SteveKirsch ExcessDeath RecordLevelData HealthNewZealand COVIDVaccinesKilledOver10MillionWorldwide

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12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over

ines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Data from Health New Zealand confirms

that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10
million worldwide
It's finally here: record-level data showing vaccine timing and death date. There is
no confusion any longer: the vaccines are unsafe and have killed, on average,
around 1 person per 1,000 doses.
NOV 30, 2023

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Key findings
1. The vaccine is unsafe. Mortality increases dramatically after the shot. This is true
for all doses, in all 5 countries we have data on. See Medicare death data confirms
the COVID vaccines are killing people. No more doubts. Same anomaly in all 5
countries. 1/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

2. For those under 60, the effect is harder to see because the numbers are low (data is
noisy). This doesn’t mean the vaccine is safe for those under 60; it just means we
need more data.

3. An estimated 1 death per 1,000 doses is a reasonably conservative estimation of the

excess deaths caused by the vaccine.

4. The findings are the same in four other countries we looked at: US, Israel,
Maldives, and the UK.

5. The effect is large. I’ve never seen the deaths per day after a dose slope up after the
first 21 days. It always slopes down because the fraction killed in a year is always
greater than the nominal increase in the death rate over 1 year, even for 100 year

6. The signal is so obvious to anyone like myself who knows what vaccine curves look
like that you don’t even need the fancy time-series analysis to see this is a deadly
vaccine. Just graph the number of deaths each week after the shot is given. All the
bars should be below the 4 week bar if the vaccine is safe. There is no way to
explain this chart. In general, all the bars should be below the red line.

If you want to attack my analysis you can do so 5 ways:

1. Show the data is not legit

2. Show that the data can’t be used because it isn’t complete 2/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

3. Show the the analysis method (time-series cohort) is improper

4. Show that there is an execution bug (in or the v4 spreadsheet)

5. Show that there is an error in the interpretation of the v4 visualizations

To date, nobody has found a bug in and nobody has found a mistake in my v4
spreadsheet! The methodology is very standard; it’s the same method used by the UK
Office of National Statistics (ONS).

The graphs speak for themselves. It doesn’t get any more clear than this. You can vary
all four independent variables, and you see the same signal.

We are done. Nobody wants to go on camera and debate me on this. They would lose.
Badly. Those curves should be relatively flat lines, not curves with a hump. You don’t
need a control group on that kind of signal. IT IS UNPRECEDENTED.

Even self-proclaimed experts, like David Gorski were unable to find a problem in my
spreadsheet or If there are no errors, you have to accept the results. The
methodology is proven and accepted, the execution was flawless.

The fact that there are missing doses for a given person is immaterial. We are always
comparing dose 3 people with dose 3 people, for example.

And if the vaccine was as safe as claimed, missing doses for anyone is immaterial since
all doses are placebo shots and make no difference. 3/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

The charts from Medicare are even more extreme than these. For all safe vaccines the
line slopes down. For the COVID vaccine, the line slopes up. Nobody has ever seen
anything like this. It is unprecedented in the history of Medicare. No counterexamples.

This is why nobody will debate me on camera on this data.

This is why no country is releasing the record-level data (RLD). If the vaccine was safe,
they’d be making the RLD widely available as well as the detailed time-series cohort
analysis. See anyone doing that? Nope. It’s because they know the vaccines are killing

I even offered to take down my data if Health New Zealand showed me that my time-
series analysis is wrong and the vaccines are safe. No response. Crickets.

We now have data from 5 countries showing very troubling mortality vs. days since dose:

1. US

2. New Zealand

3. UK

4. Maldives

5. Israel

Guess what? In every single case, the plots of deaths vs. days since dose are inexplicable.
It isn’t supposed to go upwards after 3 weeks (the HVE effect). Everyone runs from
explaining this.

There isn’t any epidemiologist with higher academic credentials than Risch who will
state that the data is flawed, the data is incomplete, the data is insufficient to assess
causality to the vaccine. There are people who are unqualified who will make these
unfounded assertions.

Executive summary
Today you will get to see the data that nobody wants you to see. FINALLY.

No State or country has ever released record-level public health data on any vaccine. 4/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Privacy is not the reason for this; the data can be easily obfuscated (which we did on this
data) so that no record entry would match that of any person, living or dead.

The reason the data is kept secret is simple: it would expose the fact that the COVID
vaccines are unsafe, as well as all the vaccines that I have been able to get record-level
data on.

Today, thanks to a courageous whistleblower who works at the New Zealand Ministry of
Health, we have record-level information from a large population of all ages and are
making it public for the first time in history.

Here is the Rumble video announcing the leak:

There was a YouTube link as well, but YouTube censored it within minutes of posting,
just like we knew they would.

Just as you suspected, the COVID vaccines have killed millions of people worldwide, an
estimated 1 death per 1,000 doses on average in a standard population. 5/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

And now we have the data to prove it.

The MIT slide presentation

You can read my “Is it safe?” MIT presentation slides here. I highly recommend reading
the slides and/or watching the livestream. I tried to make the slides self-standing, but
the livestream can be helpful in explaining some of the slides.

I also periodically dump a PDF version of the presentation to my web

server. The PDF version is searchable and you can copy/paste text from it (such as the
access keys for the Wasabi server so you can download all the goodies).

The MIT talk livestream links

Here is the Twitter livestream.

Here is the Rumble livestream.

Downloading the data and tools

The MIT presentation listed above has everything you need including the credentials to
download all the data.

Here are the new credentials (Note: I switched to SSL on 12/10/23):

S3 compatible Server: (uses MinIO)

Public API keys:

access-key= g42m54xwZS80yQpAO20Q
secret-key= Kq77gLL47mbypnnRc0UP7sPTvrvjn6y0D5FSEK5H

You can only access the data-transparency bucket for now. Trust me, there’s more that
I’m not disclosing yet (including a new US source other than Medicare).

This bucket has data from New Zealand, US, and the Maldives.

You can use any S3 file browser to download such as CloudBerry Explorer or CyberDuck
or Amazon’s S3 Browser. 6/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Pick the S3 Compatible storage provider (double click on it). Then fill it out as noted

Make sure your destination folder is writable when you copy files from the server.

You can also use rclone to make a local copy of the repository on your system:

mysystem% rclone config

mysystem% rclone -sync kirsch:/data-transparency

Short responses to criticisms about the data

I posted a link to this section of the doc on X so that people can list any objections I
need to counter that aren’t already listed.

Here is are the response points to all the criticisms I’m aware of. The tl;dr is that all of
the critiques don’t move the needle. 7/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

1. I know the leaker and got the data on Nov 9.

2. I verified the identity of the leaker and the authenticity of the data and chain of

3. There is no doubt about the authenticity. NZMH would have said the data is fake if
it was. That would immediately discredit it. But they didn’t because that would be
criminal. So they decided to distract people by going after the leaker and calling
him a misinformation spreader for leaking the ACTUAL records.

4. The data available publicly has been anonymized. That is why they acknowledged
this and couldn’t find any matching records. Anyone who thinks their personal data
was leaked is delusional.

5. There is only one way to analyze this data definitively and that’s with a time-series
cohort analysis. This is the exact same methodology the UK ONS used to analyze
their vaccine data. The difference is our buckets are one week long so we can see
things they are trying to hide. So if you want to dispute the analysis, you either have
to show one of 3 things: that 1) our program has a bug or 2) that all the
mortality curves are flat or relatively flat, or 3) that the dataset is somehow
compromised by showing that one of the four graphs is nonsensical or 4) that the v4
xlsx file has a bug in it. Nobody has done #1, and #2 is impossible. Nobody has even
attempted #3 or #4. So basically, all the “attacks” are a ridiculous waste of time.
There is a way to attack this if it is wrong, but nobody seems capable of figuring it
out. I just told you the answer. Go prove I’m wrong using this method and I’m all
ears. I did it the professional way just like the UK did. If I made a mistake, tell me
what it is. But having each person do their own “ad hoc” analysis is not how you
analyze the data. The gold standard is time-series cohort.

6. The 1 death per 1,000 doses is consistent with other careful analyses such as

7. UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris wrote "But without data on controls and without
comorbidities the most you could ever do is claim the data are suggestive” is false.
This is nearly the entire population of New Zealand. We know the stats. The rise in
mortality is correlated with each vaccine shot. When you add the shot data together
for all shots, the hump becomes even more well defined. This is like saying that if
there is a mass shooting and 25 people died, that we can’t know if it was the bullet 8/24
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that killed them because they might have died all died spontaneously right before
the bullet hit. And if the time-series cohort analysis showed that the death rate
jumped 500% exactly 10 days after the shot, would Morris stick to his statement?
He’s simply not credible. He wants to make every excuse imaginable to avoid saying
what the data shows. He should assume it’s a normal population. And you can limit
the time window of observation to before COVID, during COVID, and after
COVID and see the same signals. Without controls, you have to work a little harder
to validate there are no significant confounders, but “scientists” such as Morris
want perfect data on everyone which never exists. He has never explained the
mortality graph from Medicare showing a 26% mortality increase in 365 where the
number of deaths per day increases monotonically. That is impossible if the vaccine
is safe. It always always slopes down. You don’t need a control group. The slope
goes the wrong way. That is a 5 alarm fire. It’s amazing he doesn’t know this.

8. There is no rebuttal from anyone in the medical community showing:

a. has an error

b. the analysis in the v4 spreadsheet has an error

c. a credible excess death estimate under 100 deaths per 100K doses based on the
data (they all refuse to show us their calculation)

d. any epidemiologist with a higher h-index than Risch claiming that this data
could possibly be consistent with a safe vaccine.

e. a more accurate way to calculate the baseline that is based on other similar

f. any evidence that my most “damaging curve” in my MIT presentation is wrong

(a 50% increase in deaths per day from baseline after 180 days). Why is nobody
touching that?? I don’t get it. If there is one thing to disprove, start with the
strongest point.

9. Nobody seems to want to comment on this which is consistent with my analysis of

the NZ data. The spreadsheet clearly shows it is those over 60 seeing the excess
mortality which precisely matches the public data: 9/24
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10. There are 12M doses in New Zealand. The data drop is only for the “Pay per dose”
(PPD) program in NZ which is 4M of the 12M records. Whether you got PPD or not
is pretty random.

11. What cohort does this PPD programme cover? Answer: it’s completely random. It
is not age biased or biased to any demographic. If you can prove I’m wrong, show
me your data.

12. The reason the avg age of death is higher than average is because the older you are,
the more the vaccine killed you. Duh.

13. KiwiCraig74 wrote: “Yes, these were mobile units used to give vaccinations to
people in rest homes, which is where people generally are when they don't have
long left. Average term of residence is only 20 months, so many die within his 10 10/24
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months (vaccine or no vaccine).” This is just complete bullshit. There are

895,500,935 man days in people under 60 in the data. There are a total of
1,348,440,643 man days in the full data.

14. There is a disproportionate amount of records for the doses, i.e., they are not in
direct proportion to the total number of each dose, e.g., they are not 33% of each
dose. Some doses are over-represented, some are under represented.

15. Many people will not have all their doses in this database, e.g., there may just be
dose 3 data for someone.

16. The fact that the sampling was uneven doesn’t matter if you analyze it the way I
did. The fact that doses are missing is also irrelevant. These are gaslighting
arguments made by people who are incompetent to analyze this data.

17. The data shows a mortality hump that peaks around 6 months after a dose is given.

18. If you limit the time period to before COVID, during COVID death wave (from
April 1 to August 1, 2022) and after the wave, you find the same response curve. So
it wasn’t COVID. People who claim that are misinformed and claim it without

19. Let’s take a simple example. From OWID, we know there were no COVID deaths
from Aug 1, 2022 to Nov 1, 2022 in New Zealand. From our spreadsheet we see the
average deaths for everyone during that time:

So now lets look at that same period of time, except let’s look relative to the shot
administration time 11/24
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The dots aren’t supposed to go above 1059 (which is the highest number from the
spreadsheet entries above).

20. Nobody will debate me on this. I offered to debate the NZMH epidemiologists
about the cohort time-series analysis I did and they don’t want to challenge me for
some reason. I can’t figure it out. They should CRUSH me if the data shows the
vaccines are safe.

21. The NZMH should be releasing the full 12M record dataset to remove all doubt and
prove to the world the vaccines are safe. They don’t want to do that. Nobody wants
to do that. Nobody in the ##$#$#% world wants to do that. Can you figure out why?
Use your brain folks!

22. I offered to bet anyone $1M on the same terms as my bet with Saar Wilf that the NZ
data is legit and it shows the vaccines increase risk of death. Nobody seems
interested in taking my money which means all of them have no confidence
whatsoever in their criticisms.

23. The NZMH whisteblower, Oracle database admin Barry Young, is a hero. He knew
he would risk his life and could spend the rest of his life in jail, but he made the
courageous move to expose the data for all to see. This is a highly commendable act 12/24
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of public service. He basically threw the rest of his life away in order to save the
lives of others. Why else do you think he would do that? Nobody can explain it.

24. They tried to give this to lawmakers but nobody would meet with them.

25. No New Zealand lawmaker is calling for an independent investigation. They all
want to make Barry into the fall guy. Why not have a worldwide panel of top
epidemiologists analyze the record-level data? We know why… Barry was right.

26. The NZMH has never released the time-series cohort analysis showing the vaccines
are safe. They have never released the record level data. Their goal is to keep the
data hidden for as long as possible so that they kill as many people as possible
before they are caught. The leadership of NZMH are the people who should be

27. Professor Norman Fenton retracted his remarks about deaths being oversampled
after I pointed out to him that there is nothing in the data that supports that. See
his new article. He doesn’t dispute my analysis (which ignores the hot lot analysis).

28. Igor Chudov wrote a critical article but now is relooking at the data after I talked to
him and explained to him how his original article is wrong.

29. Jikkyleaks analysis is amazing crude. That’s not the way to analyze this data. I like
Jikky but he’s wrong. Once again, nobody would analyze the data that way. There is
a right way and a wrong way. The UK ONS got it right. Let’s stick to that way.
their own custom made analysis technique that they create on the seat of their
pants, rather than the right way to do that. Why is that?

30. UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris claims you can’t find a signal here but all attempts
for a public recorded discussion of the data were refused. He apparently hasn’t even
seen my MIT presentation which is a pre-requisite if you are serious about
understanding this data. He shoots first without taking the time to listen to what is
being presented. Morris isn’t an honest actor. Someone looking to find the truth
would be calling for every public health agency to release the record level data.
Morris has never made any such call. He doesn’t want the truth exposed. I asked
him to explain just one slide in my MIT slide deck (the most devasting slide in the
deck), and he hadn’t seen it before which is proof he didn’t even listen to my
presentation or even view the slides. Instead of explaining the Medicare data, 13/24
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Morris does his standard “switch the topic” technique to avoid answering a simple
question. Click the link and scroll up to see the original question which nobody can

31. Morris has had the records in his hands for about 1 week before my MIT talk. He
has not published any blog post explaining how this evidence is consistent with a
safe vaccine. When I asked him, “So Jeffrey, what exactly would an “unsafe” vaccine
look like, he said he doesn’t play games like that. Morris never saw a vaccine that is
“unsafe.” In his eyes, no matter how many people die, the vaccine is safe and all
safety signals are caused by confounders that he cannot quantify. This is all
handwaving analysis to make your point. Where is his blog on this data? I’ll tear it
apart inch by inch and show how corrupt he is.

32. None of these people who claim to critique this will do a live discussion with me.
No offers on the thread at all. If you want to debate me, simply post your argument
and follow me, and say you want a debate. Everyone seems scared to do this,
including KiwiCraig74.

33. The official NZ death records show around 10,000 excess deaths since the vaccines
rolled out. This is comparable to the number predicted from the vaccine data (1
excess death per 1,000 doses). 14/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Mirror sites
Do not mirror my data unless you have a bulletproof hosting provider.

MEGA and Wasabi will remove your access without

contacting you for an explanation. They shoot first, ask
questions later. Kevin McKernan lost man years of work
because of this.
Most hosting providers (such as MEGA) will close your entire account without notice or
warning if they are contacted by the NZ Ministry of Health. They will not reach out to
you. They will believe the accuser and side with the accuser.

What you will find

1. The data: All the data in the data-transparency bucket is sanitized. Any matches to
actual records is completely accidental. The data was sanitized in a way that
preserves the statistics. We ran the bucket analysis on the original and obfuscated
data and got nearly identical results. There is no reason any health authority
couldn’t do the same thing we did. 15/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

2. The tools: We’ll give you our time-series cohort analysis software. This is the
software that you’ll never get your State epidemiologist to use. Now, armed with
record-level data, you can do your own analysis. We’ve made it super easy to use.
When done, paste the output file into our v4 analysis .xlsx spreadsheet and you’ll
see instantly whether the vaccine is safe or not.

3. The analysis documents: You’ll find annotated spreadsheets as well as word


4. The description of the data: You’ll find documents describing the dataset (size,
dates, average ages in each cohort, what the authorities claim, etc.

I encourage you to explore. Everything is “legal” in that jurisdiction. So you’ll see the
full times of people who died in the Maldives, for example. In other places, the names
are omitted.

I was provided the data on November 8, 2023 when it was uploaded to my Wasabi file

I was asked by the whistleblower to keep the data confidential until November 30 in
order to give the whistleblower time to work out the logistics of how the data would be
made public.

I honored my commitment and only shared it with a handful of colleagues including

Norman Fenton and his associates in the UK with the whistleblower’s consent.

The data from New Zealand is not perfect; it is not a complete sample. For example, for
some people, the first record in the database is Dose #3. Also, only vaccinated people are
in the database.

But, by using a cohort time-series analysis, it doesn’t matter. There is no possible way
that this data is consistent with a safe vaccine. I estimated that the vaccine killed, on
average, about 1 person per 1,000 doses. That means an estimated 675,000 Americans
were killed by the COVID vaccines. 16/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

We have confirmation of the analysis from the US Medicare data thanks to another

The story of the data can be found in my presentation which has a link to the Wasabi
server and access credentials, as well as how to download the free Wasabi File Explorers
for PC and Mac. There is a large amount of data and analysis uploaded to the servers.

The cohort time-series analysis takes about 2 hours to run on the data. We’ve included
the output files so you can start from that.

Analyzing the data takes about 5 minutes using the v4 spreadsheet in the analysis
directory. Anyone can do it. You just plug in numbers to vary the parameters to look at
anything you want to investigate. It has 8 visualizations: 4 main graphs (one for each
independent variable) and 4 below each graph showing the number of deaths so you can
use that to judge the reliability of the data points in the graph above.

Be sure to read the entire presentation to understand how to interpret the data.

Papers about the data

Papers will be coming out from various authors over the coming weeks. See this article
which I will update over time.

Summary of what we found

Record level vaccination-date/death data obtained from a whistleblower in the New
Zealand Ministry of Health was analyzed using a standard time-series cohort analysis.
The results remained consistent even after varying all four of the key independent
variables (observation time window, days after shot, age, and dose number). The only
way that can happen is if the COVID vaccines significantly increased mortality for those
aged 60 and older, the very population that the vaccine was supposed to help. All five
Bradford Hill causality criteria are satisfied. From this data, we can accurately estimate
that overall, the mRNA vaccines led to the premature death of more than 1 person per
1,000 doses on average over all doses. 17/24
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This estimate is supported by COVID death data from Medicare obtained from another
whistleblower. The data from Medicare was stunning: the number of people who died
rose monotonically for those who got shot in 2021 or 2022. My whistleblower inside
HHS had never seen anything like that before. It was a perfectly straight line sloping
upwards for 365 days since the dose was given. A safe vaccine would see a decline in
deaths by 4% to 5% after 1 year from the shot. The COVID vaccines had a 26% mortality
increase, a net difference of 30%. This makes the COVID vaccine a competitor to heart
disease as the leading cause of death among the elderly (which kills 20% of people per

The COVID vaccines are the deadliest vaccine of all

time, killing an estimated 13 million people
The precautionary principle of medicine requires that a vaccine which results in such a
large net increase in all-cause mortality should be immediately revoked worldwide
unless there is a more likely explanation for this “gold-standard” data. Nobody has come
forward with a better explanation that fits all the data. In fact, nobody on the other side
even wants to see this data: the FDA, CDC, Moderna, and Pfizer all refused to look at it.
How is that responsible? That is reprehensible.

Researchers could have discovered the harms of these vaccines years earlier if any of the
world’s health authorities released comparable record-level data to that released here. It
is baffling to us why the medical community who is sworn to do no harm is not insisting
on seeing any record-level data before recommending the use of any vaccine to their
patients. It is the record-level data that is key to understanding whether a vaccine is safe
or not. This is always hidden from public view.

Hidden from view?!?!

Clinical outcomes are never improved by keeping public health data hidden from
public view. Yet every health authority in the world has kept this critical record-level
safety data hidden from view. 18/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

And, to our knowledge, only one authority, the UK Office of National Statistics, had
supplied even the most basic time-series analysis for a limited amount of time. The UK
time-series analysis confirms the monotonic increase in mortality after each shot is
given. But the UK ONS got to pick the bucket sizes whereas when we do the analysis,
we have buckets for every week so we can see exactly what is going on. They can’t. And
the ONS stopped responding to me when I asked to see the record-level data.

Other health authorities apparently refused to analyze their own data themselves to look
for any safety signals which we found in abundance just minutes after receiving the
data. After we received this data and analyzed this, we reached out to a number of health
authorities in the US in Florida, California, and at the CDC and FDA. They all ignored
the request to examine the data I obtained or look at their own data. This is the first
time in history that vaccination-death record-level data has been made available to the
public. And now we know why.

In addition, FOIA requests to the California Department of Public Health showed that
they never analyzed their own data. There were no documents showing that they ever
looked for any safety signals. They simply trusted the CDC even though the CDC
doesn’t have any vaccine record level data, so it is IMPOSSIBLE for the CDC to do the
proper safety analysis.

Finally, the safety signals are limited to those 60 and over simply because there wasn’t
enough data to make a firm determination for people under 60; the data was simply too
noisy because we were only given 4M of the 12M records in New Zealand.

However, since the vaccine provides no benefits whatsoever for infection,

hospitalization, or death, there is no reason for anyone in the world to take these
vaccines. See the presentation for details.

In any sane world, the COVID vaccines would be immediately halted and inquiries
should begin as to why no health authority in the world did a thorough cohort time-
series analysis on the data which would have uncovered the safety signal very early in
the deployment. Are they all corrupt? Or are they all incompetent? Or both? 19/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Can Moderna survive this? Why would anyone buy their

These results have implications for Moderna stock as the failure of their underlying
technology casts serious doubt on their viability as a going concern. Even if
governments continue to buy their products, the breach of the public trust and the
unwillingness of the company to look at the record-level data shows that the company is
more interested in making a profit than ensuring the safety of their customers. A head
in the sand approach to safety is despicable.

Pfizer is no different. Both companies were offered an opportunity to view this safety
data and they all refused. So did the FDA and CDC. The offer was made by a respected
journalist in the medical new community, not by me.

What did Professor Norman Fenton say about this new

Nobody should take my word on this. Those are my opinions based on examination of
the data.

Anyone can analyze this data. Come to your own conclusions.

Finally, here is what famed British Mathematician Professor Norman Fenton said, “This
confirms what we also saw in the most recent ONS data once.

Whatever uncertainty there may be in the younger age groups there is now no doubt
the vaccine is increasing the mortality rate in older people.”

I agree. In spades. I’d bet my life on it.

Yale epidemiologist Professor Harvey Risch had this to say:

“I think that you've made a very strong case that the Covid genetic vaccines are
associated with appreciably increased mortality rates for 6-12 months after each
dose. This is particularly compelling in people over age 65. I am not aware of actual
evidence that the increased post-vaccine mortality that you've shown has a
different cause.” 20/24
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The English translation of what he wrote is “the vaccines are killing people,” but
scientists aren’t allowed to be blunt so they have to qualify everything they say.

This is how today’s “scientists” come to conclusions

If there was a mass shooting and everyone died, a scientist would want to have a control
group and complete medical histories of each person (including a list of comorbidities)
and then want to do a Cox proportional hazards analysis before concluding that the
gunman could be the cause of death of these people. Without a control group, the
scientist would be unable to say whether the shooting actually caused the deaths.

Nobody with respectable credentials wants to defend the

vaccine as being safe
I offered to engage in a public recorded debate with anyone who thinks we got it wrong.
Nobody was willing to do that to date, although Professor Jovo Vogelstein offered to
give it a try to play devil’s advocate.

If you think we got it wrong, I have a $500K bet pending with Saar Wilf in Israel. I’d love
to increase the stakes on that bet. Any takers?

Some people are just never going to figure this out

UPenn Professor Jeffrey Morris has had the data for a while. He doesn’t agree with our
analysis (as expected). But when I asked him to explain the Medicare data where the
mortality monotonically increases every day for 365 days straight, he said he refused to
speculate. Professor Morris never is able to see a vaccine that is unsafe. I proposed all
sorts of unsafe hypotheses to him, and he said none of them were convincing. So in his
mind, no matter which way the deaths go, even if they go sky high after the vaccine is
given, you cannot tell if a vaccine is safe or not; there will always be a confounder that
he will find. And he’ll always insist on getting additional data that is never available, so
he’ll argue that all data, no matter how strong, is not good enough.

Nearly half of America has already figured out the COVID

vaccines are not safe; they want to sue the drug companies! 21/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Fortunately most people figure it out pretty quickly. Did you know that 42% of
Americans would join a class action lawsuit against the COVID vax makers if they were
allowed under law to do so? That is an unprecedented level of customer dissatisfaction.
This is why I shorted Moderna stock. That is not a sustainable business. The markets
will eventually figure this out.

Their attempts to gaslight you

Some people will try to convince you that the data isn’t complete and is confounded for
that reason. That’s bullshit. If it’s a safe vaccine, you can be missing 99% of the shot data
and still get the right answer. Doses don’t matter; a safe vaccine is like a saline shot: they
cause no impact.

They won’t get away with stupid arguments like that with me. That’s why they won’t
debate me.

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It’s over. They’ve lost. The vaccines are unsafe. This data is the nail in the coffin. Gold
standard, official records. There is no better ground truth than this. There is no 22/24
12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

comparable ground-truth data showing the vaccines are safe. Zero. There can be only
one right answer.

If you think the vaccines are safe, accept my bet, debate me publicly, or release the
record level data in your state. Nobody will do any of those things it seems.

Sooner or later top epidemiologists will weigh in on this data.

Now we’ll see just how broken science is if the world’s top epidemiologists cannot agree
that the vaccines are unsafe. For example, will John Ioannidis weigh in? Or will he
remain silent? Will Martin Kulldorff say anything? Or will he also ignore this data?

In the meantime, the medical community and mainstream media will keep
recommending the jabs as if nothing has happened. They should be ashamed of

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12/19/23, 8:15 PM Data from Health New Zealand confirms that the COVID vaccines have killed over 10 million worldwide

Just a Bloke 9 hrs ago

“Gender”? Wtf is “gender?” Do you mean SEX? As in “the male sex” and “the female sex”? You
know? Sex? You don’t “genderize”, you “sex” - as in “I sexed the subjects”; “I sexed the frog”;
“I determined its sex”

You think I’m nit-picking, but the whole article - your smoking gun - is the demonstrably
different outcomes of the toxins (they are not vaccines) dependent on the different sexes of
the victims. So what do you do? You introduce a made-up, non-scientific term (gender) in
place of the correct term sex. The smarter folks are, the dumber they act - just because they
want to impress folks.

Vivien C Buckley Dec 18

I find it curious that pfizer closed a deal with Seagen a cancer company and now in
negotiations with biotech Nona biosciences for 1 billion. Another cancer company.

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