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Please ... Your mouth ...


Where are Jim's ... originally

A grater ... Utensils

A/An working day ... Typical

I don't have much ... Reasonable

I need some help .. lid

I would like to .. introduce

If you're driving ... Road signs

Mrs. Jacksons asked .. butcher

My husband and I usually ... Board

My parents will not be .. pleased

My wife and I ... Account

Pandas have black ... Rings

Paul has ... Problem

Some people lived ... Valley

The manager asked us .. contract

We want to go .. appliances

We'd better get some ... Blankets

When I wanted to pay ... Empty

You ... Tired ... Sound

.... Can you lend me 30 dollars

Is a cat in the field ... There it

Are there any good ... There are

Can I speak to Mr. Brown ... Is watering

Could I ... Use your dictionary

Here's that bottle ... One

How ... Jam is there ... Much / some

I never go fishing ... Me neither

Let's ... watch this comedy

Shall we take ... Mine

Which stores ... The ones

Whose gloves ... Son's

I can't come ... Them

I don't want to go out .. is raining

If you want to dress ... Fifth

The game is ... On

There is ... An egg in the refrigerator

There is no need to shout .. you

They will come back ... On / at

This restaurant is very ... not go

Is a round ... Lettuce

Do you want to change ... Salary

My black suit ... Laundry

This cake is ... Ingredients

Who does this ... Belong

You forgot to ... Sign

Is kitchen ... Strainer

Camels are ... Famous

Dogs can hear ... Humans

I can't lift ... Heavy

My grandfather still ... Suspenders

My mother is hanging ... Wardrobe

Robert doesn't like .. parachuting

The ... average age of the girls

The lake is ...sights

The wind is too ... Pull down

We want to ... Decorate

When your new car ... Mechanical

You need a ... Training

Zebras are ... Striped

I get you ... Would

Sugar and flour ... How much

I use your dictionary ... Could

Are you free ... On

Excuse me how much ... The glass ones

Hello may I speak ... Who's

I never do any ... Me neither

Is there a good movie ... There isn't

Is this Margaret's ... Mine

It's a nice day ... Don't we

Do you and your husband ...baked shrimps

What would you like for dessert ... Prefer

When does the school ... Semester

Where are your parents from ... Originally

Can you ... Repair my bicycle

I can't walk ... Pain

I don't really like ... Hunting

I have to call ... Out of charge

I want to warm ... Turn on

It is quite ... natural

Most of the boys ... Athletic

My father's ... Key chain has

Please put the ... kettle on

Some ... Camels have two humps

The ... Road signs ... Show that you can't

The plane is going to ... Leave

There are four ... Cushions

There are many people ... Collect

There is good ... Grassland

I use your pencil ... Could

You like to leave .. would

Your nieces ... Are / doing

Ben are these ... Yours

Does Sally like ... Don't so

How ... Is it ... Going

I don't really like windsurfing ... Me

Is the vegetarian ... Us

Let's ... Not go on picnic

What is Mr. Patterson's ... From

Why ... Don't you ... Buy a bicycle

I think .. there aren't ... Any good

What is Ms. Johnson ... A receptionist

Which trousers ... The brown ones

Jane is a fast ... Type

Julia is tired ... looking

The meeting is ... At / on

There's ... No ... Money in my wallet

We always go to ... Grandparents'

We celebrate ... On / in

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