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lastuctions. Mhsase Each question is count * Total marks = 15, Answer all the questions. Circle the correct nsw er hike this example The most famous Cartoon & Looney Tu ©) Mickey ttouse © Cookie monster d Grumpy 1h 1. Which of the following are comy @ Wound contraction bd. Granutation tissue fonnation © _Epithetiaization Allof.theabowe » €. None of the above 2. Which of the fatlowing are types of wound healing? a by primey intention: BD. Healinwy by seconstaty uitention G. Mecataey toy tes iceey wtention uae si ponents of wound healing? 4. The possibility of a. Bony abnormalities ovis thus cern b. The presence of maitioh sat tusin ¢. Altered level of consciousness 4. Mullisystem tea sila atin, peat Exteacomutar cation Intacetular cation the kidney in regulation of the Reabsorbing the filtered bi Reabsorbiw He Excrehiny bicarbonate aes ea the tale a Hypenate belie atk, pt ttve sowes ° None of the above —(19) The bivog Hf postions (N° 36-44) and an HCO, of Aro, ane ine following Can be Used to rests late «shook > Lactated Ringer's Soluhon J patient except b. Dextran c. Blood transfusion d Glucose 5% 1 cases of shock, inotropic ayents are used a__ Inall cases of anaphylactic shork -b~ When'the vitat signs fail lo improve tos ¢ In the inttial phases of su j d._ In all cases of neurogenic shock A diabetic male patient presented vath pain in the back of the neck and fever of 1 week dt examination, the back of the neck showed an indurated coc area of 7x5 em diB surface showed 4 stu-wes, The Kealiannt af this ense insiadgn allel the folowing a. Control of the diabetes } ie b. Ampicillin-Sulbactany antibiohe © Glycerine maynesia dressings 4, Excision of stoughs Be 'solation of ) AQT year old boy fell On interrogation of his. The best treatm pile of aclequate fluil replacement, plic shock Evan's “yah onk ? ‘d. Superficial (uv ot) during the fst 2a hours aeeording te This sarne pationt will 10 sarne patient wostutnin of saline formula i a. 3233 b. 1894 $ j GW emis a Be arheight of 16) 4 The body mass indey ofa 106 a, 343 + ome d, 24.7 “keg pation who tt 3uSes Of hypercatabolism in the s 1. Major trauma Acute panere C Peritonitis d. Allof the above =~ None of the above The complications of enteral nutiition in-tudes all af the a, Pharyngitis b. Pulmonary aspiration ) —~ Menous thrombosis~” 4, Hyperglycemia The effects of mainutrition on the outcome of surgery includes ail of the following except: @. Impairment of wound healing b. Higher susceptibility to infection urgical patient includes all of the following except: ibs, followany except ©. stay G._Allol the abow {27 Wone of the above . Flaps can be ali of the following except @ Musculocutancous (Myocutancous) ities d. Free microvascular ). Which of the following antibiotics Is the est for treatment of infections caused by Staphylocooci: a. Aminoglycosides b._, Quinolones 1-C AmoxycitiinsClavilanie seid ” d. Metronidazole 9. On aspirating a cold absress, one has te follow the following culos except id” Aspirate tromadepencdant site b. Through a healthy skin t © Ina valvular manner 4. Under aseptic precautions ’ © Allof the above ¥ Nutrition, aeldsbase balance na Jar biology Hor 6 year graduates on 8/11/2008 _ Number: the \. \vermal / vear old more is expected to have Noubietes ai eee am Pad, of: fat 2. GA mmig b. 26 mmHg 87 mimtig _-dSen00-mmHg* ight oF 172 —10. The effects of acidosis includes all of the ” ; following except a. CNS depression b. Decreased myocardial contractility Lene Hypokalemia- d 184 Baby wav d. Arrhythmias The same patient in question 2 is considered: LA. The causes of metabolic acidosis includes all Underweight of the following except: b. WNormakibodyaveigint i Sepsis © Overweight A Shock d. Morbidly obese -& Diarrhea i A female patient has an upper arm @ eeowiting circumference of 22.3 emis considered: 12, The most important line of treatment in cases i a Normal of metabolic acidosis is: ee a, IV Lactated ringer NeSodi Intrahepatic cholestasis << Pulmenagpaspiration d. Diarrhoea —?. The precautions taken during nasogastrie tube I. 5 * feeding includes all ofthe following excepts Q4 415, Rogarding pure respiratory acidost 3. The patient has to lying supine on his The main cause is hyperventilation right side ee televelcould be b. The tube should be aspirated before ‘egmimor/r : each teed & The pCO, could beg mmiig ie Sesachouidbe storedomtmemich i. d._ Thos titoud pressure can be elevated 4. Feeds should noi be kept more than & hours exposed to room temperature ) 8. Each S00 mi bottle of Intralipid 20% (Containing 20g fats per 109 ml) provides these amounts of calories: a. 328 b. 450 fa of | eS0omr lesional corticosteroids injection d. Surgical excision \we4. Non-absorbable sutures includes all of the following except: a. Silk Pol Polygatactin'| [Vicryl) . Polypropylene (Prolene) d. Stainless steel nation of t complete medical history Integration of clinical, laboratory and radiological investigations . d. Formulation of a management plan b. Tracheostomy ¢, Endo tracheal intubation d. Oro pharyngeal airway #9. The immediate life-threatening a. Tension pneumothorax b, Closed pneumothorax € Open pneumothorax d. Flail chest 10, The components of the “AMPLE” history in a poly trauma patient includes all above except: a. Alertness") b. Medications ¢. Past medical history d, Last meal e. Events of injury b. Diarrhea External alimentary fistulas 4. Acidosis’ | 13. The treatment of hyponatremia is mainly by all of the following except: a. IV normal saline b. c. IV Ringer's lactate solution d. Blood losses should be replaced by blood a. The iaey is responsible for the saailatiai) of pCO, b. The lung is responsible for regulation of the HCO, level cc. The renal compensation is faster than the respiratory compensation a "Respiratory alas ‘Qo- 9H b. Respiratory acidosis c. Metabolic alkalosis mis., isnssiaieeieeemiaiaae: Tb, The same patient above requires the following treatment except: a. Treatment of the cause TV bcadmnale in b. Restoration of adequate tissue perfusion ‘ © a “ce.” [bicarbonate Seer ocidosis d...1V fluids 17, The methods to stop bleeding includes all of the following excent: a. Manual compression be a finger or hand b. arriving a blood pressure cuff over the bleeding site «. lyin, roximal e bizeding Vessel” meats the limb a the level of the heart 18, Complications of blood transfusion includes all of the following except: a. Airembolism b. gHypokalemla €. Transmission of infection d. Haemolytic reactions e. Allergic reactions 19. The tests used for preoperative evaluation of hemostasis includes: a. Hematocrit b. Serum albumin ¢. Erythrocyte sedimentation rate d. Prothtombinconcentration e. Alanine transaminase 0. The best solution used for resuscitation of a shocked patient is: a. Normal saline b. Lactated Ringer: n c. Glucose 5% d. Glucose 25% e. Kadalex _ 21, Management of a patient with septic shock includes all of the following except: 7 a. Fluid replacement b. Oxygen administration c, Renal support d, Delaymanagementofthe septic-focus till the"patient recovers e. Monitoring 22. Aerobic gram-negative bacilli includes all of the following except: a. E, Coli b, Bacteroids c. Klebsiella d. Pseudomonas aeroginosa (Pyocyanea) 23. Which of the following is false regarding an acute abscess: a. Is usually caused by Staphylococci le s b. The pat id es a Complains of throbbing pain ol shift to the left in the wec count 24+ Patent who have wounds that oi of dealnews shold sev ; hat are of high risk of developing tetanus shoul ive: a, 250 units of tetanus immun "e an ii Tetanus toxoid a's min lobulin intramuscularly (IM) ¢. Two tetanus toxoid 0,5 4 val id 0.5 mi ba ade IM at 4 weeks interval €. Allofthe above 25. Which of the following antibiotics is not effective against gram negative aeroble bacteria? : a, Trimethoprim-sulphamethoxazole b. First generation cephalosporins ¢. Third generation cephalosporins d. Aminoglycesides . Quinolones 26. The difference between a superficial and a full thickness burn is mainly BY: a. The appearance of the burned area b. The colour of the burned area c. The presence of pain d. The part of the body affected, 4 27. A burned victim has involvement of his face, anteri 49) surface of the chest and abd havea d. 40.5% burn is 28. This same victim is considered to have: a. Aminor burn b. An intermediate burn c. Ammajoeburn 29. aid management of a bul area is: a. Betadine dressings b. Toothpaste c. Saline ortapwaterat yom temperature pre d. Ice-cold water to cool the skin 30. According to Evan's formula, a 70 kg patient with a 30% burn should receive: 2, 2100 mi normal saline, 2100 mi colloid for the first 24 hours 00 v ab colloid’and 2000 plate ¢. 8400 ml lactated ringer solution for the first 24 hours onthe first’24 hours @. Resembles normal skin in quality *b. Minimum contraction ¢, Survives better d, Better sensation Better cosmetically e 32, The difference between a skin flap and a skin graft is that a flap: at 4 giafl tren ansvs a. Has a week resistance to trauma ‘o } b. Istotally detached from the donor area “ff ¢. The donor site of the flap is usually left to heal spontaneously d. Allof the above < NOne6t the above oe 33. The body mass index of a 140 cm tall adult who weighs 80 kg is: or a. 0.021 > ¥ w \ i. a7. c. 408° d. 11200 » 34. The causes of hypercatabolism in the surgical patient includes all of the following except: a. Major trauma b. Burns ce ¢. Acute pancreatitis d. Peritonitis e. Allofthe above f, None‘of theabovey , 35. The indications of parenteral nutrition includes all of the following except: a, Massive bowel resection b, Prolonged paralytic ileus ¢ oWeoutputintestinabfistulas Severe inflammatory bowel disease Radiation eneteritis eo

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