Trapped in Time

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Case Files

It has been 8 hours since Makenzie Baker was taken from her home in North Beach, CA.

The LAPD is hopeful that we will find her soon and we will bring her home. Unfortunately there

is no further information I can share with you at this time but I can say that we are working

around the clock to find this little girl. Chief Logan Ferara off. Stepping off stage a felt my heart

drop to my stomach. The clock is ticking and it is my job….. No, my responsibility to find this

little girl and I have to do it now. I look over to my partner Justin Deon and see him standing

beside his car looking beat down. I called to him “Let me see those case files”. A quick nod of

his head and I know we are good to go. In the car we run through our possible leads or any

possible evidence left behind. “ All we know is that this little girl was taken from her home

around 3:00 in the morning. When her parents came in to check on her, she was not in her bed

and the window was left wide open”. “This is the cleanest case I have ever seen in my whole

career” I said to Justin. We had just arrived at the station and made our way into the active case

room when I noticed something strange. It was empty, unlike today the station is usually bustling

with action and people. But today there was none. “You're always too paranoid” Justin said to

me. But once we turn the corner there it was written in blood splattered across the walls, I'm

watching. Our mouths dropped open, My dusty blonde hair dyed red from blood dripping from

the ceiling. Officer Stephenie White sprawled across the table visibly bleeding. It was too late

she was gone. We run to the wall full of leads and evidence to the Mackenzi Baker case, “ It's all

gone!” This can't be true, hours upon hours of hard work all go and we were so close. Suddenly

i got this idea, we can go back to the house and check one more time to see for ourselves that

there are no other clues. There it is 40508 west end blvd. As we walk around the house we notice
a set of light dusty tire tracks and follow them out to a back road. “ This is probably the route

used to flee the scene.” Justn said, excitement in his voice raising. We drive through the lawn

and out to the back road. The more and more we drove the familiarity alarming me. I noticed that

we are headed to westmont forest. The tracks kept going and going. It was at this moment i

realized that we were going to my little house in the woods. It all started coming back to me, the

river and the large oak tree at the end of the road. The woods were my safe place as a kid, my

dad would usually come home drunk and start hitting my mom before he turned on me, I would

run there and spend the night. There was a hidden staircase at the entrance, through a dark green

suitcase in the corner. The only other person who knew about it was my older brother. I always

could tell him apart with a large scare running down the side of his face. He got caught in the

wrong crowd and ran away from home on March 5 1981. I remember this day like it was

yesterday, Dad came home visibly upset and let it out on my mom. My brother stood up for her

and got beaten up pretty bad. He packed up his bags and just left only saying “ I’m done with

you!” a long boney finger pointed at my dad. We arrive at the cabin to see the front door

swinging open wide. Inside was eerily quiet and the tiny door of the suitcase laying on the

ground opened. Justin waited outside keeping guard. I stepped inside and slowly made my way

on that tiny ladder and saw a bunched up note laying in the corner. It was written 2 days ago

looking at the ink, signed off by Makenzie Baker. It read.

March 5 2000,

Today Amy Stiller told me my nose was too big again, I was always the “ loner” of the

school. No one liked me and I always ate lunch in the bathroom. I came home sobbing after

finding out my only friend is moving away. I stayed in my room all night until I cried myself to
sleep. Around 2:30 in the morning I heard this strange sound coming from outside my window.

I got up to check and someone grabbed me pulling me from my window and out into the

pitch black night. I tried to scream but a cloth stuffed down my throat blocking my panic for

getting heard. I was tied and stuffed into a bag and thrown into the back of a car. My legs

and hands behind me prevented me from moving. “ Why me!” I cried to the world. Every time

I try to move, I get hit by a sharp stick. I tried to open my eyes and pretend it was a bad

dream but that never worked. I was unloaded and thrown down a flight of stairs. The bitter

cold burning my skin and a terrifying loud and painful crack came from both my legs. I was

ripped out of the small bag and tied to a chair. The man was tall with dusty blonde hair and

a scar going down the side of his face. There was this one time I got free and I ran like my

life depended on it but I was caught and tackled then beaten then tried back up to my chair.

I was forced to write this letter explaining how much I hurt so that the person who finds this

will hurt too. Tell mom and dad i love them - Mackenzie

I could not believe it. My body numb and speechless it was my brother who did

this unspeakable crime. I bolted around the room mumbling “she has to be here, she has

to!” I opened a tiny little closet door. Inside what I saw broke my heart, little Mackenzie

Backer green and blue from bruises. Before I was about to start CPR I realised she was

gone. I went to close the door and a familiar voice. “ Hello brother.”...... BANG! I fell to

the ground with severe pain coming from my chest. My eyes slowly came down and

never opened.

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