Criminology Exam Paper

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Question 1

Compare and contrast the due process and crime control models of criminal justice. Ensure
that you provide examples of each in your answer.
- Provide definition of it
- 3 differences of due process and crime control
- Use the word of ‘for instance’ after you tell the difference (to show you understand)
for example: due process….however, crime control…. for instance….
For instance is the evidence can be in practice or case laws
- The question does not ask you to critique but analyse. Relatively descriptive.
- I will compare and contract due process and crime control…
- In this essay I’ve compare and contrasted, however there are merely models and it
must be acknowledged that the CJS in reality is more complex.

Compare & contrast basic plan

- Indicate the broad essay content
- Outline the comparisons you’ll make (key similarities & differences) between
Main section
- Outline positions/models a &b
- Identify & compare key similarities between positions/models a &b)
- Identify & compare supplementary similarities
- Identify and explore key points of contrast between position/models) a & b
- Identify & explore supplementary points of contrast
(zigzag between key points of comparison and contrast)
- If necessary, identify & explore significant ways in which positions/models a & b can
be contrasted with a third competing position c

- Summarise the major points of comparison and contrast between positions
- Briefly comment on (e.g) which positions is most persuasive/effective & why; how
well the models fit how things work in practice etc

Introduction + goal
The due process and crime control models are two contrasting approaches to a
criminal justice. The due process model focuses on protecting the rights of the accused,
while the crime control model prioritises the suppression of criminal activity. I will compare
and contrast the due process and crime control models of criminal justice. The due process
model aims to protect individual rights and ensure fairness in the criminal justice system
while the crime control model might support stricter laws and harsher punishments to deter
crime. For instance, the due process model might prioritise the presumption of innocence
and the right to fair trial while the crime control model might support stricter laws and
harsher punishments to deter crime.

Moreover, the due process model prioritises accuracy and fairness while the crime control
model focuses on the efficiency of the criminal justice system. For example, the due process
model might prioritise thorough investigations and evidence gathering to ensure that the
right person is held accountable for a crime, while the crime control model might emphasise
speedy trial and plea bargaining to reduce the backlog of cases.

Role of the state:

The due proves model assumes that the state has a duty to protect individuals rights, while
the crime control model assumes that the state has a duty to protect society from a criminal
activity. For example, the due process model might require strict adherence to the Fourth
Amendment’s protection against unreasonable searches and seizures, while the crime
control model might support the use of warrantless searches and wiretapping to gather

Treatment of offenders:
Due process model assumes that the state has a duty rehabilitation is more effective way to
prevent recidivism, while the crime control model assumes that punishment is an effective
deterrent to crime. For instance, the due process model might prioritise alternatives to
incarceration, such as drug treatment programs and community service, while the crime
control model might support longer prison sentences and mandatory minimums for certain

Overall, the due process and crime control models represent two different approaches to
criminal justice. While the crime model prioritises public safety and crime reduction, the due
process model prioritises individuals rights and fairness in the criminal justice system. the
two models can be complementary, but they can also be in tension with each other,
especially when it comes to issues like police conduct, plea bargaining, and sentencing

In summary, the due process and crime control models represent two competing views of
the criminal justice system. while the due process model prioritises the protection of
individual rights and liberties, the crime control model focuses on maintaining public safety
and deterring criminal activity. Both models have their advantages and disadvantages, and
finding the right balance between them is crucial for a fair and just legal system.

Due process vs crime control

- Remember, ideal types are not descriptions of things as they are. They are abstract
models designed to help us identify the characteristics or elements of particular
phenomena. Thus, nowhere would it be argued that any system of justice could be
describe as a straightforward illustration of either due process or crime control
- The case for the prosecution by McConville.

the crime control model might support stricter laws and harsher punishment to deter crime,
while the due process model might prioritise the presumption of innonece and the right to
fair a
Question 2
‘Criminal justice administration in England and Wales is in a state of crisis’. Critically discuss
this statement in relation to a criminal justice topic of your choice, but do not repeat
material already discussed in response to any other question in this examination.
- It can be any topic like women in prison, racism, sexism, we expect too much from
criminal justice system (due process and crime control)
- You will be marked down if you focus on one example
- Small criticism does not go far (not really advice to use)
- Don’t forget the prompt statement (why is it a crisis)
- What crisis means?
- State of crisis has not been change so is this a crisis?
- Essay depends on how you start it and how you end it

Advocacy answers: a basic plan

- Indicate the broad essay content
- Identify the core issue(s) & how you’ll approach them

Main section
- Brief overview of issue/topic/argument
- More detailed breakdown of each core issue to develop the case you’re arguing
- Give examples to support your points
- Explore weaknesses in position you’ve been asked to argue &indicate alternative
understandings of the issue
(you can either organise this section by looking first at all points ‘for’ and then ‘against’ the
proposition, or look at each core issue in turn & zigzag between points ‘for’ and ‘against’.

- Recap key points & illustration
- State your final assessment of the position/approach at issue
My draft
- What is criminal justice administration?
- What is a crisis?
- Why is it a crisis?
Systemic discrimination-
The issues:
1. One area where the crisis in the criminal justice system is particularly apparent is in
the overrepresentation of ethnic minorities in the system. this issue has been the
subject of much research and debate, with studies consistenly showing that black
and minority ethnic (BME) individuals are more likely to be stopped and search,
arrested, prosecuted and imprisoned than their white counterparts.
2. Stop search (discrimination)

Race/ ethnicity and imprisonment

3. Youth justice – how minority/black ethnic children is likely to be stop and arrested
4. Women in justice
- The criminal justice system, despite its aim to provide protection and justice for all,
has often failed to protect women adequately. This statement is backed up by the
statistics that reveal that women are more likely to experience violence, sexual
assault, and domestic abuse than men.
- A) criminal justice system is male-dominated
- B) lack of adequate protection for women who report crimes
White women and women of colour will experience difference crime of discrimination

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