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Pre - Approval Letter

Pre p a re d f or Ud a y a s imh a Th e e p ire d d y (#3200178316)

Is s u e d 09/ 21/ 2023

Your actual rate, payment, and costs could be higher. Get an official L oan Estimate before choosing a loan.

Udayasimha R Theepireddy
Re: P roperty Address is to be determined.
To Whom It May Concern:
I am pleased to inform you that based upon review of your income, credit and assets you have been conditionally
approved for a home loan with the following criteria:

$560,000.00 $420,000.00

L oan Product: Conv Fixed 30 Year Fannie

Occupancy: P rimary
L oan - To - Value 75.000%
Issued Date: 09/21/2023
Valid Until: 01/19/2024

Changes to income, employment, assets or credit may alter or void this letter. Final loan approval is subject to a
clear title, satisfactor y appraisal and acceptable review by the lender ’s under writer of the complete loan package.
This is not a commitment to lend.
This letter is valid for 120 days from issuance.
Please feel free to contact me should you have any questions. I look forward to being of service.
S incerely,
David McBride

D avid McBride
Branch Manager
N M L S # 150736

( 678 ) 350-3084
( 678 ) 348-8401
( 678 ) 350-3084 ext.0000000
( 855 ) 452-0077 3700 Mansell Rd, Ste 550 Alpharetta, GA 30022

Rat es, t er ms, an d availab ilit y o f p r o g r ams ar e su b jec t t o c h an g e wit h o u t n o t ic e. MTH Mo r t g ag e, L L C NML S ID 167881. Lic en sed b y Geo r g ia D ep ar t men t o f B an kin g an d Fin an c e, Mo r t g ag e
Len d er Lic en se/Reg ist r at io n 46085. Eq u al h o u sin g o p p o r t u n it y. © MTH Mo r t g ag e 2023

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