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Diet & Muscle

Growth Guide
Training Program
Diet Plan
Supplement Protocol
Introduction – Page 3
About Me – Page 4
Getting Started - Page 5
Lean Muscle Guide Program Intro – Page 8
The 10 Gym Commandments – Page 10
Workout Plans – Page 12
Cardio Protocol – Page 22
Food Choice Options – Page 24
Simply Shredded Diet Plan – Page 25
This program is 10 years of knowledge, experience
and education which has given me the power to
build my physique whilst running 2successful busi-
nesses and maintaining a normal life.

This program has everything laid out for you to

start your journey and achieve your goals!

Every meal, workout and Supplement is covered!

Everything you need to achieve your goals is cov-

ered in this program, all you have to do is put in
the work, so it’s down to you to make it happen!
All you have to do is start and be consistent.

Motivation wanes but discipline and consistency is

what will get you the results!
About Me
As a child I was very active then I started too suffer severely
in my early teens. I have very flat feet, this was causing me a lot
of issues
when it came to my passion of sport.
Due to this I stopped being so active and then piled on the
pounds, after being very unhappy and teased at school I thought
enough was enough. I managed to pull myself together
and work around my
injury problems with professional help.
I then got back into rugby and skiing (little known fact I am a
qualified ski instructor) the rugby eventually pushed me
into the gym
where I found my real passion.
From there I blossomed athletically and physically.
I then went onto work as a personal trainer, a ski instructor
and currently a career in the property industry in which
I run a highly successful estate agency branch.
Alongside my property career I have always progressively
pushed my physique ambitions whilst working around a
60 hour corporate week. During the 7 years in the industry I
also launched my own online training business which is
now why you are reading this and know who I am!
My passion is too make you the best version of you!
Getting Started
When it comes to LEAN muscle growth, rest and recovery
is key. Recovery is massively impacted by your nutrition
hence why this is a large section of the program. Being
organised and removing obstacles will ensure your diet
can be on point alongside your training. Structure will
help you achieve your physique aspirations and
build the muscle you want whilst minimising fat gains.

Grocery Shopping

My top tip, do all of your food shopping online and have

it delivered every 3 days or so then its still fresh. This
way you can order exactly what you need, reduce food
wastage, save money, time and stop you buying rubbish
you don’t need whilst wandering around the aisles!
Ensuring you have the correct food in your house
will make sure you stay on track and give your
body the nutrients it needs.

Clear Out

To make room for all of the new healthy food you're going to
bring into your home I want you to go through your cupboards
and get rid of any junk food. If it’s not in the house you can’t
eat it! I can appreciate if you have kids you may need
to have some extra treats, I would suggest you keep
these in a separate cupboard away from your food which is
off limits to you.
Getting Started
This way you’re not tempted to go diving into the crisps and
chocolate when you fancy it. Out of sight out of mind…..
Getting in shape isn’t just about the food its about creating
the right daily habits, once you get away from your addiction
to the JUNK you
will no longer crave it, scientifically they believe it takes 66 days
to create a new habit such as eating healthy lifestyle!
Make it to 66 days and you will be well on your way to your
DREAM physique!

Gym Environment

There is nothing truer in life than you become a product of

your environment! Now I want you to surround yourself in
the best gym environment that is practical to you!
Having the best gym equipment and being surrounded by
aspirational physiques will ensure you rise to the challenge,
which will then help you achieve your DREAM physique.


Planning ahead is the most important factor when it comes

to managing your nutrition! Sit down and think how is your
week structured, when can I eat, what time are my business
meetings or am I dropping kids off at school.
Workout your schedule and fit your training and food around
this to fit your lifestyle.
Getting Started
As long as you have your meals with
you there is no reason why you cant eat on the go in the
car, at the airport or at work! You need to eat to grow, if
your not eating you will not be growing muscle, remember
you grow outside of the gym. Perhaps to make your life easier
you need to cook all of your food on a Sunday, put 3 days
in the fridge and then freeze the rest? Or you have the time
like me to cook it every 3 days so you don’t need freeze it.
Everyone has obstacles in life, but there is always a solution
of working around them by being organised if you plan ahead!


You need to have everyone on side to know what you are

doing and why, this will make your life easier, support
from your loved ones with your new goal will also give
you accountability as no one wants to be seen as a quitter!
Some people may try to put you off your goal as they are
insecure and jealous about their own bodies but don’t
be deterred, you need to focus on your own journey!
Lean Muscle Guide
Training Program
Now onto the exciting bit! The time to get too work!
Working out and lifting weights is a skill, its all about technique
and working smart. So many people train every day yet don’t
progress, you see them in the gym daily but they never
improve? This is because they don’t get the basics right,
executing the basics with a relentless work ethic will
get you where you want to be! There is no need to re-
invent the wheel and too many people ignore the small details,
I will fully educate you on this in the following chapter!

Progressive Overload

The body improves by forcing an adaption through training;

the adaption is forced by pushing your body past its previous
capabilities. You have to train with maximum intensity every
workout; each set you must be setting the goal of either lifting
slightly more or getting an extra rep or 2! This will ensure you


The main goal is progressive overload, however we want to

ensure form is kept in cheque, there is no point cheating yourself
with a poor rep, by this I mean if you got 8 reps last time, you
are better off getting 8 and half reps with good form then
getting a ropey 9 th which could risk injury!
Lean Muscle Guide
Training Program
Hard work

Ultimately your results are determined by your work ethic, you

need to put in the hard yards, put in the sweat equity to get
the results back!

Log Booking

This is the BIGGEST game changer when it comes to improving

your physique and lifestyle. There is no point training without a
log book, you physically cannot remember what you did last
workout for every set, if you don’t write it down how can you
beat it and improve? Every session we are aiming to improve so
lets make sure you set goals of that extra rep or
extra 0.5kg on the bar!


Mobility is vital to ensure you can perform all of the

movements with the correct form, I would advise after training
each muscle group you do a big stretch for 1 minute every
session to ensure you stay mobile.
I am also a big fan of deep tissue massage which personally
I get done at least once a month, another great activity
good for mobility is Yoga!
10 Gym
Training programmes only work if you stick to the plan and
pay attention to the details. Stick to the GYM COMMANDMENTS
below and you will never workout the same again!

1. Thou Shall Control the Negative : This is the most important

part of the rep where your muscle is actually being put under
the most stress and the most muscle damage occurs.
Controlling the Negative (lowering the bar) part of the
movement will also prevent injury and protect your joints from
bouncing out of the bottom of reps.

2. Thou shall not train like a pussy : Intensity is everything. Make

sure when you are in your set you are locked in, focused and
ready to put in the work! This is where you force the adaption
and make your body change!

3. Thou Shall Have Fun : This is your choice to be here and

change your physique, enjoy the process, have a smile on your
face and you will fall in love with your new lifestyle.

4. Thou Shall Train With Good Form : As much as we want to

progress our lifts this must not come at the expense of good
10 Gym
5. Thou Shall Overload The Muscle : When in your previous
session you hit your rep range with that rep, its time too step
up and increase the weight.

6. Thou Shall Never Be Satisfied : don’t get complacent!

Complacency will stop you pushing yourself and making your
body adapt.
7. Thou Shall Listen To Their Body : work intelligently! If a muscle
doesn’t feel right back off, there is a different between
muscular pain and sharp pain, be smart, work smart and listen
to your bodies feedback.

8. Thou Shall Embrace The Pain : Look for the burn, push yourself
to the absolute limit on every set, keep going when the cardio
is draining you, mind over matter, get it done!

9. Thou Shall Wear Suitable Attire : wear comfortable clothing

that allows you to move properly, don’t wear overly restrictive
clothing, think performance not catwalk!

10. Thou Shall Use Training Accessories Too Maximise The

Gains : Don’t be afraid to use lifting straps, chalk or weightlifting
belts. You want the ultimate body then you need ultimate
performance which these extra accessories will allow! Utilise
the tools at your disposal.
Muscle Building
Phase 1 Push Pull Legs

The greatest way to improve your physique, build lean muscle

tissue and drop body fat is a low volume, high intensity
approach whilst hitting muscle groups frequently. We want to
train big muscle groups with the aim of progressing our lifts to
build as much tissue as physically POSSIBLE.

The training program is split into two separate phases.

Phase 1 is the Push, Pull, Legs split. Phase 2 moves into an
Upper/Lower split to maximise strength and power development
to really max out your frame with new muscle tissue.
We are starting with Phase 1 which is the Push, Pull, Legs split.
Too simplify this by push we want to train Chest, Shoulders
and triceps together, so all pushing movements.
Pull is all back and posterior chain movements so rowing
movements, lats, rear delts and traps.

Legs are quads, calves and hamstrings, so the entire lower

body, we will also start legs with a bicep movement as
biceps will not fatigue you for leg training. On the pull sessions
your biceps will get a lot of work from the heavy rowing
movements so training them with legs creates two
opportunities a week for muscle growth!
Training Split
Day 1 – Push
Day 2 – Pull
Day 3 – Rest - Cardio
Day 4 – Legs and Biceps
Day 5 Rest - Cardio
There are 3 workouts for each training session, you want too
cycle through these starting with all the A workouts, then
B workouts, then C and then repeat back to A.
When you get back to workout A you will have previous numbers
logged to beat, this is the time to challenge yourself and
beat your previous numbers! If you do not have any of the
equipment below just swap in an alternative movement
that is as close as possible to the listed exercise, for example swap
in lateral raises again if you don't have a lateral raise machine.

* Rest pause set– This is one set that has 3 short breaks, so if the rep
range is stated as 8,5,3, the aim is to fail at 8 reps, then take 20
seconds rest, fail at 5 reps, take 20 seconds rest and then fail on
3 reps, keeping the weight the same for the whole set
** Muscle Round 6 by 4 set – This is where you will aim to perform
6 sets of 4 reps with 10 seconds rest in between…pick a weight
you can do for 15 straight reps…aim to complete at
least 5 sets and failing on the 6 th…so for example the first set of
4 should feel doable, then the second, third and fourth should be
progressively hard to complete, the fifth set you should only
just be able to complete and the sixth set you may not hit
all 4 reps…if you only get 2, then next time on the exercise s
tick to the same weight and aim to achieve all 6 complete sets…
if you can do more ten 4 reps on the sixth set then keep
going to absolute failure and next time on the exercise
increase the weight.
Push A
Exercise Sets Reps Rest

6-10 decrease weight

Incline Chest Press
3 by 10% to stay in rep 120 seconds
(Dumbbell or Barbell)

Hammer Strength or 2 sets of 8-12 reps, 1

3 60 seconds
Machine Chest Press set of 15

Close Grip Smith

1 Rest Pause Set * 12 20 seconds
Machine flat press

Flat DB Fly 2 10-12 60 seconds

Standing DB Lateral
1 Rest Pause Set * 12 20 seconds

0 second rest be-

Cable Side Raise 1 triple drop set 15 reps
tween sets

DB Skullcrusher 1 rest pause set 15 20 seconds

Dual overhead Tricep 0 seconds rest be-

1 triple drop set 10-12
Rope Press tween sets

Hanging Leg Raises

4 Failure ideally 15 reps 60 seconds
straight or bent knee
Pull A
exercise sets reps rest

Underhand Lat Pull- 8-10 decrease by 10%

3 120 seconds
down - Narrow grip to stay in rep range

6-10 decrease weight

As long as needed to
3 by 10% to stay in rep
re gain breath

Close grip row

1 rest pause set* 12 20 seconds

Double Handed DB
2 10-12 60 seconds

4 - perform 4 reps on
Single Arm Dumbbell
6 0 seconds
Row Muscle Round
eith no rest for 6 sets!

DB Shrug 3 15 60 seconds

Lying DB Rear Delt

1 rest pause set* 15 20 seconds

Reverse pec dec 1 triple drop set 10-12 0 seconds

Standing calf raise 4 12 60 seconds

legs A
exercise sets reps rest

Single Arm DB
1 rest pause set* 12 20 seconds
Preacher Curl

4 - perform 4 reps rest

Ez bar bicep curl 6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds

Lying Hamstring Curl 1 rest pause set* 12 20 seconds

8-10 decrease weight

As long as needed to
Back Squat 3 by 10% to stay in rep
get breath back!

15-20 reps absolute

Close Stance Leg Press 2 60 seconds

Smith Machine Squat 1 rest pause set* 12 20 seconds

2 15 60 seconds

4 - perform 4 reps on
Lying Hamstring Curl 6 0 seconds
with no rest for 6 sets

4 - perform 4 reps on
Single Leg Extension 6 0 seconds
with no rest for 6 sets

Seated Calf Raise 4 8-10 60 seconds

push B
exercise sets reps rest

6-10 decrease weight

Decline Chest Press
3 by 10% to stay in rep 120 seconds
(Dumbbell or Barbell)

2 sets of 8-12 reps, 1

Close Grip Bench 3 90 seconds
of 15

Weighted Dips 3 8-10 120 seconds

Low Incline DB Fly 2 12-15 60 seconds

Single Arm DB Lateral

1 rest pause set* 12 20 seconds
Raise Leaning

Seated Machine
1 triple drop set 15 0 seconds
Lateral Raise

DB Dual Hand Over-

2 10-12 60 seconds
head Tricep Press

Tricep Rope
1 triple drop set 10-12 0 seconds

Weighted Swiss Ball Failure (ideally 15

4 60 seconds
Crunch reps)
pull B
exercise sets reps rest

8-10 decrease weight

Barbell Bent Over
3 by 10% to stay in rep 120 seconds

3 sets of 8-10 use

Close Grip Chin Ups 3 added weight to stay 60 seconds
in rep range

T bar Row 2 12-15 120 seconds

Cable Seated Rows 1 rest pause set 10-12 20 seconds

4 - perform 4 reps on
Single Arm Machine
6 0 seconds
Row Muscle Round
with no rest for 6 sets

Barbell Shrug 3 15 60 seconds

Standing Prone DB
1 rest pause set 15 20 seconds
Rear Delt Raise

4 - perform 4 reps on
Reverse Pec Dec 6 10 seconds
with no rest for 6 sets

Standing calf raise 4 20 60 seconds

legs B
exercise sets reps rest

Single Arm Machine

1 rest pause set 12 20 seconds
Preacher Curl

4 - perform r reps rest

Barbell Bicep Curl 6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds

Single Leg Lying

1 rest pause set 12 20 seconds
Hamstring Curl

8-10 decrease weight As long as needed

Pause, Safety or Front
3 by 10% to stay in rep
range turns to normal!

15-20 reps absolute

Single Leg Press 2 60 seconds

Close stance hack

1 rest pause set 12 20 seconds

1 set of 8-10 & 1 set

2 120 seconds
of 15 reps

4 - perform r reps rest

Lying Hamstring Curl
6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds
(feet close together)

4 - perform r reps rest

Smith Machine Squat 6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds

Seated Calf Raise 4 8-10 60 seconds

push c
exercise sets reps rest

2 sets of 6-10 reps de-

crease weight by 10%
Low incline DB press 3 120 seconds
to stay in rep range, 1
set of 15-20

Chest Press Machine 2 sets of 8-12, 1 set

3 120 seconds
Press of 15

3 sets of 6-10 reps de-

Standing Barbell Press 3 crease weight by 10% 120 seconds
to stay in rep range

4 - perform 4 reps,
Pec Deck or Cable Fly
6 rest 10 seconds, re- 10 seconds
Muscle Round

DB Lateral Raise Super 4 - perform 4 reps,

Strict Seated Muscle 6 rest 10 seconds, re- 10 seconds

Cable Lateral Raise 1 rest pause set 12 20 seconds

Single Arm DB Over-

2 10-12 60 seconds
head Tricep Press

Straight Bar
1 triple drop set 10-12 0 seconds

Weighted Abs Failure (ideally 15

4 60 seconds
Machine reps)
pull c
exercise sets reps rest

Close grip V 8-10 decrease weight

3 by 10% to stay in rep 120 seconds
Pulldown range

3 sets of 8-10, use

Rack pulls Bar below
3 added weight to stay 120 seconds
the knee
in rep range

T-Bar Row 2 12-15 120 seconds

Close grip seated row 1 rest pause set 10-12 20 seconds

4 - perform 4 reps rest

T bar row Muscle
6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds

Smith Machine Shrug

3 15 60 seconds
or Machine Shrug

High cable rear delt

1 rest pause set 15 20 seconds
delt raise

4 - perform 4 reps rest

Reverse Pec Deck 6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds

Standing calf raise on

4 12-15 60 seconds
Leg Press
legs c
exercise sets reps rest

1 rest pause set 12 20 seconds


4 - perform 4 reps rest

Preacher Curl EZ Bar 6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds

Standing Single Leg

1 rest pause set 12 20 seconds
Hamstring Curl

8-10 decrease weight As long as needed

Leg Press of your
3 by 10% to stay in rep
range returns to normal!

12-15 reps absolute

Hack Squat 2 90 seconds

4 - perform 4 reps rest

Smith Machine Squat
6 10 seconds, repeat 6 10 seconds
Muscle Round

1 set of 8-10 & 1 set

2 120 seconds
of 15 reps

Barbell Lunge walking

2 15 reps each leg 60 seconds
or on the spot

Seated Calf Raise 3 8-12 reps 60 seconds

Phase 2 Upper Lower Split
Monday – lower 1
Tuesday – upper 1
Wednesday – rest
Thursday – lower 2
Friday – upper 2
Saturday – rest
Sunday – lower 1
Monday – upper 1

Concentration bicep curl – 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Single arm machine curl – 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Rope hammer curl – 1 high rep set of 15-20 reps

Stretch Triceps

Lying hamstring curl – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Back squat – 1 set of 8-10 reps, 1 set of 15 reps
RDL BB – 1 set of 8-10 reps, 1 set of 12-15 reps
Walking lunge – 2 sets of 8-10 steps per leg
Narrow hack squat – 2 sets of 12-15 reps
Glute bridge – 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Leg extension – 1 high rep set of 15-20 reps

Stretch Quads

Standing calf raise – 3 sets of 10-12 reps

Pullover machine – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
(if your gym does not have this machine us DB or
straight arm pulldown)
Chins – 2 sets to failure
(assisted if needed, aiming for 8 reps)
Lat pull down – 1 sets of 15 reps
(normal mid grip attachment)

Stretch lats

T bar row – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Narrow seated row – 1 set of 15-20 reps
Incline DB press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Flat fly press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Stretch Chest

Narrow smith press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Tricep pushdown rope – 1 set fo 15-20 reps

Stretch Triceps

BB shoulder press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

DB side raises – 2 sets of 15 reps
Reverse pec dec – 2 sets of 10-12 reps

Stretch delts

Abs – 3 sets of 10-12 reps to failure

(use any machine you like, I favour, decline crunch
or rope crunch)
Z bar bicep curl – 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Single arm DB preacher curl – 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Db hammer curl – 1 high rep set of 15-20 reps

Stretch biceps

Seated hamstring curl – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Smith squat – 1 set of 8-10 reps, 1 set of 15 reps
RDL DB – 1 set of 8-10 reps, 1 set of 12-15 reps
Sissy squat - 2 sets of 8-10 reps
(use the machine if the gym has it, if not heels raised
on plates, holding DBs)
Leg press – 2 sets of 12-15 reps
Abductor – 1 set of 8-10 reps, 1 set of 15-20 reps
(if your gym does not have this, do
glute extension, reverse hyper or hip thrust instead )
Single leg Leg extension – 1 high rep set of 15-20 reps

Stretch quads

Seated calf raise – 3 sets of 10-12 reps


DB Pullovers – 2 sets of 8-10 reps

Rack Chins – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
(feet elevated onto a bench set at roughly pin 3, hips
vertically down, to your torso is in a straight line,
pull upwards using lats only to contract)
Cable Lat pull down – 1 sets of 15 reps
(kneel or sit in between the cables with the D
handles and pull lats into the body)
Stretch Lats
Under grip zbar row – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Low row machine – 1 set of 15-20 reps
(use seated row if your gym does not have this)
Flat bench press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Pec dec – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Stretch chest
Dips – 2 sets of 8-10 reps (assisted if needed)
Tricep pushdown zbar – 1 set fo 15-20 reps
Stretch Triceps
DB shoulder press – 2 sets of 8-10 reps
Machine side raises – 2 sets of 15 reps
High cable for rear delts – 2 sets of 10-12 reps
Stretch delts
Abs – 3 sets of 10-12 reps to failure
Cardio Protocol
Cardio is a tool that is utilised for fat loss, when trying to
build muscle tissue I would not advise doing conventional
cardio, you just need to adjust you calories accordingly If you
are gaining weight too quickly. Weight wise you do not want
your body weight going up more than 0.5-1k a week, any more
than this and you are going up to fast, at this point I would
suggest pulling your calories back a tad.

Step Count

On rest days I am a big advocate of trying to stay active

to keep you moving around. I would suggest you buy a fit bit
or a tracking device so you can monitor your activity levels.
Generally I would advise that on rest days you try and
hit a step count of a least 10k.
Reverse Diet and Muscle Growth Guide
The workout program will force your body and muscles too
adapt, now youneed to feed the muscles with the right nutrients
to increase your muscle mass.
To build muscle you MUST be in a calorie surplus, if you
are burning more calories than you consume you cannot physically
build muscle. You have to be specific about exactly how much
food you are eating to ensure you are taking in enough calories,
below I will provide you with a full meal plan depending on your
weight range. As everyone is different I have tailored it to
3 different weight categories. In terms of diet approach, I favour
a big push on PRE/INTRA/POST workout nutrition, so in this
window around training we will push Carbs in a big fashion
on training days, away from training we will
be eating mainly Protein and Fat meals only!
This will ensure
your body uses the nutrients correctly. The diet will also be split
into 2 separate diets, you will have a rest day diet for when you
are not lifting weights and a training day diet which is for
when we are hitting those big sessions! The meals in Red need to
be around training, the other meals you can feel free
to move as you require. I have tailored the carb choices to
allow you to have some more enjoyable foods around
the workouts. The macro nutrient breakdowns for all meals
are listed so if required you can swap in different food choices if
required, please use my fitness pal to use the correct food
amounts. Carbohydrate choices are split into two categories,
please only use the postworkout carbs after training,
if you want to you can use the other carbohydrate category
post workout if you don't get on with faster
carbohydrate choices.
Alternative Food
Source Options
Post Workouts
Protein Carbohydrates Fats

Chicken Breast Sweet Potato Low Fat Cereal Nut Buters

Greek Yogurt 0% Fat Potato Cereal Bars Nuts

Lean Beef 5% Fat

Oats Fruit Avocado
Mince or Steak

Lean Turkey Breast

Pasta Honey/Golden Syrup Extra Virgin Olive Oil
or Mince

White Fish/Tuna Rice Jam Cheese

Eggs (account for Fat

Berries Crumpets Mayonnaise

Oily Fish such as

Sorbet 95% Dark Chocolate
(Account for Fat

Egg whites Rice Cakes Pancakes Coconut Oil

Carbohydrate Pow-
Shellfish aka Prawns
meal for pre workout

Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 15g
Food: 3 eggs, 200g egg whites.
Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 15g
Food: 125g of grilled chicken breast with green leafy veg,
such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach, 100g avocado
Pro 40g Carbs 35g Fats 0g
Food: 150g lean beef 5% fat,125g of microwaveable rice plus
green veg.
Preworkout – 1.5 hours before training
Pro 40g Carbs 14G Fats 0g
Food: 2 scoops of Whey protein, 100g of blueberries,
Intra workout shake
50g carbs– 2 scoop of cyclic dextrin
carb powder mixed 50g with 5g of Creatine and 2 scoops of
BCAA Amino powder. Start drinking this 15 minutes before
training, you want to sip through the session, mix with at
least 1 litre of water.
meal for pre workout
MEAL 5 (post workout) -within 45 minutes straight after
Pro 40g Carbs 157g Fats none added
125g of grilled chicken or turkey breast or 2 scoops of Whey
Protein (40g Protein), 100g of cheerios/golden grahams/coco
pops with almond milk, 1 bagel, 125g microwaveable rice.

Pro 40g Carbs 30g Fats none added
Food: 2 scoops of whey protein, 50g of oats,
Rest Day Diet

Pro 30g Carbs 0G Fats 15g
Food: 3 whole eggs, 100g egg whites,
Pro 30g Carbs 0g Fats 10g
Food: 100g of grilled chicken/turkey breast, 20g of cashew
Pro 40g Carbs 30g Fats none added
Food: 2 scoops of whey protein, 50g of oats.
Pro 30g Carbs 0g Fats 0g
Food: 100g of grilled chicken breast, with green leafy veg
such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach.
Pro 40g Carbs 60g Fats 10g
Food: 150g lean beef 5% fat, 1 egg, 30g cheddar cheese full
fat, 300g of sweet potato plus green veg.
Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 20g
Food: 300g 0% Fat Fage Greek yogurt or Skyr Yogurt, 0.5
scoops of Whey protein, 15g nut butter, 20g of dark 90%
meal for pre workout

Pro 44g Carbs 0g Fats 15g
Food: 125g extra lean steak mince, 3 whole eggs.
Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 25g
Food: 125g of grilled chicken breast with green leafy veg,
such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach, 30g cheddar cheese
full fat and 100g avocado
Pro 40g Carbs 35g Fats 0g
Food: 125g of grilled chicken, 125g microwaveable rice.
MEAL 4 – Preworkout – 1.5 hours before training
Pro 40g Carbs 44G Fats 0g
Food: 2 scoops of Whey protein, 50g of oats, 100g of
Intra workout shake – 60g carbs– 2 scoop of cyclic dextrin
carb powder 60g mixed with 5g of Creatine and 2 scoops of
BCAA Amino powder. Start drinking this 15 minutes before
training, you want to sip through the session, mix with at
least 1 litre of water.
meal for pre workout
MEAL 5 (post workout) - within 45 minutes straight after
Pro 40g Carbs 202g Fats none added
125g of grilled chicken/turkey breast or 2 scoops of Whey
Protein (40g Protein), 130g of cheerios/golden grahams/coco
pops with almond milk, 1 bagel or 2 crumpets, 3 rice krispy
square bars or low fat cereal bars.
Pro 40g Carbs 59g Fats none added
Food: 300g of Fage 0% greek yogurt or Skyr Yogurt mixed with
0.5 scoop of whey protein, 20g raisins, 100g banana, 20g of
Rest Day Diet
Carbs: 130g

Pro 40g Carbs 0G Fats 15g
Food: 3 whole eggs, 200g egg whites,
Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 5g
Food: 125g of grilled chicken/turkey breast, 5g of coconut
Pro 40g Carbs 40g Fats none added
Food: 125g of grilled chicken/turkey breast, with green
leafy veg such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach.
Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 0g
Food: 125g of grilled chicken breast, with green leafy veg
such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach.
Pro 40g Carbs 0g Fats 10g
Food: 150g lean beef 5% fat, 30g cheddar cheese full fat,
plus green veg.
Pro 40g Carbs 130g Fats 20g
Food: 2 scoops of whey protein, 110g of oats, 40g of honey,
150g blueberries
meal for pre workout
Pro 50g Carbs 0g Fats 20g
Food: 125g lean steak mince, 4 whole eggs
Pro 50g Carbs 0g Fats 15g
Food: 145g of grilled chicken breast with green leafy veg,
such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach, 100g avocado.
Pro 50g Carbs 60g Fats 0g
Food: 145g of grilled chicken breast, 250g of microwaveable rice.
MEAL 4 - Preworkout – 1.5 hours before training
Pro 50g Carbs 96G Fats 0g
Food: 2.5 scoops of Whey protein, 80g of blueberries,100g of ground rice
Intra workout shake – 90g carbs– 3.5 scoops of cyclic dextrin carb powder
90g mixed with 5g of Creatine and 2 scoops of BCAA Amino powder.
Start drinking this 15 minutes before training, you want to sip
through the session, mix with at least 1 litre of water.
MEAL 5 (post workout) within 45 minutes straight after training
Pro 50g Carbs 202g Fats none added
145g of grilled chicken/turkey breast or 2.5 scoops of Whey
Protein (40g Protein), 130g of cheerios/golden grahams/coco
pops with almond milk, 1 bagel or 2 crumpets, 3 rice krispy
square bars or low fat cereal bars.
Pro 50g Carbs 130g Fats none added Food: 2.5 scoops of whey
protein, 110g of oats, 40g of honey, 150g of blueberries.
Rest Day Diet
Carbs: 157g
Pro 50g Carbs 0G Fats 15g
Food: 3 whole eggs, 200g egg whites,10g of Protein from
Whey,5g of coconut oil.
Pro 50g Carbs 0g Fats 10g
Food: 145g of grilled chicken/turkey breast, 10g of coconut oil
Pro 50g Carbs 30g Fats none added
Food: 145g of grilled chicken/turkey breast, with green
leafy veg such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach, 1 tortilla wrap.
Pro 50g Carbs 0g Fats 0g
Food: 145g of grilled chicken breast, with green leafy veg
such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach.
Pro 50g Carbs 0g Fats 10g
Food: 200g lean beef 5% fat, 30g cheddar cheese full fat,
plus green veg,
Pro 50g Carbs 127g Fats 20g
Food: 2.5 scoops of whey protein, 6 weetabix, 100g of
banana, 20g of honey
Diet Rules
Now you have your diet there are some rules you need to follow.

1. All meat weights are cooked weight.

2. All shakes are to be mixed with water
3. Low sugar sauce can be added to carb meals only
4. Herbs, Salt and Pepper can be used with all meals
5. Coconut oil where stated can be eaten, cooked in or drunk.
6. Meals need to be cooked in 1kcal spray
7. Feel free to add as much green veg as required.
8. If your eating out your going to have to use your intuition to get
as close to your plan as possible, clean options are always
available such as steak and green veg. If you ask in restaurants
they will also alter food as you require, just ask!
9. Water is vital, being hydrated ensures your body is functioning
correctly, please ensure you are drinking at least 4 litres per
10. if after 2 weeks you haven't increased in body weight on the
plan please increase carbohydrate portions by 15% on training
days, if progress stalls again at any point please increase the
carbs again by another 15%.
11. The diet will take some preparation, so be organised,
batch cook food and plan ahead for your week.
12. Emergency’s happen and you can run over schedule, due
to this it’s worth keeping some whey protein in the car/office
so you do not miss a meal, just have a shaker with some whey
and add water to replace one of your other meals, this way we
can ensure you are never caught short and don’t end up buying
food off plan.
13. Finally cheat meals, once a week after a big training session
instead of your usual post workout meal please enjoy a very large meal
with your friend and family, try to keep it carb rich and lower in fat.
Whey Protein
This is the most basic supplement that every serious lifter uses, I
would suggest using a high quality whey isolate. Whey protein is
super convenient and if required you can swap in for some of the
meat meals if you are struggling digestively to get all the food in.
This is a massively underestimated supplement, its massively
researched and proven to performance muscle power and strength.
This extra strength will improve your performance in lifting more weight
and improving your sessions which will illicit a further fat loss response.
There is a misconception that creatine will make you hold water, this
is false, creatine pulls water into the muscle which will make you
look more muscular not watery!
Cyclic Dextrin – Carb Powder
This is pure carbs! Cyclic Dextrin is the best form of carbohydreate
too take in whilst training as due to its structural shape and molecular
weight it does not pull water into the stomach. Cyclic Dextrin
is not the cheapest carb powder and if expense is an issue you can
use Dextrose or Maltodextrin. We take this whilst training to fuel
our workouts, this will make sure we are as strong at the end of
the session as the start as it is absorbed into the muscle during
the session. The intra workout carbs will also aid in recovery so your
body is ready to go again much sooner than without them.
Amino Acids
Amino Acids during working out will massively aid in recovery and
prevent muscle tissue breakdown whilst lifting weights. The Amino
Acids will stop your muscle being used as fuel and prevent you going
catabolic. Maintaining muscle mass whilst cutting is an art and this is a
massive weapon in your arsenal to keep you muscle mass on your frame
as you bring down the bodyfat!
A good quality multivitamin will fill in any gaps in your dietary
requirements, this will make sure all of your bodily functions are
running as well as possible. I would suggest taking when you get up
with food and with your last meal of the day.
High Quality Cod Liver Oil Tablets
High quality fish oils contain essential fatty acids. This is great for
your heart and overall health, they slow the development of plaque
in your arteries, lower blood pressure and can help your hormone
levels run optimally.
That’s all of the supplements you need! The food and the training is
the real secret, alongside hard work! Don’t fall for the gimmicky sales
pitches of anything else anyone tries to get you to use.
Start Strong, Finish Strong!
This is when it really matters, its time for you to get started and put
in the work, if your consistent, stick to the plan. You will get the
results. End of!
Be accountable to yourself, only you can make this happen! It’s all in
your hands now to create the body you want.
You just need to execute the plan!
If you stick to the plan you will achieve the following
1. Bigger muscles and increased strength
2. A lower body fat percentage and a tighter waist
3. Better overall health and well-being.
This will test you at times and it won’t be easy, be disciplined, work
hard for the results and when you see them it will all be worthwhile!
Thank you for putting your trust in me, I love changing people’s lives
and im sure this program will change yours!

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