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Module 7 Final Report

Submitted to:

Dr. Thidarat Tinnakornsrisuphap, Ph.D.

Prepared by:

Kara Minoza, BSN RN

HCIN 543: Database Design and Knowledge Management

December 6, 2023
Executive Summary

This document provides an overview of the Healthcare Management System, which focuses on

managing patient balances and physician office locations. The system employs two primary

tables - 'Physician' and 'Patient' - each containing essential information for effective healthcare

management. To link these tables and avoid update anomalies, a junction table called

'PatientPhysicianRelationship' is utilized. With this database layout, the system can support a

one-to-many relationship with future user input.

Our investigation revealed that nine patients have outstanding bills exceeding $7,500. On

average, these patients owe $10,425.15. Furthermore, we discovered that there are currently

three physicians serving the Escondido area. To address these issues, we recommend

implementing strategies to reduce financial risk and evaluate the workload distribution among

physicians. The Healthcare Management System can assist in optimizing patient financials and

allocating physician resources efficiently.

1.0 Introduction

The purpose of this data report is to provide a comprehensive overview of the Healthcare

Management System. The report focuses on specific queries related to patient balances and

physician office locations. By presenting key insights derived from the 'Physician' and 'Patient'

tables, this report aims to help healthcare organizations make informed decisions.

The business model of the Healthcare Management System aims to leverage data to improve

financial management and resource allocation in the healthcare setting. By querying patient

balances exceeding $7500, the system aims to streamline financial processes and address

outstanding accounts promptly. At the same time, identifying physicians in the Escondido office

enhances the understanding of resource distribution and helps optimize patient care.

Based on the database, we have made three assumptions for this report. Firstly, we assume

that the data in the 'Physician' and 'Patient' tables are accurate and reliable. Secondly, we assume

that the categorization of the Escondido office is valid and recognized within the healthcare

organization. Lastly, we assume that patient balances exceeding $7500 are significant and

require attention for financial management purposes.

Key Terms:

1. PhysicianID: Unique identifier assigned to each physician within the system.

2. PatientID: Distinctive identifier assigned to each patient for tracking and record-


3. Balance: The financial amount representing outstanding dues from patients.

4. Office: Designates a specific location where physicians practice within the healthcare

organization. This report focuses specifically on the Escondido Office location.

2.0 Methodology

• Tables

o There are currently 3 tables in the database. The ‘Patient’ and ‘Physician’ tables

are the primary tables. The ‘PatientPhysicianRelationship’ table is the junction

table that relates the two primary tables, ensuring no update anomalies may occur

with future use.

o Tables in Database Design Language (DBDL) format:

▪ Patient (PatientID, PatLastName, PatFirstName, DateOfBirth, Diagnoses,


▪ Physician (PhysicianID, PhysLastName, PhysFirstName, SSN,

PhysPhoneNumber, Office)


• SK Office

▪ PatientPhysicianRelationship (PatientID, PhysicianID)

• FK PatientID -> Patient

• FK PhysicianID -> Physician

• Forms:

o Patient Form

▪ The purpose of this form is to give authorized users the ability to input

patient information without directly accessing the access database, which

runs the risk of modifying other information.

o Physician Form

▪ The purpose of this form is to give authorized users the ability to input

physician information without directly accessing the access database,

which runs the risk of modifying other information.

• Queries

o Patient Balances Query: A query was performed to identify patients who owe

over $7500. This information is crucial for financial management and ensures

timely attention to accounts with outstanding balances.

▪ Question: How many patients currently have a balance of greater than


▪ Number of Patients with Balances > $7500: 9

▪ Highest Patient Balance: $15,442.00

▪ Average Patient Balance: $10,425.15

▪ SQL:

▪ Table:

Patient Balance Over 7500

PatLastName PatFirstName Balance
Hart Helena $15,442.00
Bowers Peter $11,598.64
Hawkins Ana $11,255.12
Kelley Leslie $10,245.20
Harmoni Michael $9,542.40
Moyer Artemis $9,541.25
Myers William $9,154.33
Villegas Samson $8,845.24
Hunt Piper $8,445.20
o Escondido Office Physician Query: A query targeted physicians located in the

Escondido Office. Understanding the distribution of healthcare professionals

across different offices is vital for optimizing resource allocation and patient care.

▪ Question: How many physicians currently serve the Escondido area?

▪ Number of Physicians in Escondido Office: 3

▪ List of Physicians:

• Wyze, Robert

• Montana, Alvin

• Kotal, Matthew

▪ SQL:

▪ Table Result:

Escondido Physicians
PhysicianID PhysLastName PhysFirstName SSN PhysPhoneNum Office
1 Wyze Robert 224252725 8325606991 Escondido
3 Montana Alvin 319401784 8581865373 Escondido
7 Kotal Matthew 509102951 8586852291 Escondido
3.0 Results

• Reports:

o Patient Balance Report

▪ The “Patient Balance” Report is generated from the “Patient Balance Over

7500” Query.

o The “Physician Office” Report is generated from the “Escondido Physicians”


4.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

Our investigation has revealed that several patients have outstanding bills exceeding

$7500. Additionally, the Escondido office area currently only has three doctors available to serve

patients. Based on these findings, we recommend two important actions.

Firstly, implementing new strategies to address outstanding patient balances and reduce

financial risks is crucial. One possible solution could be the use of automated billing reminders

or other billing solutions that streamline the payment process.

Secondly, evaluating the workload distribution among physicians in the Escondido office

and determining whether additional resources or adjustments are necessary to enhance

operational efficiency is recommended.

In conclusion, the Healthcare Management System can play a vital role in managing

patient financials and optimizing physician resource allocation. By utilizing targeted queries and

user-friendly forms, the system can help improve healthcare administration and patient care. We

encourage continued use and refinement of the system to achieve these goals.

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