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Chapter 1



Do you ever feel like there's not enough time in the day?. We all get the same 24
hours – so why do some people seem to achieve more with their time than others?
Time is one of the most important and valuable resources we have, yet many people
don’t utilize it wisely. This is usually due to a lack of understanding of the importance of
time management and how it can improve the performance of every professionaccessible

Effective time management means you can plan your day/week/month/year to

increase your performance and productivity. More will get done in less time as you’ll be
more organized and goal-oriented. Bigger and better results await.

According to Global Indian International School, effective time management is the

productive use of your time, allowing you to get everything you had planned done. It’s
organizing and planning your time between the tasks you have to complete.

Proper time management requires you to shift from focusing on activities to results.
Being busy doesn’t mean you are effective. With good time management, you complete
your tasks with minimal effort and make most of your time, working smarter, not harder.
Time management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the
effectiveness of an individual's efforts. Essentially, the purpose of time management is to
enable people to get more and better work done in less time.

The importance of time management is in its ability to assign meaning to time,

letting people make the most of their time. In a business context, it is used to set goals
and expectations for companies and their employees. Good time management skills help
employees deliver quality work and meet their goals effectively. Time management also
helps managers to understand what employees are capable of and to set realistic goals.

Time management requires active decisions about what a person wants to do.
Without time management, individuals continually react to external stimuli and lose a
sense of control over their work and lives.
Chapter 1


• It helps you achieve your goals faster

Proper time management makes you more effective. Instead of getting caught up in
multitasking, you focus on one activity at a time for a specified duration. This way, you
give it your best, which results in you achieving your goals faster.

• It Helps you prioritize your work

When creating a time table, you prioritize essential tasks that require immediate
action. For instance, getting your assignments done comes before a study session or
study group. With proper time management, you can slot in time to work on your projects
before going for a study group. This means that you can complete essential tasks on time
because you can plan and set aside time to work on them.

• You get more done in less time

Allocating a specific task at its own time helps you focus on it more. By
sticking to this time plan, you have a better chance of tackling the task than
getting to it with no predefined time allocated to it. Take doing assignments or
working on a project. If you don’t dedicate time to work on them, you will likely
forget to complete them. Having a proper schedule allows you to allocate enough
time to each task to hit your deadlines in time.

• Reduces stress

You can quickly become stressed if you have a long list of things to do and not
enough time to get them done. Proper time management enables you to prioritize tasks
and tackle them first. This way, you know exactly what you need to do and how much
time you have to complete each task. This decreases your anxiety and overall stress
because you have enough time to get everything done.

• Prevents procrastination

Procrastination is a slippery slope that leads to stress, frustration, and low grades. Setting
aside a specified time for a task gives you the motivation you need to get it done. It helps you
overcome laziness that often contributes to procrastination. Proper time management also allows
you to allocate enough time to research or get help to tackle the task. Not knowing how to tackle
a job is among the most common reasons why many students procrastinate.
Chapter 1


• It boosts your confidence and offers Improved career opportunities

Managing your time well allows you to get your work done on time. This elicits a
sense of confidence and accomplishment in your capabilities. Getting through a long to-
do list can also evoke these feelings, and it can serve as a motivator to improve your time
management skills. Learning proper time management skills can help you outside school,
as well. When you get employed, it can help you become a reliable employee who turns in
dedicated, high-quality work on time. This improves your value as an employee raising
your professional reputation, opening up more opportunities to further your career.

• Better Work Environment

This advantage of time management in the workplace derives directly from the
previous one. If staff are less stressed, they are also more likely to get on, thus leading to
a happier work environment altogether. Companies with a good work environment also
tend to have lower staff turnover. As hiring and training new staff is expensive and time-
consuming, retaining your employees can only be a good thing for your company’s

• Improved Quality of Services and/or Products

Without feeling under pressure to meet tight deadlines, you and your staff will be
able to focus on delivering quality products and/or services to your customers. This will
give you an edge over your competitors. When you rush to finish something quickly
because you do not have time, you also have less time to think things through and to
quality-check. So, this is one of the biggest benefits of time management in the

• Productivity Improves

One of the main benefits of time management in the workplace is that productivity
improves. Time management techniques include prioritizing the most important tasks.
This means that you spend more time on tasks that allow you and your company to
achieve your most productive goals.
Chapter 1


Learning how to manage time is one of the most important skills children learn at school.
Many students often struggle with finding enough time to get their assignments or studying
done. This can cause them to feel overwhelmed, frustrated, and stressed. However, with
proper time management, they can study well and focus on all aspects of their school life.

Time management is important for companies to prioritize all the work

tasksand achieve the goals faster. With an effective time management plan, you
can take on new opportunities and sustainably grow your company.

It’s not so hard to learn how to manage your time; it just takes some practice
and learning. Anyone can be good at time management.
Chapter 1


Deepan, A. (2023, November 5). The importance of time management in a

student’s life - GIIS Tokyo.

Luintel, S. (2023, September 22). Importance of time management in the workplace.

timeTracko. https://timetracko.com/blog/importance-of-time-management-in-the-

Lutkevich,B.,&Wigmore,I.(2023, February 16). time


Symonds, P. (2023, August 7). 10 Benefits of time management in the workplace.

Symonds Research Training Course Materials. https://symondsresearch.com/time-

Coursera. (2023, July 18). What is Time management? 6 Strategies to Better Manage
your time. Coursera. https://www.coursera.org/articles/time-management

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