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● measures the extent of water and ● 1 Policeman and 1 fireman per 1000
toxic air contamination population ; ideal is 1 Policeman per
500 population
● important for implementing measures
to minimize pollution ● 1 PNP station per city /municipality

● necessary data are gathered by ● 1 Fire Station per city/municipality

DENR and the index is implemented
quarterly. (SOCIAL WELFARE)

● 1 day care center per barangay

● 1 senior citizen care center per
● improve everyone's well-being to city/municipality
maximize their potential.
● Societal success depends on citizen
well-being. Social dev't requires ● Minimum of 500 sqm. per 1000
people-investment. population for city and municipal park

● improved the access of Filipinos to ● Minimum of .50 ha. per 1000

quality basic social service delivery in population for playfield or athletic field
education, training and culture; health
and nutrition; population and RELATING SDGS AND LAND USE
development; housing; social PLANNING
protection; and asset reform.
● To reduce poverty. How do the sdg's correlate with land use
● To create an adaptable, functional and
literate population. ● Land use planning that is effective,
affordable, and socially just can have
● To improve the health status of the
significant positive impacts on both
people and the environment. For
● To facilitate social, cultural and example, land use planning can
economic development at the positively contribute to many of the
community level. SDGs (United Nations 2015).



● 1 teacher per 40-50 students if with a SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS

teacher aide (Elem & HS). Ideal class
size is 25-30 children/teacher for ● increase agricultural productivity, food
Pre-school security, and incomes of smallholder
● can contribute to gender equality
● 1 Doctor per 10,000 population
● 1 Nurse/ 20,000 population
● 1 Sanitary Inspector per 20,000
population ● protect critical ecosystem services,
● 1 midwife per 3,000 to 5,000 such as clean water, and promote
population awareness of sustainable
● 1 bed per 1000 population development that matches the
● 10-15 beds for the municipal hospital potential of
the land
● R1 (low density) < than150
● matches appropriate land uses with
persons/ha of residential area
suitable land can strengthen the
resilience of people and the
● R2 (medium density) 151 to 250
environment to climate-related
persons /ha of res. area
hazards, as well as contribute to a
land-degradation neutral world
● R3 (high density) > 250 persons/ha of
residential area
● can help promote wildlife and implementation of a common
biodiversity conservation by creating development strategy, stimulating the
space on the landscape for people, use of local resources and the
flora, and fauna creation of competitive advantage.


2025 (MPAC)
● Private/public partnership
● By connecting ASEAN through the - cooperation between, and the
Master Plan on ASEAN coordination of different development activities
Connectivity (MPAC) 2025, we are deter actors from ineffective go-it-alone
creating a regional network of people approaches while supporting the legitimacy
and infrastructure to improve the way and sustainability of the development process.
we live, work and travel.

● To achieve that, the MPAC 2025 ● Participatory decision-making and

focuses on five key areas, namely, social dialogue
Sustainable Infrastructure, Digital - the involvement of local
Innovation, Seamless Logistics, stakeholders in the process of
Regulatory Excellence, and People developing their own territory
Mobility. is a prerequisite for
sustainable growth
● Sustainable Infrastructure - enhance LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT
the region's infrastructure investment
and productivity as well as achieve 1. Start-up Activities and Census
sustainable urbanization development Building
goals 2. Territorial Analysis and Institutional
● Digital Innovation - connect ASEAN 3. Sensitizing and Promoting a Local
with the digital world of opportunities Forum
through adoption of digital 4. Designing a LED strategy and Action
technologies and standards, Planning
enhancing digital financial inclusion, 5. Implementation of LED interventions
open data and digital data and services
management. 6. Feedback, Monitoring, and Evaluation
and Sustainability of LED interventions
● Seamless Logistics - create a more
competitive and seamless ASEAN by DILG'S INTERVENTIONS ON LED
strengthening the region's supply
chain ecosystem. ● The Department of Interior and Local
Government (DILG) sets out the
● Regulatory Excellence - implement Guidelines on Promoting Local
good regulatory practice for a more Economic Development and
integrated ASEAN. Investment Promotion (LEDIP) and
the Establishment of LEDIP
● People Mobility - bring opportunities Office/Unit in all provinces, cities, and
closer to the people by enhancing municipalities under DILG
intra-ASEAN mobility and human Memorandum Circular
capital. (MC)2020-167iii.

LOCAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND ● The creation of the LEDIP office is

COMPETITIVENESS aimed to enhance the competitiveness
of the economy. The LEDIP primarily
DEFINITION OF LED acts as the in-charge office in the
● A locally-owned, participatory ‘facilitation, preparation, coordination,
development process in a given and execution of local economic
territory, which encourages development and investment
partnership arrangements between promotion policies, programs,
local private and public stakeholders projects, and activities.
and enables the joint design and
● The office also provides a support ● Local Economy Growth (as measured
mechanism for the growth of the through business registrations, capital,
micro, small, and medium enterprises revenue, and permits)
(MSMEs) and for public-private ● Active Establishments in the Locality
investment projects. ● Safety Compliant Business
● Employment Generation
● Republic Act 11293 also known as ● Cost of Doing Business
the Philippine Innovation Act, which ● Financial Deepening
was enacted in 2018, takes a ● Productivity
‘whole-of-government’ approach in ● Presence of Business & Professional
driving innovation toward the center of Organizations
Philippine development policies
bringing in the business sector, micro, (2) government efficiency - refers to the
small and medium-sized enterprises, quality and reliability of government services
the research and development sector and government support for effective and
and the other sectors. sustainable productive expansion


● Republic Act 11337 sets out a
national comprehensive support and ● Compliance to National Directives
benefits program to foster start-up ● Presence of Investment Promotions
growth. The Department of Trade and Unit
Industry (DTI), the Department of ● Compliance to ARTA Citizens Charter
Science and Technology (DOST), & ● Capacity to Generate Local Resource
the Department of Information and ● Capacity of Health Services
Communications Technology(dict) ● Capacity of School Services
shall be the primary government ● Recognition of Performance
agencies responsible for developing a ● Getting Business Permits
Philippine Startup Development ● Peace and Order
Program and a Startup Investment ● Social Protection
Development Plan.
(3) infrastructure - physical assets that
LOCAL ECONOMIC COMPETITIVENESS connect, expand, and sustain a locality and its
- a region that is economically competitive is surroundings to enable provision of goods and
one whose economy performs at least as well services
as other economies. This performance can be
measured through a framework created by the 10 indicators:
national competitiveness council (ncc) (and
currently handled by dti) called "cities and ● Road Network
municipalities competitiveness index". ● Distance to Ports
● Availability of Basic Utilities
WHAT IS CMCI? ● Transportation Vehicles
● Education
● annual ranking and large-scale data ● Health
gathering of the country's local ● LGU Investment
government units or LGU. ● Accommodation Capacity
● Information Technology Capacity
● adopts a framework created by ● Financial Technology Capacity
michael porter, which focuses on
productivity and location. (4) resiliency - capacity of a locality to build
systems that can absorb change and
● based on 5 indicators / pillars: disturbance and being able to adapt to such
(1) economic dynamism - stable expansion
of businesses and industries and higher 10 indicators:
● Land Use Plan
10 indicators: ● Disaster Risk Reduction Plan
● Local Economy Size (as measured ● Annual Disaster Drill
through business registrations, capital, ● Early Warning System
revenue, and permits) ● Budget for DRRMP
● Local Risk Assessments the country. The 2020 PhilHealth
● Emergency Infrastructure scandal is a prime example of a
● Utilities recent corruption that occurred in the
● Employed Population country, which involved 15 billion
● Sanitary System pesos worth of stolen funds. The
ballooning external debt of the
(5) innovation - refers to the ability of a country is also another indicator of its
locality to harness its creative potential to low rank in the competitiveness index.
improve or sustain current levels of The debt currently stands at 13 trillion
productivity pesos as of late January 2023.

10 indicators: ● Infrastructure - The Philippines'

ranking in infrastructure declined from
● Start Up and Innovation Facilities 50th in 2018 to 56th in 2021. One
● Innovation Financing: R&D possible reason for this decline is the
Expenditures Allotment inadequate investment in
● STEM graduates infrastructure development. While
● Intellectual Property Registration the government has initiated
● ICT Use: E-BPLS Software infrastructure projects, such as the
● Internet Capability "Build, Build, Build" program,
● Availability of Basic Internet Service implementation has been slow, and
● Online Payment Facilities some of the projects have
● ICT Plan encountered delays.
● New Technology
● Business Efficiency - The pandemic
IMD WORLD COMPETITIVENESS INDEX has highlighted the importance of
- is an annual report that assesses the digitalization for businesses
competitiveness of countries based on a wide (WORK FROM HOME). However, the
range of factors. Philippines lags behind its regional
peers in terms of the said category
- The report is produced by the International because the country isn't as
Institute for Management Development (IMD), advanced as the neighboring
a business school based in Switzerland. countries in digitalization.

- The index uses a combination of quantitative KEY ISSUES AFFECTING LEC

and qualitative data to rank countries based
on their performance across four main ● Poor business environment
categories: economic performance, ● Weak infrastructure, land
government efficiency, business efficiency, management and access to markets
and infrastructure. Within each category, there ● Low demand for innovation and skill
are several sub-factors that are assessed, match
such as GDP growth, inflation, public debt, ● Limited access to finance and
education, healthcare, innovation, and business support insufficient economic
technological readiness. planning


Philippines' ranking in economic 2023-2028 (NEDA)
efficiency declined from 39th in 2018 - a plan for deep economic and social
to 50th in 2021. One possible reason transformation to reinvigorate job
for this decline is the impact of the creation and accelerate poverty
COVID-19 pandemic, which has reduction by steering the economy
affected the country's economic back on a high-growth path. This
performance. The pandemic has growth must be inclusive, building an
resulted in a slowdown in economic environment that provides equal
growth, increased unemployment and opportunities to all Filipinos, and
reduced business confidence. equipping them with skills to
participate fully in an innovative and
● Government Efficiency - The globally competitive economy.
Philippines' ranking in government
efficiency declined from 31st in 2018 NATIONAL PHYSICAL FRAMEWORK PLAN
to 43rd in 2021. One possible reason - serves as a guide to the planning and
for this decline is the corruption in management of the country’s land and other
physical resources at both the national and a manner that provides sufficient and
local levels. affordable food products to all Filipinos
of the present and future generations
- implements broad spatial directions through local production and/or
and development guidelines on the importation.
four major land use policy areas:
infrastructure development, ● Environmental Stability and
settlements development, production Ecological Integrity
land use and protection land use. - achieving environmental
stability through the
- should be the reference point by which observance of appropriate
subsequent national and local sectoral standards and ensuring
or development plans are directly ecological integrity through
linked and aligned. effective natural resource
management and balancing
- All plans and programs prepared by the demand of land using
national and local government activities vis-à-vispreservation
agencies should be seen as of ecosystems
contributing and supportive of the
physical development objectives and ● Regional Urban
goals of the adopted national, Development
regional, and local physical plans. - encouraging the sustainable
growth of cities and large
LAND USE POLICY AREAS (NPFP) towns while complementing
the growth of rural areas by
➔ Settlements development adopting alternative
- focuses on the spatial development approaches.
distribution of shelter,
infrastructure and networks, ● Spatial Integration
and services. - linking consumption and
production areas to achieve
➔ Infrastructure development physical and economic
- provide the built-up integration through appropriate
environment that allows infrastructure systems
production, consumption, and
service activities to take place. ● Equitable Access to
Physical and Natural
➔ Production Land Use Resources - ensuring
- determine the most efficient equitable access to resources
and equitable manner of through a just distribution of
utilizing and managing land the country’s resources and by
resources such that there is providing equal opportunities
adequate and accessible to all Filipinos in the use and
space for sustaining the needs acquisition of land and other
of the people. resources

➔ Protection Land Use ● Private-Public Sector

- achieve environmental stability Partnership - encouraging
and ecological integrity; shared responsibility between
ensure balance between the government and the
resource use and the private sector in the
preservation of some development and
educational, cultural and management of the country’s
historical significance and physical resources.
protect people and man-made
structures from the ill effects of ● People Empowerment
natural hazards. - establishing pragmatic,
appropriate flexible and
PRINCIPLES OF NPFP dynamic structures or
mechanisms that involve the
● FOOD SECURITY - utilizing the participation of key
country’s land and water resources in stakeholders.
actual plan preparation activities.
● Recognition of the Rights of Anticipating and preparing for the
Indigenous People - ensuring resources that will be needed for the
the Indigenous Peoples (IPs) planning activities will lead to the
right to develop, control, and smooth implementation of
use lands within their ancestral accomplishment of planning outputs in
domains. time.

● Market orientation Step 2: Identifying Stakeholders

- adopting the interplay - Recognizing and engaging
of market forces within the participants who should play an active
framework of ecological and role in the planning process.
intergenerational factors as a - Public participation is a fundamental
basic parameter in the part of the planning process. It
allocation and use of physical ensures the involvement of all
resources. stakeholders in order to enhance
awareness, raise the quality of the
WHAT IS A CLUP? plan, and increase the likelihood of the
- “Rational Approach of Allocating plan’s acceptability and success of
Available Land Resources as implementation.
equitably as possible among
competing user groups and for Step 3: Setting a Vision
different functions consistent with the - Define the future that the LGU seeks
development plan of the area.” to attain.

REPUBLIC ACT 7160 Step 4: Situational Analysis

- Identify the issues, potentials and
SECTION 16 future development needs and
- each LGU shall exercise the powers spatial requirements of the
expressly granted, those necessarily city/municipality.
implied from, as well as powers
necessary, appropriate, or incidental Step 5: Setting Goals and Objectives
of its efficient and effective - Formulate achievable goals and
governance, and those which are objectives, outcomes and output
essential to the promotion of general indicators that are responsive to the
welfare. issues, needs, and potentials of the
municipality/city. It will help the city or
SECTION 109 municipality achieve its vision. It is
- Each LGU shall have a important that the goals and objectives
comprehensive multi-sectoral are formulated with the consensus of
development plan to be initiated by the the broader community.
LDC and approved by its sanggunian.
Step 6: Establish Development Thrust and
THE PLANNING PROCESS OF CLUP Spatial Strategies - Translate the vision and
situation analysis into a desired physical form.
Establishing the development thrust and
spatial strategies is critical in determining the
future development of the CITY OR

Step 7: Prepare the Land Use Plan

- Translate the vision, goals and
objectives, development thrust, and
spatial strategies into a land use plan.
The CLUP leans towards physical
planning. It expresses the social, and
Step 1 : Organize economic values that guides the
- assembling personnel, resources, physical development of the
and support needed for the planning city/municipality.
- Getting organized is an important Step 8: Draft the Zoning Ordinance -
first step to take before doing the Translate the Land Use Plan into an
integrated Zoning Ordinance (ZO) and ● Mineral Resources - used in
complementary ordinances. In general, zoning the construction of buildings, electronics, and
has the same features or land use other goods.
classifications as the CLUP, except that it
provides more detailed information on zone ● BIOLOGICAL RESOURCES
boundaries and use regulations/ controls, - critical for sustaining life and supporting
among others. human well-being (plants, animals,
Zoning is the division of a community into
districts (e.g. commercial, residential, Natural Resources in the Philippines
industrial, institutional, etc.) in order to ● Forests
maximize, regulate and direct their use and ● Mineral Deposits
development according to the CLUP. ● Fisheries
● Agricultural land
Step 9: Conduct Public Hearing ● Geothermal energy
- This involves a 3-stage process: ● Water resources
public display and information ● Oil and Gas
dissemination, conduct of public
hearing/consultation, and the ● Effective management of environment
refinement of the CLUP/ ZO as a and natural resources involves
result of the public hearing balancing the three pillars of
consultation. sustainability (economic, social, and
environmental considerations).
Step 10: Review, Adapt, Approve CLUP/ZO
- Conduct a comprehensive review, adoption ● Environment and natural resources
and approval or ratification of the CLUP or management (ENRM) is a broad field
zoning ordinance. that encompasses a wide range of
disciplines and specializations
Set prerequisite measures to realistically Key Areas of Specialization within ENRM
implement the CLUP and ZONING
ORDINANCE. 1. Conservation Biology - the study of
how to protect and manage
Step 12: MONITOR AND EVALUATE biodiversity. Conservation biologists
- Assess how fully and effectively the work to understand the ecological,
plan is being carried out and social, and economic factors that
implemented. affect the survival of species and
ecosystems, and develop strategies to
conserve them.
ESTATE PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT 2. Natural Resource Management -
involves the sustainable use and
(I) Environment and Natural Resources - management of natural resources,
refer to the elements of the natural world that such as forests, fisheries, and wildlife,
provide resources and services essential to to ensure their long-term availability
human life and well-being. and productivity.

Environment - refers to the natural world 3. Environmental Policy and

including all living and nonliving things that Guidelines - involves the
exist within it. development, implementation, and
evaluation of policies and regulations
Natural resources - are materials and related to environmental protection
substances that exist in nature and have and natural resource management.
economic value (renewable or nonrenewable).
4. Environmental Economics - the
3 Categories of Natural Resources study of how economic activities affect
the environment and how the
● Energy Resources - used to environment affects the economy.
power homes, businesses, Environmental economists work to
and transportation ( wind, solar, hydroelectric, develop policies and practices that
and geothermal energy). promote sustainable resource use and
reduce environmental degradation.
environment and natural resources. This
5. Environmental Science - the study of involves identifying and assessing the natural
the natural environment and its resources in the area, evaluating potential
interactions with human society. It impacts of development, and identifying ways
involves a broad range of scientific to minimize or mitigate those impacts.
disciplines, including ecology, geology,
chemistry, and physics. (II) Transportation Planning and Traffic
6. Sustainable Agriculture and Food
Systems - involve the development of TRANSPORTATION PLANNING
practices that minimize the negative - is a process that involves identifying
environmental impacts of agriculture transportation needs, evaluating alternatives,
while promoting food security and and developing plans and policies to improve
economic growth. transportation systems.
- Provides the information, tools and public
7. Water Resource Management engagement needed for improving
- involves the planning, development, transportation system performance.
and management of water resources, - a Comprehensive, Cooperative and
including surface and groundwater, for Continuing process (“3 Cs”) that requires
human use and environmental monitoring of the system’s performance and
protection. condition.
- Influences many decisions, including
8. Climate Change Mitigation and policies, choices among alternative strategies,
Adaptation - involves developing priorities and funding allocations
strategies to reduce greenhouse gas POLICIES THAT NEEDS TO BE
emissions and to adapt to the impacts CONSIDERED
of climate change. 1. Republic Act No. 4136 or the Land
Transportation and Traffic Code
Philippines’ Environmental and Natural 2. Republic Act No. 8794 or the Motor
Resources Challenges Vehicle User's Charge (MVUC) Law
● Deforestation 3. Republic Act No. 7924 or the Ports
● Loss of Biodiversity Modernization Act
● Water Scarcity and Pollution 4. Republic Act No. 10668 or the Philippine
● Marine Degradation Lemon Law
● Solid Waste Management 5. Republic Act No. 9295 or the Domestic
● Mining Shipping Development Act
● Climate Change 6. Republic Act No. 4133 or the Land
Transportation Office Law

The Department of Environment and TRANSPORTATION PLANNING GOALS

Natural Resources (DENR) is the primary
agency responsible for environmental and ● Access to Employment: Provide for
natural resource management in the transportation system connections to
Philippines. The DENR is responsible for the areas of employment density and key
administration and management of the activity centers, with an emphasis on
country's forests, wildlife, land, water, and connecting to areas of high poverty
other natural resources. It also oversees the rates.
implementation of environmental laws and
policies, such as ● Freight Mobility: Enhance freight corridors
● Republic Act No. 8749: Philippine Clean and intermodal connections to facilitate goods
Air Act of 1999, movement into, within and out of the region.
● Republic Act No. 9275: The Philippine
Clean Water Act of 2004 ● Safety & Security: Provide for transportation
● Republic Act No. 9003: Ecological Solid improvements that increase safety and
Waste Management Act of 2000 security for system users.

What is the relationship of Environment ● System Reliability: Implement technologies

and Natural Resources to Land Use and programs to improve travel times and
Planning? support the ease of travel throughout the
- To achieve sustainable land use planning, region.
there needs to be a careful consideration of
the impacts of development on the
● Congestion Mitigation: Support - responsible for the regulation of tollways and
transportation system improvements toll operations in the country.
that address existing and expected
future traffic congestion. TRANSPORTATION PLANNING PROCESS
● Environment & Air Quality: Provide for 2. DATA COLLECTION
project alternatives that protect and enhance 3. ANALYSIS
the region’s natural resources. 4. ALTERNATIVES DEVELOPMENT
● Multimodal Connectivity: Improve 6. PLAN DEVELOPMENT
accessibility and interconnectivity of various 7. IMPLEMENTATION
transportation modes for all systems users. 8. MONITORING AND EVALUATION

● Preservation & Maintenance: Ensure that TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT

existing transportation infrastructure and - also known as road traffic control, refers to
facilities achieve a constant state of good the act of directing vehicles and pedestrians
repair. around some form of disruption. This could be
a construction site, accident, community
TRANSPORTATION PLANNING event, tree removal, road surfacing, traffic
ORGANIZATION congestion – or anything else that could cause
danger or disruption to a vehicle or
responsible for transportation planning at the
national level. The DOTr is the lead agency in GOALS OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT
the formulation of
national transportation policies, plans, and ● Reducing traffic congestion and travel
programs. The agency is responsible for the times: Traffic management aims to reduce
development of transportation infrastructure, congestion and travel times by implementing
the regulation of transportation services, and measures such as traffic signal optimization,
the promotion of sustainable transportation intelligent transportation systems, and
systems. improved road network planning.

LAND TRANSPORTATION OFFICE ● Improving safety: Traffic management

- responsible for the registration and aims to improve safety on roads by reducing
regulation of land vehicles, driver's licensing, accident rates, ensuring compliance with
and enforcement of traffic rules and traffic rules and regulations, and enhancing
regulations. road infrastructure and design.

LAND TRANSPORTATION FRANCHISING ● Enhancing mobility: Traffic management

AND REGULATORY BOARD aims to improve mobility by ensuring the
- responsible for the regulation and accessibility and connectivity of different
supervision of public land transportation modes of transportation, such as public
services, including buses, jeepneys, and taxis. transportation, bicycles, and walking.

CIVIL AVIATION AUTHORITY IN THE ● Reducing emissions: Traffic management

PHILIPPINES - responsible for the aims to reduce emissions by promoting the
development and regulation of the country's use of clean and sustainable transportation
aviation industry, including the operation of modes, such as electric vehicles, and
airports and air navigation services. implementing policies that discourage the use
of private vehicles.
-responsible for the development, PROCESS OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT
management, and regulation of the country's
ports and harbors. ● Planning: This involves identifying the
goals and objectives of the traffic
PHILIPPINE NATIONAL RAILWAYS management system, analyzing traffic
- responsible for the development and patterns and trends, and developing strategies
operation of the country's railway system. to meet the transportation needs of a
particular area or population.

TOLL REGULATORY BOARD ● Design: This involves designing the

physical infrastructure of the transportation
system, such as roadways, sidewalks, and METROPOLITAN MANILA
bike lanes, as well as designing the traffic DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY - Coordinate
control devices and signage, such as traffic and monitor the implementation of such plans,
lights, signs, and markings. programs and projects in Metro Manila,
identity bottlenecks and adopt solutions to
● Implementation: This involves putting the problems of implementation; The MMDA shall
traffic management plan into action, which set the policies concerning traffic in Metro
may include installing traffic control devices, Manila, and shall coordinate and regulate the
implementing speed limits, and coordinating implementation of all programs and projects
the use of different transportation modes. concerning traffic management specifically
pertaining to enforcement, engineering and
● Monitoring: This involves monitoring the education.
performance of the traffic management
system, including traffic volumes, speeds, and LAND TRANSPORTATION
travel times, and making adjustments as OFFICE - in charge of the issuance of driver’s
needed to improve efficiency and safety. licenses and permits. It administers the exam
needed before motorists can get behind the
● Evaluation: This involves evaluating the wheel. If a motorist incurs a violation, the LTO
effectiveness of the traffic management can cancel or revoke his or her license.
system over time, using data and feedback
from stakeholders, and making Regulatory Signs of LTO.
recommendations for further improvements.
5 PILLARS OF TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT (5 BOARD - It issues certificates of public
E’s) convenience or permits to public land
transportation services – from jeeps, taxis,
1. TRAFFIC ENGINEERING buses, as well as the new transport network
- This pillar involves the design and vehicle services like Uber and Grab. It is also
construction of infrastructure and facilities that in charge of regulating and adjusting fares for
are intended to manage traffic flow, such as public transport services, and prescribing or
roads, highways, bridges, intersections, and regulating the routes or areas of operation for
pedestrian walkways. these services.


- This pillar involves the dissemination of PATROL GROUP - a highway patrol with a
information and education to motorists, national scope that is tasked to enforce traffic
pedestrians, and other road users about traffic safety roles and provides general supervision
rules and regulations, safe driving practices, to local police forces with regard to the
and responsible road behavior. enforcement of traffic laws. It also provides
assistance to the Land Transportation Office
3. TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT and also enforces driver's licenses and motor
- This pillar involves the enforcement of traffic vehicle registration and regulations with
rules and regulations, through the deployment regards to public carriers.
of law enforcement officers, cameras, and
other enforcement tools. DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND
HIGHWAYS - involves maintenance of
4. TRAFFIC ENVIRONMENT national roads, abides by standards in
- This pillar involves the consideration of designing roads and other infrastructure to
environmental factors in traffic management, make sure these are safe for all road users,
such as air pollution, noise pollution, and the standardizes road signs and pavement
impact of transportation on climate change. markings to comply with international safety
standards, as well as removing road hazards
5. TRAFFIC EMERGENCY RESPONSE or relocating lampposts, electric poles, or
- This pillar involves the provision of other objects that can affect motorists’ safety.
emergency services and response
mechanisms to address accidents, incidents, (III) PUBLIC WORKS PLANNING
and other emergencies that may occur on the - process of designing and managing the
road. construction of public infrastructure and
facilities such as roads, bridges, water supply
WHO ARE IN CHARGE OF THE ROAD systems, waste management facilities, and
TRAFFIC CONTROL? public buildings.
Stages of Planning Process: regional development, with the government
investing in infrastructure projects.
1. Identifying the need for the public works
project 1990s and 2000s - promoting sustainable
2. Conducting feasibility studies development and addressing environmental
3. Developing design and construction plans concerns.
4. Obtaining necessary permits and approvals
5. Managing the construction process TODAY - focus on promoting sustainable
development and improving the country's
Scope of Public Works Planning in the infrastructure to support economic growth and
Philippines social development.
- includes the design, construction, and
maintenance of public infrastructure and In 2020, the Department of Public Works and
facilities, such as transportation systems, Highways (DPWH) announced the
water supply and sanitation systems, energy implementation of the Build, Build, Build
systems, public buildings, and disaster risk program, a massive infrastructure
reduction and management. development initiative that aims to address the
country's infrastructure gaps and create jobs.
Philippine Development Plan (PDP)
-a multi-year plan that sets the government's Metro Manila Flood Management Project -
direction for achieving the country's long-term the construction of several flood control
development goals. It covers various sectors, structures in Metro Manila to reduce the risk of
including infrastructure and public works, and flooding during the rainy season.
outlines strategies and programs to achieve
targets and objectives. Metro Manila Subway Project - A
36-kilometer subway system that will serve as
Department of Public Works and Highways an alternative mode of transportation in Metro
(DPWH) - is the primary agency responsible Manila.
for public works planning and implementation
in the Philippines. ThenDPWH is responsible New Clark City - A new urban center that will
for the planning, design, construction, and be developed as a smart and green city,
maintenance of national infrastructure featuring world-class facilities and
projects, including highways, bridges, ports, infrastructure.
and airports.
Mindanao Railway Project - A
Department of Transportation(DOTr) 1,550-kilometer railway system that will
, Department of Energy(DOE), Department connect key cities and provinces in Mindanao.
of Environment and Natural Resources
- These agencies work together to ensure the Clark International Airport Expansion
effective and efficient development of Project - A project that involves the
infrastructure projects, taking into account construction of a new passenger terminal
factors such as economic growth, building and other facilities to increase the
environmental impact, and social equity. airport's capacity.

History of Public Works Planning in the North-South Commuter Railway Project - A

Philippines 148-kilometer railway system that will connect
New Clark City to Calamba, Laguna,
Spanish Colonial Period - focused on the improving connectivity in the southern part of
construction of churches, government Luzon.
buildings, and fortifications.
The completion of the Estrella-Pantaleon
American Colonial Period - construction of Bridge Project has improved connectivity in
new roads, water supply systems, and other Metro Manila, easing traffic congestion and
public works projects. reducing travel time for commuters. The
project is also expected to stimulate economic
After World War II - construction of new activity in the area by providing better access
buildings, roads, and bridges, modernization to markets and other services.
of the country's water supply and sanitation
ASSESSMENT - a process which integrates
1970s and 1980s - focused on promoting environmental considerations in the decision
making process higher than the project level.
- formalized, systematic, and comprehensive
process of evaluating the environmental 1. Screening - Determine whether an
impacts EIA is needed at all
2. Scoping - Decide which impacts must
- involves the assessment of the potential be assessed
environmental impacts of a proposed policy, 3. Baseline study - Collecting data on
plan, or program. This assessment includes the current state of the area
evaluating the potential effects on air, water, 4. Impact prediction - considers the
soil, flora, fauna, and ecosystems. involves consequences
the assessment of the potential social impacts 5. Mitigation - Recommendations,
of a proposed policy, plan, or program. This Alternatives
assessment includes evaluating the potential 6. Monitoring/Assessment - progress
effects on communities, social structures, of the project
cultural heritage, and human health and well-

Purpose of SEA: .
● identify impacts at a macro level
● allow rationale decisions to be made
● provide powerful tool to communicate
the implications

● Screening - Decision to undertake
;Essential first stage

● Scoping - Identification and

clarification of Issues; Detailed
assessment and information

● Documentation - Environmental
report ; Effects on the environment

● Consultation - Taken into account

when finalizing the plan

● Decision Making - Approve or Reject

the project

● Monitoring - Undertaken in
accordance to the indicators
developed in the scoping stage;
Check success of the plan


- possible positive or negative impact that a
proposed project may have on the
environment. It provides information in order
to consider the environmental impact of a

EIA is needed when planning to build an

airport, new roads, large housing projects,
dams, factories.

Alternative Energy - The term " alternative "

refers to a technology other than the
technology used in fossil fuels to produce

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