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Journal of Human Ecology

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Impact of Embroidery Training on Women (Part-II)

Nidhi Singh, Saroj S. Jeet Singh & Saroj Yadav

To cite this article: Nidhi Singh, Saroj S. Jeet Singh & Saroj Yadav (2000) Impact of
Embroidery Training on Women (Part-II), Journal of Human Ecology, 11:5, 401-402, DOI:

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Published online: 24 Oct 2017.

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J, llu~ [(ol., II(S); 401...f l (lOOOl

Impact of Embroidery Training on Women (Part-11)

Nidhl, Saroj S. Jeet Slna,h and Saroj Yadn

INTRODUCTION imputing troinin&$ for 6 months to l yur, 1'ne

data were coiJeet ed throuvh well-structured in-
Slnce ag.e:s, the womc:o have been vil:.1ims terview &e:bcduJe, Jmpaol w~s measured in terms
ofsocial it'ljustioe aod indiscriminatioo. It iJ bigb ?f~wlcd&e and atrirude and throuf)t impact
tirm to improve tbc:ir status, whi~b can only be inckx.
donco by mating them cconomi<:aUy inde:pen- KMwlecS&e aain was assessed lhrou&h self·
de•n. Women .foUc wbo possess UiU in many wuoturod schedule and was measured by pre·
artt and crafts,. if given adequate training can knowledge and post·knowkdge acquisition and
become self-eamers. The studies conducted by pin in knowledge.
Oop> (1993), !Uu: (1990) and Sharma ( 1993) Attitude w1s measured 1hro\1gb developed-
revealed thai women prtfctred training$ and it scale of Sharma (1993) and categorised •s
bad created good impact OLt women. Therefore, fJIVourab1e, undeddcd and unfavourable.
i1 wu (elt necessary to study the impact of cm- lmpact wat measured lmpll(l index
bloidety training on women in terms ofknowl- of Venna ct at. (1990).
tdae aequisition. anitude towards training and 1be relationship between sde.:-~ed SQdQ-Ceo-
ra.etors associated with it nomic variable$ •od aain in knowledae wu
~JC~.~Iated ~~coefficient of corrtlallon.
The study was conducted in Hiar and Strsa
d istricts of Haryana state. 30 women reapOn· &eio•perlonal Chtractedttles of Rtsp4tto
dents who bad c:ompkted tbeir lraining in lase I dcrHs
10 3 yean W<"re sekcted from Govemmc:nt and
Non-Government OTgani.s~rions, wbicb were Mosa or the rtSpOn~nu were between the
aae ,roup or 15·25 yurs. married, middko and
T tblt I! KIHiwltdJt u-a•l•ltlel rtJI.r~llll ll uel hi.&b school ~ssed, ena,aa,ed in labour work.
tm b~try
indq>endent prof'esslon atld service:, havin~ hip
H•"" .,._ KJJ/Yfd~ lc,•t l of family educational status, btlongin& to

Klut/M W(llf't

uo ·-·
PMl-• C.i• "t""/Mt

2.80 0.60 J.$2 •

medium caste group.
Knowledge Acquisition: This includes g.aio in
knowledge and knowledge aequ.isition.

.... ....
Pll• ltNt 1.06 2.80 1,74 Oaln In Knowledge: The gain in ltnowledge for
C.O.s •i.e• 1.66 1.10 1.14 6.15•
1.80 16.1$• selected band embroidery aspeccs rcveakd that
Chain t1i1dt
· ~·
there was a difference bctwc:en pre-training and

2.1 0 posl·training exposure mean scores of all the
....1.0 ........
I,IJ 1. 1)

Pf'IAtr selected aspcets (Table I). 't' values calculattd
8\III!Ofl hole 1.00 16.1S•
Ftene:h \nol coo I IUS• Wt'rl! sianifiellrlt and confirmed knowledge gain
Shldow 'IOOik 1.2<1 10.71• of the uaintes.
S'*"'l I.OJ 2.1) 1.70 14.29•
1.06 2.10 1.74 IJ,7l• Uw.l D/KnowledgeAcqulslrion: lbe knowledge
M/trot ltld
Si'f11111 w.'Qf\
.... .... l.l l 1.67 n .IJo*•
acquWiiart le,•el of trainees indica1ed that hal f
of tbe tt$-poodents bad medium knowledge IC·
Cut •'Oft
.... '·"'
,........,_ ....
tMeh wotlt
1.00 S.l t •
• .J9•
quisition reguding embroidery aspects (Table
Attitude: The dati: io tAble 1 rev~ led that 60
"'Sipifc• nt •t S% lt-¥tl ()I •iSIWitic•noe 11 l9 6.t.
Tat..l1r ¥tluc • l .()4S per tttu rcspoodents o f embroidery 1nining bad
402 Nl f>HI, l\Ait(U ~. Jl!£1' ,SIN(,H AND $..\ltt'JJ YAIMV

Tahli' ! : l,c-vtl lit kilo.,. ltd~ pia •n41 t flllllclt• T•blt ,j; Rtl•tk-n•lllp •fMotO.~otV IIOIIII>f ••.fl•bt..-:t ~Ill
\nJ tlftb ntlckory tnl • l• 1: ltnowlt d&e . .d utll114 t of tral_,

KffOIO'k'i/J;t pi"
I (3.J))
. , ()0.00)
. .. {66. 70)
.. ,
Family eduNdo.
£duc;,tion of tM rnP'lft(lc:nt
(f ~•l.ufi!J
.0 U ll l
(r .wt.-)
u.. r...(lyl-.ttlo: Cu 1e .0.0284t .0,()1<JIIJ
Undtto&d 11 (.40.00)
fl \l)utablc. 13(60.00) fcon<.J111k f!ll)(i>'!lti()Q .0.0~3« .(,IJ)7'98J

r:tvQu rab l ~ auitudC' towards lhc training fol· oomie motivation towards embroidery llllining.
lo wed by 40 percent having undecided attiruck
whllt n<n~e of 1M respondents had unfa vour.~~ble
3 1111\ l dc towards 1hc training. This may be due
lbc present ~~~•dy revealed th;at embrotdery
to !be r~c• dilil they have joined the course trainmg had c:n::atcd n:cdium le~·el qf imp11ct 011
''oluntecrly. women.~ study also t~vcal'--d tba1lraining is
hnp:att ClfTralnh11t invisible input but ils erftct is h ig.hJ)' \'jsibJc,
So. ror effective utflb:aclon ()( th~ pJ'Oiramme.s,
1be impactau.essmem i.ndC'X ofembroidery ln inina jhould also be pto\'ided on modern
t:r:nnini {)n w-ouleli p restnled in tJble 3 showed ttchnological aspec-ts.
thnl lilc calculoted impact was found to be 6S.S
po:.tccr~ L Thus, it may be inferred OWit "'' omen IU:Y W()kDS I~KI. embrotdcl). l111Jn[FIJ. Auen•
re1pondt'nts a Ocr trainmg Sl.ltcoedcd in atquir• !IWIIt, KN'Iwleot,e,
itlg knowltd.gc and attitude to n.OOenue &evtl.
A 8STRACT 1llt study on 1mp11e1aucumrnt ofetnbtOI •
6 rry t111i11in1 o n JO wcw.ICfl ., H ~ kid Situ dl$1rl~u or
TtlM l: h upul MW»n~t•l b11foU of n nb10ioltr)' lftln· H:.ryana v.11c tevulcd l hllt im;tiiC!I o f ttl inina y,·u (OUifltl
10 be o( mo:dium lc,·el Thr1 """''" WOifiJell 11:411"ctl
' "' o.........""' hvo.;nble atdt11de bill ml'dium len-1 o f kno.rdcllge. The
AllinNI*I F•11011• Chwlt· UnfoW,· T~l lulowledpr ltllll'ititioll tt~d 1ltitud~: wtrt" (il~ I<) bco:'l(ll! ·
Kll<».-1~1" J:l'in ,.,~

{JJ """'
2• 12
0 ,,
ttt nmea.ruly tcllted wtth ~ occuplliO!I, fDmity c.!!Xll•
tio~~<~) watu~o. cducooon of!Jic;
m pondcnl. ustc aNI ct(!·
'~~•" m IO><)•J•OJO ,j>o J ...
9~2•J•S.I (jV2ltl•loi 0
Medium (1)
low (I)
Docn. S : A" E.tpfQro'-1)' :il••<fJ•~Ihi' C:11<N. \tf11l»ll ;,. Jllor
pl'l),..fN(I'NI t>{/JitOflul Ct.I!~I'.IUI'W- Pro}«ts /i)r/t.t.rtfl
WoMt'll /11 HtJ"I'"""· M. St. Dlucna~(nft , (:(;S
Haryano AJn"ultura.l l.!llh~n:i•y.lltsll (1998).
Rela liOn$hlp or Soci~conomic Var-iables Kaut, P.: AJI f•P"« St1116• o{/ttlfifllli.,lllu(VI tMd ,vo...
witb Knowled ge and Atdtudt oC Trai nen i ll llft-11ti6ttttllu.i J>.of".llltJ for WomtJI ll~:~orflrltt flt'J.
M.~. Dinetlolion. CCS lbr)·'"' AploCiol hlfi l Unl·
11 is evident (rom table 4 that knowledge •'<rtily, H~t 1 990).
Sh•rn~a, M.: A.dop#ou o{J,.c-.. Gt"V'4'flll• Acli•illn ~J '
acquisition and ;sttitude wc:re round to be oon- doo' B#tltfii'IMW' fi/IW. 1':/tlfNM"I PFUSf-•OW.. M.Sc.
stgnificamly and inversely related witb age, DiutttatiOI'I, CCS tbcyan• A&:•ienl'lu1111 l.ln lvtl'illy.
occup~hon of the tetpOndcnts, caste and ec:o- Hi1111 ( 19'93).

A11rhors• Adtlrast Nidhl., Sa.rjo S. Jttl Singh . .d Ssroj Yadn, lkpannu:Tll of Cl-oltung and Texul¢$.
College of Home Science. CCS HAU, JliJu I Z.S 00&, Har)'BI\1, ll)di:a

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