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Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery (2012) 14, 6–12


Clinical tips for ruling in/out
common musculoskeletal disease
Sharon Kerwin

Patient group The majority of Orthopedic disease, particularly osteoarthritis (OA), is emerging as one
cats will develop radiographic of the most important disease conditions in cats, with some studies indi-
evidence of degenerative joint cating a prevalence of up to 90% in cats.1,2 Still much remains unknown
disease by the time they are 12 about the etiology, prevention and treatment of feline orthopedic dis-
years of age, and many will suffer ease, and its recognition is often a challenge in the clinical setting.
from a decline in quality of life
associated with undiagnosed and Relevant patient history
untreated orthopedic disease.
Practical relevance A focused, efficient orthopedic Studies of feline OA were originally performed retrospectively and
examination, including gait observation and palpation focused on radiographic signs, with the owner’s complaint being eval-
(awake and under sedation), supplemented with uated as a secondary goal. Godfrey reported clinical signs in only 21 of
appropriate history, is key in ruling in, or out, clinically 63 cats with retrospectively evaluated appendicular OA: 11 had record-
important musculoskeletal disease. Identifying ed lameness, five a stiff gait, two difficulty jumping, and one each
problems assists in both developing a diagnostic showed weakness, inactivity and a shuffling thoracic limb gait.3
plan and monitoring response to treatment. Additional retrospective radiographic reports of OA in cats have also
Clinical challenges Many clinicians feel found a very low (4–16%) rate of owner-reported lameness.1,4
uncomfortable in their ability to reliably perform an Clarke and Bennett asked the question: does this low rate of clinical
orthopedic examination in the cat, and diagnosis signs represent a poor
and evaluation of response to treatment in cats with correlation of clinical Cats with orthopedic disease are
orthopedic disease can be challenging. Hands-on signs, or is clinical OA
training in feline orthopedic examination is limited in cats associated with unlikely to come into the clinic for a
in many veterinary curricula. Additional constraints other signs than lame- classic lameness, as seen in dogs;
may include failure to obtain important information ness?5 In their prospec-
in the history that indicates feline orthopedic tive study of 28 cats however, when a lame cat is
disease, lack of appropriate facilities in which to with OA, designed to
conduct a complete orthopedic examination, identify clinical signs, observed by an owner, clinically
and inability to obtain the most important they found that ability important disease is almost
information during the time available to conduct to jump, height of jump,
the examination. These problems can create gaps lameness, stiff gait and always present.
in the practitioner’s ability to provide excellent care activity level of cats
for a large proportion of the feline population. were signs that clients
Goals The above challenges can mostly be could recognize that might improve with treatment.5 Others have
overcome with advanced planning and with reported that cats may present with other signs, such as decreased
consideration of the unique behavioral aspects appetite and grooming, and behavioral change. In general, many cats
related to feline handling. As discussed in this review, with orthopedic disease are unlikely to come into the clinic for a clas-
the aim of the initial orthopedic sic lameness, as seen in dogs; however, when a lame cat is observed by
examination is to localize the an owner, clinically important disease is almost always present.
problem to a specific limb,
ideally to a region or joint
of the limb, which can
further direct diagnostics
Two video recordings are included Sharon C Kerwin
in the online version of this article at such as radiography or DVM MS DACVS
DOI: 10.1177/1098612X11432822 arthrocentesis. This should Veterinary Small Animal Clinical Sciences,
provide a basis for follow-up College of Veterinary Medicine,
Texas A&M University,
and assessment of whether College Station, Texas, USA
treatment strategies are effective. Email:


DOI: 10.1177/1098612X11432822
© ISFM and AAFP 2012
R E V I E W / Orthopedic examination in the cat

It is appropriate to ask owners about a decrease in activities:

walking, running, ability to jump up/down, grooming, playing with other pets,
chasing objects and playing with toys.

Client questionnaires have begun to be

utilized in veterinary medicine based on work
Examination facilities

undertaken in human medicine, with the

premise that a validated, short, simple ques-
It is axiomatic in veterinary medicine that for

tionnaire would be able to help the clinician

‘every diagnosis missed by not knowing, ten

identify problems that might not be obvious

are missed for not looking’. Just as in other

on routine history, and would provide a tool to

species, orthopedic examination in the cat,

monitor results of treatment. Although several

when performed in a consistent, structured

of these questionnaires have been developed

manner, can yield valuable information

for use in dogs with orthopedic disease,6–8 a

regarding the type and extent of disease,

validated questionnaire for the cat has yet to be

and help direct further diagnostics.

published. However, a client-specific outcome

However, most veterinarians find

measure questionnaire used to evaluate cats

that orthopedic examination of the

with OA has been published,9 and the same

dog is much easier: dogs will

research group has also developed a question-

Feline-friendly handling walk on a leash, are more easily

naire designed for validation in cats with OA.10

Increasing understanding of general cat restrained and many dogs will

Based on this preliminary work, it is appro-

handling in veterinary practice has given rise
tolerate a longer examination
to some valuable resources, such as the

priate to ask owners about a decrease in activ-

recent guidelines from the AAFP and ISFM on period than will a cat.

ities (walking, running, ability to jump up and

‘feline-friendly handling’.11 Careful attention Additionally, there are logistical

down, grooming, playing with other pets,

to these will help address the common concerns. Many veterinarians

chasing objects and playing with toys), which

problem of an angry, frightened and can relay stories of cats, turned
stressed cat that is unlikely to allow

may indicate a need to look further for possi-

a diagnostic examination.
loose for gait analysis, that have

ble musculoskeletal disease.

found their way into the ceiling,
under built-in cabinets, or behind a

Non-traumatic causes of lameness in the cat12–14

Thoracic limb
✜ Radial hemimelia ✜ Elbow dysplasia
✜ Congenital elbow luxation ✜ Shoulder dysplasia and osteochondrosis
✜ Degenerative joint disease of the carpus, ✜ Elbow epicondylitis
elbow or shoulder ✜ Biceps tenosynovitis or rupture

Pelvic limb
✜ Hip dysplasia ✜ Cranial or caudal cruciate ligament rupture
✜ Spontaneous capital physeal fracture ✜ Stifle osteochondrosis
✜ Femoral neck metaphyseal osteopathy ✜ Non-traumatic patellar fracture
✜ Patellar luxation ✜ Degenerative joint disease of the hip, stifle
✜ Meniscal ossification or tarsus

✜ Alpha-mannosidosis ✜ Hypervitaminosis A
✜ Mucopolysaccharidosis ✜ Hypertrophic osteopathy
✜ Mucolipidosis ✜ Osteocartilaginous exostoses
✜ Osteochondrodysplasia of the Scottish ✜ Synovial osteochondromatosis
Fold cat ✜ Synovial cysts
✜ Familial hypothyroidism ✜ Erosive polyarthritis: feline chronic
✜ Rickets (hereditary or acquired) progressive polyarthritis, septic polyarthritis
✜ Nutritional hyperparathyroidism ✜ Non-erosive polyarthritis: immune-mediated,
✜ Hematogenous osteomyelitis feline systemic lupus erythematosus,
✜ Primary or metastatic neoplasia drug-induced, viral, Lyme disease


R E V I E W / Orthopedic examination in the cat

large mass of computer

cables with little enthu-
siasm for being safely
extricated (Figure 1).
The practice should
identify an area that is
free of such hazards and
will allow a cat to roam,
off leash, away from
other animals and
behind closed doors
Figure 1 Cats will naturally that can stay closed Figure 2 One-year-old domestic shorthair cat chasing a laser
seek out the least accessible pointer during the gait analysis portion of the orthopedic
place to hide – in this case,
until the examination is complete. When testing examination
under a bank of rolling an appropriate room in the practice, bring in
cages. It is well worth
testing an examination room
several well-behaved staff cats first so you can
on some well-behaved staff identify any potential problem areas and get an sonality and disposition of the cat may dictate
cats first, to identify any idea of how a cat might explore the room. to some degree whether or not it attempts to
potential problem areas
jump on and off objects in the examination
Gait analysis room, the ability to easily navigate such
obstacles may help rule out important
The first portion of the orthopedic examina- musculoskeletal and neurologic (spinal or
tion is devoted to watching the cat walk and, vestibular) disease.
if possible, chase an object or jump. It may be possible to evaluate stride length
and compare joint flexion and extension angles
What is needed while the cat is walking or navigating obstacles
Having an experienced, cat-savvy veterinary (eg, cavaletti poles – see video 2, DOI: 10.1177/
technician or nurse assisting with the exami- 1098612X11432822), and detect a difference
nation is important for obtaining good results, between right and left limbs. Videotaping the
and blocking out enough time to allow an examination and playback in loop or slow
unhurried examination is essential. In addi- motion will assist in this process.
tion to the examination table/counter top and
any chairs in the room, it may be helpful to What to look for
have a small ‘obstacle course’ to encourage ✜ Cats may unload or favor a painful limb,
jumping, comprising a few lower objects (ie, even at rest (Figure 3), and in some cases
no more than about 12 inches/30 cm high), observation of the cat sitting or lying in a
such as a closed box or footstool. Requesting ‘sphinx’ position may demonstrate
that the owner bring along a few cat toys, par- asymmetry or an inability to completely
ticularly objects the cat likes to chase, can help flex the hock, stifle, hip or elbow.
to distract or motivate an anxious cat. ✜ A cat with unilateral thoracic limb
lameness may have a noticeable ‘head bob’,
What to do as seen in the dog, with the head going
Many cats will venture out of an open carrier ‘down on the sound’ limb and up (thereby
placed on the floor if given a few minutes to decreasing the load) on the affected limb.
acclimate. Failing this, the cat may be gently ✜ Cats with bilateral thoracic limb or
removed after detaching the top from the carrier pelvic limb lameness may take short,
and placed in the middle of the floor. The choppy steps with the affected limbs,
reassembled carrier should be placed as far away and shift weight forward onto the thoracic
as possible, door open but with the assistant at limbs for pelvic limb lameness and back
the ready to prevent re-entry, as the cat may well towards the pelvic limbs in the case of
decide that the carrier is the best place to hide. thoracic limb lameness.
The first few steps of the examination may be ✜ Cats with unilateral pelvic limb lameness
revealing, and for cats with profound musculo- may have a hip hike (the hip will be elevated
skeletal disease that are unwilling to take more when the painful leg strikes the ground) or
than a few steps, will demonstrate at the very the tail may be used asymmetrically to shift
least whether they have a thoracic limb or weight towards the more normal side when
Figure 3 Four-year-old pelvic limb lameness (see video 1, DOI: 10.1177/ the cat is in motion.
domestic shorthair cat with 1098612X11432822), or possibly signs of neurolog- ✜ A unilateral pelvic limb plantigrade stance
a painful right thoracic limb.
The cat is sitting with the ic disease such as ataxia or weakness. may be consistent with an Achilles tendon
weight shifted towards the For a cat that is reluctant but able to move rupture in the cat;15 a bilateral pelvic limb
pelvic limbs, and the right
carpus and elbow are about the room, enticement with a toy or laser plantigrade stance may indicate
slightly flexed as more pointer can be surprisingly effective, even in a neuromuscular weakness. Further examination
weight is shifted towards
the left thoracic limb
hospital setting (Figure 2). Although the per- will be able to differentiate the two.16


R E V I E W / Orthopedic examination in the cat

Objective evaluation of lameness in the cat

One of the difficulties in assessing treatment of feline orthopedic of musculoskeletal disorders in client-owned cats.20–22
disease is a lack of standardization of gait analysis, and lack of Although direct observation and palpation is inherently subjec-
an objective ‘gold standard’ tool, such as the force plate used in tive, it is still appropriate and worthwhile to record the findings
many canine studies. Standing pressure mat analysis has been using some type of scoring system. Morton et al reported a
useful for identifying unilateral limb lameness in the cat, but has four-point scoring system used for evaluating the cat standing,
limited clinical application.17,18 Collar- in motion and on palpation; with a
mounted, accelerometer-based acti- score of 1 reflecting a sound or pain-
Although direct observation
vity monitors are used to objectively free cat, and a score of 4 reflecting
monitor activity in cats as a surrogate and palpation is inherently non-weightbearing on the affected
for mobility and have been success- limb or marked pain on gentle manip-
fully used in two studies evaluating subjective, it is appropriate ulation of the limb.23 Visual analog
response to treatment.9,19 Pressure- and worthwhile to record the scores for pain have also been report-
sensitive walkway evaluation has been ed in cats with orthopedic disease
used in clinical evaluation after ony- findings using some type as part of a study evaluating response
chectomy, but to date has not been to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory
reported for evaluation of other types
of scoring system. drugs.24

Standing palpation chin pointing to the ceiling, flexed ventrally

until the chin contacts the sternum, and also
What is needed flexed fully laterally until the nose contacts the
Standing palpation may be General approach to standing palpation side of the thorax bilaterally. The spinal col-
undertaken on the floor if Unlike in the dog, the majority of the orthopedic umn should be palpated, from ventral for the
the cat is more comfortable, examination is done with the cat standing. A thor- cranial cervical vertebrae, and dorsally, with
or on an examination table. ough physical examination may be combined with firm finger pressure on either side of the dorsal
this portion of the orthopedic examination, if it has not
Generally this is a one-per- already been performed. As with other types of phys-
spinous processes, for the thoracic and lumbar
son job, with the technician ical examination, the order of examination is not spine. A normal cat will tolerate full extension
standing just out of the important as a general rule, as long as everything is of the tail and lateral motion. It should be kept
view of the cat but ready to done, and findings are recorded, the same way in mind that lumbosacral disc disease has been
every time. One recommendation is to leave
assist if necessary. reported in the cat and can present with a his-
until last the obvious painful area, as
determined either from the history or tory of difficulty jumping.15
What to do and what to from observations made dur-
look for ing gait analysis. Limb joints and segments
Limb symmetry and spinal palpation The clinician should next carefully palpate and
With the cat facing in the same direction as manipulate each portion of each limb.
the examiner, the spine and limbs should be Attention should be paid to flexion and exten-
palpated for symmetry. The major muscle sion of each joint, palpation of each large
masses of the thoracic limbs to be compared muscle mass, and deep palpation of the long
include the supra- and infraspinatus, the tri- bones. Some cats will better tolerate this
ceps, and the flexors and extensors of the ante- Figure 4 Assessment of process if the limbs are slightly suspended
elbow extension. Note that
brachium. For the pelvic limbs, the front half of the cat is above the table by supporting the
the hamstrings, quadriceps, supported cat under the thorax with the
cranial tibial muscles and gastro- hand placed around each thoracic
cnemius/soleus group should be limb (Figure 4). Each digit should
compared, and the Achilles ten- be flexed and extended, and
don palpated with the cat in a special attention paid to the pads
weightbearing position. At the and digits if the cat has been
same time, the elbows, carpi, declawed. Although goniometry
stifles and hocks should be com- is generally not performed at this
pared with regards to diameter point (except perhaps in a well-
and presence or absence of behaved cat, with the help of an
detectable joint effusion. assistant to position the goniome-
Spinal conditions often present ter), normal flexion and extension
with gait abnormality or pain that angles for the carpus, elbow,
can seem to be musculoskeletal in shoulder, tarsus, stifle and hip
origin, hence the importance of have been published, along with
spinal column palpation. The varus and valgus measurements
normal cat should be able to have for the carpi and tarsi, in the
the neck fully extended with the sedated and non-sedated cat.25


R E V I E W / Orthopedic examination in the cat

When performing standing palpation, leave until last the obvious painful area, as
determined either from the history or from observations made during gait analysis.

Figure 5 (a) Cat supported with reported, in the author’s experience most cats
the right limb suspended to allow can easily obtain 90° of pain-free abduction,
palpation of the right patella. (b) Cat
switched to examiner’s opposite hip similar to dogs. Furthermore, cats with OA of
to allow manipulation of the left patella the hip resent hip abduction, sometimes more
so than flexion and extension.

Postural reactions and hopping

It may also be appropriate at this time to
attempt postural reaction testing if there is
any possibility of neurologic involvement.
While testing of knuckling can be valuable to
assess proprioception in cats, the author has
found that it can be falsely normal even in cats
with fairly profound neurologic disease, so
normal knuckling responses should not be
assumed to rule out neurologic disease.
Hopping should always be included in the
examination if there is any suspicion of neuro-
logic disease based on the history or gait
analysis. It should be kept in mind that cats
with painful limbs may be reluctant to fully
bear weight, and so orthopedic disease can
also affect their ability to hop.
a b
Palpation in lateral recumbency

At this stage of the assessment, the veterinary

When palpating the pelvic limbs, many technician should step in and gently assist with
normal cats will mildly resent manipulation of restraint, as many cats resent being held in lat-
the patella as the examiner checks for luxation, eral recumbency. The examiner will now have
and will kick away. Pelvic limb contact with the opportunity to visually examine the claws
the table may make it difficult to assess the and digits from a better perspective and with a
limb. To prevent traction, the examiner may lift little more control than during the standing
the cat up (to palpate the right patella) using examination. Essentially, the examination that
the right arm and hand under the thorax of the was undertaken with the cat standing should
cat, and rest the abdomen over the examiner’s be repeated, with emphasis placed on perform-
hip, allowing the outer pelvic limb to fully ing some of the maneuvers that cannot be done
extend, relaxing the quadriceps mechanism during the standing examination; in particular,
(Figure 5a). The examiner can then attempt Figure 6 Assessment of assessment of the cranial drawer test (Figure
stifle instability (cranial
medial and lateral luxation of the patella using drawer test) in the 6), the Ortolani sign and, if possible, measure-
the left hand. The cat can be switched to the unsedated cat. Note the ment of joint angles as referred to above.
location of the examiner and
examiner’s other side to palpate the left patel- the hand placement
la (Figure 5b). As for the dog, a grade I (grade
A)26 luxation is defined as luxation that occurs
when manual pressure is applied to the patella
with the limb in extension, with spontaneous
reduction when the patella is released.
Contrary to the dog, grade I (grade A) patellar
luxation may be normal in the cat.27 (For
further discussion, see the accompanying arti-
cle in this special issue by Grierson.)26

When examining the hip, the examiner should
remember to perform abduction in addition to
flexion, extension and rotation. Although nor-
mal abduction angles in the cat have not been


R E V I E W / Orthopedic examination in the cat

Sedated examination
In the author’s practice, sedated examination is general health of the cat.2 For healthy, young to
considered very valuable in the cat, and tends to middle-aged cats, the author would commonly
be performed as a standard part of the examina- use a combination of glycopyrrolate (0.011
tion unless the cat is either very well behaved mg/kg) combined with butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg)
and patient, or other medical conditions pre- given intramuscularly, followed about 10 min-
clude it. The goal is not to achieve a surgical utes later with intramuscular dexmedetomidine
plane of sedation, but merely to facilitate (5–20 µg/kg) and reversed with atipamezole as
restraint. This is particularly useful in a fractious needed or on completion of the examination.
cat that is difficult to examine while awake, but The clinician should carefully screen for heart
can still give a pain response (pulls the limb murmurs prior to sedation – they have been
away, turns or vocalizes) when a diseased area found to be present in up to 10% of cats pre-
is encountered (Figure 7), but does not respond senting for orthopedic examination at the
to palpation of non-painful areas. Figure 7 Abnormal appearance author’s institution. Ideally, sedation should
of the nail bed in an adult domestic
Specific sedation protocols are beyond the shorthair cat presenting with a allow for more thorough examination, and be
scope of this article, but there are many good forelimb lameness of several months followed immediately by imaging diagnostics
duration. Digit amputation and biopsy
options dependent on the signalment and revealed squamous cell carcinoma and, if indicated, arthrocentesis.

Cranial drawer test its side or back. With the examiner standing
Cranial drawer motion is assessed in the same behind the cat, one hand is placed over the
way as in the dog. The examiner generally spine (away from the hip), while the stifle and
stands behind the cat, and places the right hip are each aligned at about 90° of flexion.
hand with the forefinger on the cranial surface While gently lifting up the femur at the level of
of the patella, and the thumb gently parallel to the stifle with the left hand, pressure is applied
the plane of the fabellae on the caudal aspect of up the shaft of the femur in an attempt to
the joint. The left hand is placed with the fore- subluxate the hip. At the same time, the limb is
finger on the cranial surface of the tibial abducted away from the midline of the body,
tuberosity, and the thumb just caudal to the and the examiner looks for evidence of reloca-
fibular head (Figure 6). The femur is stabilized tion of the femoral head in its normal position
with the stifle joint in a standing angle, and the (ie, a palpable, visual or audible click or pop as
examiner attempts to move the tibia cranially the hip reduces into its normal position). As in
(or caudally, an isolated caudal cruciate tear the dog, cats with hip pain will resent this test
can occur in the cat although a cranial cruciate and may be able to overcome it using muscu-
tear is more common). Although a very slight lar forces, so repeating the maneuver after
amount of ‘drawer’ motion may be present, sedation may be indicated.
the stifle should be stable during this maneu-
ver. The test should be repeated with the stifle Thoracic limb assessment
in mid-flexion and mid-extension as well. No special maneuvers are required for the tho-
Common mistakes in attempting to perform racic limb; however, the examiner should take
this test include incorrect hand placement, fail- advantage of lateral recumbency to check
ure to test with the stifle in the proper angle, varus/valgus as well as to repeat flexion and
and failure to repeat after sedation if initial extension of the carpus, elbow and shoul-
results are inconclusive or cannot be der. OA commonly affects the elbow
obtained. In animals with a history of joint, so recording of any thickening,
trauma, varus and valgus evaluation crepitus, loss of range of motion and
Beware false-positive and false-negative results
is very important as stifle luxation, Pitfalls of the feline orthopedic examination include possible pain on internal or exter-
involving rupture of one or both false-positive results: that is, the clinician may over- nal rotation is an important part of
collateral ligaments in addition to interpret responses of the cat to manipulation as pain, the examination. Although classic
one or both cruciate ligaments, when in fact they may reflect anger or fear. False-negative brachial plexus tumors are very
findings may also occur, in part because of cats’ small size
seems to be more common in the and the relative difficulty of correctly identifying mild joint effu-
rarely reported in the cat, the
cat than in the dog. sion or joint laxity, or difficulty in accessing an appropriate examiner should still take the
facility to conduct a good examination. The best way to time to palpate the axillary region
Ortolani sign overcome these difficulties is to consider all of the data for masses, as well as looking for
collected in all parts of the examination together:
The Ortolani sign is an indicator muscle atrophy, decreased/absent
history, gait analysis, and all parts of the hands-on
of excessive hip joint laxity, which examination. For a negative examination in the cutaneous sensation, ipsilateral
may be seen in young cats (definitive face of clinically important lameness, it may Horner’s syndrome, lack of ipsilater-
ages not reported but likely less than 2 be helpful to repeat the examination al cutaneous trunci reflex, pain or
years old) with hip dysplasia. To perform later, either the same day or on a enlarged lymph nodes that may require
subsequent day.
the test, the cat may be examined either on further diagnostic investigation.


R E V I E W / Orthopedic examination in the cat

tion and design testing of a questionnaire to assess degen-

KEY POINTS erative joint disease-associated pain in cats. Am J Vet Res
2010; 71: 1417–24.
✜ Utilize the recently published AAFP/ISFM guidelines 11 Rodan I, Sundahl E, Carney H, et al. AAFP and ISFM feline-
on feline-friendly handling to facilitate a positive friendly handling guidelines. J Feline Med Surg 2011; 13:
environment. 364–75. (Also available at and
✜ Identify a ‘cat safe’ room in the practice where the
12 Hubler M, Arnold S, Langley-Hobbs SJ. Hereditary and con-
genital musculoskeletal diseases. In: Montavon PM, Voss K,
examination can be conducted.
Langley-Hobbs SJ, eds. Feline orthopedic surgery and muscu-
✜ Do most of the examination with minimal to no restraint, loskeletal disease. Edinburgh: Saunders Elsevier; 2009: 41–54.
with the cat standing. 13 Voss K. Diseases of bone. In: Montavon PM, Voss K, Langley-
✜ Don’t forget to assess the spine and look for neurologic Hobbs SJ, eds. Feline orthopedic surgery and musculoskeletal
disease. disease. Edinburgh: Saunders Elsevier; 2009: 55–62.
✜ Utilize appropriate sedation as a regular 14 Voss K, Langley-Hobbs S. Diseases of joints. In: Montavon
part of the examination. PM, Voss K, Langley-Hobbs SJ, eds. Feline orthopedic surgery
✜ Don’t rush the examination.
and musculoskeletal disease. Edinburgh: Saunders Elsevier;
2009: 63–74.
15 Harris JE, Dhupa S. Lumbosacral intervertebral disk disease
in six cats. J Am Anim Hosp Assoc 2008; 44: 109–15.
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this review article. 17 Carroll G, Howe L, Peterson K. Analgesic efficacy of pre-
operative adminstration of meloxicam or butorphanol in
Conflict of interest onychectomized cats. J Am Vet Med Assoc 2005; 226: 913–19.
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