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The adult human body typically has 206 bones.

Here’s a basic breakdown of the major bone


1. **Axial Skeleton (80 bones):**

- Skull (28 bones)
- Vertebral column (26 bones, including the sacrum and coccyx)
- Rib cage (24 ribs, sternum)

2. **Appendicular Skeleton (126 bones):**

- Pectoral girdle (4 bones: 2 clavicles, 2 scapulae)
- Upper extremities (60 bones: 2 humeri, 2 radii, 2 ulnae, 16 carpals, 10 metacarpals, 28
- Pelvic girdle (2 hip bones)
- Lower extremities (60 bones: 2 femurs, 2 patellae, 2 tibiae, 2 fibulae, 14 tarsals, 10
metatarsals, 28 phalanges)

Remember that the number of bones can vary slightly from person to person due to individual
differences such as the presence of extra ribs or variations in the number of sesamoid bones.

The skull consists of 28 bones, categorized into two main groups:

1. **Cranial Bones (8):**

- Frontal bone
- Parietal bones (2)
- Temporal bones (2)
- Occipital bone
- Sphenoid bone
- Ethmoid bone

2. **Facial Bones (14):**

- Nasal bones (2)
- Maxilla bones (2)
- Zygomatic bones (2)
- Lacrimal bones (2)
- Palatine bones (2)
- Inferior nasal conchae (2)
- Vomer bone

These bones together form the structure of the skull, protecting the brain and supporting sensory
organs like the eyes, nose, and mouth.

The vertebral column, also known as the spine or backbone, consists of 26 bones, which are
divided into five regions:

1. **Cervical Vertebrae (7):**

- C1 (Atlas)
- C2 (Axis)
- C3 to C7

2. **Thoracic Vertebrae (12):**

- T1 to T12

3. **Lumbar Vertebrae (5):**

- L1 to L5
4. **Sacrum (1):**
- Formed by the fusion of five sacral vertebrae (S1 to S5)

5. **Coccyx (1):**
- Formed by the fusion of four coccygeal vertebrae (Co1 to Co4)

These vertebrae make up the vertebral column, providing support, flexibility, and protection for
the spinal cord. The intervertebral discs between the vertebrae also contribute to the spine’s
flexibility and shock absorption.

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