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Headache ISSN 0017-8748

C 2006 by American Headache Society doi: 10.1111/j.1526-4610.2006.00468.x
Published by Blackwell Publishing

Research Submission
Noise as a Trigger for Headaches: Relationship Between
Exposure and Sensitivity
Paul R. Martin, DPhil; John Reece, PhD; Michael Forsyth, BA (Hons)

Objective.—This study investigated how triggers acquire the capacity to precipitate headaches.
Background.—Traditional clinical advice is that the best way to prevent headache/migraine is to avoid the
triggers. Avoidance of anxiety-eliciting stimuli, however, results in sensitization to the stimuli, so is there a danger
that avoidance of migraine/headache triggers results in decreased tolerance for the triggers?
Design.—One hundred and fifty subjects, 60 of whom suffered from regular headaches, were randomly assigned
to 5 experimental conditions, defined by length of exposure to the headache trigger of noise.
Methods.—Subjects attended a laboratory session divided into 3 phases: preintervention test, intervention (1
of 5 levels of exposure to the trigger), and postintervention test. Response to the intervention was measured in
terms of noise tolerance, sensitivity to noise, and nociceptive response to noise.
Results.—A curvilinear relationship was found between length of exposure to the trigger and pain response for
individuals who do not suffer from regular headaches, that is, short exposure was associated with sensitization and
prolonged exposure with desensitization. The relationship for headache patients was less clear.
Conclusions.—The findings are consistent with the proposition that 1 etiological pathway to suffering from
frequent headaches is via trying to avoid, or escape from, potential trigger factors. These results suggest that the
traditional clinical advice to headache patients, that the best way to prevent migraine/headache is to avoid the
triggers, runs the risk of establishing an insidious sensitization process thereby increasing headache frequency.
Key words: tension-type headache, migraine, triggers, sensitization, desensitization, etiology

(Headache 2006;46:962-972)

A functional model of chronic headache has been The immediate antecedents of headaches are the stim-
proposed in which headaches are conceptualized in uli that precipitate or aggravate headaches, that is,
terms of their controlling variables.1,2 The model aims the trigger factors. Martin et al2 demonstrated that
to understand the variance in headaches by consid- the most commonly reported triggers are stress, anx-
ering the antecedents and consequences of headaches. iety, glare, and noise. This study also found that trig-
gers could be grouped into a small number of inde-
pendent, interpretable patterns including “negative
From the Department of Psychological Medicine, Monash Med- affect” (stress, anxiety, anger, and depression) and
ical Centre, Clayton, Australia (Dr. Martin); Division of Psy-
“visual disturbance” (flicker, glare, and eyestrain).
chology, RMIT University, Bundoora, Victoria, Australia (Dr.
Reece); and School of Psychology, University of New England, While most of the literature on headache triggers are
Armidale, NSW, Australia (Mr. Forsyth). based on self-reports, some triggers have been ex-
Address all correspondence to Prof. Paul R. Martin, Depart- perimentally validated including negative affect,3,4 vi-
ment of Psychological Medicine, Monash Medical Centre, 246 sual disturbance,4 hunger,3 and noise.5 Much atten-
Clayton Road, Clayton, Victoria, 3168 Australia. tion has been given to the issue of whether migraine
Accepted for publication January 13, 2006. and tension-type headache have the same or different

Headache 963

triggers, and the majority of studies have failed to find pends on the process by which sensitivity to trig-
differences,6-8 but some have.9 ger factors is acquired. Most triggers are stressful,
Traditional medical advice to headache patients aversive, uncomfortable, irritating, disturbing, or un-
is to avoid triggers. Schulman and Silberstein10 coun- pleasant in some way, and most probably have the ca-
sel, for example, that “wherever possible, practitioners pacity, when presented at high intensity or for long
should help susceptible patients learn to avoid trig- duration, to elicit headaches in most people. Never-
gers,” and Skaer11 states that “migraine prevention is theless, both between- and within-subject variations
best achieved by avoidance of known migraine trig- in responsivity to these trigger factors are apparent,
gers.” The logic of this advice is clear, but is it real- that is, some individuals are more vulnerable to de-
istic, and is there a danger that avoidance of a trigger veloping headaches in response to these factors than
may increase sensitivity to it? It is well established that others, and vulnerability can change across time for
avoidance of stimuli that give rise to anxiety results individuals. Development of a chronic headache dis-
in increased sensitivity or sensitization to the anxiety- order can be conceptualized as becoming sensitized to
eliciting stimuli or situations.12 Anxiety is treated by various headache trigger factors such that these factors
prolonged exposure to anxiety-eliciting situations as precipitate headaches more readily.
this results in a desensitization process whereby the How does this sensitization process come about?
situations lose their capacity for eliciting anxiety. Two opposing theoretical accounts seem plausible.
There is very limited empirical support for the clin- One position suggests that on each occasion a trigger
ical practice of encouraging avoidance of headache is associated with a headache, the link between the 2 is
triggers. Blau and Thavapalan13 encouraged mi- strengthened or consolidated, as occurs through learn-
graineurs to avoid all precipitating factors and re- ing by practice or repetition (repetition theory). An
ported a reduction of 50% in attack frequency in 19 alternative position is that observation by a headache
out of 23 patients. However, a number of method- patient of a link between a trigger and a headache
ological flaws in the study limit its utility. For exam- (whether the observation is accurate or inaccurate)
ple, all patients were given advice on “how to abort results in escape/avoidance behavior whereby the pa-
attacks by quickly taking an antinauseant and anal- tient seeks to minimize exposure to the trigger. This
gesic tablets” (p. 481) so that the effects of this ad- avoidance of triggers sensitizes the individual to the
vice were confounded with the effects of the advice to trigger in the same way that avoidance of anxiety-
avoid precipitants. Also, the 50% reduction was based inducing stimuli results in increased anxiety to future
on a comparison between a retrospective estimate of presentations of the stimuli (avoidance theory). The
attack frequency in the 3 months before consultation anxiety literature shows that short exposure to anxiety-
with “noting attacks” during the 2 months after consul- provoking stimuli results in increments to subsequent
tation, so that changes in frequency were confounded anxiety responses to the stimuli, while prolonged ex-
with different approaches to measurement. The study posure to anxiety-provoking stimuli results in decre-
did not include any control conditions. ments to subsequent anxiety responses to the stimuli.15
In contrast to the findings of Blau and Thava- Short exposure underlies the maintenance of phobias
palan,13 a study by Philips and Jahanshahi14 provided as phobics try and escape or avoid threatening stimuli,
some empirical support for the potential of exposure to thus minimizing exposure, whereas long exposure is
reduce sensitivity to headache triggers. Philips and Ja- the basis for the highly effective treatments for anxiety
hanshahi investigated the effects on chronic headache such as various forms of desensitization, flooding, and
patients of exposure to the headache trigger of noise. implosion.12 The repetition account suggests that the
They found that exposure was associated with reduced critical process in sensitization is simply the pairing of
pain response whereas avoidance of exposure led to the triggers with headaches, whereas the avoidance ac-
increasing intolerance. count suggests that the critical process is the maladap-
Whether avoidance or exposure is more appro- tive reaction of the patient to the triggers. Not surpris-
priate in the management of headache disorders de- ingly, the research literature indicates that headache
964 June 2006

patients do respond to headaches via avoidance of the result in increased sensitivity and prolonged exposure
trigger factors.16,17 would result in decreased sensitivity.
We completed a study in which participants were
exposed to the experimentally validated headache SUBJECTS AND METHODS
trigger factor of visual disturbance for 1 of 5 different Subjects.—Subjects were recruited from students
durations.18 Both the repetition and avoidance the- and staff of the University of New England via adver-
ories predict that short exposure to a trigger factor tisements on the campus net and notice boards. The ad-
would lead to increased sensitivity to the trigger fac- vertisements emphasized that the researchers not only
tor. However, with respect to long exposure, the rep- particularly wished to recruit subjects who suffered
etition theory predicts further increases in sensitivity from regular headaches, but also wished to recruit sub-
whereas the avoidance theory predicts decreased sen- jects who did not suffer from regular headaches, so that
sitivity. The results of the study strongly supported the the responses of the 2 groups could be compared.
avoidance theory. One hundred and fifteen subjects completed the
In another study, 6 chronic headache patients study, of whom 42 (34%) were male. Eighty-one (70%)
repeatedly attended the laboratory for sessions in- were students and 34 (30%) were staff. The age distri-
volving exposure to visual disturbance.19 The results bution was as follows: 18 to 24 years, n = 63; 25 to 34
demonstrated that repeated, prolonged exposure to years, n = 17; 35 to 44 years, n = 18; 45 to 54 years,
this headache trigger led to desensitization with par- n = 12; and 55+ years, n = 4. To compare individuals
ticipants experiencing less visual disturbance, less neg- who suffered from frequent headaches with those who
ative affect, and less head pain in response to the did not, an operational definition of “regular headache
trigger. patient” was employed that defined “regular” as ex-
There is no reason to believe that all factors that periencing “on average, at least 1 headache per fort-
can precipitate headaches have acquired the capac- night.” On this basis, the sample included 60 (52%)
ity via the same process. Research findings do suggest patients who suffered from regular headaches, and
that different trigger factors precipitate headaches via 55 (48%) who did not suffer from regular headaches,
different peripheral physiological mechanisms. For ex- subsequently referred to as “headache patients” and
ample, Martin and Teoh4 found that headaches trig- “non-headache patients,” respectively.
gered by visual disturbance were associated with in- A psychologist diagnosed the headaches accord-
creased blood pressure, whereas Martin et al5 reported ing to the criteria of the Headache Classification Sys-
that headaches triggered by noise were associated with tem of the International Headache Society.20 The fol-
elevated temporal pulse amplitude. lowing diagnoses were established: “migraine with-
Reported here are the results of a study that repli- out aura,” n = 6; “migraine with typical aura,” n =
cated Martin14 except noise was used rather than visual 8; “episodic tension-type headache,” n = 24; “chronic
disturbance. Noise was selected for this study because tension-type headache,” n = 3; and “headache of the
it has been listed as the fourth most common trigger tension-type not fulfilling above criteria,” n = 11. Di-
of headache2 and has been experimentally validated.5 agnoses could not be established for 8 subjects due
Also, it lends itself to experimentally testing theories to missing data. The periods over which subjects had
about the relationship between length of exposure to suffered from regular headaches were as follows: “less
a trigger and sensitivity to a trigger. than 6 months,” n = 2; “6 to 12 months,” n = 5; “1 to
The objective of the study was to test the com- 3 years,” n = 9; “3 to 10 years,” n = 19; and “more
peting predictions from the 2 theories. On the basis than 10 years,” n = 24. There were missing data for 1
of our earlier research with visual disturbance, it was subject.
hypothesized that for both individuals who suffered Subjects were randomly assigned to the 5 experi-
from regular headaches and those who did not suffer mental conditions, defined by duration of exposure to
from regular headaches, short exposure to noise would noise, resulting in 22 to 24 subjects in each condition.
Headache 965

This consisted of 12 “headache patients” in each of the very short exposure condition, the noise stimulus
the 5 conditions, and 11 “non-headache patients” in was presented in 20 of the 140 trials for a total expo-
each of 3 conditions (“none,” “long,” and “very long”). sure duration of 5 minutes. In the anxiety literature, the
The other 2 conditions had 10 (“short”) and 12 “non- principle governing length of exposure is to continue
headache patients” (“very short”) in them. exposure until anxiety begins to subside in the anxiety-
This research was carried out in accordance with eliciting situation, which usually translates in practice
the guidelines of the National Health and Medical to exposure in excess of 30 minutes.24 Hence, for the
Research Council, and was approved by the Hu- very long exposure condition, the noise was turned on
man Research Ethics Committee of the University in all 140 trials for a total exposure duration of 35 min-
of New England. Written informed consent was ob- utes. In a study of the effects of repeated, prolonged
tained from all subjects. No incentives were offered for exposure to visual disturbance, we found that 100 tri-
participation. als for a total exposure of 25 minutes, produced desen-
Design.—Sessions in the study were divided into sitization,19 so the long exposure condition was set at
3 phases. The first phase consisted of a preinterven- this level. The short exposure condition was positioned
tion test that involved exposure to a noise stimulus. midway between the very short exposure and the long
Subjects were instructed to indicate the point in time exposure conditions at 60 trials for 15 minutes of expo-
when they could no longer tolerate the noise stimulus. sure. In the no exposure condition, the noise stimulus
The noise was then turned off. The noise was turned off was not presented in any of the trials. Hence, the 5 ex-
after 5 minutes if subjects had not indicated reaching posure conditions used in the intervention, expressed
their point of intolerance previously. Measures of ex- in minutes, were 0, 5, 15, 25, and 35. When noise was
perience of noise and headache intensity in response presented in some trials and not in others, the noise
to the noise stimulus were taken 15 seconds after the trials were randomly distributed across the session. It
onset of the stimulus and at termination of the stim- should be noted that exposure was not continuous, as
ulus. The second phase was the intervention, which occurs in the anxiety literature.
comprised 1 of 5 durations of exposure to the noise Measures.—The following measures were
stimulus (none, very short, short, long, and very long). recorded during the pre- and postintervention tests.
The final phase consisted of the postintervention test, Tolerance of noise was measured by recording how
which was a repeat of the preintervention test, to assess long subjects could tolerate the noise stimulus pre-
the effects of the intervention. sented continuously. The maximum time of exposure
Tests and Intervention.—The noise stimulus was was set at 5 minutes. Sensitivity to noise was measured
85 dB of white noise, chosen for 3 reasons. The first by requesting subjects to rate the degree of aversion
was that it would score highly on the scale of noise to noise experienced 15 seconds after the onset of
annoyance designed by Kryter,21 as it was composed the noise stimulus, and again at offset of the noise
of multiple frequencies of sound (white noise), of high stimulus. The rating scale used ranged from 0 (“not
intensity (85dB), and resembled a commonly encoun- at all present”) to 5 (“very severely present”). Noci-
tered stimulus with negative valence (ie, an un-tuned ceptive response to noise was measured by requesting
television set). The second reason was that it compared subjects to rate head pain intensity prior to the onset
in nature and intensity to noise stimuli used in past of the noise stimulus, 15 seconds after onset, and at
experimental research but of longer duration, as rec- offset of the noise stimulus. The rating scale used
ommended.22 Finally, the composition and nature of ranged from 0 (“no headache”) to 5 (“an intense
the stimulus posed no threat to the auditory system of incapacitating headache”). The time line for these
participants over the duration of exposure.23 measures is shown as Figure 1.
The intervention phase of the study was divided Procedure.—Subjects were asked to attend the
into 140 15-second trials separated by 5-second inter- laboratory on a day when they were headache-free.
trial intervals. In the anxiety literature, “short expo- If subjects had a headache at the arranged time, a
sure” equates to around 5 to 10 minutes. Hence, for new appointment was scheduled. The session began
966 June 2006

headache patients versus the non-headache patients,

Two times for measuring sensitivity to noise
1 2 U = 1185.00, Z = 2.80, P = .005, with non-headache
patients (Mean = 234,000 ms) demonstrating higher
Noise (up to 5 mins)
Onset 15 secs Offset
tolerance times than headache patients (Mean =
173,000 ms).
1 2 3 Dependent Variables Used in Main Analyses.—It
Three times for measuring nociceptive response to noise
was decided to select or create 7 dependent variables
Fig 1.—Time line for measures. from the measures recorded for analyzing the effect
of the intervention as this would result in a participant
to variable ratio of approximately 16 to 1, which gen-
with subjects completing a consent form followed by a erally results in satisfactory power and is considered
brief questionnaire that included questions pertaining a satisfactory ratio for obtaining a reliable estimate of
to demographic information and headaches. Instruc- the pattern of covariation and replicable results from
tions pertaining to the session were then given to sub- multivariate analyses.25 One measure of tolerance for
jects via a tape recorder, and subjects were provided noise following the intervention was selected: the max-
with the opportunity to ask questions. Next, subjects imum time that noise could be tolerated in the postin-
completed the preintervention test. A 5-minute break tervention test (T1). Two measures of sensitivity to
followed during which subjects were asked to relax noise following the intervention were selected: the rat-
before subjects completed the 140 trials that consti- ings of noise measured 15 seconds after onset (S1), and
tuted the intervention. Another 5-minute break fol- immediately after offset (S2), of the noise in the postin-
lowed the intervention before subjects completed the tervention test. Four measures of nociceptive response
postintervention test. The session concluded with sub- to noise following the intervention were created as
jects completing a brief questionnaire inquiring about follows: (a) ratings of headache intensity measured
their experiences during the session. The total dura- immediately prior to the postintervention test minus
tion of the session was approximately 1 hour. ratings of headache intensity measured immediately
prior to the preintervention test (ie, ratings at postin-
RESULTS tervention correcting for differences preintervention)
Preliminary Analyses.—To calibrate the noise (H1); (b) ratings of headache intensity measured 15
stimulus, subjects were asked “how much noise did seconds after onset of the noise in the postintervention
you experience in the session compared to the highest test minus ratings of headache intensity measured im-
level of noise that you encounter on a weekly basis?” mediately prior to the preintervention test (H2); (c)
Twenty-eight percent responded “less” or “much less,” ratings of headache intensity measured immediately
30% responded “about the same,” and 43% responded after offset of the noise in the postintervention test
“more” or “much more.” minus ratings of headache intensity measured imme-
Headaches were reported in the session by 56 sub- diately prior to the preintervention test (H3); and (d)
jects (49%). Most of the headaches were low inten- ratings of headache intensity measured immediately
sity with only 12 subjects using ratings of 3 (“a painful after offset of the noise in the postintervention test
headache, but one during which you could continue at minus ratings of headache intensity measured imme-
your job”) or higher. Of those who reported experi- diately after offset of the noise in the preintervention
encing a headache during the session, 81% indicated test (H4). These variables were equivalent to the ones
that the headache was “similar” or the “same” as their used in the study of visual disturbance as a trigger fac-
usual type of headaches. tor,14 therefore facilitating comparisons between the
Fifty-nine subjects (51%) tolerated the noise stim- studies.
ulus for the maximum period of 5 minutes in the prein- The 7 variables were evaluated in terms of whether
tervention test. A Mann-Whitney U-test found a sig- they met the assumptions underlying multivariate
nificant difference in the noise tolerance time for the analysis of variance. S1 and S2 did, H2 and H4 were
Headache 967

skewed, and H1 and H3 were severely skewed. Con- degree of aversion to noise. Given the lack of any
sequently, a square root transformation was applied significant interaction between headache and expo-
to H2 and H4, and a cube root transformation was sure condition, the subsequent analyses were per-
applied to H1 and H3. Tests for both multivariate formed separately for the headache group and the non-
and univariate homogeneity of variance on the trans- headache group.
formed variables did not reveal significant violations The repetition and avoidance theories predict dif-
of these assumptions. The distribution of scores for T1 ferent relationships between length of exposure to a
was more problematic, exhibiting severe skew, a ceil- trigger factor and headache response to the trigger fac-
ing effect, and lack of variability. Transformation was tor. If headache response to the trigger factor is plotted
not effective in improving the shape of the distribution against length of exposure to the trigger factor, then
for the T1 scores; consequently, these data were not in- support for the repetition theory would be evidenced
cluded in the parametric analyses reported below, and by an approximation to a straight line from lower
instead were analyzed separately using nonparametric left to upper right, whereas support for the avoid-
procedures. ance theory would be evidenced by an approximation
Main Analyses.—Six of the 7 variables (H1, H2, to an inverted U-curve. These hypothetical relation-
H3, H4, S1, and S2) were entered in a 2 × 5 fac- ships are shown in Figure 2. This translates statisti-
torial between-subjects multivariate analysis of vari- cally to a linear relationship between exposure and
ance (ANOVA). The between-subjects factors were headache response supporting the repetition theory,
“headache” (2 levels—headache patient and non- in contrast to a quadratic relationship between expo-
headache patient) and “exposure condition” (the 5 sure and headache response supporting the avoidance
exposure durations). The multivariate interaction be- theory.
tween headache and exposure condition was not sig- To test these alternative predictions, analyses of
nificant,  = .90, F(24, 350.07) = 0.98, P = .50, partial orthogonal polynomials (ie, trend analyses) were car-
η2 = .06 (<.01, .05) nor was the multivariate main effect ried out on each variable for the 2 groups separately,
for exposure condition,  = .80, F(24, 350.07) = 0.95, and the results revealed different trends for the 2
P = .54, partial η2 = .05 (< .01, .05). Note, the figures headache groups. For non-headache patients, 4 of the
in parentheses following the effect size measure (η2 ) 6 dependent outcomes revealed significant quadratic
are the upper and lower bounds of the 95% confidence trends: H1, F(1, 50) = 6.53, P = .013, partial η2 = .12
intervals around η2 . The multivariate main effect for (<.01, .29); H2, F(1, 50) = 6.43, P = .014, partial η2 =
headache was significant,  = .79, F(6, 100) = 4.45, .11 (<.01, .28); H3, F(1, 50) = 5.15, P = .025, partial
P < .001, partial η2 = .21 (.05, .30). Follow-up univari-
ate ANOVAs on the 6 dependent variables revealed a
significant difference between the 2 headache groups
for all variables, with effect sizes ranging from partial
η2 = .04 for H4 to partial η2 = .15 for H2: H1, F(1, 105)
= 15.35, P < .001, partial η2 = .13 (.03, .25); H2, F(1,
105) = 18.40, P < .001, partial η2 = .15 (.04, .27); H3,
F(1, 105) = 14.82, P < .001, partial η2 = .12 (.03, .24);
H4, F(1, 105) = 4.55, P = .035, partial η2 = .04 (< .01,
.13); S1, F(1, 105) = 6.38, P = .013, partial η2 = .06 (<
.01, .16); S2, F(1, 105) = 8.18, P = .005, partial η2 = .07
(.01, .18).
On the 4 measures of nociceptive response to
noise, the headache group consistently used higher
Fig 2.—Predicted results on the basis of 2 competing theo-
pain ratings, and on the 2 measures of sensitivity to ries of how trigger factors acquire the capacity to precipitate
noise, the headache group consistently rated higher headaches.
968 June 2006

η2 = .09 (<.01, .26); and H4, F(1, 50) = 5.13, P = .028, trend for H1, F(1, 55) = 3.88, P = .051, partial η2 = .07
partial η2 = .09 (<.01, .26). No other significant results (<.01, .22).
were found for this group. It should be noted that all The trends for the 2 headache groups are shown
of the significant trend results were found on the 4 in Figure 3.
variables measuring nociceptive response to noise. For the T1 data, a single-factor between-subjects
For headache patients, only 1 clearly significant Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric ANOVA found a sig-
trend was noted—a significant linear trend for H2, F(1, nificant difference in scores across the 5 exposure con-
55) = 6.58, P = .013, partial η2 = .11 (<.01, .27)— ditions for non-headache patients, χ 2 (4, N = 55) =
although it is worth noting that the quadratic trend for 11.60, P = .021, but not for headache patients, χ 2 (4,
H2 was trending toward significance, F(1, 55) = 3.59, N = 60) = 2.30, P = .68. Post hoc testing on the signifi-
P = .063, partial η2 = .05 (<.01, .21), as was the linear cant non-headache patient result using Mann-Whitney

Mean Transformed H1 Score

Mean Transformed H2 Score





1.10 1.20

None Very Short Short Long Very Long None Very Short Short Long Very Long

Exposure Condition Exposure Condition


Mean Transformed H3 Score

Mean Transformed H4 Score



1.20 1.40


None Very Short Short Long Very Long None Very Short Short Long Very Long

Exposure Condition Exposure Condition

Headache Sufferer

Fig 3.—Relationship between exposure condition and headache patient status for 4 major outcome variables. Bars show 95%
confidence intervals.
Headache 969

Table—Scores on 5 Outcome Measures Across Exposure

Headache Sufferer
Conditions for Headache Patients and Non-Headache Patients

Exposure Condition
Mean T1 Score (ms)

Measure None Very Short Short Long Very Long


Headache patients (n = 60)

Mean 1.19 1.25 1.31 1.25 1.29
SD 0.08 0.09 0.14 0.13 0.09
None Very Short Short Long Very Long H2
Exposure Condition Mean 1.40 1.59 1.74 1.62 1.69
SD 0.22 0.24 0.36 0.23 0.23
Fig 4.—Noise tolerance times (T1) (in milliseconds) for the 2 Mean 1.22 1.28 1.31 1.27 1.30
headache groups across 5 exposure conditions at postinterven- SD 0.12 1.00 0.14 0.09 0.09
tion. Bars show 95% confidence intervals. H4
Mean 1.40 1.56 1.66 1.48 1.63
SD 0.16 0.29 0.30 0.27 0.31
U tests with a Bonferroni adjusted α level of .005 found Mean 162,153 136,473 122,436 146,473 193,960
SD 124,492 127,821 117,465 125,143 121,950
no significant pairwise comparisons. Non-headache patients (n = 55)
Further, a series of Mann-Whitney U-tests com- H1
paring the headache groups for each exposure con- Mean 1.17 1.23 1.21 1.20 1.17
SD 0.06 0.08 0.05 0.04 0.06
dition found a significant difference between the two H2
headache groups for the “very long” exposure condi- Mean 1.38 1.52 1.48 1.44 1.38
SD 0.12 0.20 0.13 0.10 0.12
tion, U = 38.00, Z = 2.12, P = .034, while the difference H3
for the “long” exposure condition approached signifi- Mean 1.17 1.23 1.23 1.21 1.17
cance, U = 38.00, Z = 1.86, P = .063. In each case, the SD 0.06 0.13 0.09 0.05 0.06
headache group showed less tolerance. These results Mean 1.38 1.54 1.53 1.43 1.34
are displayed in Figure 4. SD 0.12 0.36 0.25 0.19 0.17
The means and standard deviations of the vari- Mean 246,552 150,454 146,256 236,164 282,949
ables shown in Figures 3 and 4 are presented in Table. SD 99,637 134,337 135,209 111,527 56,551

Note. See text for full description of measures.

Scores for H1 to H4 are transformed scores on headache
Response to the question of how the noise stimu- intensity ratings.

lus compared to the noise experienced in every day life Scores for T1 are in milliseconds.
varied with some individuals reporting the noise was
less than usual, some more than usual, and some the had lower tolerance for the noise stimulus than in-
same as usual. The noise stimulus induced headaches dividuals who did not suffer from regular headaches.
in about half the sample, headaches that were usually Through the study, headache patients reported that
of low intensity and of the same type as headaches they found the noise stimulus more aversive and it
experienced in everyday life. resulted in reports of more pain, than non-headache
The study was based on the assumption that patients.
chronic headaches can be conceptualized as individ- For individuals who do not suffer from regular
uals becoming sensitized to factors that can trigger headaches, the analyses strongly supported the avoid-
headaches, and the findings of the study were consis- ance theory as there were significant quadratic trends
tent with this assumption. Hence, before the interven- on all 4 measures of nociceptive response to noise.
tion, individuals who suffered from regular headaches However, for individuals who do suffer from regular
970 June 2006

headaches, the results were less clear-cut. The only sig- It should be noted that the terms “very short,”
nificant effect was a linear trend on 1 variable. There “short,” “long,” and “very long,” as used in this article,
was a trend toward a linear effect on a second variable. are somewhat arbitrary, as they are based on extrap-
These findings are in line with the repetition theory. olations from the anxiety literature. It is the relative
However, there was a trend to a quadratic effect on nature of the exposure conditions that speaks to the 2
1 variable. Inspection of the figures showed a similar theories.
pattern of data for the headache and non-headache A limitation of the study is that the sample was
groups except for the “very long” exposure condition. recruited from students and staff of a university and
In this condition, the non-headache group showed fur- hence the regular headache patients were not likely
ther desensitization beyond the “long” exposure con- to be representative of the chronic headache popu-
dition whereas the headache group showed sensitiza- lation in the community. For example, young people
tion relative to the “long” exposure condition. were overrepresented in the sample, although age of
The results for the non-headache group paralleled participants did range to above 55.
the findings of Martin18 using visual disturbance as a The study did not investigate individual differ-
trigger factor, but the results for the headache group ences in response to exposure to the headache trig-
were different. The calibration process with the visual ger of noise. Findings in the anxiety literature suggest
disturbance stimulus resulted in 78% responding that this may be an important area for future research. For
the stimulus was more or much more than usual, com- example, Beck and Shipherd have conducted a series
pared to 43% with the noise stimulus, so there is no of studies in which they exposed patients with panic
suggestion in the data that the noise stimulus was a disorder to the interoceptive cues that trigger panic
more extreme stimulus. attacks.26-28 They have reported 2 distinct response
The data on noise tolerance following the inter- patterns, 1 involving habituation and 1 involving
vention could not be analyzed using parametric statis- sensitization.
tics but inspection of the graphs in Figure 4 indicates The results of this study and the other studies on
a curvilinear relationship for both non-headache and exposure to trigger factors raises the question of the
headache groups, consistent with the avoidance the- biological mechanisms that might underlie sensitiza-
ory. The graphs approximate U-curves rather than the tion and desensitization. Migraine is believed to be a
inverted U-curves in the other figures, as tolerance and neurovascular disorder, and central neuronal hyperex-
nociceptive response are inversely related. citability is considered to be a key feature predisposing
The findings from individuals who do not suffer to migraine as it determines the threshold of response
from regular headaches are consistent with the propo- to trigger factors, and therefore susceptibility to at-
sition that attempts to escape from or avoid potential tacks.29,30 Could exposure to trigger factors affect cen-
headache triggers resulting in short exposure, may lead tral neuronal hyperexcitability? Central sensitization,
to a sensitization process that makes individuals more comprising qualitative changes in the central process-
vulnerable to frequent headaches or even possibly de- ing of sensory information resulting in a lowering of
veloping a chronic headache disorder. The findings pain thresholds, is considered to be a key mechanism
from individuals who suffer from regular headaches in chronic tension-type headache.31,32 Could exposure
do not provide clear guidance as to whether avoid- to trigger factors affect central sensitization? These
ance or exposure to trigger factors is a better strategy questions await future research.
from the perspective of desensitization/sensitization. To place the findings on exposure to headache trig-
The data hint at the possibility that for the trigger fac- ger factors in a broader context, it is worth noting that
tor of noise, “long” exposure may be helpful but “very a debate is taking place as to whether avoidance or
long” exposure may be unhelpful. This paper has ar- exposure to triggers is more appropriate in the man-
gued for the potential benefits of exposure to triggers agement of allergic asthma. There is a long history of
but it seems likely that exposure at too high a level will managing allergic asthma by allergen avoidance, but
be counterproductive. there is also a long history of treating allergic asthma
Headache 971

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subsequently incorporated into the manuscript.
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