Oh, The Places You'll Go

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Name: Date:

Oh, The Places You’ll Go!

Follow along with the Story by Dr. Suess (https://youtu.be/D6ZeZA6wF-k),
then, complete the following questions. Once you are done, submit them
to your Portfolio.

Discussion Questions:
1) What is the theme of the book?
2) What are some of the obstacles Dr. Seuss mentions?
3) What are some of the good things along the road?
4) What are some things we all should know? How does this relate to your

1) Complete the following chart by identifying the theme and message of
each quote.

Quote Theme (A word or Message

“You’re on your own.
And you know what
you know. And YOU
are the guy who’ll
decide where to go.”
“You can get all hung
up in a prickle-ly
perch. And your gang
will fly on. You’ll be left
in a Lurch.”
“You will come to a
place where the streets
are not marked. Some
windows are lighted.
But mostly they’re
darked. A place you
could sprain both your
elbow or chin! Do you
dare to stay out? Do
you dare to go in? How
much can you lose?
How much can you
I’m afraid of those
times you’ll play lonely
games too. Games you
can’t win cause you’ll
be against you.”
“So be sure when you
step. Step with care
and great tact and
remember that life is a
Great Balancing Act.”

2) Do you feel “YOU” are the “guy who’ll decide where to go?” How does that
shape your future?

3) Have you ever met the “prickle-ly perch” on your path? What obstacles
have you overcome in your life? What skills or strengths did you learn from
overcoming these obstacles?

4) If you got to “a place where streets are not marked” would you go in?
What “risks” have you taken in your life and where did they get you?

5) Is your life currently balanced? What steps do you need to take in order
to find a balance in your everyday life?

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