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NC Luganda English IPA Notes

SESSION 1: Merve
5 e-gûûmba bone [ee.gûû.mba]
6 ama-gûûmba bones
obútto ~ bútto cooking oil [oo.βú.t:o]
obutó little [oo.βu.tó]
5 e-jjí egg [e.ɟ:í] Vowel shortening due to gemination
6 ama-jjí eggs
5 e-jjêêmbe horn [e.ɟ:êê.mbe] Vowel shortening due to gemination
6 ama-êêmbe horns / [êê.mbe] Epenthetic [j]
3 omu-cíla tail, penis [í.ra]
4 emi-cíla tails, penises [ee.mi.cí.ra]
7 eci-oya feather [ee.côô.ja] Devocalization, elision, apocope
8 ebi-oya feathers [ee.βjôô.ja] Devocalization, palatalization
10. eN-vííli hair [ee.mvíí.li ~
3 omu-twé head
4 emi-twé heads
15 oku-tú ear
6 ama-tú ears
5 elîî-so eyes [ee.lîî.so]
6 amââ-so eyes [aa.mââ.so]
9 / 10 eN-ñîîndo nose(s) [ee.ñ:îî.ndo] Gemination
5 elîî-ño tooth [ee.lîî.ɲo ~
ee.rîî.ɲo ~
ee.lí.ɲo ~
6 amââ-ño teeth [aa.mââ.ɲo ~
11 olu-lími tongue
10 eN-lími tongues [en:ími]
11 olu-ála fingernails [oo.lwââ.la] Devocalization, labialization
10 eN-jála fingernails
10 eN-jala hunger
10 eN-méle food [e.m:é.re]
7 eci-géle foot [é.re]
8 ebi-géle feet [ee.βi.gé.re]

SESSION 2: Felipe & Amy

3 omú-ño salt
5 e-vííví knee
6 ama-vííví knees
3 omu-kóno arm
4 emi-kóno arm
11 olu-gálo finger
10 eN-gálo fingers
7 eci-bátu handpalm [βá.tu]
8 ebi-bátu handpalms [ee.βi.βá.tu]
7 eci-kôônde fist [ôô.nde ~ Apocope
11 olu-búto belly [βú.to]
10 eN-búto bellies
7 eci-fúba chest [ú.ba]
9 / 10 eN-sîîngo neck(s) [ee.nsîî.ngo]
5 e-bêêle breast [ee.bêê.re]
6 ama-bêêle breasts [βêê.re]
3 omu-tíma heart
4 emi-tíma hearts
11 olu-bugó bark cloth [βu.gó] oo / lu / bu / gó when syllabified.
10 eN-bugó bark cloths [ee.mbu.gó]
7 eci-tétéîî dress
8 ebi-tétéîî dresses [β]
9 / 10 eN-kumbi hoe(s) eN-kumbi sátu ‘one hoe’; numeral follows head
3 omu-tubá bark cloth tree [β]
4 emi-tubá bark cloth trees [β]
citáka brown
ettáka soil, land
5 e-ttáka ddéne piece of land
6 ama-ttáka ma-néne pieces of land
ettáka lîîñji heap of soil [lîî.ñji]
7 eci-kûûnta bark cloth bedsheet
8 ebi-kûûnta bark cloth bedsheets [β]
5 e-sûûka bedsheet
6 ama-sûûka bedsheet
kabáka king [β]
2 ba-kabáka kings [ba.ka.βá.ka]
15 oku-líma to dig
15 oku-léma to refuse to work
1 omu-kázzi woman
2 aba-kázzi women
omu-kázzi a-líma The woman is digging.
1 omu-sájja man
2 aba-sájja men [β]
aba-sájja ba-líma The men are digging. [βa.lí.ma]
1 omu-ana child [oo.mwââ.na]
2 aba-ana children [aa.βââ.na]
aba-ana baná four children [aa.βââ.na βa.ná]
15 oku-ñua to drink [oo.ku.ñú.wa ~ [O.O.Ó.]
7 + 15 eci-oku-ñua drink [ee.côô.ku.ñwá] Combination of NC7 + NC15 complex
8 + 15 ebi-oku-ñua drinks [ee.βjôô.ku.ñwá]
kasabante someone into bestiality [βââ.nte]
15 oku-lia to eat [á ~
9 / 10 eN-méle food [e.m:é.re] Vowel shortening.
15 oku-lúma to bite
omu-kázzi a-lúma The woman bites. [áz:i aa.lú.ma]
3 omu-yembe mango [êê.mbe]
4 emi-yembe mangoes [ee.mi.jêê.mbe]
omu-kázzi a-lúma The woman bites the mango. [á.z:i aa.lú.ma
15 oku-lába to see [oo.ku.lá.ba] No spirantization.
nd-ába I see [ndá.ba]
15 oku-úlíla to hear [oo.ku.ú.lí.ra]
mp-úlíla I hear [mpú.lí.ra] (Ó-Ó-O)
omu-kázzi a-(w)úlíra The woman hears.
aba-kázzi ba-(w)úlíra The women hear.
15 oku-zîîka to bury “It’s long.”
nz-íka I bury
15 oku-zíka to overgrow, become bushy
15 oku-máña to know
mañí I know
labá See! IMP.SG
mulabá See! IMP.PL
mu-labé Do you see?
o-labá you (sg) see
9, 10 eN-bogó buffalo(s)

SESSION 3: Rosalina & Solenn

9, 10 eN-té cow(s)
eci-kópo cup
ebi-kópo cups [ee.βi.kó.po]
ebi-kópo bi-bíli two cups [ee.βi.kó.po βi.βí.ri]
omu-tí tree
emi-tí trees
eci-lé cloud [é]
ebi-lé clouds [ee.βi.ré]
omu-ddo grass []
omú-límí farmer
abá-límí farmers [aa.βa.lí.mí]
9, 10 eN-kóko chicken(s)
eci-bála fruit [βá.la]
ebi-bála fruits [ee.Bi.βá.la]
ecí-ñóñí bird [ee.cí.ñó.ñí]
ebí-ñóñí birds [ee.βí.ñó.ñí]
e-gúlú sky, heaven
wa-gúlú in the sky [wa.gú.rú]
wa-nsí on the ground [wââ.nsí]
9 eN-kúba rain [ee.ŋkúba]
15 okú-ba ~ oku-kúba to hit [oo.kú.ba]
N-kúba I beat [ŋkú.ba]
9 eN-címa monkey [ee.ñcí.ma]
ecí-múli flower [ee.cí.mú.ri]
ebí-múli flowers [ee.βí.mú.lí]
ecí-múli ca-roos rose [ca-ro:s]
omu-sógasóga weak type of tree
omu-vúle hard type of tree
omu-sââmbya ~ olu-sââmbyahard type of tree [ââ.mbja]
omu-fené jackfruit
ebi-fené jackfruits
omu-lâândila root [ââ.ndi.ra]
ebi-lâândila roots
e-tábi branch [ee.tá.βi]
ama-tábi branches
eci-kôôla leaf
ebi-kôôla leaves [ee.βi.kôô.la]
eci-eñââñja fish [ee.cêê.ñââ.ñja]
ebi-eñââñja fish (pl) [ee.βjêê.ñââ.ñja]
omu-sána sun
omu-ezzi moon [oo.mwêê.z: ~

SESSION 4: Jesper & Merve

16 wa-gúlu up
16, 18 wa-gúlu mu-bilé up in the sky
nââbageleka queen [nââ.β]
ba-nââbageleka queens
3 omu-lílo fire [í.ro]
4 emi-lílo fires [ee.mi.rí.ro]
7 eci-bála fruit
8 ebi-bála fruits
7 eci-ñóñí bird
8 ebi-ñóñí birds
15 oku-kúba to beat [oo.ku.kú.ba]
15 oku-bbá to steal [oo.ku.b:á]
1 omú-bbi thief [oo.mú.b:i]
2 abá-bbi thieves [β]
11 olu-búto belly [β]
10 eN-búto bellies
in:zé, n:zé I (1SG)
f:e we
mwé you (PL)
gwé you (SG)
jââ.ngú Come here!
mp-íta I call
mp-íta gwé I call you
ono he / she (near []
olí he / she (far) [oo.lí]
yyé he / she (in discourse, [j:é]
not present)
bano they (near)
balí they (far)
mwé mwe-ná all of you
ná all
balí bo-ná all of them
mwé mwe-mbí the two of you [mwé mwêê.mbi] Potential dualis.
f:e fe-ná all of us
3 omu-kóno hand
3 omu-kóno gw-âânge my hand
4 emi-kóno hands
4 emi-kóno j-âânge my hands
3 omu-kóno gw-ó your (sg) hand
4 emi-kóno j-ó your (sg) hands
3 omu-kóno gw-é his / her hand
4 emi-kóno j-é his / her hands
3 omu-kóno gw-af:e our hand
4 emi-kóno j-a-f:e our hands
3 emi-kóno gw-ââmwe your (pl) hand
COR: gwa-mwe
4 emi-kóno j-ââmwe your (pl) hands
COR: ja-mwe
3 omu-kóno gw-ââbwe their hand
4 emi-kóno j-ââbwe their hands
7 eci-bála c-âânge my fruit
7 eci-ñóñí c-âânge my bird
7 eci-tétéîî c-âânge my dress
8 ebi-tétéîî by-âânge my dresses
7 eci-tétéîî c-ó your (sg) dress
8 ebi-tétéîî by-ó your (sg) dresses
7 eci-tétéîî c-é her dress
8 ebi-tétéîî by-é her dresses
7 eci-tétéîî c-af:e our dress
8 ebi-tétéîî by-af:e our dresses
7 eci-tétéîî c-amwe your (pl) dress [2PL.POSS] short vowel
8 ebi-tétéîî by-amwe your (pl) dresses
7 eci-tétéîî c-ââbwe their dress
8 ebi-tétéîî by-ââbwe their dresses
5 eli-ñó tooth
6 ama-ñó teeth
5 eli-ñó ly-âânge my tooth
6 ama-ñó g-âânge my teeth
5 eli-ñó ly-ó your (sg) tooth
6 ama-ñó g-ó your (sg) teeth
5 eli-ñó ly-é his / her tooth
6 ama-ñó g-é his / her teeth
5 eli-ñó ly-af:e our tooth
6 ama-ñó g-af:e our teeth
5 eli-ñó ly-amwe your (pl) tooth
6 ama-ñó g-amwe your (pl) teeth
5 eli-ñó ly-ââbwe their tooth
6 ama-ño g-ââbwe their teeth
5 eli-ñá name [e.ri.ñá]
eli-ñá ly-âânge My name (is) …
ba-mpíta they call me
9 eN-té y-âânge my cow
9 eN-té y-ánge my cow Emphasis on possessor.
10 eN-té z-âânge my cows
10 eN-té z-ánge my cows
9 eN-té y-ó your (sg) cow [ee.ntêê jó]
9 eN-té y-iy-ó your (sg) cow [ee.nté ji.jó] Reduplication for emphasis.
10 eN-té z-ó your (sg) cows [ee.ntêê zó]
10 eN-té z-iz-ó your (sg) cows [ee.nté zi.zó]
9 eN-té y-é his / her cow
8 eN-té y-iy-é his / her cow [een.nté ji.jé]
10 eN-té z-é his / her cows [ee.ntee zé]
10 eN-té z-iz-é his / her cows [ee.nté zi.zé] Emphasis
9 eN-té y-af:e our cow
9 eN-té y-áf:e our cow high tone Emphasis
10 eN-té z-af:e our cows
10 eN-té z-áf:e our cows high tone Emphasis
9 eN-té y-ámwe your (pl) cow Emphasis
10 eN-té z-ââmwe your (pl) cows
10 eN-té z-ámwe your (pl) cows high tone Emphasis
9 eN-té y-ââbwe their cow
10 eN-té z-ââbwe their cows
10 eN-té z-ââbwe their cows Emphasis

SESSION 5: Karlotta & Max

5 e-vííví knee
6 ama-vííví knees
ne and
Francis ne Jenneke Francis and Jenneke
mââma ne tââta mother and father
mââma mother
tââta father
9 eN-ju / e-ñumba house [ee.ñûû.mba]
6 ama-umba houses [ûû.mba] Epenthetic [j]
12 aka-gwa string [aa.ka.gwa]
14 obu-gwa strings [oo.βu.gwa]
12 aka-tále market [aa.ka.tá.le]
14 obu-tále markets [oo.βu.tá.le]
9 eN-ano baking flower [ee.ŋ]
ŋŋamba Tell me! [ŋ:ââ.mba] Imperative
9 eN-omá drum [ee.ŋo.má]
14 obu-luadde sickness [oo.βu.lwa.d:e]
7 eci-luadde strong sickness []
7 eci-luadde kansa cancer (sickness) [ kââ.nsa]
5 e-mótoka car(s) [ee.mó.to.ka]
14 obu-motoka / eli-motoka big car [oo.βu.mó.to.ka]
12 aka-mótoka small car [aa.ka.mó.to.ka]
aka small (diminutive; DIM)
12 aka-umba small house [aa.ka.jûû.mba]
1 omu-ana w-âânge my child [oo.mwââ.na wââ.nge]
(1) kabaka w-âânge my king
1 omu-ana w-ó your (sg) child
(1) kabaka w-ó your (sg) king
omu-ana w-é his / her child
omu-ana w-affe our child
omu-ana w-amwe your (pl) child
omu-ana w-ââbwe their child
2 aba-ana β-âânge my children [aa.βââ.na βââ.ngge]
ba-kabaka β-âânge your (sg) kings
aba-ana β-ó your (sg) children
aba-ana β-é his / her children
aba-ana β-affe our children
aba-ana β-amwe your (pl) children
aba-ana βââbwe their children
11 olu-bugó lw-âânge my bark cloth [βu.gó lwââ.ngge]
olu-bugó lw-ó your (sg) bark cloth
olu-bugo lw-é his / her bark cloth
olu-bugó lw-affe our bark cloth
olu-bugó lw-amwe your (pl) bark cloth
olu-bugó lw-ââbwe their bark cloth
10 eN-bugó z-âânge my bark cloths [ee.mbu.gó zââ.ngge]
eN-bugó z-ó your (sg) bark cloths
eN-bugó z-é his / her bark cloths
eN-bugó z-affe our bark cloths
eN-bugó z-amwe your (pl) bark cloths
eN-bugó z-ââbwe their bark cloths
12 aka-tále market
aka-tále k-âânge my market
aka-tále k-áánge my market Emphasis
aka-tále k-ó your (sg) market
aka-tále k-é his / her market
aka-tále k-affe our market
aka-tále k-amwe your (pl) market
aka-tále k-ââbwe their market
14 obu-tále markets
obu-tále bw-âânge my markets
obu-tále bw-ó your (sg) markets
obu-tále bw-é his / her markets
obu-tále bw-affe our markets
obu-tále bw-amwe your (pl) markets
obu-tále bw-ââbwe their markets
15 oku-tú ear
6 ama-tú ears
15 oku-tú kw-âânge my ear
oku-tu kw-ó your (sg) ear [oo.ku.tûû kwó]
oku-tu kw-é his / her ear [oo.ku.tûû kwé]
oku-tu kw-affe our ear [oo.ku.tûû kwa.f:e]
oku-tu kw-amwe your (pl) ear [oo.ku.tûû kwa.nwe]
oku-tu kw-ââbwe their ear [oo.ku.tûû kwââ.bwe]
6 ama-tu g-âânge my ears [ûû gââ.nge]
ama-tu g-ó your (sg) ears [ûû gó]
ama-tu g-é his / her ears [ûû gé]
ama-tu g-affe our ears [ûû ga.f:e]
ama-tu g-amwe your (pl) ears [ûû gwa.mwe]
ama-tu g-ââbwe their ears [ûû gââ.bwe]
eN-dwuadde sickness [e.ndwua.dde]
mo-nene big
1 omu-kázzi omu-nene a big woman [ázz]
7 eci-kázz ci-nene an extremely fat woman
9 eN-ûûmba e-nene a big house [ee.ñûû.mba]
6 ama-yûûmba ama-nene big houses [ûû.mba]
1 omu-sájja omu-nene big man
2 aba-sájja aba-nene big men
1 omu-sájja omu-tono small man
2 aba-sájja aba-tono small men
1 omu-sájja omu-tíma omu-lûûnji good (hearted) man [ûû.nj]
1 omu-sájja omu-lûûnj handsome man
2 aba-sájja aba-lûûnj good men
9 eN-umba e-nûûnj good house
6 ama-umba ama-lûûnj good houses [ûû.mbaûûnj]
9 eñu eN-bí bad house [ee.mbí]
6 ama-umba ama-bí bad houses
7 ci-bí bad
8 bi-bí bad
9 eN-ûûmba eN-zi-lugavu black house [ee.ñûû.mbaá.vu]
6 ama-umba ama-ddugavu black houses [ûû.mba aa.má]
1 omu-kázzi omu-ddugavu black woman
2 aba-kázzi aba-ddugavu black women
9 eN-jú / eN-ûûmba eN-jélu white house [ee.ñjé.ru]
9 eN-ûûmba house / family, household
9 eN-jú house [ee.ñjú]
6 ama-umba ama-élu white houses [ûû.mba aa.mé.ru]
6 ama-zzi a-gôôca hot water [aa.mazz aa.gôô.ca]
6 ama-zzi a-gañogogá cold water
9 eN-jú eN-kádde old house [ee.nká.d:e]
1 omu-kázzi omu-kádde old woman
2 aba-kázzi aba-kádde old women
mkóla I work, take care of
1, 2 mu-ba-kádde elderly
9 eN-jú ya Max Max’ house / house of Max
ya of, belonging to
15 oku-kóla to work
9 eN-jú eN-pyá new house [ee.ñjú ee.mpjá]
olu-sózi olu-pyá new mountain [een.só.zi ee.pjá]
aka-tále aka-pyá new market [aa.ka.tá.le aa.ka.pjá]
obu-tále obu-pyá new markets [oo.Bu.tá.le oo.Bu.pjá]
9, 10 eN-té eN-pyá new cow(s) [ee.nté ee.mpjá]
9, 10 eN-té eN-tó young cow(s) [ee.nté ee.ntó]
tó young
omu-tí tree
omu-tí omu-pyá new tree
omu-tí omu-tó young tree
emi-tí emi-pyá new treees
emi-tí emi-tó young trees
eci-bíla forest [í.ra]
oku-tú oku-pyá new ear
ama-tú ama-pyá new ears
eli-so eye [ee.rîî.so]
amââ-so eyes [aa.mââ.so]
elîî-so e-pyá new eye [ee.rîî.so e.pjá]
amââ-so ama-pyá new eyes [aa.mââ.soá]
eci-kéle frog [é.re]
ebi-kéle frogs
eci-kéle eci-pyá new frog
ebi-kéle ebi-pyá new frogs [ee.Bi.ké.re ee.Bi.pjá]
omu-ana omu-pyá new child [oo.mwââ.naá]
aba-ana aba-pyá new children
eN-té eN-zi-lugávvu black cow [ee.ntéá.v:u]
obu-tó cooking oil
obu-tó obu-pyá new cooking oil
obu-tále obu-pyá new markets [oo.Bu.tále oo.Bu.pjá]

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