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1. Explain what a standardized recipe is and how they are used.

A standardized recipe is a set of instructions describing the way a particular establishment

prepares a particular dish, used to consistently prepare a known quantity and quality of food for a
specific location.

2. Explain what an instructional recipe is and how it is used.

An instructional recipe tells the person cooking the food, what ingredients they should use, how
to use them and any nutritional facts that may be relevant.

3. Define and explain EP and AP.

EP is the amount of usable food or ingredients that can be used in food preparation after
removing trimmings or waste from the original AP form.

AP is the condition of a food item or ingredient when it was purchased or delivered.

4. Explain the importance of portion control.

Portion control is crucial in regulating calorie intake, preventing overeating, and promoting
healthy eating habits.

5. Explain the difference between the U.S. system of measurements and the Metric system.
Which is more accurate?

The U.S. metric system is a system of measurement units commonly used in the United States
and most U.S territories, since being standardize and adopted in 1832.

The metric system is the decimal measuring system based on the meter, liter, and gram as units
of length, capacity, and weight or mass.

The metric system is widely considered more standardized, easier to use, and more conducive to
scientific and technical applications due to its decimal-based structure. It is the predominant
system of measurement used around the world and is the official system of measurement in most

6. What is a conversion factor? What is its purpose?

A conversion factor is a number used to change one set of units to another, by multiplying or

7. What is a yield? How is it used in a recipe? What must be present to fully understand the yield
of a recipe?

A yield is how much you will have of a finished or processed product.

You must know the cost of the ingredients to fully understand the yield of a recipe.

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