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Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

Investigation of pyroelectric electron emission from monodomain

lithium niobate single crystals
El Mostafa Bourim, Chang-Wook Moon, Seung-Woon Lee, In Kyeong Yoo
Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology, U-Team, P.O. Box 111, Suwon, Kyongki 440-600, South Korea
Received 27 September 2005; received in revised form 8 February 2006; accepted 23 February 2006


The behaviors of thermally stimulated electron emission from pyroelectric monodomain lithium niobate single crystal (LiNbO3) were
investigated by utilizing a Si p–n junction photodiode as electron detector and a receptive electron beam resist (E-beam resist) as electron
collector. In high vacuum (106 Torr), the pyroelectric electron emission (PEE) was found to depend on the exposed emitting polar
crystal surface (+Z face or Z face) and was significantly influenced by the emitter-electron receiver gap distances. Thus, the PEE from
+Z face was detected during heating and was activated, in small gaps (o2 mm), by field emission effect on which was superposed an
intense field ionization effect that primed intermittent runway ionizations (plasma breakdown into a glow discharge). In large gaps
(42 mm) the emission was simply mastered by field emission effect. Whereas, The PEE from Z face was detected during cooling and
was solely due to the field ionization effect. Therewith, for small gaps (o2 mm) the emission was governed by intermittent runway
ionization ignitions resulting from a high ionization degree leading to dense plasma formation, and for large gaps (42 mm) PEE was
governed by field ionization generating a soft and continuous plasma ambient atmosphere.
Significant decrease of electron emission current was observed from +Z face after successive thermal cycles. A fast and fully emission
recovery was established after a brief exposure of crystal to a poor air vacuum of 101 Torr.
r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 77.84.Dy; 77.70.+a; 79.70.+g; 79.70.+q; 52.80.s; 51.50.+v

Keyword: Pyroelectric; Electron emission; Lithium niobate; Plasma breakdown; Runway ionization; Field emission; Field ionization; Emission recovery

1. Introduction engendered by the field emission effect [3–5], and others

mainly suggested field ionization effect priming plasma
Pyroelectric materials have been known to emit energetic medium as electron source [1,6]. Furthermore it was
electrons up to 170 keV [1] by varying temperature without admitted in several articles that the electron emission yield
need of external high voltages or any surface preparation. was not reproducible after successive thermal cycles in
It was demonstrated that a high electric field up to 107 V/ vacuum [3,4]. The decrease of emission current was
cm [2,3] generated by electrostatic charges (r ¼ D(Psssc), primarily due to an incomplete screening of uncompen-
which could be either uncompensated screening charges sated charges. The screening could be restored from crystal
(sSC) on the crystal surface or uncompensated polarization bulk and/or absorbed charges from the surrounding
charges (PS) in the crystal surface (Fig. 1), can produce an medium [7], its outcome is to establish a neutral electro-
electron beam emission source, but the origin of the static state of surface charges needed for the electron
emitted electrons still has not been thoroughly understood. reemission before that the crystal is subjected again to a
Some works inferred that the electron emission was temperature change. Consequently, the evolution of sur-
face electrostatic state should be governed by surface
Corresponding author. Tel.: +82 31 280 9353, fax: +82 31 280 9308. charge dynamics (charge screening and restoring), which
E-mail addresses:, could be carefully controlled by the experimental condi-
(E.M. Bourim). tions such as environment (gas pressure around the

0921-4526/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
172 E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

∆T > 0 , ρ < 0

Screening charge, σSC

Ivac e- Egap
– Polarization charge, PS –
e- +Z face
σSC PS Ibulk
+Z face
PS (b)

∆T < 0 , ρ > 0

Ivac Egap
-Z face e-

+Z face

Ibulk e-
(c) PS

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the electrostatic state evolution of uncompensated charges (r) with temperature on +Z face surface of a monodomain-
pyroelectric crystal (a) at equilibrium ssc ¼ Ps-r ¼ D(Ps-ssc) ¼ 0- no electric field E on crystal surface; (b) when temperature change DT40-ro0 :
uncompensated charges of sSC are the source of electric field E on +Z face crystal surface; (c) when temperature change DTo0-r40 : uncompensated
charges of PS are the source of electric field E on +Z face crystal surface. Ivac and Ibulk are screening currents from the vacuum and through the bulk,
respectively. Solid and dotted arrows indicate flow direction of current and electrons, respectively.

crystal), temperature rate, interval of change in tempera- coercive field, about 22 kV/mm than that of the stoichio-
ture, elapsed time following the temperature change, gap metric one; less than 4 kV/mm [10,11]. The crystals, placed
spacing distance and the material parameters such as in a chamber at high vacuum, was heated up to 120 1C at
conductivity, pyroelectric coefficient, work function etc. a heating rate of 10 1C/min then followed by a natural
Recent experimental studies were tried to reveal surface cooling until room temperature. The chamber was
charge and its dynamics [8,9], but the electron emission has equipped with a turbo-molecular pump system with a base
not been studied. pressure of less than 106 Torr. We varied the gap distance
In the present paper, the electron emission and the between the sample surfaces and the electron detectors
related surface charge dynamics of lithium niobate (LN) from 90 mm to 5 mm. After electron emission, we examined
are studied. The emission mechanism was found to depend the surface of crystals by wet etching in hydrofluoric acid
on the polar crystal surface exposed to a detector. Thereby HF:H2O (1:1) for 100 min. Such an etching can reveal
the pyroelectric electron emission (PEE) and its distribu- domain patterns, since Z oriented domains have a much
tion were influenced significantly by varying the gap faster etching rate than +Z ones [12,13].
distance between the crystal surface and the detector. Fig. 2 shows schematic diagram of sample and electron
Significant decrease of emission currents from +Z face detector cells setups for PEE current measurements and
crystal surface during repeated consecutive thermal cycles spatial electron current distribution collections. A Si p–n
was observed. This was attributed to an incomplete junction photodiode (AXUV–100, International Radiation
screening (neutralizing) of polarization charges (PS) when Detectors, Inc.) was used as a detector for emission
the crystal came back to room temperature. Restoration of currents and resulting currents were measured by an
screening charges (sSC) (compensation charges of PS), electrometer (Model 6514, Keithely Instruments, Inc.).
either from the crystal bulk (finite conductivity effect) that Responsivity of the photodiode (PD) is about 0.2 A/W for
needed a long recovery time (Maxwell relaxation) or by an electrons with energy in the range of 1–40 keV. Electrons
exposure to a poor vacuum of 101 Torr (gas molecule produced by LN crystals during heating have a large
ionization) that was instantaneous, could enable a repro- energy up to 100 keV, and hence the PD amplification
ducible electron emission. factor of the emission current is about 104 [14]. Receptive
electron-beam resist (ZEP-520, Nippon Zeon Co., Ltd.)
2. Materials and experimental procedure was used to study the spatial distribution of the electron
current. ZEP-520 E-beam resist is known to have
We used polished monodomain Z-cut plates of con- sensitivities of 1 mC/cm2 for positive tone area exposures
gruent lithium niobate (CLN) single crystals 1 mm thick to 1 keV electrons [15]. It was very simple to use resist-
(Crystal Technology Inc.) and stoichiometric lithium coated wafers as detectors and the high sensitivity enabled
niobate (SLN) single crystals 0.5 mm thick (Oxide Cor- us to observe current distribution of PEE.
poration); [Li2O]:[Nb2O5] mole ratio of the former is The gap between the crystal surface and the electron
48.4:51.6 and that of the latter is 49.9:50.1. The lithium- detectors was adjusted by using alumina spacers of
deficient ‘congruent’ composition has a much higher different heights.
E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182 173

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of experimental setups. (a) LiNbO3 crystal-photodiode holder for emission current measurement (b) LiNbO3 crystal-E-beam
resist holder for electron current distribution collection.

3. Results and discussions behavior could be due to the small coercive field of the
SLN crystal.
Fig. 3 shows the PEE current evolutions with time and Fig. 6 shows the evolution with time and temperature of
temperature measured from +Z face crystal surface during PEE currents measured from Z face of as received
the first heating run of as received samples (CLN (Fig. 3a) crystals at different gaps (1–3.5 mm) during two successive
and SLN (Fig. 3b)). The measurements were performed at thermal cycles with natural cooling. During heating no
different gaps between the crystal surface and the PD significant emission current had taken part, while during
detector. For the CLN crystals, as the gap decreased below cooling the current signal at the small gap (o2 mm)
2 mm, the current signal fluctuated and decreased abruptly. exhibited permanent flashes reaching important emission
While, a relatively smooth PEE current curves without any current values. For a large gap (42 mm) the emission
abrupt drop was observed for SLN crystals in the studied current in cooling run rose and then stabilized by showing
gap range. a rapid slight swinging pace until reaching room tempera-
After PEE current measurements the crystals were ture. Optical microscopic inspection of Z face crystal
etched with HF acid solution (50%), then an optical surface after acid etching did not show any notable
microscope inspection was performed on the emitting +Z information.
face surface areas (Fig. 4). Linear patterned striations Fig. 7 shows an overview of the spatial electron current
were revealed on the +Z surfaces after etching. Magnified distribution on the developed receptive E-beam resist
view of these striation lines shows a treeing-like pattern, surfaces that were facing the exposed faces of the crystal
which could result probably from an electrical discharge emitters during one thermal cycle run for different gap
during PEE current measurements. In fact these striations spacing variations. The emission impact from +Z face
were not other than superficial ferroelectric domain (Fig. 7a, 8a), for small gaps (90 mm–0.5 mm), was
inversion traces as was clearly seen from the striation manifested in regular crossed and elongated lines. The
and spot patterns resulted on the SLN crystal surface impact density decreased as the gap spacing increased and
(see Fig. 5) [16,17] that were manifested in a regular no more impact line was discerned on the E-beam resist
hexagonal geometric shape. For CLN crystals the density when the gap exceeded 2 mm. Furthermore, the geome-
of striations decreased as the gap increased and striations trical configuration of these impacts was analogous to the
practically disappeared when the gap was over 2 mm and superficial domain inversion traces observed on the crystal
up. Whereas, spots and striations resulted on the SLN surfaces. Such correspondence elucidates that the PEE was
crystals did not disappear even for a gap up to 4 mm. Such accompanied by a superficial polarization reversal.
174 E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

1.0 100
10 100
0.5 50
0.0 0 5 50
gap=1.5mm 25
0.5 0

Temperature (°C)

Temperature (°C)
50 gap=2mm 100

IPD (nA)
IPD (µA)

0.0 10
0 75

gap=2.5mm 50
100 5
0.5 25
0 0
0.0 gap=4mm
0 100
gap=4.5mm 75
0.5 50
0.0 0 0 0
0 5 10 15 0 3 6 9 12 15
Time (min) Time (min)
(a) (b)

Fig. 3. PEE current evolution with time and temperature from +Z face of LiNbO3 crystals at different gap variations from 0.5 to 5 mm.CLN crystals (a),
SLN crystals (b).

Fig. 4. Optical microscope images with different magnified views of etched CLN +Z face surfaces after PEE for different gaps.

From Z face (Fig. 7b), the emission impact on E-beam- fied view of these splashes showed a treeing-like shape
resist at small gap spacing equals to 90 mm was manifested (Fig. 8b), which indicated that the E-beam resist was
in a patterning with many concentrated splashes. Magni- subjected to an electrical discharge during PEE collecting.
E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182 175

Fig. 5. Optical microscope images with different magnified views of etched SLN +Z face surfaces after PEE for different gaps.

125 As the gap spacing increased the patterned splash size

1st thermal cycle
2 nd
thermal cycle on the E-beam resist grew and broadened until becom-
1.5 100
ing less visible with negligible impact at a gap over
3.5 mm.
1.0 Both the emission current curves and the spatial electron
50 current distribution impact on the E-beam resist exhibit
that PEE is extremely dependent on the gap spacing in
25 which the electric field magnitude Egap, is expressed as the
following [4]:
0.0 0
DPs 1
100 100 E gap ¼ :  ,
0 1 þ d gap =d cr cr
Temperature (°C)

75 75
IPD (nA)

where DPS denotes the variation in spontaneous polariza-

50 gap=2.5mm 50 tion, e0 is the permittivity of free space, ecr is the relative
dielectric permittivity of the crystal (ecr ¼ 31 for CLN [4]),
25 25 dgap is the vacuum gap spacing between the upper polar
crystal surface and the electron detector and dcr is the
0 0 thickness of crystal along the Z polar axis. An estimation
of polarization charge variation DPS in a temperature
400 100 interval of 20 1C ramped in a short time compared to the
charge relaxation results in a change of PS (DPS ¼ gDT
gap=1mm 75 with g is the pyroelectric coefficient approximately equal to
200 8.2 nC/cm2 K for CLN [4] around room temperature) as
50 large as 0.16 mC/cm2 [4]. Therefore, the corresponding Egap
100 in a gap of 90 mm is evaluated to be about 1.8  106 V/cm.
25 Such electric field strength is high enough to engender an
0 electron emission either by field emission effect or/and field
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 ionization effect on gas molecules that approach the crystal
Time (min) surface. This later effect could also evolve a secondary
Fig. 6. PEE current evolution with time and temperature from Z face of electron emission (SE) if the accelerated ions acquire
CLN crystals at different gap variations from 1 to 3.5 mm. enough energy [18].
176 E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

Fig. 7. Spatial electron current distribution impact on the receptive E-resist from +Z face (a) and from Z face (b) of CLN crystals at different gap
variations from 90 mm to 3.5 mm.

Before getting into the interpretations of the different +Z face and positive charges on Z face), thus pyro-
behaviors seen in our experimental results, we visualized by electric fields are built up in both sides of the crystal. In
sketching, in the Fig. 9, the different possible cases of +Z face side and Z face side both mechanisms FE and/
electrical charge emission, which could take place in the or FI could take place. Therefore in the gap +Z face side
gaps from both sides of pyroelectric crystal surfaces (+Z the released electrons are accelerated towards the collector
and Z), independently of the consideration of the and positive ions towards the crystal surface. Whereas in
experimental conditions (ambient pressure, gap distance, the gap –Z face side, species (electrons/+ions) take to drift
set up geometry), material parameters (conductivity, pyro- in the opposite way, the ions are accelerated towards the
electric coefficient, work function) and so on. collector and the electrons towards the crystal surface.
When the pyroelectric crystal heats up from room From such scenarios the electron emission current could be
temperature (RT) to T3, the decrease of spontaneous measured only from +Z face and during heating.
polarization PS lets appear the uncompensated charges of When the pyroelectric crystal cools down from T3 to
screening charges (sSC) on the crystal surfaces (electrons on RT, the rise of the spontaneous polarization lets emerge the
E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182 177

3.1. Analysis of the electron emission from +Z face

The electron emission from +Z face, during heating in

high vacuum (106 Torr), at large gap spacings (42 mm)
where smooth PEE current curves were observed without
any remarkable perturbation (Fig. 3a), could be attributed
to a simple field emission activated by pyroelectric field
effect. Whereas, when the gap spacing decreases (o2 mm)
the electric field strongly increases at the crystal surface.
So, if some residual gas molecules persisting in the vacuum
medium, which the most probable are the air components
such N2, O2, Ar, CO2 etc., randomly approach the exposed
surface of the crystal, or any superficial gas manifestation
on the sample due to the sample surface out-gassing (CO,
CO2, N2 and H2O are almost the common formed species
on surfaces that has been exposed to the air, they desorb
when the sample heats up in the vacuum and raise the local
pressure near the crystal surface). These neutral gas
molecules, under the strong electric field, are ionized via
electron tunneling, thereby producing ion–electron pairs
(surface plasma formation). The spontaneous precipitation
of positive ions to neutralize the uncompensated negative
charges of sSC subsisting on the crystal surface releases
their associated electrons, in the meantime, the collision of
ions on the crystal surface could generate a SE. All these
electron swarms tend to provoke an electron avalanche,
and hence the plasma breakdown takes place [22–25]. Such
behavior should manifest an intense electron emission
followed instantly by an abrupt drop in the emission
current. In keeping up the temperature increase, such as
new uncompensated charges of sSC appear on the crystal
surface, the mechanism of surface plasma ignition causing
electrical discharge which leads to a neutral electrostatic
state of the surface charges (runway ionization) takes over
again. In this way, the intermittent emission current
Fig. 8. Magnified view of line and splash patterns got at a gap spacing of recorded in small gaps (o2 mm) by the CLN crystal could
90 mm on the receptive E-beam resist.
be explained (see Fig. 3 gap ¼ 0.5 mm).
It is to be noted that our PD and its electronics cannot
detect the discharge current directly because the current
burst duration is very short, less than 1 ms [26], and
polarization charges (Ps) in the crystal surfaces; when they electrons cannot arrive into the detector within the
are uncompensated, they induce a pyroelectric field in each resolving time of the electronics. Therefore, the PD can
crystal side. Thereby, FE and/or FI could take place in the only bear witness of plasma breakdown signature, which is
gap +Z face side. But in the–Z face side only the FI and its manifested by an abrupt drop in the emission current.
consequent SE could be involved because the polarization Also, we notice that the used E-beam resist could show the
charges (PS) are embedded in the crystal surface and do not current distribution only for a magnitude exceeding the
leave the crystal under any external field influence. There- sensitivity of 1mC/cm2 for positive tone area exposures to
fore, in the gap +Z face side the electrons are accelerated 1 keV electrons [15]. The sensitivity is much larger than the
towards crystal surface and positive ions towards the total emitted charge density, 1 nC/cm2, of CLN [3,4,27].
collector. Whereas in the gap Z face side, the drift of Consequently, the patterned impact on the E-beam resist
species (electrons/+ions) is effectuated in opposite direc- should be an act of current burst caused by plasma
tions. From such scenarios the electron emission could be breakdown due to a high ionization degree (dense plasma
measured only from Z face and during cooling formation), but not a simple PEE caused by field emission
[1,6,19–21]. or soft ionization.
In referring to the different sketched scenarios above and The magnified view of the striation lines, which
the settled experimental conditions, an interpretation of the correspond to domain inversion, revealed by etching on
probable electron emission mechanisms could be deduced. +Z face after PEE at small gaps (o2 mm), showed clear
178 E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

Heating run Cooling run

Collector Collector Collector Collector







+++++ +

P + E P E


FI + + FI
+ +




+ FI + + FI




+Z Z +Z Z

Fig. 9. Sketched scenarios of electrical charge emission sources originated from different effects (FE, FI, SE) activated by spontaneous polarization PS
change with temperature of the pyroelectric crystal. FE: Field emission, FI: field ionization and SE: secondary electron emission. Note that this depicted
description does not correspond to any definite gap distance or gas pressure in the vacuum system.

dendrite form patterns (Fig. 4 gap ¼ 0.5 mm). Such tree- Similarly, a plasma-generated ion current with high energy
like confirms the electrical discharge strike resulting from can induce domain inversion by surface ion bombardment.
the engendered plasma breakdown on the crystal surface This is supported by our finding that the developed E-beam
during PEE. In addition, the patterned lines on the E-beam resist showed that the pattern in the area, where plasma
resist (Figs. 7a,8a) look like a transferred image of the had acted, appeared similar to that in the domain inversion
domain inversion striations from the crystal surface. This regions.
implies that the partial polarization domain inversion is The second case predicts that, at the ionization of the
related to the plasma effect on the crystal surface. The residual gas molecules near the crystal surface, the accelerated
manifestation of the domain inversion in elongated and positive ions, by the electric field Egap, in the gap, towards the
crossed striations seems to follow the crystal symmetry supposed locales hexagonal chain, where the electrons are
(hexagonal lattice structure) of the LiNbO3. Probably, preferentially accumulated, cause a local over-depletion of
when the temperature increases the released screening these superficial charges, and thereat, immediately a local
charges, which are not emitted yet, tend to move on the c- depolarizing field takes over to reduce the material electro-
plane of +Z face and accumulate preferentially at the static energy. Consequently, a local-domain inversion takes
hexagonal unit cell borders where the spontaneous place to establish a new internal energy balance.
polarization could be weaker than in the middle of the This inference could not be held out for SLN crystals
unit cell, and hence establishing an hexagonal repartition that remained manifesting domain inversion in shape of
chain of electrons on the crystal surface. Since the spots and lines on the almost whole crystal surface even at
engendered plasma under the high electric field in a small large gap distances of up to 4 mm where the surface plasma
gap involves a high electron/+ion pair density (dense breakdown should be absent. Apparently, in the stoichio-
plasma). Thus, the positive ions, at the time of their metric crystal, the domain inversion might be formed at
formation, are suddenly attracted to the crystal surface and cooling as well. In fact, in high vacuum level (106 Torr)
react with those uncompensated electrons accumulated on and at cooling, the increased positive polarization charges
hexagonal locales. Therefore from these locales the (PS) in the crystal surface could not be fully screened from
electrical discharge is primed, and thence the domain the external ambient atmosphere or the crystal bulk, and as
inversion could be initiated. In so doing, two predictive far as that goes, the possible screening could not be
cases could probably be at the origin of domain inversion. homogeneous on the entire crystal surface. So, the locales
The first case suggests that the domain reversal could be of polarization charges (PS) subjected to a lack of screening
due to the ion bombardment on the crystal surface. Many were compelled to a superficial domain reversal that was
researches have demonstrated domain inversion by elec- facilitated by the weak coercive field of the SLN crystals
tron beam bombardment [28–32], in these works, the (o4 kV/mm) [11], and thus establishing a new internal
penetrating electrons, on the crystal surface, is believed to energy balance state. Unlike the CLN crystal that had
cause an electric field that acts as a local re-poling field. a high coercive field (20 kV/mm) [10], this one could
E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182 179

demonstrate a resistance to such partial depolarizing field down the emission current increased and then stabilized in
during the rising of positive spontaneous polarization Ps in a plateau until room temperature. The corresponding
cooling. Therefore no domain reversal was observed on spatial electron current distribution collected on the
+Z face surface for large gaps over 2 mm. receptive E-beam resist at different gaps showed a broad-
In the long run, it is plausible to accept that the forced ening of tree-like pattern with faint impacts when the gap
depletion of screening charges sSC on a monodomain distances increased (Fig. 7b). From these observations of
crystal surface leads to a multi-domain apparition by PEE behavior from Z face at large gaps (42 mm); the
reducing the crystal electrostatic energy. Then for a small electron emission could be originated from a soft and
gap (o2 mm) when the temperature increases, the en- maintained plasma formation medium near the crystal
gendered plasma breakdown drops the superficial screening surface. Since the plasma results from the field ionization
charges (sSC) instantaneously and locally on crystal effect on the neutral gas molecules, therefore the residual
surface. And since the polarization intensity diminishes gas molecules surrounding the crystal is the source of
with increasing temperature, domain inversion becomes electrical charges for electron emission and screening of
easy to take effect and annihilates the local depolarizing uncompensated charges as the temperature of the crystal
fields. On the other hand, for large gaps (42 mm) the change. Consequently, in addition to the gap spacing effect
electron emission from uncompensated screening charges on the electron emission mechanism discussed earlier, the
(r ¼ D(PS-sSC) on the crystal surface is regulated by the gas pressure around crystal surface also plays a major role
Egap dependence on the spontaneous polarization variation in the influence of electron emission mechanism by
with temperature. So, the electrostatic energy equilibrium variation of the plasma density production. Therefore, if
is maintained instantly and domain inversion is avoided. the gas pressure is high (1 atm), the ionized gas molecules
under the existing electric field are in excess, they neutralize
3.2. Analysis of the electron emission from Z face the polarization charges (PS) almost as fast as these later
appear in the surface of the crystal. On the other hand, if
Regarding the electron emission mechanism from Z the gas pressure is low (o106 Torr) there is a limit on the
face in cooling, the sketched electric charge emission amount of free electrical charges and gas molecules in the
scenarios (Fig. 9) emancipate that the field ionization vacuum medium, then there will not be enough gas that can
should be the only dominant mechanism. be ionized to provide compensating charges at a rate equal
In small gap spacing (1 mm) discontinuous steep drops to the rate of polarization charge (PS) production,
of emission current signal was recorded (Fig. 6). Certainly consequently, uncompensated negative polarization
such emission was the signature of an intermittent electrical charges (PS) will still keep increasing in cooling. Once the
discharge formation resulting from surface runway ioniza- temperature of crystal becomes stable, the electric field in
tion ignition (plasma breakdown from the ionized gas the gap will last for a considerable time since the
molecules near the crystal surface) during cooling. In fact, polarization charge (PS) in the crystal surface will be
when the crystal is cooling the Z face becomes increas- neutralized at a rate determined principally by the rate at
ingly negatively charged due to the raising of spontaneous which gas molecules come close enough to the surface of
polarization Ps in the crystal surface, the corresponding the crystal to be ionized. This explains the maintained
build up of electric field, which, in small gap (o2 mm), can emission current plateau from Z face when the crystal
exceeds the runway ionization (electrical discharge ignition temperatures approach room temperature during natural
giving rise to a new neutral state with an instantaneous cooling. Also, the above analyses support that the electron
drop to zero of electric field at the crystal surface) of the emission from Z face, in cooling, is governed by a field
existing gas molecules at the given low vacuum pressure ionization (FI) mechanism producing, in large gap spacings
(106 Torr). Therefore, from this spontaneous dense (42 mm), a soft plasma environment. From this weak
formed plasma and via its subsequent glow discharge, plasma medium, the released electrons are accelerated to
simultaneously, electrons are accelerated towards the the collector and the associated positive ions are acceler-
collector and equivalent amount of positive ions are ated towards Z face crystal surface. The emission could
accelerated towards the crystal neutralizing then the be accompanied with SE if the positive ions gain enough
polarization charges (PS). Consequently the PPE will drop. energy when they bombard the Z face crystal surface.
This sequence repeats itself as the temperature gradually
changes. 3.3. Electron emission recovery
Also the splashed patterns (Figs. 7b, 8b), whose shapes
were a kind of treeing-like, collected on the receptive E- It was observed that the PEE current from +Z face
beam resists, testified that the PEE was resulted from a decreased significantly after many successive thermal cycles
high ionization degree causing high-intensity discharge as in the maintained high vacuum (106 Torr) (Fig. 10). At the
temperature cools down. immediate second repeated thermal cycle the emission
In large gap spacing (2.5 mm), the PEE current showed current has been reduced by two orders of magnitude
monotonous continuous curves on which was superposed a and appeared to start with certain retardation in both
fast slight vacillation (Fig. 6). While the sample cooled temperature and time scales. However, a moderate
180 E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

CLN crystal (+Z face, emitter-detector gap=2.5mm) only the contribution of the crystal bulk current (Ibulk)
1 heating run could be dominant for screening process, its characteristic
2nd immediat successive heating run relaxation time is given by Maxwell relation time t ¼ 0 =s
3rd immediat successive heating run
(where e is permittivity of the crystal). The evaluated
relaxation time, t ¼ 2:1 h, is much larger than the time
1st period of one thermal cycle which lasts, in our experiment,
about 1 h. So, for +Z face screening, after one thermal
cycle, the positive polarization charges (PS) could not be
IPD (µA)

completely screened before the immediate consecutive

heating. This shirt time screening retains the crystal surface
charged positively, i.e., r ¼ PS  sSC 40 on the +Z face,
thence the subsequent heating needs larger temperature
0.1 interval difference to build up a negative electrostatic state
2nd on the crystal surface that produces a sufficient field able to
generate electron emission. Consequently, the emission will
0.0 manifest with a retardation and reduction of the total
20 40 60 80 100 120 140 emitted electrons. This explanation is consistent with our
Temperature (°C)
experimental results on successive PEE tests from +Z face
Fig. 10. PEE current evolution with temperature from +Z face of CLN in vacuum (Fig. 10). Several PEE current measurements
crystal during successive thermal cycles. (Insert shows the emission were recorded after different relaxation time durations in
currents in log scale). vacuum at room temperature (see Fig. 11). A relaxation of
80 h, 40 times larger than the Maxwell relation time, was
emission current decrease was observed from Z face after necessary to the emission current to become similar to the
a consecutive thermal cycle. Such different behaviors of initial one.
reemission current from each polar crystal face after We have seen that the PEE current from Z face was
consecutive thermal cycles are attributed to the difference not remarkably affected after repetitive thermal cycles. The
of times for screening (neutralizing) the electrostatic state emission current reappeared immediately after the elapse of
(uncompensated charges r) of crystal surface before the the prior thermal cycle and did not need any time interval
subsequent stage of temperature change for electron to be restored. In fact, such behavior is due to the fast
reemission. Thus, for +Z face, a compensation of screening, at high temperature, of uncompensated positive
unscreened positive polarization charges (PS) is needed screening charges (sSC) released on Z face surface when
before the consecutive heating run, and for Z face a the polarization PS decreases upon heating until around
compensation of unscreened positive screening charges 120 1C. The temperature raise increases the conductivity
(sSC) is needed before the consecutive cooling run. of the crystal and consequently the relaxation time of
Generally, the screening process occurs by means of electrons supplied from the crystal bulk to the polar Z
various compensation currents: through the crystal bulk, face surface decreases. Inasmuch as the screening at high
Ibulk, and from or into the vacuum, Ivac (Fig. 1c shows temperature takes place in a short time, therefore, when the
screening case of +Z face at cooling). Ibulk is determined
by the LiNbO3 crystal conductivity, s, and is streamed by
the relaxation of space charges in the crystal under the CLN crystal (+Z face, emitter-detector gap=2.5mm)
0.3 120
electric field of unscreened charges r. Ivac is grouped into
field emission current, IFE, and ion current, Iion. IFE is
caused by the tunneling of electrons, which are localized to
the surface quantum wells [3,5], according to the electro-
Temperature (°C)

static state of the surface, the screening by field emission 0.2 80

could be an electron emission from the collector plate

IPD (µA)

towards the pyroelectric crystal surface or in opposite 80 hr

. 60
direction, from the crystal surface toward the collector
plate. Iion consists of ionized gas molecules persisting in the 0.1 20 hr
. 40
vacuum by field ionization. After Rosenman works [4,33],
Ivac is much smaller than Ibulk which is governed with the 20
crystal conductivity. IFE is negligible due to the high work 2 hr.

function of the material from where it originates (crystal or 0.0 0

collector surfaces) and Iion is also small because of a large 0 5 10 15
threshold of field ionization in high vacuum, thus, its Time (min)

resulting secondary electron emission current is system- Fig. 11. PEE currents from +Z face of CLN crystal measured in high
atically negligible too. Therefore, in high vacuum level, vacuum (106 Torr) with different time intervals between measurements.
E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182 181

crystal cools down the uncompensated negative polariza-

tion charges (PS) could build up with a large density within 10-1 Torr during cooling
a short interval temperature change and thus the associated 10-1 Torr at R.T. for 1 min.
Egap activates again the electron emission.
As is known that in an electric field the Iion current
generation from gas molecules ionization depends on the
vacuum level, it is plausible to restore the screening charges

IPD (arb. units)

(sSC) or to screen the uncompensated charges r by
choosing a suitable gas pressure to maintain a constant
ionization rate equal to the rate of polarization charges
(PS) variation, or even by raising the vacuum pressure from
low to high gas pressure for priming an electrical discharge
thus generating an instant screening. Paschen’s law [26],
which states that the air breakdown voltage is function of
the product of gas pressure and gap distance, indicates that
for a fixed gap the electrical discharge can be primed by
varying the medium gas pressure. So, to promote an 0 5 10 15 20
electrical discharge to stimulate screening of uncompen- Time (min.)
sated charges, an exposed +Z face of LN crystal was
Fig. 13. Comparison of PEE current evolution from +Z face of CLN
subjected to an increase of pressure from a high vacuum of
crystal measured in high vacuum (106 Torr) after exposing the crystal
106 Torr to a low vacuum of 101 Torr by introducing air to air at a pressure of 101 Torr all along cooling from 120 1C and for
into the vacuum chamber after the first thermal cycle, then, 1 min at room temperature.
the vacuum was reinstalled to respect the usual experi-
mental conditions of PEE current measurements at a Fig. 13 shows also a comparison of PEE current between
pressure below 106 Torr. Furthermore, the total time an exposure of sample to a gas pressure of 101 Torr during
period of sample exposure to low vacuum and high vacuum the whole cooling run from 120 1C until room temperature
reinstalling which took only about 2 min, allowed succes- and a short exposure time of just 1 min once the sample
sive PEE current measurements in a period much lower reached room temperature under high vacuum, in spite of
than the estimated relaxation time (2.1 h). Fig. 12 shows such exposure difference, nearly similar PEE current levels
that the PEE current was successfully restored and a in the subsequent heating in high vacuum were observed.
reproducible emission can be obtained. The recovered These results also justified that the recovered current was a
current was nearly the same for the exposure times varying consequence of the discharge effect whose the screening
from 1 min to 2 h at 101 Torr. Indeed, the restoring of was instantaneous, and the restoring of screening charges
screening charges (sSC) via the electrical discharge is by adsorption of free electrical charges from the ambient
instantaneous and independent of time because during gas pressure medium was not palpably dominant since the
varying the vacuum level from low to high pressures, these measured current signal did not depend on the exposure
pass through a critical pressure value which with the time.
established electric field in the gap ignites a sudden
electrical discharge and therewith screens instantly the
whole uncompensated charges in the crystal surface. 4. Conclusion

In this work, the PEE current from both polar surfaces

(+Z face and Z face) of LiNbO3 monodomain single
crystal was investigated. It was demonstrated that the
mechanism dominating the electron emission activation, in
high vacuum, depends on the exposed polar crystal surface.
The PEE current from +Z face was in majority due to field
emission (FE) effect, while the one from Z face was due
to field ionization (FI) effect.
Also, it was seen that gap spacing distances between the
crystal surface and the electron collector seriously influ-
enced the electron emission behavior. Thus, for small gaps
(o2 mm), the PEE current from both polar face surfaces
(+Z face, Z face) was a consequence of a high ionization
degree by the high electric field in the gap causing
Fig. 12. PEE current evolution from +Z face of CLN crystal measured in intermittent runway ionizations (surface discharge) by
high vacuum (106 Torr) after exposing the crystal to air at 101 Torr. plasma breakdown process. Such plasma breakdown was
182 E.M. Bourim et al. / Physica B 383 (2006) 171–182

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