Switching Function Design For Output Voltage Tracking in The DC DC Buck Power Converter

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Switching Function Design for Output Voltage Tracking in the

DC-DC Buck Power Converter
Eduardo Hernández-Márquez 1, * , Panuncio Cruz-Francisco 2,‡, * , Manuel Mera-Hernández 3,‡ , Dulce
Martinez-Peón 4, , Rafael Castro-Linares 5 , José Rafael García-Sánchez 6 , Alfredo Roldán-Caballero 7 , and
Xóchitl Siordia-Vásquez8

1 Departamento de Mecatrónica, Instituto Tecnológico Superior de Poza Rica, Tecnológico Nacional de México,
Veracruz 93230, México; eduardo.hernandez@itspozarica.edu.mx (E.H.-M.)
2 Affiliation 2; e-mail@e-mail.com (P.C.-F.)
3 ESIME Ticomán, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, CDMX 07340, Mexico; (M.M.-H.)
4 Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica y Electrónica, IT Nuevo León, Instituto Tecnológico Nacional de México,
Nuevo León, México; (D.M.-P.)
5 Departamento de Ingeniería Eléctrica, Cinvestav-IPN, Ciudad de México 07360, México; (R.C.-L.)
6 División de Ingeniería Mecatrónica, Tecnológico de Estudios Superiores de Huixquilucan, Tecnológico
Nacional de México, Estado de México 52773, Mexico; (J.R.G.-S.)
7 Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria de Ingeniería Campus Tlaxcala, Instituto Politécnico Nacional, Tlaxcala
90000, Mexico; (A.R.-C.)
8 Facultad de Ingeniería Mecánica Eléctrica, Universidad Veracruzana, Veracruz 93390, Mexico; (X.S.-V.)
* Correspondence: eduardo.hernandez@itspozarica.edu.mx
‡ These authors contributed equally to this work.

Abstract: This work proposes the design of a commutation function to solve the output voltage 1

trajectory tracking problem in the DC-DC Buck power electronic converter. By means of a Lyapunov- 2

type analysis, sufficient conditions considering the discontinuous model ensure the asymptotic 3

convergence to the desired trajectories. Using this information, the design of a state-dependent 4

switching function ensures the closed loop stability of the tracking error. To validate the control 5

performance, circuit numerical simulations are carried out with abrupt disturbances in the source and 6

load of the converter, observing that the voltage tracking at the output of the converter is satisfactorily 7

resolved. 8

Keywords: DC-DC Buck power electronic converter, switched systems, Lyapunov methods, voltage 9

trajectory tracking 10

1. Introduction 11

DC-DC power electronic converters are circuits controlled by opening or closing one 12

Citation: Lastname, F.; Lastname, F.; or two switches, depending on the circuit configuration, using the output voltage and other 13
Lastname, F. Title. Journal Not Specified state variables to carry out voltage control [1]. This type of circuits are mainly used to 14
2023, 1, 0. https://doi.org/
improve efficiency in applications where voltage control is realized accurately, avoiding 15

Received: unwanted effects that occur with pulse width modulated, PWM, controllers. PWM control 16

Revised: generates an undesirable dynamic effect on its output, generally as a result of a noisy 17

Accepted: output signal, as well as current spikes, elements that are not favourable for both the power 18

Published: supply and the circuit load such as another circuit or an actuator [2]–[8]. In the particular 19

Copyright: © 2023 by the authors. case of the Buck type converter, there are two elements that can store energy, a coil and a 20

Submitted to Journal Not Specified capacitor, which reduces the amplitude of the effects generated by the commutation of the 21

for possible open access publication switches of the circuit, on the output signal [7]. 22

under the terms and conditions The Buck power converter has been controlled by some linear classical control tech- 23

of the Creative Commons Attri- niques like proportional integral control [9], [10]. However, they have disadvantages such 24

bution (CC BY) license (https:// as noise sensitivity or reduced robustness [11]. In fact, disturbances are a characteristic 25


Version December 25, 2023 submitted to Journal Not Specified https://www.mdpi.com/journal/notspecified

Version December 25, 2023 submitted to Journal Not Specified 2 of 14

of the non-linear behaviour of Buck converter, therefore some non-linear control strate- 26

gies have been implemented como: Sliding modes [12]–[20], via observadores [22]–[30], 27

adaptable [31]–[33], among others [34]–[46]. 28

The Buck converter can be studied under the hybrid systems scheme, in this case 29

a control strategy commutates between the sub-systems that describe the dynamics of 30

the converter. Therefore, a control strategy conmutada puede ensures the stabilization 31

or monitoring tasks. Under the Lyapunov stability analysis several variants of classical 32

Lyapunov function have been used, for example quadratic functions [47], polyhedral 33

functions [48], multiple functions [49], among others. Many of these techniques have 34

resulted effective to solve commuted control designs problems based on adequate feedback 35

states [50] or output control systems [51]. 36

The main contribution of this work is the design of a suitable switching function by 37

means of the application of convex sets for the output trajectory tracking of a Buck power 38

electronic converter. This design represents an advantage over classical control methods 39

that require PWM combined with modulation stage methods such as [52] or studies that 40

simply consider the averaged model [53]. 41

The rest of the document is organized as follows: In section 2 defines the mathematical 42

background needed to develop the control strategy. The section 3 describes the problems 43

statement with the control objective of this work. Section 4 states the main result sum- 44

marized in a main theorem. After, the section 5 se presentan simulaciones numéricas y 45

circuitales of the designed controller en el Buck converter. Finally, en 6 closes the work 46

giving some important remarks. 47

2. Preliminaries 48

First, three mathematical concepts are defined that will be used in the development of 49

the main result in this manuscript. 50

Definition 1 (Convex set). A set A ⊂ Rn is said convex if λx + (1 − λ)y ∈ A for all x ∈ A, 51

y ∈ A, and λ ∈ [0, 1]. The intersection of n different convex sets is a convex set and, if A ⊂ Rn , 52

B ⊂ Rn are convex and α and β are real numbers, then the set αA + βB is convex [54]. 53

Definition 2 (Convex hull). Let A ⊂ Rn . The intersection of all the convex sets contained in A 54

is called the convex hull of A and it is defined as co A [54]. The convex hull can be represented by 55

the vector sum 56

λ1 x1 + . . . + λ m x m ,
which corresponds to the convex combination of x1 , . . . , xm if λi ≥ 0, i = 1, m, and λ1 + . . . + 57

λm = 1. If x1 , . . . , xm are vectors of A, then any combination of x1 , . . . , xm belongs to co A. 58

Definition 3 (Relative degree [55]). Consider the following linear system 59

ẋ = Ax + Bu, (1)
y = Cx,

with A, B, C being matrices with appropriate dimensions. System (1) is said to have relative degree 60

r, if 61

CAk B = 0, CAr−1 B ̸= 0, 0 ≤ k < r−1

3. Problem statement 62

The class of switching systems to study is described by the following set of linear 63

differential equations. 64

ẋ = Aσ x + Bσ Uc ,
y = Cσ x, (2)
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where x ∈ Rn is the state vector, Uc ∈ Rm is a constant input signal for all t ≥ 0 and y ∈ R p 65

is the set of variables (or output) to control the system. The switching signal defined as 66

σ : t → I selects an element of the index set I = {1, 2. . . . , N }, such that for each instant of 67

time t ≥ 0, the function value corresponds to an index of one of the N available sub-systems. 68

The i −esim sub-system is composed by the set of matrices Ai ∈ Rn×n , Bi ∈ Rn×m and 69

Ci ∈ R p×n that define the system (2), in other words, 70

Ai Bi
Gi = , i ∈ I. (3)
Ci 0

A particular case of the commuted systems described by equation (2) corresponds to the 71

DC-DC Buck power electronic converter which is represented in Fig. 1.

Figure 1. DC/DC Buck power electronic converter.

The Buck converter can be seen as two different circuits, llamados también modos de 73

operación, with each one working on some time intervals given by a switch, see Fig. 2. 74

Thus, when the switch position esta en u1 , the power supply gives energy to the system, 75

charging the inductor L and the capacitor C. In this case the voltage, υ, in the load R grows 76

until a given voltage level is reached. Alternatively, when the switch position esta en u2 , 77

the inductor and the capacitor are discharged through R. The commutation of the transistor 78

Q plus the diode D allows a control in the voltage of the terminals of R.

Figure 2. Ideal switch of the DC/DC Buck power electronic converter.

For this particular case I = {1, 2}. The state vector x = {i, υ} takes the values of the 80

current in L and voltage in R. The switching function σ allows the selection between two 81

different systems composed by the set Gi , where each matrix is defined as 82

0 −1  E  
A1 = A2 = L B1 = L B2 = C1 = C2 = 0
1 −1 , 0
, 1 .

The objective of this work is to design a switching strategy σ such that the tracking 83

error defined by 84

e := y − yd (4)
converge asymptotically to the origin. In (4) yd ∈ R is a given r − 1 times differentiable 85

reference signal for the controlled output y. And yd , ẏd and ÿd are bounded by some 86
( j) ( j)
constants | yd |≤ ȳd ∈ R+ for j = 0, 2. 87
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4. Stabilizing Switching Signal Design 88

Before introducing the main result of this work, it is necessary to find the error 89

dynamics by derivating equation (4). This yields 90

ė = ẏ − ẏd
= Cσ ẋ − ẏd
= Cσ Aσ x + Cσ Bσ Uc − ẏd ,

noting that Cσ Bσ Uc = 0 for any value of σ, the second derivative of the tracking error is 91

calculated 92

ë = Cσ Aσ ẋ − ÿd
= Cσ Aσ ( Aσ x + Bσ Uc ) − ÿd
= Cσ A2σ x + Cσ Aσ Bσ Uc − ÿd ,

for this case it is clear that Cσ Aσ Bσ Uc ̸= 0, for σ = 1 and Cσ Aσ Bσ Uc = 0, for σ = 2. From 93

the definition of relative degree it can be stated that r = 2 for σ = 1. 94

Selecting as states variables e1 = e and e2 = ė one obtains 95

ė1 = e2 ,
ė2 = ë = Cσ A2σ x + Cσ Aσ Bσ Uc − ÿd . (5)

Defining Uσ := Cσ A2σ x + Cσ Aσ Bσ Uc , notice that on any given time interval T = 96

[t1 , t2 ], t2 > t1 , it is possible to generate an average value u av for Uσ between two constant 97

inputs U1 and U2 by using an adequate switching function σ, a sufficient condition for the 98

existence of this switching function [56] is that u av ∈ co {U1 , U2 }. Additionally, the state 99

space representation can be rewritten as 100

ė = Ãe + B̃(Uσ − ÿd ), (6)

0 1 0
where à = and B̃ = . In order to analyse the conditions on σ to achieve 101
0 0 1
stability for the tracking error, consider the following Lyapunov candidate function 102

V (e) = e⊤ Pe, (7)

with P = P⊤ > 0 and its derivate given by 103

V̇ (e, σ ) = 2e⊤ Pė = 2e⊤ P Ãe + B̃(Uσ − ÿd ) .



Lemma 1. For a given positive definite Q = Q⊤ > 0 and some given positive scalars K1 and K2 , 105

consider the Lyapunov candidate function (7), and its derivate described by (8), with the matrix P 106

satisfying 107

PAe + A⊤
e P = − Q, (9)

for the matrix   108

0 1
Ae = . (10)
− K1 − K2
Version December 25, 2023 submitted to Journal Not Specified 5 of 14

Then, the tracking error (4) converges asymptotically to the origin, if there exists a switching 109

function σ that generates an average equivalent input 110

u av = ÿd − K1 y − K2 ẏ + K1 yd + K2 ẏd . (11)

Proof. By (11), 111

Uσ ( x ) = u av = −K1 e1 − K2 e2 + ÿd ,
substituting this expression in (8), and by (9) 112

V̇ (e) = e⊤ PAe + A⊤ e P e = −e⊤ Qe < 0

So, the tracking error converges asymptotically to the origin. 113

Let us define the following matrices 114

H := Ci A2i + K1 Ci + K2 Ci Ai , (12)
Si := Ci Ai Bi + K2 Ci Bi .

Now, the following Theorem gives conditions on the existence of σ such that Uσ ( x ) = 115

u av , and a possible manner to generate this as a function of the tracking error, i.e. σ = σ (e). 116

Theorem 1. Consider the system (2), with the tracking error dynamics given in (5), with the 117

candidate Lyapunov function (7), if there exists x ∈ Rn such that 118

d j yd
∑ Kj dt j
∈ co { Hx + Si Uc }, for all t ≥ 0, (13)
j =1

then Uσ = u av , for 119

σ (e) = arg min e⊤ P B̃(Ui − ÿd ), (14)

i ∈I

and u av , P, K1 , K2 as given in Lemma 1. 120

d j yd
Proof. Adding and subtracting ∑2j=1 K j dt j
to ė2 in (5), and substituting in the derivative 121

of V for a fixed σ = i 122

V̇ (e, i ) = − e⊤ Qe

+ 2e⊤ P B̃ Ci A2i x + Ci Ai Bi Uc
+K1 e1 + K2 e2 − ÿd )

from de definition of e1 and e2 , and condition (9) 123

d j yd
V̇ (e, i ) ≤ 2e P B̃ Hx + Si Uc − ∑ K j j .

j =1 dt

Condition (13) implies that there always exist i ∈ I such that 124

d j yd
e P B̃ Hx + Si Uc − ∑ K j j

< 0, (15)
j =1 dt
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for each t ≥ 0, this ensures that V̇ (e, i ) < 0 for some i ∈ I . Finally, from the definition 125

Ui = Ci A2i x + Ci Ai Bi Uc , 126

d j yd
Ui − ÿd = Hx + Si Uc − ∑ Kj dt j
, (16)
j =1

this implies that (14) selects the corresponding index for each e in any time instant t ≥ 0. 127

Condition (13), ask for the existence of an x belonging to the convex set defined by 128

the semi-planes characterized by H and Si Uc , for the scalars K1 and K2 and the function 129

dj y
yd such that ∑2j=1 K j dt jd , for each instant t ≥ 0. However, it is much easier to verify the 130

sufficient condition 131

dj y
∑ K j dt jd ∈ co{ Hx + Si Uc }, (17)
j =1

this condition only depends on x, all the other variables can be calculated apriori, and for 132

gain design purposes, it is only required that for the selected K1 and K2 , the set co { Hx + 133

Si Uc } ̸= ∅. 134

5. Simulation results 135

This section presents the simulation results of the previously designed control. 136

d j υ∗
u := Ui = ϋ∗ + Hx + Si Uc − ∑ Kj dt j
, (18)
j =1

with (K1 , K2 ) > 0 and 137

H := Ci A2i + K1 Ci + K2 Ci Ai , (19)
Si := Ci Ai Bi + K2 Ci Bi .

for some i ∈ {1, 2}. 138

5.1. Parameters for the numerical simulations 139

The buck converter parameter values that will be used in the simulations are: 140

R = 48 Ω, L = 4.94 mH, C = 4.7 µF, E = 32 V.

The proposed trajectories for voltage monitoring at the output of the Buck converter 141

are two, one Bézier type (20) and the other sinusoidal type with exponential amplitude (21). 142

It is important to consider that such trajectories respect the dynamics of the converter, i.e., 143

υ∗ ≤ E. 144

Bézier type trajectory 145

h i  
υ∗ = υi + υ f − υi φ t, ti , t f , (20)
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with υi = 15 V, υi = 25 V and φ t, ti , t f given by 146

 0 for t ≤ ti ,

  5 h  
 t − t t − ti

 i
t f − ti 252 − 1050 t −t
f i 

 +1800 t−ti 2 −1575 t−ti 3

t f − ti t f − ti
φ t, ti , t f = 4  
ti 5
t − t t −
 +700 t f −ti −126 t f −ti

 i

 for t ∈ (ti , t f ),
1 for t ≥ t f ,

where [ti , t f ] = [0.004 s, 0.006 s]. 147

Sinusoidal trajectory 148

υ∗ = 10 + 10 e−200t sin(1000πt). (21)

Regarding the control gains by switching function (18), they were selected according 149

to (13) and are the following: 150

K1 = 10, K2 = 10.

The graphs shown in Fig. 3 present how the states x remain within the boundaries H 1 and 151

H 2 , obtained from (13), for the trajectories (20) and (21), respectively. Therefore, it will 152

be satisfactorily followed by the control designed here, by the other hand, if the state has 153

parts outside the boundary it cannot be assured that the tracking problem will be solved 154

correctly. 155

Figure 3. Phase diagrams of the closed-loop Buck converter for the Bézier and sinusoidal trajectories,

Substituting the gains K1 and K2 into (19) produces 156

h11 = −940.98 x 106 , h21 = −23.47 x 106 ,

S1 = 43.07 x 106 , S2 = 0.

where h11 and h21 are elements of H (19). 157

In order to highlight the robustness of the control, abrupt disturbances in the voltage 158

source and load defined in (22) and (23), respectively, are considered. 159

Disturbance in voltage source 160

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0 ≤ t < 0.002 s,

 E

 75%E 0.002 ≤ t < 0.004 s,
Ep = E 0.004 ≤ t < 0.006 s, (22)
 125%E 0.006 ≤ t < 0.008 s,

E 0.008 ≤ t s.

Load disturbance 161

0 ≤ t < 0.002 s,

 R

 50%R 0.002 ≤ t < 0.004 s,
Rp = R 0.004 ≤ t < 0.006 s, (23)
 150%R 0.006 ≤ t < 0.008 s,

R 0.008 ≤ t s.

5.2. Numerical simulations 162

The numerical simulations of the switched controllers was carried out via MATLAB- 163

Simulink. The results shown in Figs. (4)–(7) have the following nomenclature: υ and i 164

represent the voltage and current for the Buck converter with control by switching function, 165

respectively. Whereas, υ∗ is the desired voltage. 166

40 1.2

30 0.9

20 0.6

10 0.3

0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 4. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop Buck converter with desired
Bézier-type voltage and disturbance in E.

30 1.2




0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 5. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop buck converter with sinusoidal
desired voltage, exponential amplitude and disturbance in E.
Version December 25, 2023 submitted to Journal Not Specified 9 of 14

40 1.2

30 0.9

20 0.6

10 0.3

0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 6. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop Buck converter with desired
Bézier-type voltage and disturbance in R.

30 1.2




0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 7. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop Buck converter with sinusoidal
desired voltage, exponential amplitude and disturbance in R.

5.3. Simulations with circuit 167

The simulaciones of the switched control en el Buck converter was carried out via 168

SimPowerSystems de MATLAB-Simulink, Fig. 8. The results shown in Figs. (9)–(12) have 169

the same nomenclature as that used in 5.2. 170

D S + +
g m



Figure 8. DC/DC Buck power electronic converter in closed-loop designed in the SimPowerSystems
toolbox of Matlab-Simulink.
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40 1.2

30 0.9

20 0.6

10 0.3

0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 9. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop Buck converter with desired
Bézier-type voltage and disturbance in E.

30 1.2




0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 10. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop Buck converter with sinusoidal
desired voltage, exponential amplitude and disturbance in E.

40 1.2

30 0.9

20 0.6

10 0.3

0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 11. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop Buck converter with desired
Bézier-type voltage and disturbance in R.
Version December 25, 2023 submitted to Journal Not Specified 11 of 14

30 1.2




0 0
0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01 0 0.002 0.004 0.006 0.008 0.01

Figure 12. Voltage and current simulation results for the closed-loop buck converter with sinusoidal
desired voltage, exponential amplitude and disturbance in R.

5.4. Comments 171

From Figs. (4)–(12), it can be seen that in both simulations it is possible to solve 172

the voltage tracking almost immediately, even in the presence of abrupt disturbances in 173

the source and the load. On the other hand, it can be seen how the control is capable of 174

compensating for load variations through the current that circulates in the circuit, keeping 175

the current within a moderate range. In the simulations through a Buck converter circuit, 176

when connecting the switching function control, this is naturally implemented without the 177

need to use a modulator, having good voltage tracking at the output of the converter. 178

6. Conclusions 179

The voltage monitoring at the output of the DC/DC Buck type power electronic 180

converter through a switching function control was presented here. The desired trajecto- 181

ries were racked by means of a correct switching function based on the dynamics of the 182

Lyapunov function. In order to observe the control performance, numerical simulations 183

were carried out via a converter circuit in Matlab-Simulink, taking into account abrupt 184

disturbances in the source and load. The simulation results show that tracking of the 185

converter output voltage is achieved almost immediately. 186

Motivated by the obtained results, future work aims to build a prototype of the 187

DC/DC Buck converter to experimentally implement the control developed here. Also, 188

apply switching function control to other types of converters. 189

Author Contributions: Conceptualization, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., and M.M.-H.; methodology, E.H.-M., 190

P.C.-F., and M.M.-H.; software, E.H.-M., D.M-P., and X.S.-V.; validation, E.H.-M., J.R.G.-S., and 191

A.R.C.; formal analysis, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., and M.M.-H.; investigation, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., and M.M.-H.; 192

resources, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., M.M.-H., D.M.-P., J.R.G.-S., A.R.C., and X.S.-V.; data curation, X.S.-V.; 193

writing—original draft preparation, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., and M.M.-H.; writing—review and editing, 194

E.H.-M., P.C.-F., and M.M.-H.; visualization, D.M.-P. and X.S.-V.; supervision, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., and 195

M.M.-H.; project administration, E.H.-M., P.C.-F., M.M.-H., D.M.-P., and X.S.-V.; funding acquisition, 196

E.H.-M., P.C.-F., M.M.-H., D.M.-P., J.R.G.-S., A.R.C., and X.S.-V. All authors have read and agreed to 197

the published version of the manuscript. 198

Funding: This research received no external funding. 199

Institutional Review Board Statement: Not applicable 200

Informed Consent Statement: Not applicable 201

Data Availability Statement: Not applicable 202

Acknowledgments: The Work of Eduardo Hernández-Márquez, Manuel Mera-Hernández, Dulce 203

Martinez-Peón, José Rafael García-Sánchez and Alfredo Roldán-Caballero was supported by SNI- 204

México. 205

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. 206

Version December 25, 2023 submitted to Journal Not Specified 12 of 14

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