially critical for facing challenges in these
of strategic thinking favorable capabilities
turbulent times present. In today's ever-
among MBA professionals assessed represents
changing business environment, strategic
only 11,2%. These data indicate that most of
thinking competent and successful leaders can
these MBA professionals are operational-
envision a coherent future that doesn’t exist in
minded (78,7%) and indicate that these
the present, and embrace a broad perspective
professionals, in not attending appropriate
of their organization. They are also acutely
training and development programs for
aware of the trends and developments that
developing strategic thinking capabilities, may
impact present and future business realities.
have troubles in dealing with business strategic
questions and may consider, in many times,
Successful strategic leaders not only manage
these strategic questions as theoretical issues
by focusing on the day-to-day objectives of their
without importance, not related to the practical
organizations but also by strategically
business objectives and results, and letting
positioning themselves and their organizations
them out of their professional focus and
for tomorrow. “They see the forest for the trees”.
interests. This need demands that MBA
These are only a few of the key strategic
programs have as their main purpose to help
thinking attributes that will
the professionals attending these programs
define a leader. Without this
develop the skills for strategic thinking.
foundation, how can one
develop an organizational
The MBA Program Challenges
strategic intent, how can one
see the whole process through Research data indicates the relatively low
and accomplish goals? frequency of the thinking preferred model that is
appropriate to the strategic thinking among
On the other hand, managers and professors
assessed professionals attending MBA
claim that professionals attending MBA
programs. The most frequent mental model
programs have more difficulty in dealing with
found among these professionals is a thinking
strategic matters for defining alternative futures
model that is characterized by focusing on here-
and possibilities and prefer dealing with
and-now issues and by trusting facts, proven
subjects more focused on here-and-now
data, previous experience, and the information
operational issues. They complain about
their five senses bring. In other words: they are
professionals' problems in coping with strategic
operationally minded professionals.
business issues in their subjects. It may
indicate that these professionals have Most of these professionals are conservative
difficulties in developing this skill and that these and tend to focus on current questions to be
difficulties may be tied to skills for thinking practical and utilitarian and to let past
strategically. experiences guide them in solving problems.
They may miss the strategic issues and the big
Results from the research on preferred thinking
picture, or new future possibilities by
patterns among professionals attending MBAs
considering these issues as theoretical and as visualizing the enterprise as a whole and
with no practical utility for immediate results. coordinating and integrating the various parts.

This appointed low frequency of a strategic But things seem not to work this way. These
mental model among assessed professionals recommended methods seem not to be
may be correlated to the professional’s effective in developing the capability for
difficulties in dealing with strategic issues as strategic thinking. In his retrospective
reported by MBA professors. This also indicates commentary, Katz points out that conceptual
the need for programming activities to help ability – his name for strategic thinking –
these professionals in developing capability for depends on a specific way of thinking or one’s
strategic thinking which is a basic request for mental model. The development of this
strategic business management and strategic competence is more complex than he has been
business issues of the enterprises. thinking. As he stated:

So, one of the main objectives of MBA “I am now less sanguine about the degree to
Programs is to develop, guide, and enhance the which this way of thinking can be developed
strategic thinking skills of all MBA professionals on the job. Unless a person has learned to
attending the program. This is not an easy task think this way early in his life, it is unrealistic to
expect a major change in reaching an
and it demands hard work because it demands
executive position. Job rotation, special
letting people out of their comfort zone related interdepartmental assignments, and working
to their personal preferences. The greatest MBA on case problems certainly provide an
challenge embedded in this objective is opportunity for a person to enhance previously
improving the ability “to see the forest without developed conceptual abilities. But I question
getting lost in the trees”. how easily this way of thinking can be
inculcated after a person passes adolescence.
The development of MBA professionals’ In this sense, conceptual skill should perhaps
strategic thinking competence be viewed as an innate ability”. (pg. 34)

Katz (1991) in dealing with the question of Katz's statement was based on what was
developing conceptual or strategic thinking known at the time when he did his work. One
competence, points out that “several methods may say that embedded in his proposition;
have been tried to aid people in developing this conceptual skill should be viewed as an innate
ability with varying success” and that “some of ability. She or he also may see the fixed-brain
the best results have always been achieved myth inside his proposition. The fixed-brain
through the coaching of subordinate by myth states we are born with a full complement
superiors” (p.32). of neurons and produce no new neurons during
our lifetime.
According to his proposition, other ways to
develop this skill is through trading jobs or job But advanced research techniques have given
rotation, that is, by moving promising young neuroscientists and neuropsychologists
men through different functions, and special opportunities to make remarkable discoveries
assignments, particularly that which involves on brain like the growth of new brain cells even
interdepartmental problems, and works with in adult brain, destroying the fixed-brain myth
cases involving broad management policy and (KATZ & RUBIN, 2000; DOUGLAS et al. 2005).
interdepartmental coordination, and by
presenting a series of detailed description of Another wonderful discovery refers to brain
specific complex situations (KATZ, 1991, p. 32). plasticity and the possibility of establishing new
brain connections. Discoveries show that it is
He stated that conceptual skill must become a still possible to improve one’s mental faculties,
natural part of executive makeup and “different optimize brain functioning, get the best out of
methods may be indicated for developing one’s brain cells, and maintain it through
different people, by virtue of their background, adequate stimulation, exercises, and activities.
attitudes, and experiences but, in every case
that method should be chosen, which will Something that now is known and that may not
enable the executive to develop his skill in be implicit in his work and that recent research
results are pointing to is that everyone is This brand – SYNAPSIS - was elected by
capable of operating either in operational mode eluding the noun synapse used by
or strategic mode. Research has shown that, by neuroscience to define neural cell connections –
one’s preference, like right and left hand, she or neurons – that occur in the nervous systems
he prefers one mode instead of the other, and and to bring about a sense of involvement and
the mode not preferred is not developed and activation of different brain areas in the
remains primitive. development process.

On the other hand, it is just because of this that Our Valuable Proposition
King Arthur's legend makes sense to the
development of strategic thinking competence. This is our valuable proposition: include the
When the story tells us Merlin “has transformed SYNAPSIS Program and Tolls in your MBA
little Arthur in a bird so that he could perceive Curricula. By doing this, may be developed a
that things seen from the sky are so different” strategic competitive advantage in your MBA
makes possible one to see that addressing the Programs.
strategic thinking competence development is
not only possible but also mandatory for the The first step is to help students in diagnosing
executive success. their mental model. This is done by the BOSS®
- Bressan Operational - Strategic Sorter
How to do it? Fortunately, research and
assessment which is a tool for identifying the
development on brain knowledge such as
different mental models. The results are
neuroscience, and neuron-cognition, brought us
reported by an Interpretative Report designed to
evidence of the modifiability of the neural
help them to understand their results on the
system (hard and software). By the other side,
BOSS® assessment and that will be used as a
research results on Neuropsychology, and
basis for enhancing students' strategic mind
Cognitive Psychology, like Structural Cognitive
capability by SYNAPSIS® technology.
Modifiability (Feuerstein, 2010), Art Therapy
(Guce, 2012; Kersten, 2010), and on brain
plasticity, made it possible to abandon the fixed- REFERENCES
brain myth and the conception of the brain as a
definitive structure, and bring about the Douglas, Kate, George, Alison, Holmes, Bob,
possibility to one have her or his mental model Lawton, Graham, et al. 11 steps to a better
modified, or developed by enhancing the natural brain. New Scientist. London: May 28-Jun 3,
level of strategic thinking capability. 2005. Vol.186, Iss. 2501; pg. 28, 12 pgs
Kolb, Bryan and Whishaw, Ian Q. Brain
Recent research and discoveries also point out plasticity and behavior. Annu. Rev. Psychol.
some methods that can help in developing and 1998. 49:43.64
maintaining new brain connections. All of this Katz, Lawrence C. & Rubbin, Manning. Keep
research brings about the basis for the your brain alive. New York: Workman, 2000
development and the proposition of a series of Mackhann, Guy & Albert, Marylyn. Keep Your
activities, grouped under the BRAINUPMIND Brain Young. USA: Wiley 2003
brand that is designed to help people improve Huang, Gregory T. Essence of thought. New
their mental capability, power, and flex and Scientist London: May 31-Jun 6, 2008. Vol.196;
develop a mental model that is propitious to pg. 30, 4 págs.
think out of the box or to strategic think

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